We now seem to have two more abhyasis of Sahaj Marg who claim to be in direct contact, and conversing with the spirit of the dead (Babuji). That is called: "SPIRITUALISM" ?
It seems that the lines of communication with the "Brighter World" or the "Central Region" are available to many ... "party line"?? Inter-Net??
More About Chari by the Society for Babuji's Mission: (See more in: "LATEST EVENTS" (Box at Bottom right of main page)
Posted On 26/8/2012 at 9:48
Shubh Chintak Kishore
It is well known that Rev. Babuji in His last days had confined Himself in the hospitals so that the jobs which He had to complete in human frame could be accomplished by Him undisturbed there. Doctors attending to Him at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi, gave their confirmed opinion that He was in perfect good health and He would come to consciousness when He Himself wanted so, and nobody else could bring Him to the conscious state. For this reason, He was advised to be shifted to Helvetia Nursing Home, Greater Kailash, New Delhi . He later, in an inter-commune, told dear Sharad that after seeing the attitude of persons assembled at Paris in August end and September beginning 1982, He had decided to leave the world. He said “I had taken Chari to Paris to see for myself to what extent he could stoop down, which I witnessed”. Earlier this information was given but probably without name.
On 12th August 2012, Rev. Babuji instructed “ Now I want full facts to be disclosed with names in the articles by you people for awareness of others irrespective whether they believe you two or not”. As working under His instructions and guidance, we have to abide by it. Dear Sharad told me that as he was all the time with Rev. Babuji Maharaj at Paris in 1982. He used to tell him in the room with great pain that Chari is holding meetings outside. He is convincing abhyasis of the Mission especially from abroad that he only will take care of the Mission as President after Him. Dear Sharad said that He had witnessed how the very sight of Chari would make Rev. Babuji Maharaj sick because of his unpious thoughts and the false propaganda that he was carrying out against Him, the Mission and Sahaj Marg System. Rev. Babuji had also earlier disclosed to him after His mahasamadhi in an inter-commune that He got Himself admitted in the hospitals so that He could accomplish the tasks which He had to do in the human frame and also needed time to give elevation to certain people whom He liked. Now, rumour is being floated that as Babuji was confined in the hospital during His last days, so is Master Chariji also confined for doing divine work. It is the height of audacity for any disciple to compare himself with his master in divine work. When he had no divine work to do during his active life, how is it that Chari is being assigned divine work now when his mind is not even working?
On 12th August 2012, Rev. Babuji instructed “ Now I want full facts to be disclosed with names in the articles by you people for awareness of others irrespective whether they believe you two or not”. As working under His instructions and guidance, we have to abide by it. Dear Sharad told me that as he was all the time with Rev. Babuji Maharaj at Paris in 1982. He used to tell him in the room with great pain that Chari is holding meetings outside. He is convincing abhyasis of the Mission especially from abroad that he only will take care of the Mission as President after Him. Dear Sharad said that He had witnessed how the very sight of Chari would make Rev. Babuji Maharaj sick because of his unpious thoughts and the false propaganda that he was carrying out against Him, the Mission and Sahaj Marg System. Rev. Babuji had also earlier disclosed to him after His mahasamadhi in an inter-commune that He got Himself admitted in the hospitals so that He could accomplish the tasks which He had to do in the human frame and also needed time to give elevation to certain people whom He liked. Now, rumour is being floated that as Babuji was confined in the hospital during His last days, so is Master Chariji also confined for doing divine work. It is the height of audacity for any disciple to compare himself with his master in divine work. When he had no divine work to do during his active life, how is it that Chari is being assigned divine work now when his mind is not even working?
