Friday, August 31, 2012

Sahaj Marg(tm), SRCM's Succession, and Chari's Letter to Babuji of Aug, 2012

Taken from "Society for Babuji's Mission" site, this article is from Shubh Chintak Kishore who, along with Sharad Chandra Saxena, Babuji's grandson (and son of Prakash) claims to be getting his instructions directly from the spirit of long-deceased Babuji (1899-1983), founder of Sahaj Marg and creator of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM-Shahjahanpur, 1945).

4d-Don's Comment for Chari, Kamlesh D. Patel, the Board of Directors of SRCM (California-1997), the Trustees of Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation (SMSF), created by Chari and which holds the title to all the "Material" assets of his "clan":

Give to Babuji and his family, what belongs to Babuji and his family.
Give to Chari and his family what belongs to Chari and his family.
Leave with Lalaji's family and his Sufi Lineage, what was created by Lalaji and his Naqshbandiyya Sufi Master, Maulana Fazl Ahmad Khan (Hujur Maharaj),
and their Naqshbandiyya Sufi lineage

Leave for All of Humanity, what belongs to All of Humanity.

Give back to ONE, what has REALLY always belonged to ONE ... and REALLY still belongs to ONE!!

What was loaned to you in this LIFE, share now with ALL, as a gift to ALL, "that the seasons of giving may be yours and not your inheritors"
(Kahlil Gibran, the Prophet).

Then, you can go in Peace and Unity into ONE-ness!!

More About Chari by the Society for Babuji's Mission:
(See more in: "LATEST EVENTS" (Box at Bottom right of main page)

Posted On 31/8/2012 at 6:31

My first reaction to Chariji’s letters of August 2012

Shubh Chintak Kishore

I have gone through the papers from Sri Parthasarthi Rajagopalachari regarding correspondence with Rev. Babuji and the appointment of Vice-President of SRCM.
At the outset I must say that Chariji’s correspondence is really meant for his innocent members, who do not exercise their mind. I only have sympathy for such persons and can say nothing beyond that.

Further, this also shows Chariji’s utter lack of practical knowledge about the ways things are dealt with above after leaving physical body by elevated souls.

To quote Rev. Babuji “ I cannot praise anyone because my said words become law of nature ”

“I will transform into power after my physical end. All the

relations will end after my physical end”.

Then, how can He use words like,“My dearest son”, “ dear great Parthasarthi”, etc.
My heart refuses the letter of Chariji and the reply to the same by Rev.Babuji.
It is only written with future legal angle as per his knowledge.

Chariji writes on August 15, 2012 in the matter of Appointment of Vice-President SRCM.
“I wrote to beloved Babuji Maharaj”

But, Chariji did not mention how did he sent the letter to Him written on 15th August.
One could have understood if he had mentioned that he said in inter-commune.
How did he get his reply particularly in view of his own statement expressed some time back that he has no power of inter-commune with Him.

As mentioned recently by me, Rev. Babuji had clarified that He gave no inspiration as alleged. Reading the alleged correspondence under reference, it can at best be hallucination of Chariji or a way of impressing his simpleton followers or his flatterers who are puffing him as great because Rev. Babuji addressing him as ‘great Parthasarthi’.

Is his depriving the Mission of its rightful assets, rights and properties and transferring them in the be-nami name of his personal trusts, an act of greatness?

Once we agitate the matter further, his greatness will be known to the world at large also, unless he himself returns the whole thing honourably. May be it can also be said that we are living in fool’s paradise when we say he will do it honourably

There is no post for Vice-president in the constitution and Bye-Law of SRCM ?

I think it is a wise act on the part of Sri Kamlesh Patel to have no where indicated that he has accepted the position of Vice-President, As a businessman, he would like to avoid legal complication for him, if he were smart, as the earlier appointed nominee for Presidentship Sri Ajai Bhatter did by resigning after some time. It is really intriguing and surprising that everytime Chariji appoints a businessman only and not any other person who is spiritual . May be he has no spiritual person in his social organizational set-up !

Summing up the whole thing it appears like asking for moon from him –from a person who could not be even a human and to such a people looking for spiritual help !

The future events will amplify that he was only taking the followers for granted, but then it may be too late and people would have lost their valuable time.

Ultimately it is God wish that must prevail.


