June 8, 2015
Heartfulness Meditation or Sahaj Marg?
A new message from Alexis: Heartfulness Meditation, the New Face of Sahaj Marg
Six months since Chari's death, and the Patel / Medium duo has placed an indelible mark on the Mission. The roadmap of their project is widely implemented:
The General Aim in view:
To make (the abhyasis) dream and win the support of the adherents so as to tilt the world towards spirituality. Its operational implementation is to develop the membership of the SRCM.
Practical means:
"Be contagious" each abhyasi must recruit a new follower per year, to allow for exponential growth.
Multiplication of the preceptors' duties especially vis-à-vis the new arrivals.
Development of Heartfulness Meditation, a hidden Sahaj Marg which moves forward without mentioning its name.
Result Indicators:
We are already seeing an increase in membership. Hyderabad ashram is the scene of an ever-stronger egregore. The effects of the announcements allows one to ignore reality and be self-satisfied.
The example of Lyon (France) Seminar (May 15 to 17):
To gather 2,000 European abhyasis and to open the invitation to all during the "Heartfulness" seminar sessions. Icing on the cake: an egregore with sensitive effects is reported by the abhyasis.
"The number of our abhyasis is growing, a very special egregore is also developing dramatically; it has just begun and we are happy. "(Whisper 4/03/2015)
“The second idea Kamlesh bhai developed was
the importance of the collective (...) : without ‘us’ egregore is not
possible. And as Babuji puts it, so nicely, ‘I need help from you all.’
Imagine the great Master asking us for help, and what sort of help is he
asking for? (...) Because with such an attitude, practising, I am able
to create a certain vibratory level, and when so many individuals come
up together like that it creates an egregore. According to him, when a
certain vibratory level will be reached on this planet, when that
tipping point is reached, the mutation will happen automatically.” (May 15, 2015, Heartfulness Seminar, Lyon, France)
"Abhyasis from Lyon have reported that
the atmosphere of the entire city seems to have changed, including the
behaviour of people. There was a new warmth and openness that hadn't
been seen before in the city, and that has instilled joy in the hearts
of all." (Bulletin No: 2015.55)
See also:
(recent English articles on this blog)
- Le portrait de Patel
- Nouvelle donne : esquisse d’un projet Spirituel/spiritiste
- Le Sahaj marg entre changement et continuité
- Heartfulness : quand Patel, la Mission et le Sahaj marg avancent cachés
- Médium : quand une femme s’empare du pouvoir
- Une succession rondement menée
- Hyderabad : kanha shanti vanam project