Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rose's Testimonial Part 2! Sahaj Marg At Its Best!

Here is Part 2 of Rose's testimonial ... Rose (not her real name) was engaged to be married to an abhyasi until they went to India and met Catherine Lauret, the French Lady Medium, who is (they claim) channeling messages from Lalaji, Babuji, Chari's mother and Chari's wife and other "elevated souls and is published as: Whispers from The Brighter World. In no uncertain terms, Catherine proceeded to "break them up".

For the full story, see also "Part 1" :

Testimonial From Ex-Fiancée Of Abhyasi!! Big Changes Coming at SRCM (California-1997)?

Although Rose (not her real name) sent some e-mails to the Master of SRCM (California-1997), Chari, the reply Rose received was probably not from Chari, but from some "abhyasi" who is volunteering by replying to Chari's e-mails ... some e-mail addressed to Chari were apparently replied by A. J. Bhatter, who is in charge of Europe for SRCM(California-1997). A.J. Bhatter, a businessman from Kolkata, India, is Chari's hand-picked "heir apparent". The e-mails 4d-don sent to Chari, (a long time ago) were replied by Santosh Khanjee, who was in charge of North America.

Insertion for clarification by 4d-don are in "red italics"

Rose said ... (continued...)

So on the first night when we were at Catherines house, we had a satsangh from her and after it, she opened her eyes and said to us "Master just came to us in Satsagh and married you two" I wanted to laugh it seemed so ridiculous but (blanked - fiance) seemed mesmerised and loved it!

The next day we went in the morning to have satsangh from her again and again i felt nothing but (blanked-fiance) loved it and then we went to the Ashram to have breakfast. After breakfast me and (blanked-fiance) went and got showered etc and then we decided to go and have a cup of tea in the canteen ... i asked him if we could spend some time alone and not sit with Catherine if she was there as we had not really had a chance to talk to each other properly since we got to India. Guess what.....we got to the Canteen and she was there and (blanked-fiance) went straight to her and we spent all morning with her!

Then we arranged to go to her flat later for satsangh. When we got there Catherine said that we could not have satsangh yet as she had received a message from Master (again on the "inside") that they could feel her transmissions in New Delihi where he was travelling and it was interfering with the souls there and they were becoming suspicious so she should not give it yet! How absurd. Anyway we ended up spending the evening with her again and we asked her more questions.....

When Catherine had been in England at (blanked-friend) house when she introduced them to this "new way" 2 years before she had told (blanked-friend) that his house would be an ashram and that he should start converting it. He spent a lot of money lovingly converting it and we asked why he had been told to turn his house into an ashram when the whole of the UK was meant to be destroyed in a nuclear war? She said "i will ask Babuju now" shut her eyes and a few minutes later opened them and said "it was neccessary at the time so that you two had a protective bubble around you to protect you from the bad souls that were trying to attack you" she also said "we don't like receiving bad news, start preparing and sell all your stuff in preperation so it wont be too sudden when you do have to move to India because of Nuclear war"

She told (blanked-fiance) he should not be in contact with Abhiyasis who you used to be really close with because they do not accept her from the inside and they would try and attack her through him because he is linked to her-so basically she was trying to control every single aspect of his life!

I thought it was really strange the way her and Shiva both got very worried when (blanked-fiance) said he had wrote an email to Master about her and she wanted to make sure that he had not actually written her name in it- this aroused my suspicions as if Master and all the people close to him knew about her why should (blanked- fiance) not put her name in emails.

I think Catherine could see that (blanked-fiance) was having a lot of doubts and we had told her that (blanked-friend) had been having doubts lately.... she said it was good to have doubts....then she shut her eyes said Babuji was with her and said "(blanked-fiance), Babuji wishes to tell you that you have been made a preceptor"- so clever of her. She could see he was having doubts so she made him a preceptor to feed his ego a bit. She also said "Babuji is telling me to tell you that you have an amazing chance to get to know the next master before anyone else knows about her and you should use this time wisely as one day you will need Binoculors to see her"

(Blanked-fiance) also asked her something about Ajay - Catherine has told (blanked-friend) that Ajay's family had been telling him that he should be the next one and Ajay was having doubts about Catherine too but Catherine said that it was all sorted, Ajay accepted her. So we said that when she was master who would take care of the "business" aspect of Sahaj Marg- ie the accounts etc-bear in mind that Catherine can barely speak english - when she does its very broken. So we asked if Ajay would be like her right hand man - she said "No Ajay will have to go back to being the most basic Abhiyasi and he will have no role in the management of the mission and no responsibilities.