New Delhi
31st August 2012 (4.00 PM – IST)


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

More About Chari and Sahaj Marg(tm), from Society For Babuji's Mission

Taken from "Society for Babuji's Mission" site, these two articles are from Shubh Chintak Kishore who, along with Sharad Chandra Saxena, Babuji's grandson (and son of Prakash) claims to be getting his instructions directly from Babuji.

We now seem to have two more abhyasis of Sahaj Marg who claim to be in direct contact, and conversing with the spirit of the dead (Babuji). That is called: "SPIRITUALISM" ?

It seems that the lines of communication with the "Brighter World" or the "Central Region" are available to many ... "party line"?? Inter-Net??

More About Chari by the Society for Babuji's Mission:
(See more in: "LATEST EVENTS" (Box at Bottom right of main page)

Posted On 26/8/2012 at 9:48

Shubh Chintak Kishore

It is well known that Rev. Babuji in His last days had confined Himself in the hospitals so that the jobs which He had to complete in human frame could be accomplished by Him undisturbed there. Doctors attending to Him at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi, gave their confirmed opinion that He was in perfect good health and He would come to consciousness when He Himself wanted so, and nobody else could bring Him to the conscious state. For this reason, He was advised to be shifted to Helvetia Nursing Home, Greater Kailash, New Delhi . He later, in an inter-commune, told dear Sharad that after seeing the attitude of persons assembled at Paris in August end and September beginning 1982, He had decided to leave the world. He said “I had taken Chari to Paris to see for myself to what extent he could stoop down, which I witnessed”. Earlier this information was given but probably without name.

On 12th August 2012, Rev. Babuji instructed “ Now I want full facts to be disclosed with names in the articles by you people for awareness of others irrespective whether they believe you two or not”. As working under His instructions and guidance, we have to abide by it. Dear Sharad told me that as he was all the time with Rev. Babuji Maharaj at Paris in 1982. He used to tell him in the room with great pain that Chari is holding meetings outside. He is convincing abhyasis of the Mission especially from abroad that he only will take care of the Mission as President after Him. Dear Sharad said that He had witnessed how the very sight of Chari would make Rev. Babuji Maharaj sick because of his unpious thoughts and the false propaganda that he was carrying out against Him, the Mission and Sahaj Marg System. Rev. Babuji had also earlier disclosed to him after His mahasamadhi in an inter-commune that He got Himself admitted in the hospitals so that He could accomplish the tasks which He had to do in the human frame and also needed time to give elevation to certain people whom He liked. Now, rumour is being floated that as Babuji was confined in the hospital during His last days, so is Master Chariji also confined for doing divine work. It is the height of audacity for any disciple to compare himself with his master in divine work. When he had no divine work to do during his active life, how is it that Chari is being assigned divine work now when his mind is not even working?

Further, Chari is under punishment, that is why he is denied the Company of his close persons and is surrounded by Doctors. Rev. Babuji was a Special Personality and God-power after mahasamadhi. While Chari is only reputed to be greedy person who did things contrary to his Master and amassed fortune by selling his master’s name. While his Master only lived most ordinary fugal life though born with a golden spoon in His mouth and continued to have enough wealth through out His life. Such actions only show that he/his followers are being compelled by Nature to bring him in his true colours. Further, as per the hints from Rev. Babuji, Chari would get severe punishments from Nature while still alive and after his lifetime as well. Time will prove the truth of what is said above.

I think this is the last time I may be wanting Chari to be kind to himself by being openly frank with Him and beg His forgiveness for his blunders. But, I think Nature does not want him and his close followers to get wisdom at this stage. I wish I were proved wrong.


New Delhi, India
Sunday, Aug. 12, 2012

Posted by Vishnukumar

Posted On 27/8/2012 at 21:43

Shubh Chintak Kishore

I vividly remember Rev. Babuji talking to me with great reverence about Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur (U.P.) on several occasions. Once a supplier of electrical goods did some kind of excess billing to Shri Ram Chandra Mission. Referring to him, He said that He told him to be honest in his dealings with the Mission , otherwise he will be penalized by nature. He used to say that anybody who renders sincere service to the Mission will be taken care of in the matter of spirituality. I took clue from this statement and thought one of the easy ways I could get spirituality is to help in bringing up the Mission ’s accounts as expected by Rev. Babuji – that every penny received and spent by the Mission were duly recorded in the Mission ’s books of accounts. That was my initial thinking. Mission as a model in spirituality with equally clean state in accounts & finance and other matters, was Rev. Babuji’s vision. In the matter of accounts, He was guided by Lord Buddha’s words of wisdom based on His experience in the running of Buddhist organizations that mismanagement of accounts and finance was one of the causes for Buddhism downfall. The other cause for downfall, He had explained, was mixing of ladies.

