Saturday, December 13, 2008

SRCM Dictatorship at the United Nations DPI

The United Nations, Department of Public Information, (DPI) criteria includes that members must adhere to transparency principles as well promote the principles of the United Nations Organization (UNO). These include many individual, as well as group equality rights (women, minorities (lesbian, gays, transgenders), etc..). Some Religious Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), such as the Jehova's Witnesses have voluntarily and willingly withdrawn their membership to the DPI program rather that agreeing to adhere by the UN DPI criteria.

How does the UN DPI rationalize the membership and the inclusion of the dictatorial SRCM belonging to such a GROUP? (could it be because a European member of the SRCM works at the UN?)

How does the SRCM general membership adhere to the principles of the UN", and still "obey the current Master" who claims that "women can't be Masters", "that homosexuality is "un-natural" and his constant attacks on other "RELIGIONS", and even attacks on dissenting group within his own organization, and bloggers whom, in his paranoia and megalomaniacal delusion of self-importance, he accuses of being the "enemies of spirituality"? The SRCM constitution have definite "goals". Where is the "feeling of brotherhood(/sisterhood), and Love" in the SRCM (California) registered in California, USA, in 1997? How can they teach what they don't practice? Is the leadership of the SRCM similar to that of the hipocritical Religions they condem?

"Methinks they doth protest too much" (Shakespeare)

Answer: They (the members, called "serfs" in some published material) can't do anything about it, as the SRCM, as stated in its own documents, is a "dictatorship" by design. But the members who are the "backbone" of all organizations, can LEAVE as they want others to leave their RELIGION!! ONE standard for ALL.

Read the sections below taken from a scan of the SRCM Founding Constitution (1945) and it's appendices and decide for yourself. If you decide that you should forward your concerns to the UN DPI program, there is a template letter at: Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) and the UN

The "original" Constitution of the SRCM (1945)

In Appendix “A” of the Original Constitution of SRCM, Dated July 28, 1945.

Copy of the minutes of the meeting of the disciples and beneficiaries of Samarth Guru Shri Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh, U.P., held at Shahjahanpur on the 10th of June, 1945.

On the 10th June 1945, at 8 a.m. a meeting of the above beneficieries and disciples was convened at Rai Bahadur Buildings, Dewan Jog-raj, Shahjahanpur, the residence of the representative, by Mahatma Madan Mohan Lal ji of Shahjahanpur. The following were present:

(see "short list of members (23) " on Appendix “A” of Original Constitution on Item 3 of Shashwat’s blog: Freedom to Speak-Power to Speak)

Resolution No. 1

1. Allow Mahatma ram Chandra Ji of Shahjahanpur to form and name the Society after “Lalaaji” for:

a. Encouraging the down-hearted and promulgating amongst them the easier methods practicable to them, to attain social and moral aims of life, base on spirituality, traslated as “Sahaj Marg”, the system which has benefitted us all so far.

b. Creating among mankind the feeling of brotherhood and love.

2. That this association will be headed by the founder Mahatma Ram Chandra ji of Shahjahanpur, who may be called its President.

3. That a committee of at least three members should be deputed to frame out the rules and regulations and constitution of the said association on the following lines:-

a. the organization shall be entirely in the hands of its President or his spiritual representative whose orders will be obeyed in all sections, branches and training centres.

b. To encourage the public for spiritual attainment, branches and training centres may be established at the option of the President who will have free choice in all matters of the mission and will enjoy the power of veto.

c. He may select his “Working Committee to assist him in the matters of organization & control of the mission & entrust a member with any office or duty, he thinks proper or may make changes at his own discretion.

d. He may nominate among his successors, any person as his representative, who will then enjoy the same authority as he.

e. The finances of the mission shall be totally under the control of the President. 10% of the funds of the mission or as the funds allow, will go to the Reserved Fund and no withdrawl from it can be made except in cases of emergency.

f. Membership of the mission shall be open to all subject to the approval of the President.

This, although looks to be a sort of dictatorship on the part of the founder (henceforth to be called the President) but has had to be adopted to safeguard the interests of the mission, in case of any of its ordinary members or members of the Working Committee try and disrepudiate either the founder of the mission in any way. The action of the President therefore, will be the guiding principle for all the brethren (members of the mission), at the centre and other places.

These rules, regulations and constitution, when framed up, should be put up in the next meeting of the wellwihsers of the association to be held at Shahjahanpur on June 20, 1945 for approval.

4. Then they formed the Committee of three to set up the rules and regulations…
See the Original SRCM Constitution (Item 3) and the "Fake Constitution" of SRCM (California), (item 3a) registered in 1997 in California and filed with the court case as dated in 2002, but does not contain a Registration "seal" from the Registrar of Societies, in India.
See all documents (19) at Freedom From Sahaja Marg

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