Friday, January 02, 2015

Chari Has Gone to Venus?

Translation of a comment by Alexis on Elodie's blog: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.
(see also as an article on Alexis' blog: Chari s'en est allé vers Vénus)

4d-Don said: Sahaj Marg is Spiritualism (Mediums, messages from the spirits of the dead, egregores, etc...).  It is not Spirituality (i.e. Patanjali's Eightfold Path or Raja Yoga).   Spiritualism is a SCAM.   

Lalaji is not associated with Sahaj Marg.  He never was.  Don't blindly believe, check it out!!   

Babuji met Lalaji a few times during his life.  Lalaji refused to name him (passed him over) "preceptor" in 1930, a few months before he (Lalaji) died in 1931.  Babuji only claimed to be his successor over 13 years later in 1945, when he founded his SRCM (Shri Ram Chandra Mission (Shahjahanpur-1945), even though Lalaji had many legal Naqshbandiya SUFI Brotherhood,  organizations at the time.  Remember,  Lalaji was the first Hindu Master of the Naqshbandiya Sufi Brotherhood (with a lineage to the Prophet of Islam, Muhamed).  Lalaji's Sufi branch is called: NaqshMuMRa Sufi Stream, and is presided by Lalaji's grandson, Dinaysh. 

This (about Venus) is what Chari made up and said.  Then in a more recent speech, he also claimed to have lived at the time of Christ when he was allegedly crucified (because his feet now hurt). Then he claimed to have also been a "desert wanderer"  ...  Yeah, Right!!  One can claim what one wishes, it does not necessarily make it true.  If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell to you ... 

Chari in his "Constitution and Bye-Laws" ( yes, that's "bye" as opposed to "hello"?) states that  his SRCM (California-1997), registered in San Luis Obispo, California,  in the section on "evil practices", adheres to the "principles of Spiritualism" ... not Spirituality.  What are the "principles of Spiritualism"?   Silly?  Yup!!  There are no such things.

See here and compare both Constitutions (specially the "evil practices" section 11 on page 14) :

Spiritualism is not Spirituality !!  Don't take the lies (Meds?) Sahaj Marg feeds you,  and think straight. 

Don't be lured into going to "Venus" ... It is not habitable, even in the invented stories (fantasies) of spiritualist scammers, who  fictitiously credit their fantasies to un-named "spirits".  That is the nature of "spiritualism"... It is not "THE TRUTH". It is not "REALITY".   It is "FICTION" and "FANTASY".   

Babuji claimed that his Sahaj Marg was about facing REALITY.  Chari's usurped Sahaj Marg is quite different!!

Dec. 22, 2014

Chari Has Gone to Venus?

Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, 87, died Saturday, December 20 at 21 h 45.  Always in a hurry, he (allegedly) already communicated with his favorite medium the very next morning at 10:00 AM.

In December 2007 at Vrads, Chari had announced that he was 99% sure that Babuji would send him on a mission to Venus whenever he arrived at the Brighter World. That should not be very long.

 Let us wish him a good journey to Venus and let us return for a moment to our good old planet Earth.

What is going to happen now? Officially, the sinister Kamlesh Patel succeeds him as president of SRCM and as spiritual representative of Sahaj Marg.

Will Abhyasis accept this decision of Chari without snorting? Will he be as successful as Chari? No one knows ...

How will this declared "dauphin" fit between Santosh Khanjee, the organizer and Chari's henchmen  such as A.P. Durai or U.S. Bajpai?

Will Chari's son, manager of the PR Krishna estate, and his grandchildren, Barghav Krishna and Madhuri, leave him the power?

Will the central bankers (funders?) of the Mission, Madhava Reddy and Ilya Kazmaly, continue to pay or
will they close the taps?
After the messages (whispers?) from Babuji, what about the medium?  What statements is she going to attach to Chari? 

Externally, what are the positions of Dinesh Kumar Saxena, the grand-son of Lalaji; and (what about) Navneet Kumar Saxena and Sharad Chandra Saxena, the grandsons of Babuji?

What about the followers of Kasturi Chaturvedi, the spiritual companion of Babuji; K.C. Narayana, the son of K.C. Varadachari, S.P. Srivastava or even the heirs of Raghavendra Rao?

The hounds are released. Membership, implosion or explosion ... the challenge is on!


Monday, December 22, 2014

See also (the original statements by Chari):  

The Brighter World of Venus?  (Chari of Sahaj Marg) 


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