On somebody’s remarks that the meditation hall at the Ashram at Shahjahanpur was too small looking to future expansion of the Mission ’s activities. Rev. Babuji said that there be only so many abhyasis gathering at Shahjahanpur at any one time. Remember, He used the word abhyasis and not members . By abhyasis He meant lions amongst human and not sheeps, as lions are always few compared to sheep’s population.

Rev. Babuji said His main object of taking birth was to establish a spiritual system for common persons and to see to it that the system were available at all times for help to true aspirants of spirituality. This work, He said nobody else could do. The work for increasing the number of abhyasis could be done by somebody else also. After His mahasamadhi , when Sri Parthasarthi Rajagopalachari managed to manipulate the presidency of Shri Ram Chandra Mission in his favour taking court’s help and having succeeded in his efforts, he left no stone unturned in seeing that he made the best use of that opportunity in minting money in the name of Rev. Babuji, Rev. Lalaji and the Mission (SRCM). In the process he downgraded the Sahaj-Marg system to the lowest ebb as it suited him. But, this was against Rev. Babuji’s sacred intentions and His hard labour, which Chari well realized.

Therefore, Rev. Babuji at last selected two of us, Sharad and myself, who were closely associated with Him during His physical sojourn in this world, to see to it that the value of Sahaj-Marg were restored at the level it was left over by Him. Truthfulness of accounts and finance management are inter-linked with the maintenance of the purity of any system. He said “these are the main task that you two now have to do in your life time under my direct guidance”. He does not rely on anybody else for these works. According to Him, increaeing the number of abhyasis can be done by others as well, but the above work can not be done by anyone else except two of us and if it were not done by you people now, it will never be done.

May His Grace keep showing upon us for fulfillment of the task assigned to us and further protect us from wrongful, ego, greed and other things, the main causes for anybody’s downfall.

New Delhi – India
Rakshbandhan Day
Thursday, the 2nd August 2012


See also this spiritualist blog (inactive since Sept. 2011):

Messages From Ram Chandra Babuji of Sahaj Marg

Sunday, August 26, 2012

At Sahaj Marg History Repeats Itself !!

This is a comment by Michael to the previous article: "Sharad Chandra Saxena, Grandson of Babuji (fouder of Sahaj Marg) Lets Loose! The Paris Declaration!!" . Michael is an ex-preceptor of SRCM (Chari Faction) and owner of blog: Inner Circle of SRCM, and Skai Journey

Blogger Michael said...


1922: A young man from Shahjahanpur visits Ram Chandra of Fateghar (Lalaji) in his personal spiritual quest. He visits a few more times and maintains correspondence with Lalaji unti his death.

1931: Lalaji passes, leaving many close associates to continue the tradition, in the spirit of cooperation, without competition. This proceeds without issue for more than a decade.

1945: The young man from Shahjahanpur dreams that he should be the sole successor of Lalaji's tradition, and declares it to the world. He demands that all others submit to his Mastery and Mission or be "Cut Off". He dreams of Lalaji and others who dictate a rewritten history for him to establish his Mission upon.

1983: The man from Shahjahanpur has become old. Referred now as Babuji, he suffers in his last days. His Mission is divided before his very eyes. His health is failing. His star disciple P. Rajagopalachari, repeats the identical act that Babuji performed years earlier- self proclaiming is successorship as Master, at the expense of other senior disciples. He adopts a similar tradition of receiving messages from dead Masters to validate his successorship, rewriting history and threatening harsh consequences to his dissenters if they don't comply.

2012: P.Chari now suffers in his last days, as Babuji did before him. Similarly, he suffers from ill health, and an overly ambitions, power seeking Inner Circle. In an attempt to cheat history, he strives to prevent a similar end, but his first attempt to do so fails as the candidate he initially appoints unexpectedly "resigns" from the "Master in Waiting" position.

