Thursday, July 30, 2009

Controversial "Spiritual Techniques" Used On Babuji, From The "Autobiography Of Ram Chandra"

Taken from the "Autobiography of Ram Chandra" as compiled and translated by S P Srivastava, and published by Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur (SRCM). This version contains 80% of the Journals of Babuji, while Chari's, SRCM(California-1997) version contains 20% of Baubji's journals.

4d-Don's Comments: Although no mention is made of what "spiritual techniques" were used by the "Lalaji" Sufi clan on Babuji, we can assume some possibilities used by most religions and "spiritualist groups", such as the use of "autonomous psychic entities" called egregores (groupthink, angels, arch-angels), and spells. It is a "Heads Up!" to all who would lure anyone to groups who acknowledge the use of such "spiritual practices" on one another. You, your friends and family may not be as "important" as you may think!!

Any spiritual, religious, or "Mind manipulating" techniques that would induce some religious (Muslim) "young, educated, students" to guide planes crowded with innocent people into a building, is to be taken seriously... We have only to look at the history of the most religions to see the same "nationalistic fanaticism" and the use of "spiritual techniques" (such as
egregores, spells, etc...)

"Power tends to confuse itself with virtue."
J. Willliam Fulbright

Introduction to the Second Part (Volume 1)


Some persons, physically and socially close to Revered Lalaji, had claimed to be His representative and successor, and they were trying somewhat deliberately to harm and even do away with the physical existence of Grand Master's real representative in every possible way, including the use of certain spiritual techniques. Some other quite well advanced disciples of the Grand Master, being averse to the false claims due to obvious lack of real effect, had started setting up organizations more or less in allegiance to the Grand Master, but centered mainly around these so-called advanced disciples as visible personalities to guide the multitudes attached to them on the age-old path of spirituality, as brought to them by the Grand Master, who had passed out of physical existence on August 14/15 (midnight), 1931. The visible work of Revered Babuji started taking concrete shape in the summer season of 1944."

EDITORIAL NOTE pp. xiii-xiv

Perhaps, it was prepared for publication during the life-time of the author, omitting such contents as were considered unsuitable to be brought to light for one or the other reason. To me personally, however, it appeared unjust and unreasonable to drop out about eighty percent of the material, even as a posthumous publication. Some aspects which were rather mystical or capable of arousing some controversies, may probably be held back [it is therefore possible that a part of the published autobiography has been censured]. When, however, the translation under reference was published from Madras [the "spirit" or dirtiness of Chari's group seems to be there from the very beginning], without making any reference to me, in contravention of the express instructions of Revered Shri Babuji after having a cursory glance through that translation, I was left with no choice or judgement of my own to drop out some portions in my new translation of the text of the manuscript. I felt somewhat disinclined to the point of even disgust at the developing circumstances. However, there cannot be two opinions or attitudes for me in the matter of attachment or discharge of responsibility to Revered Shri Babuji. (...) In consequence, the manuscript of the diaries is coming to be translated and published, as it is, without curtailment [would finally mean that the aspects "mystical or capable of arousing some controversies" were finally included?], except where expressly prohibited [parts published by SRCMtm?], with occasional notes and explanation, in case of need to make the meaning clear. The publication of the entire text is bound to take its own time (...) [whatever, the texts published actually by the two SRCMs are both incomplete]."

Christian's comment;

Therefore, the SRCMtm version of the autobiography of Babuji is incomplete (approximately 20% original text), just as that published by the SRCM Shahjahanpur (approximately 80% of the original text), both being supplemented roughly.

For more "controversial" exerpts from the " Autobiography of Ram Chandra", see here:

Quotes from the Autobiography of Ram Chandra (with comments from Christian, on this blog)

More Quotes from the Autobiography of Ram Chandra (with comments by Christian, on this blog)

Autobiography of Ram Chandra (blog)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"Brotherhood", Sahaj Marg Style!!

These are examples (in words) of the Brotherhood displayed by Chari, the President of SRCM (California-1997). The UNITED NATIONS DPI Program should be made aware of this. For actions of SRCM(California-1997), see my blogs of the translations of Newspaper reports of physical attacks on the Babuji Memorial Ashram. See also interviews with the the family of the Founder on Youtube and/or at: Freedom From Sahaj Marg

Is SAHAJ MARG in a "corrupt Brotherhood" with the UN ... or is the UN just another "corrupt" organization being played by Chari and the SRCM (California-1997)?