Later on she closed her eyes and asked masters inside if we could have satsangh and he said no so we went back to the ashram to sleep.

Obviously all this was totally new to me and i was very disturbed and i was crying and upset. I could not sleep properly and in the morning i told (blanked-fiance) that i did not really feel comfortable going to see Catherine this morning. He said he was going to go anyway and we had an arguement. He went off to see her but 20 mintues later he was back. He then said we would go shopping for the day with Shiva as a guide and i asked if Catherine was coming and he said "Master has told her she is not allowed to go to the shops so she won't come"

So (blanked-fiance) went to meet shiva and i got ready but could not find my shoes and i went out to try and ask (blanked-fiance) to help me find them but i could not see him and after searching for him barefoot for ages i found him sitting with Shiva and we ended up having another arguement. I went back to the dorm and (blanked-fiance) came, we made up and we decided to go shopping ... as we were walking out of the Dorm we saw Catherine and she said to us "I have received a message for you both from master you must come immediately with me"

So me and (blanked- fiance) went with her to the Mango grove in the ashram and sat and she shut her eyes and said:

"(blanked-fiance) and Rose must end their relationship immediately. They must return to England today and end their relationship, (blanked-fiance) must move out of the house they share and move back in with (blanked-friend)"

I sat there gobsmaked and i just could not believe it. I said to (blanked-fiance) "Shall we go off and have a chat about this" as i was desperate to get away from Catherine. Catherine went back to her flat and me and (blanked-fiance) started talking but he did not want to accept that what Catherine was saying was rubbish so we had an arguement and he started walking to Catherines house ... i still had not found my shoes so i followed him barefoot. I stopped walking to calm down a bit and he kept going. After about five mintues i started walking to Catherines and when i got there i was very upset, in tears and when she opened the door to her flat i was visibly upset and i asked her to ask again and she shut her eyes and said Babuji was saying:

"When Rose and (blanked-fiance) got together i did not want it to happen but i let it go on. Rose has a very deep anger samskara inside her and because (blanked-fiance) has power inside him this aggrevates Rose's anger and if they stay together Rose will be mad in 8 months so they must end their relationship today, go back to England today and live seperate lives. (blanked- fiance) has a great future in sahaj marg and nothing must stop it"

I could not believe this. I asked Catherine to ask why me and (blanked-fiance) had been put together in the first place if they knew we were not compatable and she said that sometimes problems only become apparent after cleanings have taken place. This was so strange as last night she had told me that i was very light and she had not had to do much cleaning on me at all!

I was in tears i was inconsolabe and when i looked at Catherine all she could say was "im sorry there is nothing we can do for you"

Conveniently, Shiva had the phone number on his phone that we would have to ring to change our flights! So right then he rang and changed our flights for that night. I just could not believe that (blanked-fiance) was going along with this. Catherine then said "You must email Master for confirmation that this is what he wants"

So we went to an internet cafe and we wrote an email to master asking if it was true.

We then packed and got ready to leave that night. (blanked-fiance) wanted to spend the evening before the flight with ...... thats right Catherine so i had to spend an evening with a women who was ruining my life.

On the flight back i just kept crying and (blanked-fiance) said "its not over unless we get an email from master saying this is what he wants" Eventually we got back to our house and (blanked-fiance) cleared all his stuff out and moved it to (blanked-friend) and 2 hours later her came back and said it was definately over between us. I asked if he had a reply from master and he said "no but Catherine knows whats best for me" i just could not believe this was happening. (blanked-fiance) then told me that he was booking a flight for himself to go back to India to spend a month with Catherine and to sort his head out and when he got back he would decide what he wanted.