He strategically appoints one of the more ambitious of his inner circle. This time, he puts on a dramatic performance, offering to resign as President/Master. Armed with a recent letter from his long since dead Master, full of praise and support, he temporarily stalls those lusting after power, those eager to self proclaim their successorship, eager to create their own inner circle.

... Ahh, but, the story is not ended here!

- History cannot be cheated.

- The Inner Circle is dissolving into a Spiral.

- The environment is ripe for more dissent from within.

- Dissent from outside hungrily awaits as the Inner Circle dissolves.

It doesn't require channeling messages from the dead to predict the future. Just an honest historical perspective.


Sun Aug 26, 09:57:00 AM




Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sharad Chandra Saxena, Grandson of Babuji (Founder of Sahaj Marg) Lets Loose! The Paris Declaration!

Taken and tranlated from an article by Alexis: "Sharad Chandra Saxena se Lâche", on Élodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

Babuji: "A lion is better than a thousand sheep ..."

Jesus Christ:
The Lamb of God who offers itself to take away the sins of the world.

"The sheep which is preyed upon by the lion, like all LIFE which lives for a while, and then dies or is trans-formed, deserves as much respect as the predator, the lion who slaughters the sheep for its survival."

Imperialists and Empire builders tend to idolize the predators in their heraldry and in their mythology (here are just a few):

(the lion in England, Sahaj Marg?; the tiger in Tamil Nadu; the eagle in Rome, France, Austria, Germany, Poland, Romania, Albania, Serbia, USA, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Palestine, and many more Arab nations; the bear in Russia; etc ... etc... )

August 25, 2012
Sharad Chandra Saxena Lets Loose ...
New light on the last month of Babuji's Life.
The point of view of Sharad Chandra Saxena
In 1982, Babuji said to his grandson, Sharad: "nature will punish him [Chari] during his last living days." Today, Sharad adds:
“Recently, when I came to know about Chari’s physical condition, I remembered His said words; now nature has started taking its part.”

The hostilities have resumed ...
For the last little while, there has been Broadcast Silence from the children of Umesh Chandra Saxena, Navneet and Puneet. Today it is the eldest grandchild of Babuji, Sharad, who took over the attacks against Chari. Since the death of Babuji in 1983, the succession battles between Chari and descendants of Babuji have never extinguished.
On March 23, 2011, Sharad, son of Prakash Chandra Saxena and grand-son of Babuji (eg candidate to succeed Babuji circa 1983-84) created a website entitled: Society For Babuji's Mission, , with Shubh Chintak Kishore. They said that because the SRCM had grown too fast and drifted from its original purpose, they had created their own society to promote an independent Sahaj Marg, but with the ultimate goal of eventually merging with the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM-California-1997) of Chari) (
See for French: ) ... or for English: See
Criticism of Chari remained somewhat muted, even if Sharad is presented as the one and only successor to his grandfather (Babuji):
“Last sitting of him [Sharad] with Babuji was in Paris in (August) in 1982 when he placed both his arms on his head and told "Sharad all I have, I have transferred it to you . Here after you will be the one and only powerful person".
It is perhaps worth recalling that at the moment of the succession of Babuji, his eldest son Prakash nominated Sharad (his son), which was refused because it was based on documents considered false. Only then did Umesh, another son of Babuji, presented his own candidacy, and it was accepted.
Since 1984, Umesh and then his sons, Puneet and Navneet have violently opposed Chari.
But since last year, it seems that the main opposition now comes from Sharad whom we had somewhat forgotten since 1982-1983.
Chari is aging. Since July 15th, his health problems are increasing to the point where he was absent from the ceremonies for his 85th birthday (see Health Bulletins). On August 15th, he convened an Extraordinary General Meeting where he talked about his possible resignation (see Tragicomedy in Sahaj Marg). Sharad Chandra Kishore and SC Kishore benefit from this to harden the tone, spreading both texts below about Babuji's "Paris Declaration" of August 15, 1982.
Chari is presented as opposing the will of Babuji and setting the abhyasis (Danish) against Babuji. Sharad who is accompanying Babuji everywhere, would then advise his grandfather to punish Chari who reportedly told him:
“nature will punish him during his last living days.”