"Power tends to confuse itself with virtue."
J. Willliam Fulbright

Examples of Chari's and Sahaj Marg's Brotherhood With Other Religions:

Chari's Brotherhood with Christianity:

So you are lucky. If you were in religion, you would have to go to church and you know, tell lies in that wonderful place called the confessional. "Lord, forgive me for what I have done this week." And there's an equally sinful priest on the other side of the curtain saying, "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I absolve you of your sins." Something he has no power to do. No man on earth has power to absolve you of your sins except two people: one yourself, and one your God. In between there is nobody who can do it. That is why religion is useless, that is why religion has failed. That's why you are all here, not in church.

(Reverence, Respect & Restraint), Denmark, Nov. 2005,

...and later:

I am no Christ, you know, to crucify myself on the cross for all of you. Do you think Christ was a wise man, that he became crucified so that forever and ever after humanity is absolved of its sins? I don't think so. It gave you more license for indulgence. But after all, you have been forgiven two thousand years ago for what you are going to do today, what your children are going to do ten years hence, and so on and so forth. I don't think he was wise. He left no room, no incentive for human beings to change, become moral, become spiritual. You are all happy, you see, that you had a Christ who got crucified. None of us weep for Christ. We are happy. "God bless him," we say, which is another blasphemy. You need blessings, not Christ.

(Reverence, Respect & Restraint), Denmark, Nov. 2005)

Chari's Brotherhood With HINDUISM:

At a preceptors' seminar in January, 2001, Chari stated:

Chari's Brotherhood With Hindus

"In the Indian scene, the Hindus and Hinduism is corrupt. God is personified as somebody who can be bribed with gifts, with so called prasads - offering temptation of Heaven which fact Babuji emphasized in His teachings, saying that religions depends on two instruments - temptation and fear."

Chari's Preceptors Brotherhood with Christians

"I am afraid that Sahaj Marg is suffering in this way because even when Christian people become abhyasis and preceptors, they somehow, somewhere along the way seem to lose this idea of love, charity, compassion, faith and become preceptors. So what Spirituality offers and can deliver, our priesthood, I would categorize you as, say temporarily as priesthood - they destroy."
(Speech by Chari at Preceptor's Seminar, Jan. 2001)

Babuji's Brotherhood, in a Letter About the "Mohamedan Systems"

This letter dated Feb 14, 1963 (St Valentine's day), on SRCM official letterhead, signed by "Ram Chandra" can be found on the NaqshMuMRa International Fellowship (click on it to enlarge) .

"The Mohamedan systems have all breathed their last and this, the Sahaj Marga, the ONLY ONE, has now emerged out in their place."

The Sahaj Marg Brotherhood with "Religions" in the Sahaj Marg Material:

Abhyasi's question:

"Why do I have to give up my existing religious practices?"

Chari's answer: "All religious practice involve the worship of God as being outside us. It is called Bahya Upachara in Sanskrit. Spirituality puts God where HE* really is - inside the human heart, and indeed at the heart of every created thing, as Krishna Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita. One cannot mix the two. In the Vedas Murthy Pooja is called the lowest form of worship. Mantra is only a way of pleasing the mind, and bhajans please the senses, while giving the illusion of being a form of worship. I trust that this will be satisfactory. If people have more questions, they should be encouraged to read the Gita slowly, and try to understand it. Love to all."

* God is "MALE", and Nature is Female, according to Chari. (see here)

(Sahaj Sandesh No.: 2005.31)

Brotherhood With Women, (God is MALE) in Stories for Youth

According to the teaching of this system, God is simple, and therefore, the way to reach Him must be simple. On the Nature of the Divine, when asked why in all the written material, God was referred to as "Him", Chariji replied: "God is Male, Nature is female."

(SMRTI-Youth Services-Story Telling)

Is Chari a self-titled Master? Does he control his "web sites"?

Chariji has repeatedly asked people to stop calling him "Master" or referring to him as such.

In his "Heart to Heart - Vol. 1" by P. Rajagopalachari. (Pages 270-280 "Who is a Master?") 1st Edition 1988 - Published by Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.

