Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year??

Taken from Orkut's: Freedom From SRCM (Sahaj Marg)

This is a post from Cyril Borg (the Cyborg) called:

Happy New Year??

Hi all...

As we become a Global community and we take our Freedom from the historic control of Religion, one of many things that could unite us is our method of measuring MOTION in and of SPACE, as we measure the MOTION of the planets, the suns (stars), the galaxies, the Universe either with meters, kilometeres, etc. (SPACE) or with seconds, minutes, hours, months, years, etc. (TIME)

What has historically been the domain of RELIGION up until now will hopefully soon be taken over by SCIENCE and our new multi-dimensional calendars will reflect astronomical events rather than RELIGIOUSLY or Tribally significant events such as the birth of a MYTHIC or even of a HISTORIC (religious or spiritual) person. We don't want in these rational moments, to create a "new" global calendar that starts counting our cycles of Motion through an expanding Space, at the birth of the FOUNDER of the UNITED NATIONS, for example. And we can certainly question the names of our "monthly units" of time: January for "Janus", a Roman God previously representing "chaos", and July and August for Roman emperors of the Pre-Christian past, etc. The names for the months of September, October, Novenber, December, are simply latin numbers and can remain. Notice also that March (spring) was the first month of the Roman year, not January 1st, and that May and June may have had "sexist" undertones in male dominated Rome.

(For more on our modern western calendar, see Julian Calendar 0f Julius Ceasar (45 BCE - Before the common Era), or 709 Anno Urbis conditae- From the Founding of the City (Rome), and the Gregorian Calendar name for Pope Gregory on Feb. 24, 1582 ACE -After the common era)

Although all these tribal and religious debates seem silly and childish from this perspective, we will soon become a Global Civilization, what Michio Kaku, a physicist calls "civilization I (ONE)", to indicate that up until now, we were not even a "civilization" but a conglomerate of tribes, religions, nations, or races. Those cultural and religious divisions will hopefully soon go the way of the now-extinct "dodo bird" along with "uniformed" national wars and "World Wars", as the planetary and solar system Gods of Religions and of national and racial and cultural Divisions, lose their power over the population and that we, as one "people", as a phoenix, begin to rise from the ashes of previous ages, and to look to the Galaxy and Groups of Galaxies and to the Universe, for our sources of energy and inspiration.

In other words, Science should soon replace Religion as the field of contact with the exterior "ALL" of CREATION and leave the spiritual quest of accessing or communing with the inner ONE-ness to the realm of SPIRIT, defined as an experienced and rarified, but un-seen, un-measured, un-proven, un-touched, form of REAL energy... or in other words: SPIRITUALITY...

May we all revel in these last few "NEW YEARS" of the "Christian era", that have lasted for 200? years, and that should also depict the last years of our civilization's RELIGIOUS era, as we journey towards a more rational, and less emotional future, free from the blind OBEDIENCE and the Divisions and TYRANNY of RELIGION.

Let us ascertain that the NEW AGE is more Rational than the past RELIGIOUS Age! Away with the charlatan-istic magic of religious miracles, (transmission, forgiveness of sins, samskaras, etc...) and free from the religious mysteries (ONE GOD, in THREE... a TRINITY), towards the REAL-ITY of the Magic, the Miracle, and the True Mystery of our EXISTENCE, and the ONE-ness of the ALL (physical Creation)!

Einstein said: "The most incomprehensible thing in the universe is actually that humans can comprehend it!"

Let us strive in this continuous, but not "New", cycle of our beloved home planet EARTH (Gaia, to the Greeks) around our average star (that in English we call the "SUN", but was "SOL" to the Egyptians of old), in an average galaxy that we call: Milky Way, in a "Local GROUP" of gravity-bound Galaxies, that we don't add more "emotions" to an already "hyper-charged" emotional and religious and hence tribal debate.

Let us strive to reduce "name-calling", and un-substantiated accusations and judgements unless they are stated as coming from other sources (even anonymously). Then we are simply "REPORTING"... then we are the NEW MEDIA or the INFONAUTS... We, the bloggers, don't have to prove ourselves RIGHT! We can simply report the stories of the average people, and discuss these in rational terms and vocabulary without being dogmatic, or religious!

As Jean-Luc Picard of the Star Ship Enterprise on Star Trek would say:


or in the Religious (latin) terms of the PAST:

"AMEN" (So Be It)

Cyril Borg...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Adoration or Adulation? Is The SRCM Feminine?

Taken and translated (by author of this blog) from Elodie's Blog (France) : Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg from an article by Alexis called: "Adoration and Sycophancy".

Adoration and sycophancy

Is the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) masculine or feminine?

It is often said that there are many women in SRCM, what is the true reality?

If one is limited to men and women preceptors, the answer varies from one place to another. On the one hand we have India (three quarters - 75%) are men, Africa (two thirds - 66%) and USA (58%) all very male, on the opposite hand in Europe (64% are women) with France leading (70%), the British Isles and Canada (two thirds - 66%), then Germany and Switzerland (64%), Denmark painfully reaching less than 57%. Oceania, Latin America and Asia outside of India are in the middle with a slight preponderance of women (53 to 54%).

Checking out (verifying) a sample of more than 500 abhyasis from different European centers, this trend of feminization is confirmed and is accentuated, the proportion of women abhyasis increases by more than 5% compared to that observed in preceptors.

Sociologically, the population of Sahaj Marg is clearly divided in two. On the one hand, a world still very patriarchal in India and Africa and a high proportion of Indians among preceptors in the U.S.; on the other hand a Western world largely dominated by middle-aged women. Male Indian preceptors versus female European preceptors, two worlds that have nothing to do with one another, except for Sahaj Marg. One assumption, the root causes for their commitment to Chari differ completely from one place to another. The divorce between India and the West is blatant!

India is evolving from traditional to modernity, just like Chari. And like their guru, the Indian preceptors are attracted by the fires of power and money. To be near Chari is to integrate a network of well-placed contacts, of political and financial circles hitherto inaccessible, in the hope of personal benefit from the providential spillover (or "trickle down").

In contrast, our dear western female preceptors are a bit lost in the egocentric quest for a very self-centered emotional balance. Their profile is not that of the householder under 50 compiled by the publicists, but rather that of a woman in mid-life crisis, painted in broad strokes by a psychiatrist (social worker, alternative therapy, etc..) preceptor who has already been there (in SRCM) for more than 10 years. On reading of their exchanges with Chari, one can only confirm this alarming tendency. Family distress, emotional and social turmoil turns into a saintly and boundless adoration for their guru. Chari serves them as their psychological crutch, where all else has failed, including our western psychotherapists. The balance is precarious but the relationship is even stronger, ravaging and devastating. "Unique" and exclusive!