I could not understand what was going on so i emailed master myself and asked if he wanted us to end the relationship and he replied saying "i would never tell anyone to end their relationship, you have my blessings to be together and be happy" i showed (blanked-fiance) and he said that it was a positive sign for us but then he spoke to Catherine about it and she said that because master is not a medium his inside and outside say different things but his inside wanted our relationship to end!

So as far as (blanked-fiance) was concerned our engagement was over. He made me pack my stuff and move back to my mums house and when i told her the full story she said "You are better off without him, he is obviously brainwashed" and then she showed me text messages that (blanked-fiance) had sent her that said "I will never ever leave your daughter and i will always look after her"

I was so upset at what happened that i emailed master with the whole story and asked him if Catherine was who she said she was. I got a reply saying

"You must look into your heart and use your wisdom to decide if it is real" but i wanted real answers so i persued it and i eventually i got a reply which said:

"Who is catherine and what advice she has given you is your concern. We are not aware of her and we have no interest in her wither (either??)"

I sent this email to (blanked-friend) and (blanked-fiance) but (blanked-friend) says he will make his own mind up and (blanked-fiance) is no longer talking to me (probably on the advice of Catherine)

Catherine Lauret is a dangerous women and anyone who comes in contact with her should be on their guard and beware! She has ruined my life and she is ruthless and will stop at nothing to get what she wants!



Anonymous said...

Well, i do not think the name of the scribe is Catherine Lauret..

Anonymous said...

I am also not convinced C.L. is the medium.


4d-Don said...

Anonymous and Theo...

Rose said that she and her fiance met a French Lady "medium", (with a young man (Shiva) who appeared to be her acolyte or "slave" ... not a scribe (a writer) ...

A Medium is one who claims to act as a go-between in a communication from "beyond the grave" and claims to channels messages from the "SPIRITS" of the deceased ...

As Rose has a photograph of the person she met, It will be easy to verify if that person is "Catherine Lauret" as she claimed to be ...

If she is not, then someone is hanging around the Ashrams and is claiming to be the "next" Master of Sahaj Marg (not AJ Bhatter) and claiming to be "channeling" messages from Babuji and fooling some "english" abhyasis with her "tales from Beyond". Sahaj Marg seems to have become a haven for "mediums" and every other spiritualist "crackpot" from far and wide ...

Spirituality and Spiritualism or Spiritism are not one and the same...
And predictions of "disasters" as this are a dime a dozen ... It's the way "religions" attract the "gullible" and the "weak-minded" ... It is the "opiates of the Masses" or the Fantasy and Fairy tales that sells mostly to "women", but also to naive and disempowered young men also ...

What makes you doubt that Catherine Lauret is the MEDIUM who is responsible for the Whispers from the Brighter World that will become the Next Sahaj Marg BIBLE according to Chari? (not a Scribe!! ) ...

How many French Lady Mediums are hanging around the Ashrams and gathering young men as their "acolytes", and claim to be the "next One"??

If yours are only a gut feelings then Rose's account is a "personal" meeting with that person. And her fiance met this person before in England also, and she has photos!! ...

Give us your "data" and "evidence" not just "feelings"!!

Words are cheap!! But nebulous "feelings" are cheaper than words!!

Thankfully, we are not trying to "convince" you or anyone. We are simply presenting the "testimonial" of yet another "abhyasi" who has had a "bad experience" with Sahaj Marg ...

Thanks for your comments...


Anonymous said...

Nice story and the Oscar goes to...

Anonymous said...

Dear Don,
Well..thats a long reply from you...
I am not here to prove anything.. just felt like expressing my thoughts (if it offends... i wld like to pst and disturb anymore).. specifically abt the medium...bcos i know the name of the medium... which is not Catherine... but i do not think i should not reveal it.. because i do not want to infringe on anyone's privacy...

Now regarding what you have replied.. i respect it as your opinion but i humbly disagree that mine is different..