For Sharad, Chari's current health problems are "just desert" for what Babuji announced 30 years ago, nature takes its revenge today ...

Everything done by Chari would (allegedly) be contrary to the will of Babuji and defamatory for the Mission he had created ...
In 2011, Sharad's opposition to Chari was mute, this time Sharad does not "use the back of the spoon", he "jumps in with two feet"!
The succession of Chari stirs lust and revives all the problems that had arisen at the time of the succession of Babuji ...

For more information, See:
(French) Babuji's family


Shubh Chintak Kishore

To-day it is exactly 30 years when Rev. Babuji signed the “Paris Declaration” at His residence at Dewan Jograj in Shahjahanpur (UP – India) . The said document was to be read at Paris ( France ) in the gathering of Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur, abhyasis who will be assembling there from all over the world to see their beloved Master. After Rev. Babuji’s programme for visiting Paris was finalized in the beginning of the year 1982, one day at Shahjahanpur .

I said to Him that great Personalities visit to some place or attending to some programme/occasion have usually been marked by performing certain commemorative things/acts, which are always remembered in future and remind & inspire the people, like Lord Rama’s presence in South is reminded by His visit to Lord Shiva temple at Rameshwaram.

So I made a humble request to Him if His visit to Paris in August 1982 (AD) could also be marked by His message to humanity which may be called ‘Paris Declaration’. He agreed to my suggestion. I was thrilled by the idea that my Master’s message given by Him to humanity from a country abroad would go down as a historic event in the annuls of spiritual history. Further, request was, therefore, made by me to Him to give guiding directions for preparation of His message for the Paris declaration. He gave certain salient features which should form part of the message with the direction to me that I should develop those ideas in consultation with Prakash, His eldest son, who was an Advocate and an expert in drafting.

Accordingly, a draft was prepared as per His directions and put up to Him for consideration. He suggested certain changes and improvements in the same. With those fresh directions, necessary amends and additions were made in that draft with due consultation with Prakash Bhai Saheb. I remember when Bhai Saheb was dictating the matter, I used to feel as if the words were coming out from Rev. Babuji’s Divine mouth. Finally, the declaration was written in fair handwriting by me on white paper and put up to Him for signature. He heard it very carefully and then put up His hand to the Paris Declaration on 15th day of August 1982. It was His direction to keep the document secret till it was read at Paris .

Printing of the declaration was done at Delhi under my directions and sent to Paris along with Rev. Babuji. Maintaining its secrecy thereafter was not in my control. Stating as preamble that humanity was one and power for human evolution will flow from His place in India - He gave the road map for its propagation throughout the world. It is a document for organizational step-up and propagation of the Sahaj Marg System Founded by Him. The ‘Paris Declaration’ did not suit Sri Parthasarthi Rajagopalachari. He opposed it at Paris and reportedly excited abhyasis from abroad against it. Dear Sharad who was with Rev. Babuji all the time at Paris, has been very recently instructed by Him to disclose the activities of Chari in this regard at Paris for awareness of abhyasis as the time for that has now arrived. Dear Sharad, would, therefore, be writing separately on this subject. Chari’s activities while working as Acting President of the Mission, are a witness that he did not follow Paris Declaration. May the glory of my Master – Rev. Babuji’s – shine and illuminate the hearts of true seekers of humanity all over the world till this universe lasts.


New Delhi
15th August 2012


Last conversation with Rev. Babuji Maharaj
at Paris (France) in August and September 1982
before His mahasamadhi 14th Aug 2012

Sharad Chandra

During the morning meditation today at 3.40am, I was remind of the words spoken by Rev. Babuji Maharaj at Paris around the same Indian time. Babuji; “What all I am telling you regarding My mission (object) and about popularly known members, never hesitate to make it public. I trust your boldness; it is important and is required to fulfill my mission (object)”. Sharad; All these popularly known members of SRCM are quite elder to me in age, how to say your opinion about them? Babuji; Spirituality is bold and independent, it has no connection with physical age. It rewords or punishes as per the actions.