(SRCM) France therefore has more than 75% women abhyasis, 70% women preceptors and a vice president, who is a foreign woman. Above that is also a male "zonal-in-charge" (ZIC) and a male regional administrator. The more one climbs up the hierarchy, the more SRCM becomes male. Overall, the rate of women "center-in-charge" (including the National Vice President) already falls to 50%, the regional administrators are almost all men, the Committee chairs are 100% male and the President himself is a man, knowing that he has clearly announced that the Master could never be a woman.

Legions of women "at attention", slaves of a Mission, a President and his few male lieutenants. Hordes of women enamored of a charismatic guru. This looks just like, and justly so, the portrait of hysterical groupies and their favourite "teenage boys band" ...

Two worlds, yes. But in all cases, it is very far from a spirituality that elevates to a higher level of evolution. In all cases, it maintains an exclusive relationship, but towards an unhealthy, very individualistic and self-centered goal. A worship (adoration) and/or a sycophancy (adulation) behaviour that have a limited future. Limited to the life of a providential "Man". Provider of material for some, a great universal psychotherapist for others, the charismatic leader (Chari) has seized the opportunities offered freely in our everyday leisure (laissez-faire).

This is the story of an effective but ephemeral symbiosis. Adoration and sycophancy(adulation) on the part of abhyasis, some seeking power and money from a compulsive upstart!

A terribly ordinary image of our modern world ...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

SRCM Dictatorship at the United Nations DPI

The United Nations, Department of Public Information, (DPI) criteria includes that members must adhere to transparency principles as well promote the principles of the United Nations Organization (UNO). These include many individual, as well as group equality rights (women, minorities (lesbian, gays, transgenders), etc..). Some Religious Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), such as the Jehova's Witnesses have voluntarily and willingly withdrawn their membership to the DPI program rather that agreeing to adhere by the UN DPI criteria.

How does the UN DPI rationalize the membership and the inclusion of the dictatorial SRCM belonging to such a GROUP? (could it be because a European member of the SRCM works at the UN?)

How does the SRCM general membership adhere to the principles of the UN", and still "obey the current Master" who claims that "women can't be Masters", "that homosexuality is "un-natural" and his constant attacks on other "RELIGIONS", and even attacks on dissenting group within his own organization, and bloggers whom, in his paranoia and megalomaniacal delusion of self-importance, he accuses of being the "enemies of spirituality"? The SRCM constitution have definite "goals". Where is the "feeling of brotherhood(/sisterhood), and Love" in the SRCM (California) registered in California, USA, in 1997? How can they teach what they don't practice? Is the leadership of the SRCM similar to that of the hipocritical Religions they condem?

"Methinks they doth protest too much" (Shakespeare)

Answer: They (the members, called "serfs" in some published material) can't do anything about it, as the SRCM, as stated in its own documents, is a "dictatorship" by design. But the members who are the "backbone" of all organizations, can LEAVE as they want others to leave their RELIGION!! ONE standard for ALL.

Read the sections below taken from a scan of the SRCM Founding Constitution (1945) and it's appendices and decide for yourself. If you decide that you should forward your concerns to the UN DPI program, there is a template letter at: Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) and the UN

The "original" Constitution of the SRCM (1945)

In Appendix “A” of the Original Constitution of SRCM, Dated July 28, 1945.

Copy of the minutes of the meeting of the disciples and beneficiaries of Samarth Guru Shri Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh, U.P., held at Shahjahanpur on the 10th of June, 1945.

On the 10th June 1945, at 8 a.m. a meeting of the above beneficieries and disciples was convened at Rai Bahadur Buildings, Dewan Jog-raj, Shahjahanpur, the residence of the representative, by Mahatma Madan Mohan Lal ji of Shahjahanpur. The following were present:

(see "short list of members (23) " on Appendix “A” of Original Constitution on Item 3 of Shashwat’s blog: Freedom to Speak-Power to Speak)

Resolution No. 1

1. Allow Mahatma ram Chandra Ji of Shahjahanpur to form and name the Society after “Lalaaji” for:

a. Encouraging the down-hearted and promulgating amongst them the easier methods practicable to them, to attain social and moral aims of life, base on spirituality, traslated as “Sahaj Marg”, the system which has benefitted us all so far.

b. Creating among mankind the feeling of brotherhood and love.

2. That this association will be headed by the founder Mahatma Ram Chandra ji of Shahjahanpur, who may be called its President.

3. That a committee of at least three members should be deputed to frame out the rules and regulations and constitution of the said association on the following lines:-

a. the organization shall be entirely in the hands of its President or his spiritual representative whose orders will be obeyed in all sections, branches and training centres.

b. To encourage the public for spiritual attainment, branches and training centres may be established at the option of the President who will have free choice in all matters of the mission and will enjoy the power of veto.

c. He may select his “Working Committee to assist him in the matters of organization & control of the mission & entrust a member with any office or duty, he thinks proper or may make changes at his own discretion.

d. He may nominate among his successors, any person as his representative, who will then enjoy the same authority as he.

e. The finances of the mission shall be totally under the control of the President. 10% of the funds of the mission or as the funds allow, will go to the Reserved Fund and no withdrawl from it can be made except in cases of emergency.

f. Membership of the mission shall be open to all subject to the approval of the President.

This, although looks to be a sort of dictatorship on the part of the founder (henceforth to be called the President) but has had to be adopted to safeguard the interests of the mission, in case of any of its ordinary members or members of the Working Committee try and disrepudiate either the founder of the mission in any way. The action of the President therefore, will be the guiding principle for all the brethren (members of the mission), at the centre and other places.

These rules, regulations and constitution, when framed up, should be put up in the next meeting of the wellwihsers of the association to be held at Shahjahanpur on June 20, 1945 for approval.

4. Then they formed the Committee of three to set up the rules and regulations…
See the Original SRCM Constitution (Item 3) and the "Fake Constitution" of SRCM (California), (item 3a) registered in 1997 in California and filed with the court case as dated in 2002, but does not contain a Registration "seal" from the Registrar of Societies, in India.
See all documents (19) at Freedom From Sahaja Marg

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Allegations in Letter to Registrar of Societies, India (2003)

From Shashwat's blog: Freedom to Speak - Power to Speak

Item 17 on Shashwat’s blog is a letter from a “one time” preceptor called C S KalyanaSunderam to the Registrar of Societies (India), alleging ‘immoral” activity at the SRCM and blaming Chari’s son for the alleged “mismanagement" of the SRCM but does not bring much evidence. See it complete at number 17 on Freedom to Speak - Power to Speak (Shashwat's Blog):

or... For a quick scan, and salient point, see below:

Page 1
Stamp of Registrar dated 13/10/03

See it at:

Page 2

Letterhead from:

From CS KalyanaSunderam ...........................Phone (blanked)
(one time - preceptor & Abhyasi – disciple of...Chrompet
Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) .....Res. 11/84 Panchavadi Aprt.
HQ Shahjehanpur ...................................Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,
Shri Babuji Memorial Ashram World HQ .Nehru Nagar,
Manapakkan, Chennai – 600 116 ...........Chrompet – 6000 044

See contents at:

Page 3

SRCM Registration info dated 28, 7, 45 (July 28, 1945), and re-registration dated May 4, 1978 as per Indian Government Legislation.

