Friday, February 13, 2015

Patel's Sahaj Marg

Translation of an article: "Le Sahaj Marg de Patel", by Alexis on Élodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.  

Feb. 13, 2015

Patel's Sahaj Marg 


Two speeches after the death of Chari and a few Sahaj Sandesh (s) later, Patel's program shines through and gradually emerges. The "Whispers" published in (almost) real-time strengthen and clarify certain aspects.

First to mark his difference and affirm himself, Patel establishes the "right of inventory" on the legacy of the "Chari period"  (1983-2014), of the SRCM and Sahaj Marg.  Lack of unity, organizational, communication, etc etc. In short, a system of classism and privileges, jealousy and competition which Chari did not know how, or want to oppose.
“(...) I am so mad. Privileges. We have crossed the limits of spiritual civility by showing ourselves to be so important. (…) We start establishing a class system in our Mission, (…) thinking ourselves as superior to others (…). You are not exclusive (…). Jealousy, discord and competition (…) kills everything.(…) This class system will be finished once and for all. (...)”

Then, after opening the door to criticism of the legacy of their spiritual father, Patel expressed his allegiance to the editors of the Whispers of the Brighter World.   Reviving Chari's tradition of a tireless globetrotter, he first visits "Mother" Hélène Peyret, one of the French (anonymous) mediums of whom he breaks the anonymity.  

"Mediums are not lacking in the Mission, whatever the possibilities that they give themselves."  The Whispers add: " Many decisions will need to be taken; he [Patel] will constantly be guided and better enlightened about what to do. (...) "
In pledging allegiance to the mediums, Patel relaunches the mystery around the religious myth of Sahaj Marg. The Central Region suddenly becomes a much higher and more remote and inaccessible level, while the  Whispers accelerate the pace by jumping to the chapter of the "final stage", which brings us even closer to  the Apocalypse.
The scenario looks like science-fiction ... We are far from Paradise! The Brighter World is only the anteroom of the afterlife where Babuji, Chari and the cartel of Masters are awaiting the abhyasis to guide them, because the journey is just beginning.

“Many people dream of the Brighter World, but it is just a waiting period for our Masters. They would like to take us and show us the other worlds.”  " Or even: "A lot of people still do not have this concept of the reality of their earthly transition and continuity of their existence elsewhere on other planes of consciousness (...). "
They will then move up multiple levels, and go from one dimension to another to approach the Central Region.  

 “It is not a journey from place to place; it is from dimensions to dimensions (…). I don’t know how many of you have read a message by an entity called The Foreigner (Stranger?). I think he is mentioned in the third or fourth volume of Whispers. He is introduced as a person arriving into the Brighter World (…). Who is this Foreigner? (Stranger?) He descended from yet another higher dimension. So there are many, many, many dimensions awaiting us. That travel (journey?) is awaiting us; don’t waste time here, breaking your head and heart (…).” 

And, along the way, we can cross the most unlikely creatures, not necessarily the most pleasing ...

The Whispers add that Chari had not understood anything of the Brighter World: 

"Parthasarathi discovers the path of Sahaj Marg otherwise, from very high up one might say. (...) Our dear Parthasarathi marvels at what he discovers, out of reach of an incarnated being, however great it may be."
Patel denounced the excesses of Chari's reign, but Whispers calls for the strengthening of the hierarchy desired by Chari and promises a restructuring:
"Its important extension [that of SRCM] will require a more structured setting with senior officials at its different parts. (...) A High Hierarchy will insure the cohesion of this essential structure for the functioning of the unprecedented spiritual empire that it will become (...). [Chari] considered some new arrangements to facilitate certain aspects of the practice; everything must be done in this direction (...). Change will happen in the Mission: New rules will be established (...).  The Mission is growing, the burden of responsibility will too, it will in the future be structured differently to achieve a global cohesion. (...) New rules will be established; the progress of the mission in the world calls for changes that will be beneficial to all. We strive unceasingly and support this way of the heart which the elected  will strengthen what exists  for its global development. »
And Patel confirmed in Sahaj Sandesh (No.  2015.7 January 28) his dependence on Whispers for the reorganization of the SRCM:   

“[Patel] mentioned some of the new changes the Hierarchy of Masters have permitted in the Mission, as have also been indicated in recent messages from the Brighter World.”
Patel and the mediums announce some changes to meet the drifting of the SRCM into a class and privileges system under the chairmanship of Chari, according to Patel; and for future growth, according to the mediums. They agree on one point: the need for change, to restructure the organization, strengthen the hierarchy ... so strengthen the establishment.
The Whispers then return to the need to change the rules of preceptorship:  

