Friday, November 04, 2011

Sahaj Marg(tm) 2011, Dubai, Kamlesh & The GST

Taken and translated from an article by Alexis: "2011, Dubai, Kamlesh & la GST" on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg. Alexis has his own blog (french & english) also: Le Projet Sahaj Marg

Insertions and additions (for clarity) by 4d-Don are in "red italics"

November 4, 2011

2011: Dubai, Kamlesh & GST

After one year of "sabbatical," Chari resumed his travels abroad. First to Dubai for the inauguration in the spring of their ashram, then to Singapore and to neighboring Malaysia. With October, came returning to Dubai this time with his new "dauphin" (successor in waiting), Kamlesh D. Patel, a pharmacist from Brooklyn (Staten Island, N.Y.) ...

In early summer, Chari had revealed he was working on the renovation of the SRCM with Ishak Adizes. A team of global services (GST, Global Service team) had been established with Kamlesh as the GRAND mediator.

From Dubai, where Chari came to visit the banks with Kamlesh to ensure the financial succession, he re-iterated the role of the GST and the reorganization of the Mission. Historically, Babuji had not split the actions of the Mission between the administration and the spirituality. Fifteen years after the arrival of Chari, these two parts were organized separately.

Today, Chari has kept two things from Adizes' proposals: an organization must answer the question why? what? ... and nothing works properly without mutual respect and mutual trust. There is need of nothing else to "become brothers and sisters," but Chari added that this lacks ...

He reminds that the abhyasis are there to serve, not to serve humanity but to serve him, the master who loves everyone. "Love him who loves all." So the administration and spirituality may well be made by each communally, but it requires a global service team.

Critics of this new organization are fusing already, Chari asks all not to judge it and be patient, otherwise the system will not work ...

A team of 14 persons, 14 Indian chiefs, serving the entire SRCM, what a revolution! We've already had the President's Committee, nothing new under the sun ...

The mountain of Adizes / Chari has given birth to a very small mouse indeed ...



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