See it at:

Page 4 (Salient and IMPORTANT)

His Holiness Mahatma Shri Ram Chandra attained Maha Samadhi April 19th 1983. He has however, left behind His disciple, Shri P. Rajagopalachari, as His successor and spiritual representative to continue the task ahead for the uplift of humanity at large.

Ever since the establishment of Shri Babuji Memorial Ashram on Shri Ram Chandra Road, Manapakkam Chennai – 600116 (during 1997-1998) the style of functioning of the mission has changed.

The Spiritual Head of the Mission who is also the administrative head, with titles of ‘Master and President of the SRCM:-the present person being Shri P. Rajagopalachari – sometimes affixes his signature as “Parthasarathy – ignoring the norms of constitution and by-laws incorporated the wordings (Words) ‘International head quarters’ to the Chennai Centre at Manapakkam – 116. It is not clear to the disciples all over the world, wether the mission has embraced a new registration under the societies Act as it is an operative trust.

When the Registrar of Govt. of Tamilnadu was approached, he has negatived the request stating that they have no such recording on their files (vide copy enclosed)

All the disciples in India as well as abroad have been dissatisfied with the functionning of the trust – Office at Chennai as the functionaries of the SRCM organization at the World HQ do not follow any norms. All types of mismanagement, mal-administration, corruption and immoral acts have become the order of the day.

Barring a handful of functionaries around the present Master/President of the SRCM – Chennai, no disciple is allowed to meet the Master. These things have started as long as the present President took the reigns in his hands - since 1983. It has become ‘bad to worse’ since 1997 when the present Master / President’s son gate crashed the organization and it is felt by every individual disciple (barring their associates around (him?) the the Master / President’s son is totally responsible for the downfall in spirituality of the organization.

Sudden administrative orders are sponsored by the President’s son in the name of his father. Silencing every individual on the strength of his father sri PR Krishna President’s son, his family and associates have taken the upper hand in the adnimistration of SRCM Chennai. Shahjahanpur (UP) as HQs has been totally ignored violating the recording of the constitution.

Page 5 (Salient and IMPORTANT)

Shri Umesh, founder guru’s (Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj) eldest son, has filed a suit in the court of law at Lucknow UP in this regard and a case is still pending in Uttah Pradesh against SRCM Chennai.

To cite an instance please find enclosed the implementation of organizational structure with effect from January 1, 2003. There is no authenticity for the order since it has not been signed by the president SRCM, nor it is in official decorum. After 1997, there are inumerable such lapses leading to the maladministration and mismanagement of the Mission.

Hence I’d like to know the following:

1. The SRCM has derecognized the Head quarters of Shahjehanpur (UP) without the knowledge of the disciples all over the world.

2. They function under the banner: SRCM – Shri Babuji Memorial Ashram World HQ – Manapakkam – Chennai – 116. Have they registered this new nomenclature? If so, what is the new registration number?

3. Is there any New constitution and by laws for this revised organization? If so a copy may kindly be extended and obliged or I may kindly be guided the manner of possesing the copy.

See signatures on letter (not legible) at:

ALSO from the Legal documents on Shashwat's Blog:

See “original constitution from Babuji in 1945.
See Item 3 on Blog.

See Babuji’s Signature: His legal FULL NAME in 1945 was apparently: Ram Chandra, then there are at the end of the document, of the 12 original "founders" of the SRCM, there is a Prakash Chandra who's signature looks like "Chander", and a Kailash Chandra. Then there is also a "B. Ram Chandra Saksena" (number 7). Babuji's son Umesh and his Grandson Navneet are called: "Saxena" or "Saksena". Hmmmm??? was this a "family and friends" affair.

PS... Notice that there are "12" signing founders of SRCM. The 11 apostles and Babuji!!

Chari re-registered the Shri Ram Chandra Mission in Califorrnia, USA, in 1997 and the Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation in Austin Texas, USA in 1997. He placed himself as President of SRCM in other countries and placed directors loyal to himself on these Boards of Directors in other countries.

See Michael's (ex- preceptor and "inner circle" member of Chari) Testimonial on his blog: Inner Circle of SRCM

And list of Directors for SRCM (Canada) at:
Canada Revenue Agency Charities Listing
Enter: Shri Ram Chandra Mission
City: North York
Province: Ontario

See country of residence of Directors at: Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) and the United Nations (Appendix)

Notice directors from the USA and France... Notice also $60,000.oo leaving SRCM(Canada) as the Canadian Directors lose control of their society. The money that was apparently "raised in Canada and was said to remain in Canada", is now is gone!! To build a "Private School" for the wealthy in India?? To buy a 28 acre Ranch near Austin, Texas, USA? To buy a castle or two, or three, in Europe? To buy one more commercial building on the Mediteranean (Lyons, France)? They wouldn't do that...would they? Don't believe me!! Research it yourself.

And then there was the "financial crisis"!!

PS... Ask to see the books before DONATING to an American (or any) CHARITY!!!

See also Chari’s SRCM (Chennai) "Fake Constitution" (a word for word version of the original constitution registered in 1945 by Babuji et al) apparently filed in the Supreme Court case in India and seems dated "2002". But there is no registration "seal" on the document!! So?? Is this an attempt to pull a "fast one"?
See Item 3a on Blog.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Sahaj Marg Destroyed My Family!

This testimonial was posted on Vincent's blog: Le Sahaj Marg a Detruit Ma Famille (Sahaj Marg Destroyed My Family), in Europe. Vincent posted it on Elodie's Blog in France: Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg in an article called "Relations Familiales" (Family Relations)

For other testimonials see: Interviews, Testimonials and Research Index

Vincent's story is another tragic story in the wake of Sahaj Marg and the Shri Ram Chandra Mission, and Thierry's testimonial seems to be quite similar. Add to these accounts the attemps at "match-making inside the Mission" by the Master of SRCM(California), the prefects and the preceptors (priests) and other abhyasis, who want to please the Master, and the constant convenient "trips" to attend and support "recruiting drives" and seminars in other nearby towns so as to show "numbers", and you will understand the pressure and the stress on the family of new "members" of this "cult of a Personality", that oftens breaks it up.

As Chari said about "preceptors" (priests) at a Seminar for Preceptors in Jan, 2001 (see "On Other Religions") , they "destroy" love. This is another example of "destroyed" love in the family of an abhyasi. The numbers and the statistics now become real "FACES" of real PEOPLE and real "LIVES". It begs the question: "What is being "transmitted" by these businessmen "Amateurs" who play at Spirituality and Religion with people's lives?"


I send you a comment from a post by Thierry? on my old blog that I do not even consult now and my short? response.