"But some people persist in addressing me as "Master". I have been annoyed by this practice myself..I have never claimed to be a Master.. It is unfortunate that some people ..are addressing me by that term." "So in fact, the purpose of my talk is to request all of you to stop addressing me as Master."

In spite of this, the Mission of which Chari is "president" persists in disobeying this request and the material has Chari as one of the Masters of the Mission.

Sahaj Marg Brotherhood With All RELIGIONS
In the Value Based Spiritual Education, lesson 10
(This VBSE curriculum is being taught to children at LMOIS and many other schools in India.)

There are five very important reasons, why we should get away from religious bondage –

a. It creates division among people.
b. Every religion talks of "one God" but states that only their God is the best.
c. It promotes disharmony, violence and wars. (my highlight in red)
d. The real meaning of the tenets is forgotten and only the rituals are adhered to.
e. Religions put fear and temptations into the hearts of the people. (my highlight in red-see this blog for example of "FEAR" tactic by Chari)

All religions in the world say the same thing i.e. "seek within". But do they? The answer is NO. Then what is the way? Transcend religion and move towards spirituality.

...Love of God, to become one with Him.

(my highlight...4d-don says: Notice that "They" attribute the Masculine to the DIVINE)

...Religion enforces an externalization of the mind in man’s search for God. Religion requires belief and faith. Religion speaks of seeing God, speaking with God, hearing God’s voice etc.

That is not true of most religions I know. But communicating with "spirits of the dead" is exactly what the evidence shows SRCM (California-1997) is doing. What does Babuji's autobiography say of his inter-communication with the deceased Lalaji, Vivekananda, and others?, And what is "Whispers from The Brighter World" if not SPIRITUALISM? And what about the other spiritualist rituals such as creating an autonomous "egregore"?? A GROUPTHINK with a "mind of its own"!

"Methinks they doth protest too much" is an appropriate line by Shakespeare.

See on this blog: VBSE at LMOS of SRCM (California-1997)

Chari's Brotherhood with Homosexuals (Gay, Lesbians, Trans-genders):

"That is why Sahaj Marg is performing marriages—no questions asked, except whether you are old enough to get married, and whether you are a man and a woman. Unlike the churches in the world, we don’t perform same-sex marriages. That is unnatural. God did not intend it to be thus. Please excuse me, it is a personal comment, it is not Sahaj Marg. But there are things, as Babuji Maharaj said, “If God did not want two sexes, he could have as well created one and seen that the world propagated by itself.” There are unicellular organisms called amoeba which just split when they want. No problems of sex, no problems of love and hate, no problems of, shall we say, illegitimate babies, no need for Viagra. You know, when it is big enough it just splits and there are two. “Behold, there was one and now there are two,” says the Lord. So God could have done anything he wanted, you see. Why two sexes? Not so that one sex should marry among themselves, isn’t it? So, what the church may allow, I don’t have to condone or accept. To me, it is a very blatant misuse of so-called privileges of the human being, fundamental rights, et cetera. Of course, if you claim it is your fundamental right to go the dogs, so be it! Even God cannot stop it. "

"That is not His weakness; that is His strength that he gives us the liberty to do what we will. It like a boxing father, heavyweight champion, allowing his pugnacious teenagers to pummel away at him. He just laughs, “Yeah, go on, son. Come on, one more.” And the pugnacious son thinks he is going to knock his father out and suddenly, wham, you know. The son is at the corner of the room and the mother is wailing away: “How can you do it to my son?”

Speech by Chariji "Balance-The Crux of Life" Jan 20, 2006 in Malaysia

See My blog: "Chari-ty" creates a "gay-bashing" egregore!

Chari's Example of Brotherhood (or son-hood for the Mother) While Chosing a GURU

"....So I repeat, the Guru is the only friend. In fact, I have said this so often, that in the Sufi philosophy, the Guru is called Friend. "The Friend is coming". Because he is the only fellow who can give his life for you. He is the only fellow, therefore, to whom you must hand over totally, a Power of Attorney....."Do with me as you think I deserve to be done with. Kick me when I have to be kicked. Beat me when I have to be beaten. Curse me when I have to be cursed. But make of me what you think I should be eventually, because only you can do it."