Further, Chari is under punishment, that is why he is denied the Company of his close persons and is surrounded by Doctors. Rev. Babuji was a Special Personality and God-power after mahasamadhi. While Chari is only reputed to be greedy person who did things contrary to his Master and amassed fortune by selling his master’s name. While his Master only lived most ordinary fugal life though born with a golden spoon in His mouth and continued to have enough wealth through out His life. Such actions only show that he/his followers are being compelled by Nature to bring him in his true colours. Further, as per the hints from Rev. Babuji, Chari would get severe punishments from Nature while still alive and after his lifetime as well. Time will prove the truth of what is said above.
I think this is the last time I may be wanting Chari to be kind to himself by being openly frank with Him and beg His forgiveness for his blunders. But, I think Nature does not want him and his close followers to get wisdom at this stage. I wish I were proved wrong.
New Delhi, India
Sunday, Aug. 12, 2012
Posted by Vishnukumar
Posted On 27/8/2012 at 21:43
See also this spiritualist blog (inactive since Sept. 2011): Amen
New Delhi, India
Sunday, Aug. 12, 2012
Posted by Vishnukumar
Posted On 27/8/2012 at 21:43
Shubh Chintak Kishore
I vividly remember Rev. Babuji talking to me with great reverence about Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur (U.P.) on several occasions. Once a supplier of electrical goods did some kind of excess billing to Shri Ram Chandra Mission. Referring to him, He said that He told him to be honest in his dealings with the Mission , otherwise he will be penalized by nature. He used to say that anybody who renders sincere service to the Mission will be taken care of in the matter of spirituality. I took clue from this statement and thought one of the easy ways I could get spirituality is to help in bringing up the Mission ’s accounts as expected by Rev. Babuji – that every penny received and spent by the Mission were duly recorded in the Mission ’s books of accounts. That was my initial thinking. Mission as a model in spirituality with equally clean state in accounts & finance and other matters, was Rev. Babuji’s vision. In the matter of accounts, He was guided by Lord Buddha’s words of wisdom based on His experience in the running of Buddhist organizations that mismanagement of accounts and finance was one of the causes for Buddhism downfall. The other cause for downfall, He had explained, was mixing of ladies.
On somebody’s remarks that the meditation hall at the Ashram at Shahjahanpur was too small looking to future expansion of the Mission ’s activities. Rev. Babuji said that there be only so many abhyasis gathering at Shahjahanpur at any one time. Remember, He used the word abhyasis and not members . By abhyasis He meant lions amongst human and not sheeps, as lions are always few compared to sheep’s population.
Rev. Babuji said His main object of taking birth was to establish a spiritual system for common persons and to see to it that the system were available at all times for help to true aspirants of spirituality. This work, He said nobody else could do. The work for increasing the number of abhyasis could be done by somebody else also. After His mahasamadhi , when Sri Parthasarthi Rajagopalachari managed to manipulate the presidency of Shri Ram Chandra Mission in his favour taking court’s help and having succeeded in his efforts, he left no stone unturned in seeing that he made the best use of that opportunity in minting money in the name of Rev. Babuji, Rev. Lalaji and the Mission (SRCM). In the process he downgraded the Sahaj-Marg system to the lowest ebb as it suited him. But, this was against Rev. Babuji’s sacred intentions and His hard labour, which Chari well realized.
Therefore, Rev. Babuji at last selected two of us, Sharad and myself, who were closely associated with Him during His physical sojourn in this world, to see to it that the value of Sahaj-Marg were restored at the level it was left over by Him. Truthfulness of accounts and finance management are inter-linked with the maintenance of the purity of any system. He said “these are the main task that you two now have to do in your life time under my direct guidance”. He does not rely on anybody else for these works. According to Him, increaeing the number of abhyasis can be done by others as well, but the above work can not be done by anyone else except two of us and if it were not done by you people now, it will never be done.
May His Grace keep showing upon us for fulfillment of the task assigned to us and further protect us from wrongful, ego, greed and other things, the main causes for anybody’s downfall.
New Delhi – India
Rakshbandhan Day
Thursday, the 2nd August 2012
Messages From Ram Chandra Babuji of Sahaj Marg
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