I am opening many secrets before you with the belief that it will reach all deserving considered through you. Most painful happening at Paris; Few Danish abhyasi came to meet Rev. Babuji Maharaj and told Him, “Babuji, if you declare this Paris declaration we will leave the mission”, He was not happy hearing this, He looked at me and I immediately requested Him to permit me to reply them He permitted and I told them if you want to leave the mission, please do that and get out from the room, but the Declaration will be made. After they had left, Babuji said to me “why Chari planted this way and made people to talk like this to me”. I said because Chari wants to take your position, he is looking for and waiting for impossible position. Please punish him, He waited for some time and said nature will punish him during his last living days.

Recently, when I came to know about Chari’s physical condition, I remembered His said words; now nature has started taking its part. His talks with me showed that He was well aware of future planning of Chari and that is why He has mentioned every thing in Paris declaration. Since Chari was not happy with Declaration, so he started convincing people to oppose it. In reality, it in no way concerns members, it affects only untrue office bearers. My observation confirms that all his work is against His wish which is defaming His created mission.



Exerpt from:
About Sharad Chandra

Sharad Chandra was born in famous saxena Kayastha family. Ramchandraji was his grandfather popularly known as "Bapuji". In 1979 Bapuji visited his room and asked him to come to him for meditation. His first experience soon after closing his eyes, was that he had reached different level of world. After reaching room he realized that bapuji was very powerful and could change anything from bad to good or vice-verse. He started meditation but was not regular .

Second sitting to him was given by Rev. Babuji in 1980 for ten minutes and the same day he told Sharad his faculty for "Vairagya" has been opened. Third time he was given sitting in 1981. Every time in his sitting he felt that he was drenched in power. Last sitting of him with Babuji was in Paris in (August) in 1982 when he placed both his arms on his head and told "Sharad all I have , I have transferred it to you . Here after you will be the one and only powerful person". Sharad chandra is whole heartedly working for " Bapuji mission to make Sahaj Marg as world religion".

Shri Ram Chandra mission founded by him is globally knowned and accepted as perfect way of God realization. Sahaj Marg is the natural and easy way of self realisation. Inner Inspiration by Sharad Chandra is precise reflection of his thougth derived from Special personality known as Rev. Babuji.

The deeper understanding of "Inner Inspiration" will remind you about William Shakespear words "Brevity is soul of inner wit".


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tragicomedy at Sahaj Marg(tm)

Taken and translated from an article by Elodie: "Tagicomédie au Sahaj Marg", on her blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg

Comments and additions by 4d-Don are in "red italics"

Old pop song:

"First you say you do, and then you don't
Then you say you will, and then you won't
You're undecided now, so what are you going to do."

So much SPIRITUALISM (emotions, drama, mediums and messages from the "spirits of the dead" or from the dead "HIERARCHY") and not much "SPIRITUALITY" !!

LOVE (tolerate), and UNITE ... Give back what was taken!!

August 15, 2012

Tragicomedy at Sahaj Marg

I resign, I will not resign. In fact, I do not know. Do you still want me? Oh, really? Good then okay, but it is really to please you.

Even tired and sick, Chari has a sense of communication and buzz (spin?) . It's a pretty charade, beautifully staged and beautifully orchestrated, the muses of dramatic arts have been treated.

Seriously ill for four weeks, and unable to participate in the ceremonies of his own birthday, Chari convened an Extraordinary General Meeting on August 15th at Manapakkam and we were told that it would be broadcast on the internet.

Before hand, he (allegedly, according to himself) sought advice from Babuji who (allegedly) responded (or the anonymous French (lady) medium did). His question and Babuji's answer are written down, and it is Kamlesh Patel who begins to read them. Visibly very emotional, he will not finish reading it. (someone else must continue)

Chari proposes to resign, so that Kamlesh Patel will become the third president (of Chari's faction) of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (California-1997) and the Spiritual Representative of Sahaj Marg(tm), unless the "Hierarchy" (?? Lalaji and Babuji??) asks him to stay.

In short, he requests Babuji's clear advice, who does not give it but (allegedly?) supports him, no matter what he does (Babuji allegedly calling him "great Chari") .

End of the reading of the question and answer.
Chari turns to the committee for deliberation. They call for him to stay (not to retire). And he accepts on the condition that Kamlesh Patel accepts to become the vice-president. Thunderous applause in the room.

Nothing is missing, not even the crocodile tears of Kamlesh who pretends to be surprised. Chari got what he wanted, that they beg him loud and clear despite his health problems. He is really "much too much" into emotional blackmail.