"So once more I say this in all humility....if you must have a Master, find a fellow who is capable of, you know, throwing you around, beating you up, cutting you to pieces. Remember Parushurama's father and the stern test that young boy had to make for obedience...."Kill your Mother". "Yes"..."

"He pulled out the sword and cut off her head. He said, "I am pleased with you my son. Ask for anything you want." He said, "I want my mother alive." And He said, "So be it." and she got up and walked off.

The Guru is the Master, when you say of destiny, it means life and death. He must be the Master of your life as he must be the Master of your death."

(From Heart of the Lion, Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari)

Sahaj Marg Brotherhood with Astrologers and those who leave Sahaj Marg

Whatever may be the status of astrology as a science, sincere abhyasis of the Mission should not be guided by it because my Master has categorically said that sadhana is to change one's destiny. Therefore, for a sincere abhyasi, astrology cannot and will not work. It can only talk about the past very accurately. The future is in our hands to create with my Master's grace, blessing and help. Your coming into the Mission may have been because of your merit carried over from the past. However, nobody can leave the Mission exept through foolishness and superstitious belief in other things. So you should never think of this.

(From: Spider's Web, by Chari, Volume 1 Page 91)

Chari's Brotherhood with WOMEN

12:30 p.m. On why a lady cannot be a Master Babuji said that a Master of that caliber gets orders from above, and their work includes that of destruction. A woman is not capable of such destruction. All this talk about equality between men and women the more they talk about something, the less they will get it. Equality is different from equalization. There are high pressure and low pressure areas. In the process of equalization, the wind flows from here to there, and this process if what creates the climate. If the pressure were the same everywhere, there would be no climate. This is the way of nature: Inequality Equalization Inequality Equalization (alluding to a low pressure building, winds blowing from other high pressure areas, another low pressure building up, etc.) Today you see American woman trying to do everything that the male does. They join the navy seals It is not a job for them. I might offend the woman here, but God did not create both as equals. Each have their own sphere of functioning.

see: Transcript of audio tape or Chari at Satkhol Airport (November, 2001): Quotes you won't find in Sahaj Marg PR Material


November 25, 2001, 8:45 a.m

But there are several people still in the mission who are undisciplined. So saying, He turned and looked at a girl who was sitting right next to Him (As if He was saying this to her). And almost immediately, she began to wipe off some tears from the corner of her eyes. And Master, looking at this, said Now, Dont you start. I do not understand women at all. Say the slightest of things harshly, and they begin to create a scene. It appears that I should only talk about superficial things like the food, the weather, etc. to them. Anything stronger than that, they cannot take it. I do not know what Mami (referring to His late wife) will think about all this. Maybe she will pull me up for what I am saying now, once I get to the brighter world. I do not know whether I am going there or not, but she is there.

Chari's Brotherhood with the Bloggers (ex-abhyasis)
, the "enemies of Spirituality"

"The common people (mortals) , they are people who come, judge, and judge again and consider starting blogs on the computer, which is now a curse because everybody has a computer. And these blogs can influence the mind of an abhyasi more than the truth of the practice (…) Why do we ignore the proof that we produce in ourselves in terms of a certain level of relationship with the Guru, and prefer the claims coming from disgruntled people who have left the Mission, who dropped out, who have renounced, who are the enemies of spirituality. "

From: He! The Hookah and I, (the Master and the Disciple) by Chari
See Blog: The enemies of Spirituality

Chari's Brotherhood with Children

"You know, I am still young at heart. That’s why I wander around the world; I wink at girls, no? [Laughter] I believe they like it, too, at least the more mischievous, naughty ones! Don’t you? [Abhyasi: Yes.] Aha!"

From: Retaining the Spirit of Youth
A talk given by Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari
to the Youth on 22nd January, 2006 in Malaysia

Inquiry and Response About Babuji's "Journals"!

This inquiry was left on my blog: Quotes From "Autobiography of Ram Chandra" (Sept. 10, 2007) by a surfer from Minsk, Belarus.

Anonymous said...

The Regard Don!

The question Beside me. But where "material" after 1955? Hitherto nobody has not published.