Thierry has left a new comment on your post "When a family meets the Shri Ram Chandra Mission": (4d-don added all the punctuation marks so as to make it "read-able"

hello to all

I allow myself to bring a comment to this very instructive exchange

I practice the spiritual path proposed in Sahaj marg for the past 20 years and I am very satisfied with my practice and the srcm(.) I think that the the problems of comprehension that we encounter is due to several fundamental differences(.)

I(,) at the beginning of my practice encountered enormous difficulties
of freedom of worship(.) For example in Sahaj marg(,) even if it is not a prerequisite(,) it is strongly recommended not to drink alcohol and become vegetarian(.) when I was at my parents (home) I always had at my plate(,) a steak and a glass of wine served with my father telling me(,) I quote(:) "you're not a man(,) you do not drink" (.)

I had to fight for many years to make them admit that my choice of lifestyle was different and until the death of my father, he always dismissed me(.) if I resisted to not cut myself from my family it is out of duty and love for them(.)

my sisters and brothers have also criticized me several times and when I took the floor (spoke) they said that it was not coming from me(.) I also resisted cutting them off through tolerance(.)

It is well known that minorities frighten (people) because by not reacting in certain situations and behaviors like most people(,) the way we do (things) may seem odd(,) for example no longer taking pleasure in drinking alcohol "may surprise"(.)

it is certain that early in my practice I have certainly been too expressive in externalizing how I felt(.) I'm more internalized now and seldom share the happiness and balance that meditation lavishes(.)

I was married for 10 years to someone who has never practiced meditation(.) (The) fear of her family before my differences forced me to divorce with a son who is a supporter of the srcm but does not want to meditate(.) It is his choice(,) having been mistreated myself because of my spiritual path(,) I leave him chose without interfering with his freedom of worship(.)

I was next cohabiting with a woman who practiced meditation with me for 2 years and then spent the remaining 5 years of our communal life criticizing me me and my spiritual master(.) I did not force her to follow me but I just asked for my freedom of worship(.) I also had to separate myself from her as the pressure from her became unbearable(.) I had(,) so as to please her(,) taken up eating meat again(,) in my attempt to not appear too "bizarre"(.)

Meditation regulates the mind and life seems so beautiful that of course it may seem strange to be happy(.)

I'm so so happy(,) so content in my skin(.) I live moments that are so intense and it is thanks to meditation(.) Our practice of meditation is designed to make us change our evolution and allows us to discover a new perception of the world (inside and outside) I allow myself this counsel ... leave us meditate(.) Do not criticize us in our practice(.) Accept us as we accept you(.)

Let us love one another with our differences(.) do not try and impose on us your choice and if some practitioners want to force you to become members(,) have them read this message(.) let us all leave one another our freedom to worship or not to worship(.) if people do not want to meditate(,) it is their life's choices and this must be respected(.)

Meditation is so subtle that the accession of the person must be voluntary or else it does not work(.)

thank you for taking the time to read me


Vincent said ...

Hello Thierry,

Your views are interesting even if I do not agree completely. Placing everything on account of the fear engendered by the differences seems reductive, especially if they are to be vegetarian or refuse to drink alcohol.

An interesting exercise would be that you try to put yourself in the place of your parents(,) and all the women who have left.

This blog is no longer active today. I'll post your comments on the blog of Elodie(.) It supports very active discussions, and I invite you to join in.


Elodie said ...

Hello Thierry,

Also try to put yourself in the reverse situation. Your parents, your wife and your brothers and sisters are part of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission. Now, try to make one small criticism. I can assure you that this position is at least as difficult to keep as your situation. I know someone in this case, the answer is the total rejection, total and permanent.

Friday Dec. 05 07:00:00 AM

Shashwat Said...

with some difficulty in reading and understanding french, here is what i could make out from thierry's testimonial:-

She had a difficult time in her parents home, could not get along well with her father and siblings, her marriage of 10 years ended up in divorce, difference is due to srcm and its practice which she believes has had a positive effect on her life,(positive to her means, divorce, loss of trust and relationship with parents, siblings, friends etc) her son is sympathetic towards this cult of sahaj marg, but does not participate in its activities. (why ???)

If my understanding of french is correct (pls correct me where ever i am wrong) her 20 yrs skirmish with sahaj marg has left her with no family, no friends (outside cult) and she finally ended up on Vincent's blog which deals with broken families of sahaj marg.

Can someone who can effectively translate from english to french, inform her, and ask her to look at her own life, as to what freedom to worship has transformed her into, she is not liked by her ex-husband, (hence divorced) not liked by parents/siblings, (hence living with a friend), not liked by her (new) friend either.. what is so impractical about sahaj marg that she is not liked by anyone in her circle ??? and she admits that it is all because of sahaj marg only !!! if she can think, then she should look at herself and try to find out the root cause of her problems, which is sahaj marg, she is yet another example for us, which cements our conclusion that sahaj marg destroys family life, being a natural and simple path is out of question....


Alexis said ...

@ Thierry,

vincent & elodie have said almost everything. the reverse is not easier to live with; judgments as to what prevails in reverse by minorities are permanent.

I would just like to add that you should also try to put yourself in your son's place, that way, you might finally understand why he does not meditate while remaining a "sympathizer" as you say. Indeed, given what I know of you "abhyasis", you and your family relationships, he has little choice if he wants to maintain a contact with you.

Outside of the Sahaj Marg, nothing seems to interests you, and you do not have any conversations, but if one gets you going on the subject of Sahaj Marg, you are inexhaustible. Then your son, if he wants to keep a relationship with his father, is forced to pretend to look a little interested ... otherwise what would be left of his father?

Imagine now that this is the case with lots of families of abhyasis who have already contacted me so as to learn more about SM (Sahaj Marg). To stay in touch with you, to not burn the bridges, they are forced to shut up about what they really think about, your SRCM. They listen to you talk about it, and they speak kindly (gently) of it, trying to interest themselves a little bit because they know that it would be worse to suspend their relationship with the abhyasis in their family ...

Do you not believe that to get to this point, something serious is happening on your part, you abhyasis? Family is crap, and nothing more is left than your ego or your so-called spiritual elevation that interests you? ...

Friday Dec. 05, 07:49:00 PM

4d-don Said:


I shake my head. (What a mess! What a mess!)

You have the right to "meditate", but with the Sahaj Marg, you are not only an "abhyasi", as you assist and do the dirty work of proselytizing for those who target our wives, and especially, the children, to fill the "benches" of their PRIVATE SCHOOLS (for the children of the wealthy in India), which is their "commerce". (the Children)

Babuji warned: Sahaj Marg is FOR THOSE OVER 18 YEARS of age ... Now with Chari, Sahaj Marg is for those of "3 YEARS" and even "from birth" ... WHY?