See video of events (speeches etc..) :



Sunday, August 12, 2012

UPDATED Health Report on Chari, President of SRCM (California-1997) and Sahaj Marg(tm)

Taken from and article, "Bulletin de Santé", on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg. Original articles from Sahaj Sandesh of July 27, 2012.

An Anniversary Without the Master

From Sahaj Sandesh:

Update on Revered Master's Health by Dr. Natwar Sharma – 27 July, 2012

Dear sisters and brothers,

Our beloved Master has been unwell since Sunday, 15 July 2012. It started with fever due to a Urinary Tract Infection, which resulted in a significantbut reversible kidney injury. With antibiotics, the kidney function started to slowly return to normal. Despite being on antibiotics, he continued to have regular and intermittent episodes of fever, which resulted in the use of additional medications.

On Tuesday 24 July, Master developed an infection in the left foot and in the chest. All the infections are now under control, but this has had a huge impact on Master’s health and as a result he is very weak. The breathing has now been temporarily augmented by a respiratory machine [BiPAP]. Master is now being fed through a Nasogastric Tube. The specially formulated diet will establish a good base for sustainable nutrition and health and will also hopefully make him stronger than he was before.

Master is responding to all of the above measures positively. He is now fully conscious and alert and on the way back to his normal self.

We are deeply thankful to the entire team of doctors who have worked tirelessly over the last 12 days to make this recovery possible. As per doctors’ readings, they expect that Master should be able to return to base-line health parameters that prevailed on 14 July 2012 in the next two weeks or so.

We request all of you to continue to pray for our beloved Master’s speedy recovery and for his good health and long life. Under the circumstances, please give him enough space and privacy to recuperate.

Most affectionately,

Dr. Natwar Sharma

Update on Revered Master's Health by Dr. Natwar Sharma – 1 August, 2012

Dear sisters & brothers,

Since the last bulletin dated 27 July, Revered Master has been making slow but steady progress.

His infections have cleared and his kidneys are functioning well. He is off all antibiotics and all IV lines have been removed. He is able to tolerate longer periods off BiPAP (breathing machine) support, and we expect to wean him off the machine gradually. Though he is still receiving the bulk of his nutritional needs through the NG tube, we have started augmenting this with normal food, in increasing proportions daily. We hope that the nasal feeding will stop in a few days, as soon as his daily nutritional needs are met through the oral feed.

Physiotherapy and nutritional rehabilitation are the key areas that are now being actively addressed. He is regaining strength each day and making positive moves towards recovery. He is now able to sit up and take a few steps, and this morning spent half an hour seated in his wheelchair in the verandah in front of the cottage.

Please continue to pray for his speedy recovery. We seek your co-operation until he is back to his normal state. We would request that you plan a visit to Manapakkam ONLY after we notify his ability to receive visitors.

Thanking You,

Dr. Natwar Sharma


Update on Revered Master's Health by Dr. Natwar Sharma – 5 August, 2012

Dear sisters and brothers,

Beloved Master had a recurrence of urinary tract infection with low-grade fever. A Consultant Urologist was called in today, who examined Master thoroughly and advised further work up at the Apollo Specialty Hospital, which was done in a few hours and he is back in the cottage. Subsequently he slept well and we expect that his rehabilitation and recovery will continue without any further hindrances.

Wish you a very good day !


Dr. Natwar Sharma

Update on Revered Master's Health by Dr. Natwar Sharma – 11 August, 2012

Dear sisters & brothers,

Master underwent a PET/CT scan today to eliminate any possible localized sources of infection. This was done as a consequence of recurrence of fever over the last three days. Fortunately the scan was clear and there are no localized infection hotspots anywhere.
Since the removal of the naso-gastric tube two days back, he has been eating by himself. We are hopeful that this recovery will be sustained and that he will be back to normal soon.


Dr. Natwar Sharma

Sunday, Aug. 12, 2012


Elodie said:

A good-day to all...

An extraoridinary "General Assembly" and a sick Master. It smells like the final great decisions.



Master's Message - Call for a Special Bhandara on Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Dear brothers & sisters,

With the blessings of the Hierarchy of the Great Masters of Sahaj Marg and with the approval of my Beloved Master, Revered Babuji Maharaj, it has been decided to celebrate Wednesday, the 15th of August 2012 as a special Bhandara in Manapakkam Ashram. It is very important that devotees try to be present for this one-day occasion. An Extra-Ordinary General Body Meeting has also been called for on this day.