July 29, 2009 3:20:00 PDT AM

Reply by Christian:

Christian, an abhyasi with Chari for 18 years, then with ISRC of Narayana for a short time, is now an "ex-abhyasi". Christian is a research psychologist and a psycho linguist.

Christian Said:

I am only in possession of 4 volumes of Babuji's journal:

Part I: early life, adult life, at the feet of the Master, Journal (1928 - 1932) - vol 1 1899-1932 (2nd Ed 1980 1500 copies)

Part 2: Instructions and Spiritual Teachings received from Masters
- vol 1 : 1944 May/Sep (1st Ed 1987 3000 copies) - Preparation
- vol 2 : 1944 Oct - 1945 Mar (1st Ed 1988 3000 copies) - Declaration
- vol 3 : 1945 Apr - 1955 Jun (1st Ed 1989 2000 copies) - Contribution

More volumes, which were not published at the time these three volumes were being printed, were supposed to come (it is therefore possible that these additional volumes are published now, but I have not seen them).

The reason why you will not find these essential writings at the Shri Rajagopala Chari Mission (SRCM) is that this crook and his gang have never been in possession of the master's manuscripts. All rights belong to the SRCM Shahjahanpur from which Chari parted to start his own SRCM in a brotherly spirit.

The content of these manuscripts bring a new light on the teaching of sahaj marg, far different from the endoctrination that Chari is spreading to poison the mind of people. Babuji's teaching is closer to sufism, and Babuji insists repetitively on the use of discriminative intelligence, involving the heart as well as the mind, to walk on the path - as did his master. The spiritual teaching Babuji received is full of humanity and good sense, far from the madness of Chari, but it seems that Babuji spoiled it with seeds of poison fully bloomed today.

Abhyasis are not people anymore, they have become robots. These are not humans, but these are selfish objects.

I doubt that Babuji would ever have lovely words towards Chari if he was back today, contrary to the messages' content that a French medium delivers for business purposes.

Kind regards


See highlighted section about Chari and his clan by the author of the Autobiography of Ram Chandra, and section about "Spiritual Techniques used on Babuji" in this article:

Controversial "Spiritual Techniques" Used On Babuji, From The "Autobiography Of Ram Chandra"

Friday, July 24, 2009

Whispers: "Persecution", cried the Persecutors!!

This is the full "whisper" dated July 15, 2009 (allegedly received April 10, 2001) as channeled by an anonymous French Lady Medium and sold in a series of books called: "Whispers From The Brighter World" ($250.00 US for first edition (2008) ... $150.00 US for second edition (2009). Many more editions to come (2010-2011- indefinitely) !!

This series of "whispers" is allegedly channeled from some "spirits of the deceased" (Chari's mother, his wife, Babuji and Lalaji and other "un-named" but (claimed to be) elevated souls of the departed. The series of "whispers" will become the future "Sahaj Marg Bible", according to Chari, the current President and self-titled Master of SRCM (California-1997). SRCM (California-1997) is a re-registration in the USA, of the Society registered in India in 1945 by the Founder of Sahaj Marg and the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM-Shahjahanpur-1945). That society is also operating in India and is presided by the founder' s grandson, Navneet Kumar Saxena. Dispute for control of the name and the society is in Supreme Court of India.

(For confirmation of above statement, see: "An Invitation" by Chari on the Sajaj Marg Spirituality Foundation (SMSF) site, or this article on this blog: The Sahaj Marg Bible?... According to Whom??

Tuesday April 10, 2001.

Be wary of the confusion that is being made between the workings of our spiritual method and all psychoanalytical practices that are currently springing up. It is not desirable to make connections between them. Criticisms currently made by the media against Sahaj Marg in France, allude to leaders who manipulate our candidates by involving them in both disciplines.

It would be necessary to stop mixing it all up by considering abhyasis as potential clients and vice versa. Therapist preceptors are not serious enough on this point, hence numerous problems are already caused by this lack of vigilance. Either abhyasis don't understand the beauty and subtlety of our way, which speaks for itself, or they are personally in difficulty and need these therapies, very much valued in the West, and must get treatment. It is necessary to put things in perspective, and not to lump everything together.

Spirituality is not to adapt to any purpose. It is easy for criticisms emanating from outside, in this movement that is currently raging in France, to seize this aspect of a detrimental tendency, that is developing in our way: too often mingling these practices that have got nothing to do with our Mission and are not part of it.

