Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Exchange on SRCM by Suraj and Cyril on ORKUT

Taken from ORKUT: Freedom from SRCM (Sahaj Marg)

This is an exchange between Suraj and Cyril Borg:

Suraj said:

Hello Friends!!!

let me introduce myself as suraj. i am not a member of 'srcm' so i better not comment on chariji and the controversies surrounding him and 'srcm'. i am not a member of 'isrc' too. i am a disciple of sri babuji maharaj and i have been practicing babuji's system of meditation using yogic transmission and i have found it absolutely safe. i have introduced my family to this system too and they have been benefitted very much from this system too.

it is true that few have misinterpreted the essence of babuji's system of meditation and altered it to suit their own selfish needs thus bringing a bad name to sri babuji maharaj and his system.

my effort here to to clear the cloud of doubts surrounding sri babuji maharaj's system of meditation and i sincerely pray that the 'TRUTH ALONE SHINES'

Cyril Borg said:

Hi Suraj and Welcome...

I appreciate your "clearing" up that point...

To blame the abuse of "SRCM or Sahaj Marg meditation" on Babuji is like blaming the abuse of Prayer on Christ.

I agree that, having meditated with Babuji and left when Chari and his father and his GANG bullied their way in and TOOK OVER the small (less than 200 followers), meditation group, there was no "perceptible" abuse of the system or any show of POWER, EGO, or un-spirituality in the system.

Having said that, I think that having since read much of his material (specially his journal) and seen how he created the MARG, It was bound to happen that others like CHARI would be attracted to the "lack of Authority"...The attempt to link himself to Lalaji rather than Vivekananda was a mistake as they (he) then had to try and hide the influence of Sufism in the SYSTEM...They instead started to call it Raja Yoga that started at #7 of the Eightfold PATH...That is a little silly and NAIVE...That removes all the items that make Raja Yoga a BALANCED SYSTEM. To remove Items #1-6 of RAJA YOGA is to remove the items that make that system free from ABUSE...such as the Yamas, and the tapas...

But it's not too late to return to the original path with a REFORMATION...as it happened in the ROMAN Catholic Church in the medieval days with Calvin, Luther etc..when the teachings of Christ became subordinate to the EGO and LUST for power of the CHURCH (and the Popes, and cardinals)... They (the "HOLY" Roman Catholic Church) even went to SPIRITUAL CAPITALISM which SRCM has gone to in just a few decades...(ie. spiritual gifts for MONEY or SERVICES (such as "obey and serve the MISSION)... that is one of the signs of corruption in the SRCM system now...

The other sign of corruption that I have been looking at is the THEOLOGICAL deviation from BAbuji's 16 rings and the "LIGHT of the DIVINE" not as the sun's light but as the glow of DAWN as in REALITY AT DAWN...(4d-Don says: Babuji used to say: "light" as opposed to "HEAVY" as an intellectual trick to feel the "light of dawn")

Other theological flaws such as: God is Male, Women can't be GURUS, and the "spiritualism that is WHISPERS FROM THE "BRIGHTER WORLD", are other examples...Notice "BRIGHTER"...exactly what Babuji did not teach. The glow of DAWN is not BRIGHTER than the SUN. That is the EGO that religions like Christianity displayed in their use of "the GLORY OF GOD, the GLORY of CHRIST when he comes back etc... LIGHT moves into GLORY or EGO really quickly and appears by itself as the DEVIL FROM BEHIND A BOULDER on the road of LIFE.....That was the gift of CHARI to the MARG...MATERIAL PROPERTY and Materialist thinking or "no thinking"...just POWER and MATERIAL POWER such as "castles, commercial property, nationalism, imperialism, etc...

The philosophical flaws of : Homosexuality is "un-natural" and "SRCM has no philosophy" would have shocked Babuji and Dr. Varadachari as they were both "philosophers" and did add a "thinkers'" perspective to the MARG....With Chari, that "thinking" became OBEY without thinking, like the "soldier who kills without thinking" or the boy who "kills his mother without a second thought" (see Lessons from Sahaj Marg), just like RELIGIONS... That is like "immorality" on the Path to the "GREAT MORALITY"....It is a FLAW and a corruption...

Flawed theology leads to flawed philosophy, which leads to flawed psychology, and to flawed individuals who create flawed institutions that promote flawed theology, and on, and on...in a vicious downward spiral of corruption...

The path to HELL is frought with "GOOD INTENTIONS"... I have sympathy for those who must extricate themselves from that corruption called SAHAJ MARG and hope that it is possible to still offer a GIFT to mankind that BABUJI wanted to bring...

Thank you for your comments...it did stimulate me to write this so I guess it is "adding energy" to the POOL of those who knew, and respected Babuji, and loved him as a 'fellow pilgrim' on the road of life (not "MY" master which is so "egotistical) and I still "COMMUNICATE" with him without the need of a (not elevated) FRENCH LADY MEDIUM or so as to write a FUND-RAISING book for CHARI...

I treat Babuji as I treat Shashwat, and you, ie... as a Fellow PILGRIM on the road of LIFE,
Bless you... That is all Babuji asked of us...not this MASTER-SLAVE that Chari read in his writings as USED to his EGOTISTICAL benefit...

You will notice that the electronic Written material is now "patented" to the CHARI GROUP as INDIVIDUALS...so that is another "COURT CASE" if they added some of Babuji's material in that. The ISRC went through that with Chari and gave up and hence LOST the ability to sell or use Babuji's books, even with Narayana's father's (Dr. Varadachari) introduction in one of them... That is like the Catholics trying to stop the protestants from using the BIBLE... It should be challenged and stopped...


Cyril Borg, as inspired by the ONE...

PS... When I sent you my "link" Orkut puts out a "code word" to allow the "http" file...The word was AMAT...in latin that translates to..."HE LOVES"...

Thank you Babuji...

Cyril Borg...as inspired by Babuji... ;-))

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