Thursday, July 30, 2009

Controversial "Spiritual Techniques" Used On Babuji, From The "Autobiography Of Ram Chandra"

Taken from the "Autobiography of Ram Chandra" as compiled and translated by S P Srivastava, and published by Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur (SRCM). This version contains 80% of the Journals of Babuji, while Chari's, SRCM(California-1997) version contains 20% of Baubji's journals.

4d-Don's Comments: Although no mention is made of what "spiritual techniques" were used by the "Lalaji" Sufi clan on Babuji, we can assume some possibilities used by most religions and "spiritualist groups", such as the use of "autonomous psychic entities" called egregores (groupthink, angels, arch-angels), and spells. It is a "Heads Up!" to all who would lure anyone to groups who acknowledge the use of such "spiritual practices" on one another. You, your friends and family may not be as "important" as you may think!!

Any spiritual, religious, or "Mind manipulating" techniques that would induce some religious (Muslim) "young, educated, students" to guide planes crowded with innocent people into a building, is to be taken seriously... We have only to look at the history of the most religions to see the same "nationalistic fanaticism" and the use of "spiritual techniques" (such as
egregores, spells, etc...)

"Power tends to confuse itself with virtue."
J. Willliam Fulbright

Introduction to the Second Part (Volume 1)


Some persons, physically and socially close to Revered Lalaji, had claimed to be His representative and successor, and they were trying somewhat deliberately to harm and even do away with the physical existence of Grand Master's real representative in every possible way, including the use of certain spiritual techniques. Some other quite well advanced disciples of the Grand Master, being averse to the false claims due to obvious lack of real effect, had started setting up organizations more or less in allegiance to the Grand Master, but centered mainly around these so-called advanced disciples as visible personalities to guide the multitudes attached to them on the age-old path of spirituality, as brought to them by the Grand Master, who had passed out of physical existence on August 14/15 (midnight), 1931. The visible work of Revered Babuji started taking concrete shape in the summer season of 1944."

EDITORIAL NOTE pp. xiii-xiv

Perhaps, it was prepared for publication during the life-time of the author, omitting such contents as were considered unsuitable to be brought to light for one or the other reason. To me personally, however, it appeared unjust and unreasonable to drop out about eighty percent of the material, even as a posthumous publication. Some aspects which were rather mystical or capable of arousing some controversies, may probably be held back [it is therefore possible that a part of the published autobiography has been censured]. When, however, the translation under reference was published from Madras [the "spirit" or dirtiness of Chari's group seems to be there from the very beginning], without making any reference to me, in contravention of the express instructions of Revered Shri Babuji after having a cursory glance through that translation, I was left with no choice or judgement of my own to drop out some portions in my new translation of the text of the manuscript. I felt somewhat disinclined to the point of even disgust at the developing circumstances. However, there cannot be two opinions or attitudes for me in the matter of attachment or discharge of responsibility to Revered Shri Babuji. (...) In consequence, the manuscript of the diaries is coming to be translated and published, as it is, without curtailment [would finally mean that the aspects "mystical or capable of arousing some controversies" were finally included?], except where expressly prohibited [parts published by SRCMtm?], with occasional notes and explanation, in case of need to make the meaning clear. The publication of the entire text is bound to take its own time (...) [whatever, the texts published actually by the two SRCMs are both incomplete]."

Christian's comment;

Therefore, the SRCMtm version of the autobiography of Babuji is incomplete (approximately 20% original text), just as that published by the SRCM Shahjahanpur (approximately 80% of the original text), both being supplemented roughly.

For more "controversial" exerpts from the " Autobiography of Ram Chandra", see here:

Quotes from the Autobiography of Ram Chandra (with comments from Christian, on this blog)

More Quotes from the Autobiography of Ram Chandra (with comments by Christian, on this blog)

Autobiography of Ram Chandra (blog)

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