Signed (as if it was from) BABUJI

See on this blog: SRCM (Sahaj Marg), Astrology And Therapies of All Kinds!!

I think the autonomous "egregore" is influencing the Sahaj Marg congregation through this "anonymous" MEDIUM!! The events in France are so minor, that they are only important to the "French" in that immediate area, and the Medium seems to be "colouring "the so-called "whisper" and is projecting her own "nationalism" or "lack of" via the "egregore", into the future BIBLE of Sahaj Marg. The French are dealing with it in a "French" fashion and with a certain "French" style and flair. Live with it! It is, " you say", elegant!

This "whisper" confirms the allegation made by the "BLOGGERS" (the so-called "enemies of Spirituality" according to Chari in his book: "He! The Hookah and I" (see also "lies from He! The Hookah and I" on this blog). I guess Babuji must also be an "enemy of Spirituality".

There is no corrective mechanisms in the SRCM (California-1997) religious pyramidal structure where the "deviants" (those who deviate) investigate and correct themselves or not. Which victim of these "therapies" will "complain" without being marginalized and deemed: NEGATIVE or a "bad disciple" and have to "leave the group" or forego their prefered place in the Sahaj Marg heaven or their "Brighter World" ... Read the "WHISPERS" (July 15-25, 2009) and see the "Just wait.. do nothing...It's all "meant to be" attitude placed on the shoulders of "Babuji" (Babuji can't defend himself here.) ... I would be ashamed to milk the masses that way with a straight face. The un-professional (amateur) "anonymous French Lady MEDIUM" will have her "judgement day" also ... The Law of "ACTION and REACTION" or KARMA still functions well in the ONE's UNIVERSE, does it not? And the Samskaras that Sahaj Marg has claimed to "erase" will be experienced as "reactions" in other lives, if they exist at all. The "Brighter World" will not be an "efficacious" hiding place, as Sahaj Marg claims it's neo-SPIRITUALIST system to be.

Notice the Religious "persecution" complex at work: Those who allegedly attack others "violently", and re-register the society of others, now claim persecution by "WORDS". The "bullies" can't stand "words" that expose their corrupt METHOD. T Y P I C A L

"movement that is currently raging in France"

There is no "movement currently raging in France". This is just the "religious" diversion tactic of SRCM (California-1997) crying: "religious persecution!!"... and they make it out to be a LARGE movement of "French bloggers" RAGING ... and apparently waking up and/or manipulating the "liberal (corrupt?) media", who would do anything for an "audience"... UNLIKE the egotistical SPIRITUAL Businessmen of SRCM (California-1997) with their many houses, hotels, businesses but claiming to be "living in simplicity" and teaching that to their charitable "FUNDERS", the poor abhyaisis, who will pay the mortgages on the Ashrams and the many "Master's cottages" and "retreats" for the well-to-do, and cover the "travelling expenses (lodging, food, seminars, entertainment, etc .. ) of the well-to-do (businessmen) "inner circle" of Chari.

And then ...

Is this an "endorsement" by "alleged" Babuji (or the anonymous Medium projecting...) for these therapies? Many of these questionable "therapies" are not "much valued" in MY part of the WEST ... The "REAL" Babuji should know that, should he not? Notice the last line: "and need these therapies and must get treatment". Yes, but not with these NOT "much valued in the West" therapies such as "astrology, psychogenetics, Emotion-Free Therapy (EFT), etc...) And the question begs: Why is Sahaj Marg not helping them out?? Why are some (and members of their family) getting (emotionally) ill after becoming involved with Sahaj Marg? Why are so many abhyasis "emotional" or "depressed"??? (see testimonial of ex-abhyasi)

(...) "or they are personally in difficulty and need these therapies, very much valued in the West, and must get treatment."

It is interesting that this "message" comes from a anonymous French Lady "MEDIUM" who is now claimed to be "channeling" the future Sahaj Marg BIBLE, and not from the PRESIDENT of SRCM. Now that's religious or spiritual responsibility, and accountability, eh?