"Being a preceptor is not trivial, this commitment to the Master and to the entire Hierarchy is to be considered before all things. Sometimes changes must occur to meet the needs of the moment. (...) Its extension into the world will call for new rules, particularly with regards to the preceptors; it will be time to redefine and renew under the circumstances (...).
And, Patel continued in Sahaj Sandesh (No. 2015.13 of 12 February): 

 “(…) There were many important topics related to prefect work discussed as well. There have been requests from so many prefects to share the contents of the talks delivered to prefects in New Jersey. I would like to share the same theme in person with prefects all over the world in a systematic way. The program will be announced shortly. (…)”

But it's again the mediums of Whispers who best sum things up:  

"Life Changes, the world changes and the Mission grows; All this brings about a new way to see things in its organization, and at all levels.  We leave our dear Kamlesh get settled in his role as Master to bring about necessary changes.  An adjustment should be done in several points;  the elapsed time has allowed us to see what needed to be changed for the good of all.  We are watching over things, new rules will be instituted, we will return to this; one thing at a time  (...)  The growing number of abhyasis require new development, we will return evoking some things to change.  May our abhyasis be reassured, everything will be done for their benefit and for that of the Mission.  We will inspire the chosen Master so as to guide him in this necessary restructuring in some points, especially in the practice."

Patel also provides the mission schedule for the coming months: birthday celebration of Babuji in Lucknow (with a probable Kamlesh visit to the ashram of Shahjahanpur), a big birthday party for Chari at Thiruvallur.
Finally, Patel reaffirms the importance for Chari of the " Ongoing Kanha project "in Hyderabad, which he probably will also visit. Then it was the turn of a Whisper January 15

"(...) This large building under construction [Hyderabad] become an important and symbolic point of it [the mission] is now in the lives of many human beings (...)"
All of that, after the first Whisper of Babuji September 9, 2014.

" (...) This mecca of the Mission in the Making (Hyderabad) will have a prominent place, it will become the flagship, the attractive point this mission in perfect connection with all the other centers of the mission in this world. (...) "
The headquarters of the SRCM was Shajahanpur under Babuji, then Manapakkam under Chari, tomorrow, will it be in Hyderabad underPatel?

Hyderabad, the capital of a restructured SRCM by strengthening the hierarchy and the establishment, according to the requirement of the mediums and despite Patel's anti-system diatribe, with a priority on the reform of the preceptorship ...
Is there a real desire for change and reform? Simple effects of announcements or the signs of a coming change? Time will tell ...


Sunday, February 08, 2015

Chari's Sahaj Marg

Translation of an article: "Le Sahaj Marg de Chari", by Élodie on her blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

Feb. 8, 2015.

Chari's Sahaj Marg

A Regressive and Protective System

"Nothing will ever replace the experience and the inner feelings" reply Fabrice and other abhyasis to our criticism.

Honor to the sensations, then, at the expense of true spiritual evolution.

Babuji claimed nothing less than offering his disciples a method for realizing a fusion with the Divine (access to the central region) during their short earthly life.

With Chari, one has forgotten all that.  One is pleased to have sensations, and that is enough.

One feels something "(during the) time of a moment, a meditation, a seminar" and everything is for the best. A moment shared with Chari, a fleeting ecstatic time around the meditative experience or of the egregore (Groupthink?) of a seminar; that is (allegedly?) enough to raise Sahaj Marg on a spiritual pedestal, something with which to believe one's self superior to others, (who are alleged to be) too materialistic to feel anything.

The Whispers of the (anonymous) medium, and thousands of distilled daily messages, have replaced the central region and
the too-inaccessible Divine fusion access for the Brighter World and the great masters when we die: "When our abhyasis leave this world, they can then measure the journey traveled and to rejoice." (Whispers)

Chari and the abhyasis have built a system in which the Divine is gone, replaced by the incarnate and living Master, the promises of Whispers for the future and in the beyond.

Competition and ecstatic one upmanship, fleeting sensations, field of ego and magical thinking
"the problem US !! US with our immaturity, US with our naivety, US with our eager requests for a perfect PAPA (Chari?) and for a protective and loving MOMMA (SRCM?), WE with this childish fear of being disliked if we starts criticizing (does this sound familiar?), WE with this visceral fear of entering into this life, WE with our little ego, increasingly subtle and more and more solid, WE with all these defense mechanisms (see Anna Freud...)  

