Translation of an article (in reply to Fabrice, a preceptor of Sahaj Marg(tm)): "
Devenir De Vrais Êtres Humains", on Élodie's blog in Europe: "
Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg"
To Become Real Human Beings
A plunge into the heart of the belief system of Sahaj Marg
Fabrice (a preceptor of Sahaj Marg(tm)) reveals the depths of his thought
Excerpts: "(...)
I have no need or SRCM as such or of Chari as such nor indeed of Whispers,
or the medium, or Kasturi as such. I'm not attached to any name, no
framework, no institution no particular belief IF THEY ARE NOT IN
In other words, I do not practice because I believe. Here (in spirituality) BELIEF is OFF SIDE. It does not fit at all into any account, for every belief represents a bias, a prejudice.
we speak from experience, a feeling of well-being, tolerance, sense of
peace, increase of love, no matter who the guru is, whatever the name of
the path. Spirituality
has nothing to do with proprieties, a guru does not come to please, but to
tell uncomfortable truths which can upset and can shake us in our certainties. Every Master, teacher, guide or Guru whatever his name, has his personality, his character. We therefore accept him as he is, as he accepts us as we are. It is the freedom given to us by the spiritual path: not a stereotype or a stagnant situation.
One judges the tree and the gardener by the fruit they can produce. To reject the fruit because of a prejudice is not correct nor adult. What can one say of those who do not even want to look at the fruit under the pretext that they do not like the gardener? ...
(...) Whether one refers to Sahaj Marg or to any other spiritual path, the only reality to serve as a master standard is Love. What good is ultimate wisdom, power, knowledge of the science of the causes and effects? Love is the glue that binds all things, gives direction to what I just mentioned above. Love gives meaning and coherence to our work. Love is precisely Ultimate Wisdom and ultimate power. Become Love and refine it again and again. This is the direction of the authentic spiritual paths.
(...) Well understood, Sahaj Marg should be used as a tool for self improvement. How
to deprogram one from one's conditionning, limiting beliefs, prejudices, judgment of
others, past wounds ... to become a true human being more and more conscious of one's functionning, one's choices, by putting at the heart of one's preoccupation, Love for others, attention to
others, respect for all life, patience, and (very important) respecting one's
limitations and those of others.
is unfortunate that the Sahaj Marg is so misunderstood and so often
poorly practiced in its philosophy and its implications in relation to
others. In other words, how does Sahaj Marg serve me if I do not get better every day.
(...) When I say that a spiritual practice if it is sincere, should make us real human beings ... yes! I
confirm it, and invite you to not take it out of context, but to go through
with the sentence: "... more and more conscious of one's functionning, one's
choices, by putting at the heart of one's preoccupation Love for others, care for others,
respect for all life, patience, and (very important) respecting one's
limitations and those of others."
In other words, having two arms, two legs and the most developed brain among the mammals is not enough to make us human.
Simply watch the news to realize: violence, barbarity, rape , child
rape, cruelty to animals and nature, yesterday, in a school shooting 28
dead, innocents ... I'll stop there.
There is then nothing human in this sad report, or even animal, animals do not behave like this, it is even insulting them!
you know, I am sure, what I meant by saying that spirituality is a way
to allow everyone to develop basic human values and to gradually become conscious of casting out of one's self the destructive trends that make man the worst
of predators.
I hope I was clear this time. "
After having seduced us with your small talk when there is question of love,
tolerance and self improvement, Fabrice reveals the depth of his
Sahaj Marg requires one to deprogram from one's conditionning, limiting beliefs, prejudices, etc.. (Sic). Belief is out of play (off side), everything is at the service of the experiment: the master, Whispers, the medium, etc..
Sahaj Marg requires one to get rid of one's beliefs, but it is to better adopt a new belief system.
This belief system, this culture or this philosophy are so well integrated by the abhyasis that they absolutely do not perceive it.
This culture shaped by Chari, and developed to the extreme by Whispers and taken up in a chorus by all the abhyasis is worthy of the behavior of adolescents in crisis, a
limited thinking, atrophied and lobotomized.
Thus, love of others, respect for all life, the philosophy of Sahaj
Marg and its implications in relation to others (sic) brings Fabrice and other abhyasis to declare that having two arms, two legs and the most elaborate brain is not enough to make us human (re-sic).
In other words, we are not worthy of our human condition, even an animal does not behave as badly as us. So there you have one trait of the belief system that the SRCM drives home, we are not human beings.
I regret to say that the 6 billion inhabitants of the planet are REAL human beings. By denying that quality, Sahaj Marg legitimizes all the wars of religion, and all forms of totalitarianism. Believing that some human beings are more REAL than others, is the beginning of the worst abuses experienced by our planet. This is a really CULTISH thought.
In my eyes, this about Fabrice proves that there is indeed a belief
system rooted in the depths of the SRCM: we work in our group to become
REAL human beings, others are not, do not deserve it. This is serious, very serious, and we hear a little more of it each day.
I admit not knowing how to say things so that the abhyasis will finally be made conscious of the risk of derailing which is behind these thoughts. For me they are just as sickening as the acts they accuse other people of doing, as they deny them their "human being" status. How does one explain it? This seems so obvious that words fail me, I do not know where to start.
Fabrice said:
"there is nothing human there, or even animal," I fully agree with the
second part of this claim, these behaviors have nothing to do with animals, but I reach a
conclusion opposite to his: it is that it is typically human behavior,
whether we like it or not.
The human species is capable of the worst and the best, you can not
remove the worse, you can not deny humanity its behavior considered bad,
they are an integral part of it.
The person who killed 20 children in the United States before killing
himself was a human being, whether they like it or not, there is no
Abhyasis dream of a mankind better than it is (I too dream every day that
passes), but how dare they say that "having two arms, two legs and the most developed mamalian brain is not enough to make us human? "
In doing so, they join in my eyes the most vile behavior of the human species.
On behalf of thoughts like this, they justify all abuse: the death
penalty, Hitlerian eugenics ... and probably also the ideology promoted in
As I said before, this behavior is observed in most abhyasis, more numerous, more often. This is serious, very serious, you're dangerous.
I feel distraught at not finding the words to better show you how your thinking can become dangerous, it seems so obvious.
Human values are not what you dream they are, human values are a reflection of humanity, good and bad. You are re-inventing another human species, a side of humanity, founded on the values of Sahaj Marg. I do not share your values, so I'll re-invent a third human species, and so on. We will only arrive at a better way to kill one another.
The world as it is does not satisfy you, you have chosen the internal and the personal path to change and improve it, so far so good.
But considering that your values are higher, that there is a population of
elected (an elite?), and denying the humanity of those who do not suit you, you do show the
most abject sectarianism and you set yourself lower than the ground. It is no longer human improvement, and quite the opposite, it is ridiculous.
Obviously, your belief system is so integrated that you can not even perceive the incongruity of your words. From the outside, it is obvious. Just as the possession of firearms will not be challenged by the Americans
despite the tragedy that strikes them, because it is part of their
culture, while that is the first thing that offends foreigners.
Personal message for Fabrice:
I have not managed to strike a sensitive chord in you, I'm sorry, we are in a dialogue of the deaf, and yet it is the essential that is expressed there. You're being misled in a dangerous sectarian belief system under the guise of a pseudo perfection. The more beautiful the Utopia, the more likely it leads to a totalitarian hell.
I repeat, I sincerely wish that you would meditate seriously on the implications of these thoughts. Do me this pleasure, I fear that this sums up all that I can give you from my side, everything else is useless and in vain, in the face of it.