Since the time Chari became secretary of SRCM, Sahaj Marg has recruited as "preceptors" many from the "mental health" field, including many from the "alternative therapies", some of which verge on "quackery" and "cons". And some of their clients could fit in well with what is commonly called: the "lunatic fringe" of the broader society. Babuji warned about this, as there were apparently "disturbances" (even physical confrontations) at some of the Sahaj Marg meditations in Europe in Asia. Some ex-abhyasis have had to resort to restraining orders to keep these troubled "seekers" at bay, after they had left the group. Sahaj Marg or more accurately, the SRCM (California-1997) has become a marketing ground for salesmen and sales-ladies of all kinds of questionable products and/or un-registered therapies, targeting the vulnerable and emotional "spiritual seekers" who are sold every products and so-called "therapies" under the sun. Sahaj Marg is a "captive audience" of "dis-empowered" and easily maleable "serfs" who are "slaves to desires" and taught to "surrender". (Groupthink ... according to ex zonal-in-charge of SRCM (California-1997) for the Netherlands, or under the influence of an "autonomous psychic entity) called an egregore")

See the continued confirmation of the "scandal" or "crisis" in Europe by reading the other "Whispers" from July 15, 2009 to July 25, 2009. (The Medium is from France) The Medium even attempts to give herself credibility by claiming to "channel" praise for herself as if it came from "BABUJI" ... she does the same for Chari. (of course)

These "proponents of alternative therapies" (including astrology, and psychogenetics) also write for the Reasearch branch of the trade-marked (for commercial products) Sahaj Marg, the Sahaj Marg Research and Training Institute ( SMRTI)

If you can swallow this "tripe", you deserve to be "milked" of your "hard-earned" cash. If you need a reminder of what charity means: Remember your families (charity begins at home) and the "truly" poor of the world.

A Fool and his money are soon parted

A person only has the TIME of this LIFE! Would you give it to serve "businessmen" and profiteers? Or would you spend it with your family and friends who are given to you by LIFE or the ONE (not by the Male God of Chari's Gang and their "trade-marked" Sahaj Marg)

See another testimonial...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


According to the Sahaj Marg Site:

Revered Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari

Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari (affectionately known as Chariji) was born on 24 July 1927 in Vayalur, near Chennai, in the south of India.

4d-Don Comments: The date this year on July 24, will be July 24, 2009 of the Christian Era, now called the "common era", so "after the common era" or ACE.

Let's see: 2009-1927= 82. Is that right? Yet all over this same site and on the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) site, all the Public Relation (PR) material states that SRCM is celebrating Chari's 83rd Birthday on July 24, 2009 ACE !!

Now I know that Masters of Sahaj Marg are fast (or slow) and/or not grounded in REALITY, but did Chari lose a year? Or is this another GAME of the SPIRITUAL set? Is that the "time-warped" REALITY/FANTASY that one realizes with Sahaj Marg?

If Sahaj Marg can distort TIME, and their own "history", can one believe their claims to manipulate "SPACE" as they claim to "erase samskaras" with such "rituals" as re-reading a section of a book (Whispers From The Brighter World) "seven of eight" times? Is that what the "egregores" are supposed to do for the "abhyasis"? Has the spiritual Sahaj Marg "brand" (trade-marked) now entered into "spiritualism" and its "rituals", as well as into the "scams" of commercialism and it's advertising "agencies"?

Are they "crafty" or just "slow" ?? Hard to believe is it not?

Someone should tell these "enlightened" or "illuminated", that to be believed in their lofty un-verifiable claims, coming from un-named Spirits of the deceased or from their male "god", of which they claim to be the "representatives", one should be accurate with verifiable information.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

SRCM named for Babuji, Not Lalaji! (Autobiography of Ram Chandra)

Taken from"Autobiography of Ram Chandra" blog with comments by an abhyasi of 18 years (with Chari) who is a research psychologist and psycho linguist. (For more from Baubji's journals, see Autobiography of Ram Chandra blog)

Christian said (to Elodie):

The autobiography of Ram Chandra that I currently read is published by the SRCM Shahjahanpur, i.e. by the Indian faction of the SRCM, and not by SRCMtm (California-1997) of Chari.