WE with this very human temptation to turn our backs on ourselves (See the excellent film of an Indian director "The Village" available in most video clubs ...) WE with this almost obsessive quest for the Holy Grail, WE with this very egotistical tendency to want to stand apart from the masses  (I HAVE a spiritual path, I HAVE a Master in India, I feel a lot of things, in short I am different from you (= the working and materialistic masses), WE with this transfer of responsibility (we are supposed to know nothing, understand nothing, and live this pseudo-abandonment as a spiritual quality) when in fact it is simply laxity and irresponsibility.

Hence, we cultivate feelings ... which allows us to easily get away with things. For true spirituality demands a considerable effort, outstanding ethics, unusual self-giving and perhaps a few of us are able to consider spirituality in this light (we would call that into question too ). And thanks to all these feelings, we have the feeling of getting out of our torpor ... for a time, for a moment, for a meditation, for a seminar ...

But at the very beginning (of SRCM?) ... remember? ... there was no question of searching for sensations ... but to evolve!! To feel more human, more loving ... in short,  to GROW !! Instead of this, WE have participated in this regressive system."

Patel says the same thing, see:  "Jealousy, discord and competition" (Speech 12/27/2014  Serve our Master by Serving Humanity)



Sunday, February 01, 2015

About (Shri Ram Chandra Mission) SRCM, Belgium

Translation of an article: "Statuts de la SRCM, Belgique", by Alexis on Élodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

February 1, 2015
Status of  the SRCM, Belgium
How was the establishment of SRCM constituted?  And what about Chari's "inner circle"? The (legal) statutes of the Belgian SRCM explain very well the genesis of this "among ourselves" proceedure.

After the GUIDE to create one (1)  local organization, was published by the Mission to explain to the abhyasis how to circumvent the democratic rules that govern associations; (and) after the example of the Rules of Procedure of the SRCM, France, we now see (see below ... in French) the example of the Belgian statutes.


Status of the SRCM, Belgium

The Registry of the Commercial Court of Nivelles recorded the statutes of the non-profit association (npa) SRCM Belgium on June 21, 2007.

Full members, associate members and benefactors, 3 categories with very distinct powers. The adherents, the common and majority position of the abhyasis have no rights, except to be able to attend the general meetings as observers.

Conversely, full (staff?) members are selected by the President according to his functions with the SRCM, India and only among them will be appointed the members of the Board of Directors.

As for benefactors, they are chosen by the Board of Directors. With full members, they are the only ones with the right to vote at general meetings. Including to elect the Board of Directors.

Finally, the President may establish internal regulations and by himself alone, can change them at will.


Exerpts (of legal documents) in French:

Article 5 : Nombre, qualifications et admission

L’Association est composée de membres « effectifs », de membres « adhérents » et de membres « bienfaiteurs »
Seuls les membres effectifs jouissent de la plénitude des droits accordés aux membres par la loi et les présents statuts. Les membres adhérents jouissent des seuls droits sociaux qui leur sont reconnus par les statuts de l’Association. Le titre de membre bienfaiteur peut être décerné annuellement par le conseil d’administration aux personnes qui rendent ou qui ont rendu des services à l’association.

Sont membres effectifs
1 Le président en fonction de la « Shri Ram Chandra Mission » en Inde, enregistrée dans le « Societies Registration Act of U.P. (1860) » par Shri Ram Chandra de Shajahanpur, son Président Fondateur. Celui-ci est membre de droit.
2 Les personnes qui participent à la vie de l’Association, prennent part à ses travaux, à quelque titre que ce soit et qui en ont fait la demande au Président qui statue seul sur ces demandes sans avoir à motiver sa décision.

Article 8 : Composition
L’Association est gérée par un conseil d’administration composé de trois membres au moins, élus parmi les membres effectifs par l’assemblée générale à la majorité des deux tiers des voix de ses membres présents ou représentés, sur proposition du président en fonction de la « Shri Ram Chandra Mission » en Inde, enregistrée dans le « Societies Registration Act of U.P. (1860) »

Article 14 : Composition
L’assemblée générale se composée [sic] des membres effectifs et des membres bienfaiteurs. Les membres adhérents sont informés de la tenue des assemblées et peuvent y assister sans toutefois pouvoir voter.

Article 19 : Règlement d’Ordre Intérieur
Il peut être établi un Règlement d’ordre intérieur. (…) Ce Règlement est entre les mains du Président qui est seul habilité à le faire évoluer (…).
- SRCM Belgique