It would be good if abhyasis make attendance, at this special Bhandara, their first priority. Satsangh will be held at 6.30 a.m., 11.00 a.m., and 4.30 p.m.

May His love flow forever.

P. Rajagopalachari

Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012


Wednesday, August 01, 2012

The Two Faces of Racism and Spiritualism at Sahaj Marg(tm) and SRCM (California-1997)

From Chari's speech titled: Stand Firm - Obey The Heart, At the Ashram Auditorium Inauguration/Address to Omega Alumni, 1 June 2012, Chennai, India,

Inserts and comments by 4d-Don (author of this blog), are in
"red italics"


"He (Babuji) has been saying in almost two-thirds of his messages that the present-day human beings will more or less disappear, giving place to a new humanity where they will be united by love, not by considerations of caste and colour and creed, which is a curse on today’s humanity."

Yet, in Babuji's letters, according to Frank, ex-preceptor and ex-Region-in-Charge of SRCM(California-1997) for the Netherlands, one finds this quote in letter exchanges between Chari and Babuji: (See here for more: Babuji, Sahaj Marg and "Skin Complexion"! Colour discrimination??)


the description of this aspect of the marriage episode of chi. umesh (babuji's son) starts on page 57 of 'letters of the master vol. iii'.

letter of 31 october 1969 from babuji to chari: (just the relevant quote)

"An officer in the Ministry of Home Affairs has started marriage negotiations for his daughter with Umesh. I have a mind to finalise the marriage of Umesh without consulting him if he does not object. I shall give him a good match. I received the photo of the girl today. The face-cut is good and I am told by one of my near relatives that she has white complexion."

and later:

12 November, 2010 10:38:00 AM PST

[continued from previous comment]

letter from chari to babuji 16 march 1970 (page 72 same book):

"A gentleman by name Mr. S-- S-- and his wif called on us yesterday evening on behalf of Shri R.P.S-- of Hardoi, said to be a retired sessions judge and a close associate of your family for the last 25 years. They came to meet us and Chi. Umesh in connection with a proposal to marry Sow. C--, one of the daughters of the judge Shri R.P.--. The girl is stated to be an M.A., a good artist in painting, well versed in domestic duties, but complexion is "savla". I have requested Mrs. S-- S--, who is related to Mr. R.P.--, that she should write to Mr. R.P.-- to contact you directly. I trust they will do so."

which is the complete relevant passage in this letter. i'm sure you will see the implication of this little by-sentence:

' but complexion is "savla" '

(savla (or sawla, sawala) means dark and is generally seen as less desirable than fair or white), especially when contrasted with the other qualities...!

And today, Chari, in the same speech of June, 2012, now pretends to receive his "whispers" directly from Babuji. (Look Ma! No Medium!) :


"Even this morning I received a message where he says: 'Love and faith alone can achieve this.'

Have they learned and changed yet? Have they apologized? Are they still concerned with: "skin complexion" and "cut" and "height"? When did they become "MASTERS"??

Does the "curse" of RACISM and SPIRITUALISM come from THEM??

As Chari mentions later, since according to him, God is MALE (a Father, Him, etc...) then one can see why the discrimination which is Racism is still practiced towards the "females".

"He (God) is the parampitaa, as we say in Hindi – our Ultimate Father – He who has produced this world and all of us with it. So we must understand that what holds us together as families is affection, mutual dependence, some trust in each other, some belief in a family, things like that. Love? Well, only There, only for Him."

Flawed theology leads to flawed philosophy, to flawed psychology, and finally to a flawed society.

Hopefully, the "alumni" of Omega will become more "Saintly" or more moral than the Masters of Sahaj Marg(tm), so that the "curse" of RACISM and SPIRITUALISM which they practice, will be eradicated from the whole of our society, not just from RELIGION, specially the "new spiritualist religions" now coming out of India.

See also:

Babuji, Sahaj Marg and "Skin complexion"! Colour Discrimination??

Blatant Colour (race?) and Sexual Orientation Discrimination by Babuji and Chari of Sahaj Marg(tm) and SRCM(California-1997), a member of UNDPI