This is not only meditation. In the Sahaj Marg and SRCM(California), you are their "foot-soldiers", and not only an innocent "abhyasis" but you are also a "judas goats" for a "GANG" of selfish foreign businessmen, addicted to power, who target our children, and discriminate against "WOMEN" (according to Chari, a woman cannot be a "MASTER" of Sahaj Marg), but they manipulate them with "useless titles (volunteers)".

Chari also attacks other religions, our "Homosexual" brothers and sisters, and even the "Bloggers" whom he accuses of being "the enemies of spirituality."

And you, do you object? Can you oppose them and still remain a "serf"? Have they removed your courage and made you: SUBJECT! (Submissive)? Have they removed your compassion and your love for your family, friends, compatriots, etc..?

You are not only a "meditator" but a number, a "commercial" for SAHAJ MARG (MART) of Chari, with his gang of businessmen from India ...

Go hide your face! The Sahaj Marg of Chari is like the other "religions" that say: "We are just the peaceful "pray-ers", why does the world persecute us?"

YOU support the violent "BULLIES" and the immoral "con-men"! And we will "expose" them so as to minimize some of the pain of the future "pawns" which they will target with you as the "bait" ...

BE SPIRITUAL for the love of God, for the sake of yourself and your family ... Now you're just an idolater, and you kneel before the MATERIAL and you bow your head to MEN of MATTER in the Material temples of the rich ... for a "sensation", a "fix", much like an addict.

Don ....

Cri-cri said ...

I understand Thierry's comment when he said that everyone must respect the differences of the others. However, what actually Thierry wants to say is: be indifferent to the differences of others so as to not interfere (also known as not to hinder the abhyasis of SRCMtm), which is a selfish and negative approach that has nothing to do with the celebration of all the differences in others, which is positive and altruistic.

I note that there is no depth in his analysis. For him, freedom of worship is tantamount to choosing a path of enjoyment he calls balance and fulfillment, whatever the consequences for the environment to which it is linked.

Obviously, Thierry failed to make understood to his own, the nature of his balance and well-being, which is curious: Everyone does research. Does everyone not seek (desire) the well-being, balance and the development of one's own? What parents, what company or what companion, what child would not want those with whom they live to be fulfilled and well in their skin? Are we not happier when we live with happy people?

Also, meeting someone in this sublime condition, would it not surely give others the desire to implement this miracle recipe in their own lives? Surely!

We all know what kind of development the practice of Sahaj Marg SRCMtm bring, and that is probably why Thierry has had to suffer the pressures he describes. These pressures were not directed against the differences as he understood, but against a particular difference, which made life unbearable for the common partners of his adventure.

I will say no more, but having "sided" and known the abhyasis of SRCMtm long enough, I fully understand why the entourage of Thierry has reacted badly to his "difference".


@ Élodie

"Total Rejection, absolute and definitive"

What a One (the ONLY) way to universal love? : The master REJECTS, the worshipers REJECT. Strange Universal love on the part of the One who loves us all so much (as well as the merits of our pockets (money))!

So abhyasis of SRCMtm, the SRCMtm is it not fundamentally, essentially and primarily a CULT?

Ooooops ... the Taboo word.


Cri-cri said:

@ Shashwat

Thierry is a male French name. The condition of the guy is spiritually high though, but what is his approach I do not know ? His social failure is due to the fact that he has believed the SRCMtm propaganda claiming that it was offering a system of spiritual training for someone with a normal family and social life, which is a TRUE lie. Because he sincerely practised the SRCMtm version of sahaj marg, his focus and heart was not at all available for his people, but devoted to his spiritual goal. The reason why he got all these problems was that people felt they were being betrayed by Thierry. He should have understood that. There is no other reason.

So, Thierry, practise well the path that you have chosen, but practise it as a solitary monk, and do not mess up the life of others. It would be so nice that the propaganda of the SRCMtm be adjusted, so that they make it clear at the very beginning, when people joined the cult, that sahaj marg is not at all for normal people with a normal familly life and a normal social life. Haven't they understood that the western world is not Asia ?

The only possibility of having a "normal familly life" is to be a brainwashed SRCMtm familly, in which the grand-parents, the wife, the husband and the kids are all activist fanatics in the sect. The only "normal social life" that these people could have is between themselves, i.e. with other activist fanatics of the sect. This is very clear.

This is another description of a sect: They live for themselves, not at all for the humankind, and they want to spread like a disease.


Martin Said:


May you find in these exchanges that you say "instructive" the lightning flash of truth that will pull you out of your mystical delirium.

If the SRCM outlawed alcohol for its followers it offers an alternative with far more devastating effects. You will notice that as profound alcoholics end up being rejected by their relatives, fanatics of the SRCM often have the same breaks.

The process is the same. One begins to drink a little, then often, and increasingly, and as with all hard addictions, one loses control, the daily dose becomes vital to destroy everything around you.

The SCRM meditator feels better after his/her meditation, as after his alcoholic drink.
For ten years I have been around a practicant of SM, a preceptor, and I attended to great suffering to an ineducable stalemate.

The overdose after an intense practice including daily morning meditation, the cleaning and evening prayers and two group meditations each week, and a few sittings, plus periodic seminars around the world, trap the devoted practicants in a exponential process which necessarily cut him/her off from any normal relationship with his/her surroundings.

But there are detoxification treatment for alcoholics that work, but unfortunately nothing like the poisoned abyasis!

At the root of the rupture, you are mistaken, Thierry. It is not respect for differences and still less that of the freedom to think or believe, it is the loss of confidence in a loved one who can neither understand nor accept these egotistical and idolatrous choices that surreptitiously make you deaf and blind to the suffering of those you lost.

"Errare humanum is diabolicum persevere," To err is human, to persevere is diabolical ...

Thierry, do you not find that the cost is a bit High?

How can SRCM advocate Love while leading the followers on the road that lead inexorably to leave those who love or have loved?

Drink a glass (wine) with your son ... reassure him, give him your love, he must have needed it much more than your guru who did not give a shit!


4d-don Said:


We can say through your testimony that the Sahaj Marg is not for those who want a "normal" family life, and that the claim that Sahaj Marg removes the "stress" in the life of the practicant is simply a lie to catch new "Bees" with synthetic honey or sugar.

You could, to be "honorable", go give your testimony on the sites that the Sahaj Marg has in American universities where the "product" of Sahaj Marg is sold as "a technique that reduces stress in life, and that it is for those who want a "normal" family life ... To not feel the stress around you and being a "living dead" is not "reducing stress" it is DENIAL... Others you love and who love you can FEEL IT...

Your testimony here, and your experience of Sahaj Marg, was "negative, not positive. And you dare not even face the corruption that we expose! The Sahaj Marg in your life was: DIVISION and did nothing to UNITE anyone, not the world, not your world, ... It is a lie?

Why the lie? Because of Sahaj Marg Babuj was "stolen" by "materialists," who don't give a "sh.t" about the lives of others, emotional, physical or spiritual ... These are people (businessmen) who profit from the misfortune of others ... They want to be adored by their "serfs".