One thing I agree is that if someone is hanging around ashrams saying that she is medium.blah..blah.. that nuclear war is coming etc etc it is stupid and SRCM people should see to it that such things are handled.. bcos.. ultiamtely..any spiritual system... is abt removela of fear of death...right.. and living life well...
But you should not generalise Don... that Sahaj Marg is a haven for mediums etc... i agree completely that this incident should be probed bcos such people shld not wander arnd causing such issues and at the same time wrecking people's marriages.
Dear Don... i never said that i am doubting the testimony of the abhyasi...

I practise sahaj marg.. and atleast for me it doesnot force anything down my throat...
Yes there are many abhyasis..who dont behave like abhyasis should...but they are after all people.. with thier own egos.. their own ideas.. it cannot be removed in one day right... otherwise.. any Guru.. anywhere ..if he can just with a brush stroke clean everybody around.. how simple life would be... so everyday we are fighting a war within ourself... and sahaj marg acts a weapon which helps us to fight that war within... but for eachone his own path....

4d-Don said...

Hi Alw...

Just as you chose a "user id" and many use "aka", the Medium may have chosen another name also ... But the "author" of the testimonial has a "photo"...

Don't you think it's kind of odd, and strange that you will be getting your "BIBLE" of Sahaj Marg from someone you don't know and who wants to remain anonymous and claims to channel messages from Lalaji and Babuji?? How can you check this person out?? You will now live according to the words of an anonymous person ... you will end up "anywhere" and who will you hold responsible? The Medium or the "message senders"?? How do you know if the senders (Spirits) are "who they say they are"... The Medium is not a "professional" and has no responsibility, she can say anything she wants...

If Sahaj Marg is about removal of "fear of death", then read the "fear and temptation" mechanism used daily by Chari!! He does not remove it but uses "FEAR" so as to keep the "adherents" trapped in his WEB ... He even used the term: "Spiritual death" as if that is possible ... SPIRIT, if it is REALITY does not DIE!!

I don't generalize when I say that it is a "haven for MEDIUMS" and Alternate therapies (psycho-genealogy, etc..) and even "astrology" and "numerology"... not very SPIRITUAL but very "NEW AGE" and very "saleable" so as to extricate money from the gullible and docile sheep ... Stand up for the love of ONE!!

With most people, Religion does not have to be "forced down the throat"... most have their mouth wide open and are ready to eat anything that anyone who wants to claim "authority" sends their way ... That is the called the "opiates of the masses" syndrome for a reason, that we see at work in "commercialism" ... If it does not work then why do so many businessmen spend millions promoting any and all "poisons" (in foods) and why do so many simply eat the poison (in their foods) and suffer and eventually die (cancer) ?? Commercialism and enticement !! Not "force"...

The claims about Lalaji is that he could change an "animal" to a Human" with just a "glance" ... If they can't produce better abhysis (themselves), then how can they promise "liberation" and/or Salvation?? Just a SCAM!! PROMISE ANYTHING... After all, they will not be around to be brought to trial!! Who will have them arrested after their death when they are on Venus with their Master? (where Chari thinks he is going after death)...

To each on his own path ...YES!! Mine is exposing scams of religious profiteers, who affect any of my PEOPLE, and any of my species, the citizens of the WORLD ...

All will know the truth if they want it... my truth and your truth are just a part of it... Now we have "Rose's truth!! ... they and you can chose what and who to believe!!

We checked Rose's story and the other parts of her story are "possible", the characters (the names) exist, and the towns exist ... So why lie about the "medium" ?? Some person at the Ashram in India, met with them and is manipulating the abhyasis!! THEM!!

Who is responsible at Sahaj Marg?? Only the Master?? Who will do anything about it?? NO-ONE!! We will not hear anything about it from the "ESTABLISHMENT" of Sahaj Marg (tm), as with all other religious abuses, it will go into the closet... We, the BLOGGERS, which Chari calls the "enemies of Spirituality", but the "friends of the PEOPLE", will expose the contents of the closet and shine the light in there ... We will be the friend of the VICTIM!!

