Friday, January 18, 2013

SRCM(tm) In The World (2012)

Taken and translated from an article by Alexis: "Géographie du Sahaj Marg", called: "SRCM dans le Monde", on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg

January 18, 2013

SRCM(tm) in the World

by Alexis:   Geography of Sahaj marg

Sahaj marg in the world has 74,000 contributing members, (25,000 regular attendees, 200,000 supporters) and 3,000 preceptors, a turnover of around 26 million (Euros)  excluding real estate and assets of 130 million (Euros) . for a penetration of 12 followers per million population, a growth of 2% per annum of the membership and 6% for the preceptors.

Nota Bene: the number of practitioners, contributors and supporters are estimates. Same for the turnover and assets.   In contrast, the number of preceptors are the figures quoted by the SRCM(tm). The amount of donations over 6 years (2005-2011) comes from data from the Foreign Contributions Regulation Act of India Ministry of Home Affairs. (see link to FCRA on this blog at: "Let's Talk Money")

India has 61,000 contributing members, representing 82% of the world figures, but 55% of the preceptors and 68% of the membership only, against 93% of supporters, namely 60 followers per million inhabitants and a growth rate of 2.5% of the membership.   In financial terms, this is 67% of the turnover and 62% of the total assets excluding real estate. Most of the real estate is in India. There would be 140-200 ashrams, but only 1 BMA (Babuji Memorial Ashram), 8 ashrams Class of A and 21 of Class B + 2 CREST, two retirement centers and 1 LMOIS (Lalaji Memrial Omega International School). At the end of 2011, SRCM claimed to have about a thousand meditation centers in India.
In the rest of the world, it is 13,000 contributing members, representing 18% of the membership, but 45% of the preceptors, 32% of regular attendees, and only 7% of supporters, namely 2 per million followers and 1% annual growth of membership. In financial terms, this is 33% of the turnover and 38% of the total assets excluding real estate. There are 17 ashrams, CREST and retreat centers, but little or no land. At the end of 2011, SRCM(tm) claimed to have 102 meditation centers outside of India.

 In Western Europe it is 3-5,000 contributors in 2012, 37% the membership outside of India. This is the first region for Sahaj marg after India, more than any other continent. Its penetration rate is 11 per million followers, close to the world average.
In Western Europe there are 296 preceptors in 1995 (57% excluding India), 365 in 2007, nearly 500 in 2012 (37% excluding India). After a terribly rapid development until the mid-90s, the growth of the Mission has greatly slowed to the benefit of other continents.
Financially, the total donations from Western Europe to the Mission in 6 years (FCRA data from 2005-2011) reached 151 million rupees (2.16 million Euros or 2.75 million U.S. dollars), or more than 15% of all donations excluding India. It also has eight ashrams, 3 in France, a CREST Centre in Berlin and a Retreat Center at Vrads Sande in Denmark, an ashram in Switzerland, one in Italy and the last one in the UK.
In terms of numbers, France is by far the largest, followed by Germany and Denmark. In terms of penetration, Denmark crushes all others with more than 100 disciples per million inhabitants, followed distantly by Switzerland with a little more than 50 followers.

North America has 2-4,000 contributors in 2012, 27% ​​of the membership outside of India and a penetration rate of 9 adepts per million inhabitants. There were also 99 preceptors in 1995 (19% excluding India), 263 in 2007 and around 350 in 2012 (27% excluding India). Recent growth is mainly due to Indo-American surge. Canada will weight very little compared to  the U.S., with just over 10% of the membership.
Third region of the world with respect to membership in Sahaj marg after India and Europe, North America wins hands down on the financial charts with more than three quarters of foreign donations, nearly 755 million rroupies (10.8 million Euros or $13.7 million USD). It has five ashrams, all in the United States including two very recent additions in California and New Jersey.

The rest of Asia excluding India, has 1,000 to 1,600 contributors in 2012, or yet 11% of the membership outside of India, but less than 1 follower per million inhabitants. There are also 47 precpeptors in 1995 (9% excluding India), 109 in 2007 and nearly 150 today (11% excluding India).
Asia contributes 5% of foreign donations (0.7 million Euros or 0.9 million USD), of which 88% comes from the Middle East and Peninsular Malaysia combined. The Middle East weighs in financially for more than half of Asian gifts and more than 40% of preceptors. Peninsular Malaysia accounts for a third of the donations and almost as many preceptors. There are also two ashrams in all and for all, one in Malaysia and one in Dubai.
One might as well saythat the rest of Asia is empty of Sahaj Marg or almost, even if they try by all means to develop in China.   Along with Denmark, the United Arab Emirates are the first in the world for the penetration by Sahaj Marg(tm), with more than 100 disciples per million inhabitants.

In terms of membership numbers, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa stand around 8-900 abhyasis each with about 7% of the membership outside India each and less than 3 adepts per million inhabitants. But the dynamics are very different.
Africa has stagnated with 47 preceptors in 1995 and only 67 in 1995, while Eastern Europe has increased from 17 to 72 preceptors over the same period with a sharp increase since the fall of the (Berlin) wall, and Latin America which started from zero and reached 71 preceptors in 2007.
In financial terms, Europe is in the lead with just over 200,000 euros in donations, or 1.5% of total foreign donations, from 95% from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Romania. It is followed by Africa with less than 100,000 euros, from 93% in the Horn of South Africa: South Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius (2 thirds of African preceptors). Latin America has brought in ​​less than 10,000 euros in donations and does not have any ashram, while there is one in South Africa and one in Romania.

Oceania with between 4-600 contributors, has only 4% of the membership, but 14 followers per million inhabitants anyway. It also has 13 preceptors in 1995 (2.5% excluding India), 40 in 2007 and fifty today (4% excluding India).
Financially, Oceania accounted for nearly 1% of foreign donations, with nearly 130,000 euros in 6 years, and it still does not have its fixed ashram, Chari has fun by regularly  demolishing their plans.


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