Keep standing up to them! Become SPIRITUAL! Strong and Free! They can not do you more harm than if you "serve" and "obey" them, as one can see. It is also our experience of Sahaj Marg, and we now oppose and EXPOSE them for the sake of the OTHERS who come after us ... Unite the families, do not DIVIDE them as Sahaj Marg has done for yours. Make it your Christmas Gift to the World and to your FAMILY...

Give your testimony EVERYWHERE! This is the TRUTH and the REALITY that are you searching for? It is here in front of you, open your mouth and give your testimony of your divided REALITY, so that it might change and become UNITED. It is not too late. It is never too late! BE!! There is no need for PROXIES between you and the ONE anymore... the ONE is is all of US and we are inside IT... There is no "OUTSIDE" of the ONE ... That is the CON and the "come-on" of the Religious and the "spiritual" Masters.

PS.. You say:" I also resisted cutting them off through tolerance(.)"

Tolerance is not LOVE and not even "acceptance". To Love, one will become at "one with" such as in the word: "atonement" or "at-one-ment". That is the important part of the Catholic "confession" and it's four imperatives: accept (admit), confess, do penance, atone. ATONEMENT is LOVE! Be "at one with" or LOVE your neighbour, not just love the "pyramidal", "sectarian" gang-like love of, and obedience to the: MASTER, MISSION, METHOD.

Then, maybe you can try and LOVE THE ENEMY and should you succeed, you would then be a REAL "Christian" or you will be "Christ-like".

For Chari!

Then you will also love the BLOGGERS who may be a CURSE, but only to the Religious POWER Addicted who want "serfs" to "obey" them and "living-deads" to adore them. But the BLOGGERS are still not the "enemies of spirituality", or of anyone or of anything else, Chari! We, the BLOGGERS, unlike the RELIGIOUS businessmen with their "inner circle", are not a GANG! That Game is OVER!

Don ...

Tuesday December. 09, 01:24:00 AM

Monday, December 01, 2008

Sahaj Marg and the Sufi Naqshbandiyya (Babuji explains)

Taken from Elodie's French Blog: Pour que Vive le Sahaj Marg

Babuji explains

I found a letter from Babuji dating from 1963 on the website of NaqshMuMRa International Fellowship, the Sufi lineage after Lalaji, now led by his grand-son Dinesh.

Babuji expresses his opinion, saying the "Sahaj Marga" has replaced the various Sufi brotherhoods that appear as outdated.

A complete read on:


From the NaqshMuMRa International Fellowship site:

There has been a common anxiety of the intellectuals about the roots of “Sahaj Marg” (a spiritual-system propagated by Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur), whether or not is an offshoot of Sufism, mainly because on the grounds of its declared “Aadiguru” (founder-spiritual-Master), Mahatma Ramchandra (Laalaaji) Maharaj of Fatehgarh (UP) was a saint-preceptor of Naqshbandiya-sufi-nisbat (esoteric-lineage).

Note from Author of this blog:

Sahaj Marg and the Shri Ram Chandra Mission were founded and registered in India in 1945 by Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur (aka: Babuji) , 13 years after the death of Mahatma Ramchandra (Lalaaji) of Fathehgarh (UP). Babuji was never a preceptor of Lalaaji's and only met him a few times during his life. After his (Lalaaji's) death (13 years after his death....), Babuji claims that Lalaaji and Vivekahanda intructed him on the inside (dream? vision?) to form the Sahaj Marga. (See a selection of Babuji's journal entries in Autobiography of Ram Chandra) The name was later shortened to Sahaj Marg.
(For the full story, see: History of Shri Ram Chandra Mission (Sahaj Marg) Lalaji's lineage and societies (NaqshMuMRa International Fellowship and the Ram Ashrams (Dr. Chaturbhuj Sahay Ji) are still in existence today.

Recently we have received a scanned-copy of a personal letter signed by the Founder President of ‘Shri Ram Chandra Mission’, Shahjahanpur (UP). The sender of this document is Shri S.R.D. Kudesia (Sampat Baabu) of Fatehgarh (UP). Shri Bhagwan Bharose Vaidya, the addressee of this letter was Sampat Baabu’s father and an adherent of Rev. Laalaaj Maharaj, right from his Govt. service-period in Fatehgarh-courts.

The concerned parties may use of the contents of the document, subjected here above. 

I highlighted the controversial and questionable section of Babuji's letter, read this section carefully and consider the implications for the other "religions" mentionned (Sufi, Muslims) and the other spiritual societies of Lalaaji (Sufi), and Dr Chaturbhuj (Ramashram). Is the new Sahaj Marg of Chari's and SRCM(California) now "transmitting on others the desired effect"??

These "Mohamadan systems" that have "breathe their last" and are now "cut off", according to this letter of Babuji, does that mean that now, "ONLY" Sahaj Marg has the ONE "GOD"s favour? Is Sahaj Marg just another religion of the "chosen"? Does that not sound like simply another RELIGION, claiming to be the only path to REALITY or the DIVINE and "bad-mouthing" all the other religions so as to gather their "sheep"?
Just the business of RELIGION! Does the UN DPI program know of this? Is Sahaj Marg then really a PEACEFUL and RESPECTFUL (of all other religions) path to teach in a "war zone" in these troubled times? The abhyasis claim to be PEACEFUL! Are they "REALLY"? What are they being transmitted? That they are "the ONLY" ones on the TRUE PATH?

Did Lalaaji forget to "transmit" to all the Naqshbandiyya SUFIS, and the adherents of the Ramashram of Dr. Chaturbhuj, to leave their group and join SRCM?

Did the Pope and all the leaders of all other religions forget to tell their followers that they have been "cut off" from God, and should now join SRCM as that is now the ONLY PATH to the DIVINE? Are they conspiring to hold that information from GOD from their "followers"? Does that not show disrespect for other RELIGIONS? Does that not sound "megalomaniacal"? Is that not "the" religious "disease"? Do we have "psy's" that want to tackle that ONE? ;-))

Babuji's Letter:

Feb. 14, 1963

My dear Bhagwan Bharosey

I have gone through your letter address-ed to
Dr. L.P.Srivastava. I am very thankful to you for having
graced our annual function by your kind presence. Your company,
short though it was, was very joyful to me and I long to have it

I am also grateful to you for your appreciation of my
thought which usually none even gives time to hear about. I am
where I ought to be and I sincerely wish that all of us may be up
to know and practise what is actually real.