And we will live by: "To the victim, a witness"!!

Thanks for your comment!!


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, this is "rose"

I do have a photo of catherine but i cant post it online as my ex fiance is in the picture and i have to respect his privacy.

Everything written in my story is 100% true.

When i was in India Catherine told us there were 2 french mediums who received messaged from Babuji one was her and there was another one but she did not tell us her name.

If people think my story is not true then they can but i dont know why i would waste time making up such a ridiculous story-i do have better things to do.

Anyway since all this has happened my ex fiancee and his friend have had clarification from Master that Catherine Lauret is not who she says she is and they are no longer following her.


4d-Don said...

Hi Rose...

And Don says to your ex-fiance and his friend: "You're welcome"!! Thank God for Rose!!

You might have been stuck for a long time in the grips of this "French MEDIUM" as some are stuck (adherents) in the grips of another anonymous "French Lady Medium" ...

Then they (the abhyasis) are also stuck in the grips of an: autonomous egregore", and who knows what the "collective Mind" will create with that MONSTER !! But all must "obey" and most will!!

The Monster is of the "id"!!

"Free will" is not a salient feature of Sahaj Marg(tm) as it is with Christianity ... In Sahaj Marg, if there is a fire (in one's house) and one doesn't know about it, then that "ignorant" one is relatively "happier"! God, according to Chari, did not create man with free will, and acting on accumulated "knowledge", but his natural place (as with sheep) is to "obey" any and all "Masters" OR "GURUS" who are apparently all the representatives of GOD (male) ... This is for the "serfs"... They obey the "inner circle" or any other "authority figure"... In Christianity, after the Reformation and the Enlightenment, GOD is said to have created Man with "FREE WILL"!!

Remember you who use "autonomous egregores" or other "collective psychic entities":

The Monster is of the "id"!!


Shashwat said...

ok.. so it seems the messages from brighter world does not come from "Anonymous" medium, and everyone in SRCM can at-least confirm that her name is not Catherine.

Lady is anonymous only for those outside SRCM, and those inside know that her name is not Catherine (at-least)..

the hunt is on..

lol.. these jokers


4d-Don said...

Hi all...

What is to be learned from this tragic episode?

Birds of a feather flock together!!

Those who "mis-represent themselves" are attracted to those who "mis-represent themselves". It is easy to hide one's flawed character among other flawed characters. It is easy to promote a flawed hypothesis (channeling of messages from the spirits of the deceased) among those who believe in "channeling" ... It is easier to manipulate those who are willingly manipulated daily by "pie in the sky" fantasies and stories of Salvation, Liberation, erasing of samskaras, etc.. by other "manipulators" (businessmen).

But the critical "suspension of REASON" in Sahaj Marg and other such "cults of Personalities" is what is the most at fault here...

Why did Rose's fiance and his friend so readily believe "MEDIUM no. 2"? And for so long? And why did the fiance agree to leave his "love" for the sake of "adhering" to a flawed "ism" from a un-scrupulous character? Why did the friend agree to renovate his house, in exchange for becoming a "preceptor"?

Thank "ONE" (God) the "MEDIUM no 2" did not ask for anything "criminal"!!

Would one want and accept such "suspension of REASON and such gullibility from one's doctor, the police, a judge, a soldier, a lawyer, a therapist, a surgeon, any profession?

The suspension of reason on the Path of Life is only requested by those who have something to hide or something to gain ... the manipulators and the scammers.

THE ONE and the path to ONE should make sense and REASON should not be suspended that "lightly" ... One suspends reason for love of family, friends, country, species but it should not be as cavalier as "obey me because I'm the MASTER" or "the next ONE", or a MEDIUM ... That is "EGO" ... Only those who huge egos are manipulated by "egotists"... Only the narcissists are fooled by narcissists!! A con-person can only "con: a dishonest person!!

Let us hope that all have learned a lesson and that the SAHAJ MARG philosophy and METHOD will be challenged and questioned in the future ... Specially the "channeling of messages from beyond the grave, and the use of "egregores", before any other such sad episode are repeated with more tragic results...