Times have undergone radical changes but to my greatest
regret I find our brothers sleeping yet. The Mohamadan systems
have all breathed their last and this, 'The Sahaj Marga' the only
ONE has now emerged out in their place. Its teachings and
methods widely differ from those of the old systems in many
respects. One having a developed vision and being sensitive to 

some extent at least, can easily mark well the difference between 
the two. The method of training and the nature of Faez are all 
purely Hinduised and they are free from all superfluous things 
introduced into the ways of transmission under those systems. 
The spiritual connections of all Mohamadan Sansthas - 
Naqshbandi, Chishti and all - have been cut off. The fact has 
been discovered by most of the prominent Mohamadan saints 
of standing, even, and I know of one who acknowledged this 
fact before my brother disciple Shri Rameshwar Prasad Misra.

I do not mean to induce you or any body else to accept it
on my words but I simply point it out to every one to study and
judge for himself. The changing nature of the world is a clear
indication of it. Every one should now qualify himself for the
new system which has come down direct from above. Then alone
shall he be capable of transmitting on others the desired effect
My revered Master has prepared me for this sort of work. During
his life time he valued my letters to him so highly that he pre-
served them safely. All of them depict something or the other
of the Nature's course which is being displayed today.

I have authorised Dr. Lalta Prasad Srivastava to impart
spiritual training to Abhyasis through transmission. I am con-
fident that he will do his job well and shall be thoroughly
capable of standing all tests.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,
Ram Chandra

Sister Kasturi Speaks!

Taken from Elodie's Blog in France: Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg. Information brought forward to Elodie's blog, thanks to Cyrille and Alexis, France.

Sister Kasturi Chaturvedi is one of the Founder's (Babuji) first disciples and is called the "only saint of Sahaj Marg". (Only one "saint" claimed by the founder since 1945 ... and it may not be due to Sahaj Marg! She may have been "saintly" before coming to SRCM... hmmm! Either way, not impressive! And the only saint in Sahaj Marg is not the current Master of SRCM (Calfornia), Chari, or any other of his preceptors! WHY? Politics?) During the period 1948-49, (Sahaj Marg and Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM-Shahjahanpur was founded in 1945) various well-known people such as S.P. Srivastava, professor of philosophy and M.L. Chaturvedi judge at the High the Court of Justice of Allahabad, then his daughter, Kum Kasturi Chaturvedi are introduced and become close to Babuji.

The content of her (Kasturi) speech of April 30, 1995 in Madras

At the request of Cyrille on the blog of Bhenji Kasturi, Pandit ji has published the following November 14 2008.

One will note that Kasturi does put into question the status of Chari, as president of SRCM and spiritual representative of Babuji. She confirms the contrary, that he was indeed prepared for this role by Babuji. If she recognizes the Chari created by Babuji, she refuses the one that was manufactured by his followers!

Basically, since 1995, she found (as we did, but later) that the evolution of Chari when in contact with his crowds of abhyasis had nothing spiritual or nothing in common with Babuji ...
It is amusing to see that from Umesh Chandra Saxena (Babuji's son), KC Narayana (Dr. Varadachari's son) or Kasturi, all positions regarding Chari are expressed: Umesh Chandra denies him the status of President and especially "Spiritual Representative" , KC Narayana recognizes his title of president, but not the title of "Spiritual Representative", and Kasturi recognizes both titles, but thinks he has (since) completely drifted from the initial teachings of Babuji ...


Dear brother and sisters,

I had an opportunity to ask saint sister kasturi few questions which i am publishing below :

"Pandit ji : Can we put the speech given by you at madras ashram in 1995
Kasturi : Yes you can because people should know why i moved away from chariji, also pleae note that the chariji created by babuji is still with me and will be there always but I am away from chariji made by his followers as there is a feeling that whatever they get is from their master chariji and nothing from babuji

(Please find the speech in the next post)

The primary reason for moving away can be read and understood in my speech"

Here is the Gist of speech given by sister kasturi at MADARS Ashram on 30th april 1995 it clearly says that chariji made by shri babuji is still with bhenji and not the chariji made by his followers.


I had felt the necessity of providing a brief of my speech delivered in Hindi at madras on April 30 1995, because many of us who gathered at the celebration and met me afterwards had misinterpreted me hence in away of clarification I am giving the gist of my speech in English.

Dear brother and sisters today we are celebrating with great enthusiasm the 97th birthday of our beloved rev shri babuji maharaj the founder president of the mission and also the golden jublee jublee year of shri Ram Chandra Mission founded by him. With the permission of the president and my brother shri chariji I am before you to express my views . In fact since past many years I have been receiving many letters and statements leveling many charges against me and expression of the feeling with anger that I am causing pain to your master shri chariji, so today I intend to avail this opportunity to make this position crystal clear and offer you the solution so that you may henceforth get fully involved without least diversion in pursuance of you sadhna.

Dear brothers and sisters you must know that I had never uttered a single word against him and also never allowed in my inner to germinate or perpetuate even the slightest thought of disrespecting and ignoring him in any way and at any moment. Can you imagine why not ? merely because he is prepared by shri babuji maharaj as his spritual representative and president of shri ram Chandra mission Shajahanpur.

The truth is that shri babuji maharaj not only told me shri chariji’s declaration as president but also about the divine beauty with which he adorned him , sri chariji himself could not understand what to say of adjusting it. It is on account of this that out of love and affection for him ,I had on my own assumed all the duties and responsibilities for him. Shri babuji never asked me to do so. Ever since his declaration as president I have been discharging these duties wholeheartedly irrespective of the fact whether he is aware of it ,recognizes it or not. Whether he was abroad in the plane or anywhere else with the power bestowed by shri babuji maharaj. I had provided him instant protection. While all of you were sleeping I was awake and in vigilant condition. While coming down stairs when he slipped and got his leg fractured then also he would have been saved if he would have possessed this thought that my sister is with me for protection. At that time you all had propagated just to flatter him ,’Master was working at such a higher level that he was not conscious of himself and hence had a fall’.

I have been hearfing similar propaganda continuously but chariji whom my beloved shri babuji adorned with divine beauty , I am pained to say could not be identified and understood by my brother sitting with us , since pretty long years you all have been busy in making this propaganda that whatever one get in spirituality can only get from chariji, no one had however dared to become that which he cam make and then demonstrate what one will get from him, on my part I had always emphasized that I cannot accept chariji whom you have made through your propaganda . I only sri chariji whom shri babuji maharaj had prepared for you help and guidance. While I lokked him in his inner you have taken him only physically-sitting in the chair like an idol and praised him like his disciple a worshipper instead of being a true follower. It is just like a pujari in the temple employed to offer regular puja to the idols in mechanical way and attend to devotees getting in return just a few coins totally devoid of love ,devotion and craving for layavasta.

I have always tried my level best through my speeches on various occasions and sitting to inculcate in you love , devotion and surrender and thereby attain layavasta ,you have not cared to understand my inner feeling of love and brotherhood. Instead of it I have been signified as opponent of chariji. Not only this I have been receiving letters since the past few years from abyasis full of unhealthy and threatening words. But I swallowed it gently because I could not break loving ties with shri chariji whom shri babuji had adorned.