Use your "ONE(God)-given BRAIN to think, not the PUMP which is the HEART!! And do not use the "emotions" or the traditional (but false) emotional center, at the heart region, to make life decisions... use your BRAIN, your nerve center ...

PS... The "MEDIUM no 1" is still in hiding ... Babuji or any "elevated" soul would not use such "trickery" as channeling to communicate "energy" or SPIRIT!! ... Is Sahaj Marg "SPIRITUALITY" or SPIRITUALISM or SPIRITISM???

GET SMART!! Don't be a serf any longer!!


Anonymous said...

My dear Don,

The speculations, contemplations and what not....with regard to the 'Whispers' nothing short of a 'Hearty Confession' that the person who succeeded the Eternal Master, Babuji Maharaj has lost his connection with Him, and therefore, now the messages (so called.....with no authenticity whatsoever) are coming through another 'anonymous' medium. Who would want to believe such baseless theories!? It is really disgusting....

4d-Don said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
4d-Don said...

My dear anonymous...

I concur... and most rational person with an ounce of critical thinking will also concur...

I guess the "brainwashing" around remaining loyal and obedient to the Master (Chari) under the "threat" of behing "left behind" is strong ... It's the same "my country right or wrong" nationalism that divides "nations" and makes the "addicts" co-dependents, rather than "patriots" ...

I know the fear I felt when I finally left "Christianity" (Catholicism) and began relying on my own "contact" with ONE (the Divine in ALL), until I met Sahaj Marg through a friend and I tried it for a number of years (under Babuji) ... I left when Chari took over, after metting him "once" ... That was enough ... I am grateful for my "god-given" instincts ...

One can fool some of the people some of the time...
One can even fool most of the people most of the time...
But one can't fool all of the people all of the time ...

Thanks for the comment ...

Don ...

William said...

I really think there should be an organisation set up to psychologically support the victims of self disillusionment.
Whether it's that people are being brainwashed or that the people who end up being harmed by such a system are in some way vulnerable to institutionalised by any similar system regardless of the true aim of the system.
I noticed one recurring theme whilst practising sahaj marg and that was a form of self harm, mostly in a emotional sense. Everything seemed to be about purging the evil out of oneself to attain this ultimate condition that only one man had.
It was full of contradictions that were justified using simple mind games.
If you were to truly follow the teachings of sahaj marg as outlined in the more philosophical volumes you are told pretty much not do anything.
Everything is a double negative in sahaj marg and the great appeal of it to anyone feeling a need for some kind of spiritual fulfilment is that you unconsciously ignore the teaching that you don't like and focus on the ones that fit your own pathology.
I won't be told that I've fallen off some wagon and have become spiritually baron, I'm happy, I don't over analyse myself or others, I dream, I wish, I have desires, I love people, I enjoy sex, I have arguments, I get upset, I get angry sometimes, I enjoy eating nice food, I smoke but one thing I never do is feel guilty or regret what an amazing experience living is with all the good and the bad things that get thrown my way.

4d-Don said...

HI William...

I agree with you... I have been saying that the preceptors should also be trained in "giving advice" on every topic as they want the abhyasis to obey the Master not only in Spiritual Matters but in every aspect of life...

The Master should then also be trained in every aspect of Life and not simply be an ex-CEO or ex-businessman who has learned to make money and manipulate people...

Obedience may be part of RELIGION but not of SPIRIT! TO BE does not mean to Obey or to DO! ...

And they call this Sahaj or "Natural"??

Does the Cedar tree obey the fir tree so as to be SPIRIT or Spiritual??

Sahaj Marg(tm) has a tribal mentality, a cultural clan or a nationalistic remnant of the "CASTE" SYSTEM. It is sexist, nepotist, racist (culturalist), and shows or displays its arrogance at every corner.

It is not Universal spirituality but Nationalist (Tribal) Spiritualism. Their focus is on "spiritualism" with Mediums, spirits, messages from the dead, egregores, etc..

Thanks for you comment...