Ofcourse when it went beyond tolerance and I could not get occasion , I had conveyed the contents of unwarranted and provocative harsh letters to orally as well as in writing to shri chariji, to shri sarnadji, the gen secretary and also to shri Y.K Gupta the Zonal secretary but to my surprise no one even cared to sympathise with me . No consolation or reaction even from shri chariji , probably as president he has always taken your statements as true.
It was perhaps on this acoount that since 1995 Basant utsav , the divine power of shri babuji ,maharaj, in my inner has contantly been forcing me to speak to you amd I just cannot cannot describe how I had contained that intense force until this day of shri babuji’s birth day celebration .I do not know how I could bear that force.

Today the real form of shri chariji as adorned by my shri babuji maharaj has returned and rejuvenated the intensity of my love and affection towards him as a consequence that divine power of shri babuji maharaj dwelling in my inner has brought me on the dias to speak something in his presence. I am pained to say that shri chariji himself could not correctly understand the real implications of feelings when I said ‘ I know only that chariji who was prepared by shri babuji maharaj and I don’t accept the chariji whon his disciples have made.
Probably on account of this whenever and whatever I desired to do either for his protection or for promotion and spread of shri babuji’s work , I had performed it my level best , remaining with him ,but this humble service was not taken into in the correct perspective either by him or by you all. Today in this large gathering of about 12000 abyasis participating in the celebrations. I delegate all my responsibilities and duties to you all . You come foreward and perform same in the manner you like.

In my speech I had asked BIDAI(farewell ) from you all and from shri chariji whom you have made and is sitting with us. I cannot tolerate anymore your growing grudge and anger against myself and his pain on account of Kasturi’s name. Hence I said ‘Bid Farewell to me from you mind ,heart forget shri babuji maharaj who has made him and remember only him.
So much so that when I assured him with full confidence in my babuji’s power. That no no such thing has been made which can hurt you’ Even then instead of relying upon his sister’s assurance , chariji had continued to treat me at a distance . But beware I am not talking of worldly relations and physical comforts and courtesies that has quite a different level and sphere.

But I wish to make clear one more point which I had missed in my speech i.e you should come to me for sittings etc with a clear understanding that whatever divine transmission you will get , it will be only from my beloved shri babuji maharaj the representative of the ultimate reality Bhooma. I have nothing with me excepting him. I have already spoken on occasions that I don’t know spirituality, my inner simply took shri babuji maharaj in the core at his first sight (darshan) and got lost in his remembrance somewhere. It was to trace it that shri babuji maharaj took me somewhere, he will take me still where I don’t know.
Again I emphasize that the true meaning of my taking bidai from your inner thoughts is to remove me from there and in place you install the goal of your spiritual advancement for which you all have joined the mission amd master .

It is my earnest prayer to shri babuji maharaj that shri chariji may live long remaining in remembrance of shri babuji and provide spiritual service to you all and always work up for the development of the mission

Thanking you

Kasturi chaturvedi
Date 30.04.1995.

Comments by Cri-cri, ex-abhyasi with Chari for 18 years. Taken from Elodie's blog: Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg. Cri-cri, Phd in Psychology, has a blog (French) : Analyse de la SRCM


"Umesh Chandra denied Chari the status of "President" and especially "Spiritual representative", Narayana recognized the title of "President" but not "Spiritual Representative" and Kasturi recognized both but thinks he was completely drifting from the initial teachings of Babuji ... "

It is unclear why Kasturi did not follow Chari body and soul if he was, as she claimed, the "Spiritual representative" of Babuji prepared by him for that!? This is illogical. She should have flattened herself as a doormat and do whatever, no matter what he (Chari) did, considering her devotion to Babuji. The opposite case means that she disobeys Babuji or she does not believe a word of what she says.

Since she admits that Chari is a rogue, her announced justification for having departed from him, (and therefore how could such a sublime being, that she claims Chari was, would be so, if he could deviate. How could Babuji, a true god to his disciples, choose someone who went astray and mislead the whole world after several years of reign?), she therefore aligns herself with the view of Narayana.

Finally, all three (3) (Kasturi, Narayana, and Navneet, but also many of the senior abhyasis and preceptors of the old SRCM, who are not with Chari... and they are many (a large package) are in agreement on one fact: Chari is not the "spiritual representative" of Babuji, either because he has never been (Navneet), or because he is no more (Narayana, Kasturi).

The difference is then between Umesh on one hand, and Kasturi and Narayana on the other, and it concerns the temporal power. We understand perfectly since Umesh seeks to recover the property that was robbed from his family, while this is not the case for the other 2.

I think that Kasturi, when I read her speech, in which she denounces as only at fault the worshipers of Chari and their propaganda, did not understand what happened. It is obvious today that Chari wants a hegemonic position himself as the spiritual representative of Babuji, so he wants to take the place of "incarnation", and it has probably always been in his plans. That is why he has so wisely let his worshipers fulfill their mission of worshipping him, and thus methodically eliminating from the scene, either physically or psychologically, the worshipers of Babuji, the memory of Babuji, and the memory of Babuji's Master. (I will not go further)

The spirit of Kasturi is blurred by her idolatry, which generates the premise that if Babuji loved Chari, it was a guarantee. She needs to rethink more deeply and reconsider her position because it is full of logical flaws.

She also attacks the worshipers (of Chari), but what she does not analyse are all the procedures implemented by Guru Chari, and his conscious or unconscious desire for adulation, so that people who come to him as part of a spiritual goal, get transformed into submissive "things", into stupid sheep, into insane activists obeying the orders of the more insane, and that eventually there will be no other possible position than idolatry, or leaving the sect. Who is responsible? The flock or the guru?

Moreover, under what circumstances was this speech given? It seems that this was given at Chari's Headquarters. Could Kasturi do otherwise than to to make known her appreciation to the spiritual succession of Babuji? Was there an agreement between her and Chari, yet more politics, perhaps to preserve her acquisitions in northern India without risking of seeing Chari's troops come to dispossess her as they had done with others?

One also notices that she has the same attitude as Chari while facing her personal failure in the transmission of the teachings: That of blaming the flock. Is this the attitude of a spiritual person, one who understands the human limitations and the dismal condition of humanity, which includes the subtle processes that ensnare us, and makes it so the results she describes, although tragic, are also the result of inadequate guidance through the characteristics of the world and of human nature?

She must nevertheless have understood what kind of mafia she was dealing with, for example when her letters to Chari and to other officials remained unanswered. She must have suspected the reason why some fanatic abhyasis were writing her, so as to bring her back into the "right path", with the sole reason of strengthening Chari's power and vacillating legitimacy by her illustrious presence. Had Chari, the wily manipulator, in private, said to the right people, "unfortunate" words about Kasturi, as he used to have about everybody, knowing full well the consequences that it produces?

Indeed, the Chari that Babuji "loved so much" (until his death or only for a period?) is no longer, as she says, because he died with Babuji.