As you will be able to discover in the part of the Introduction reproduced below, neither the autobiography published by SRCM(tm) (or....SRCM (California-1997) , nor the autobiography published by the SRCM (Shahjahanpur) are complete. The first would correspond to approximately 20% of the manuscript of Babuji, the second to the remaining 80%. You will also see that the Chari faction acts since the beginning by applying principles contrary to the lesson of the Master. (Introduction, pp. xiii-xiv), and one thus should not be surprised at today's result (divisions).

I am currently in possession of 4 volumes - rare and obtained by the purest of chance, which correspond to Part I (1 volume) and Part II (3 volumes) of the autobiography. The end of the 4th volume evokes a project of publication of a Part III, which is perhaps the publication in progress by the Shahjahanpur faction. I am unaware if Part I comprises more than one volume. It seems to be sufficient in itself, although there is a 13 years vacuum in the journal entries between the first two volumes.

This absence of 13 years, between the death of Lalaji and the preparation of the creation of the Mission, is evoked in the “Leading article notes” of the second volume, that I also partially reproduced below by Babuji himself:

p 238
"The things went on. They grew subtler and subtler, and almost indescribable. Every subtle state was waiting for a yet subtler one. (...) By the method of the Master I found new life everyday. I do not know whether "life" will be an exact exposition of my condition. So the diary remained silent for years together."

It therefore seems that I am in the possession of the complete document for the Parts I and II:

Part I: early life, adult life, at the feet of the Master, Journal (1928 - 1932) - vol 1 1899-1932 (2nd Ed 1980 1500 copies)

Part 2: Instructions and spiritual teachings received from Master
- vol 1 : 1944 May/Sep (1st Ed 1987 3000 copies) - Preparation
- vol 2 : 1944 Oct - 1945 Mar (1st Ed 1988 3000 copies) - Declaration
- vol 3 : 1945 Apr - 1955 Jun (1st Ed 1989 2000 copies) - Contribution

SP Srivastava decided to publish it after Babuji's death, in reaction to that published by Chari. The hostilities were really "out in the open". He (SPS) had obviously received full authority on behalf of Babuji to make the necessary changes. At this point in time it was noticed that SRCMtm (SRCM - California 1997) was in a rush to publish the initial unrevised version to make sure that it was indeed their property with the copyrights.

The autobiography of SRCM (tm) (of Chari) must probably contain Part I volume 1 in its entirety, which was published before the death of Babuji, then it is incomplete for the continuation. It is seen that for SP Srivastava also there was to be only one single successor to Babuji. It is interesting to read that the others (apparently) try to harm to him, i.e. the family of Lalaji, Chathurbuj, Thakur Singhji, etc. Yes, but thereafter, all the names were withdraw from the text and replaced by a code “letter-number” to avoid this very controversy. One thus never knows who acts, and it is a pity because one would have seen more clearly. I hope to soon have access to the complete unaltered document, if Babuji's family wants to communicate it to us for research.

"The Autobiography of Ram Chandra -- Part II, Vol. 3" (SRCM Shahjahanpur, 1st ed., 1989. 2000 copies).

p 11 (29.04.1945) Intercommunication by Lalaji
"(...) elders used to transmit to the heart; and then would take up the points of organic, cosmic, and beyond that, returning at the end to the points below the heart (...). In view of the changed times it is needed to take up these points also simultaneously."

The elders had transmission available and this is not an invention of Lalaji. They also had approaches that were higher than the organic and cosmic regions: Why would they have the ability to work on these areas without having the ability to position one another mutually also available to them, also through this work?

"I instruct that after cleaning the heart-plexus, these lower plexuses be taken up and cleansed thoroughly, but not brought to the state of awakening. After cleaning these the organic region be cleansed. Thereafter training be kept continued from the heart onward again, as the method already laid down traditionnally."

Babuji constantly receives instructions on the method and under the influence of this information produces a synthesis technique called Sahaj Marg.

There is much talk, as here, of ancestral techniques.

Why say that Lalaji and Babuji have invented on one hand, and on the other hand recognize the validity of intercommunication, when these interconnections claim that the former had already knowledge, method and access? (because: Babuji works directly under instructions from these interconnections: How does Chari?).

The method described in this paragraph is not that practiced by the SRCMtm as prefects do not affect the points lower than the heart.

These issues should be cleansed and activated, it seems.

If they are only purified (or, as the SRCMtm not worked since it seems they are automatically assumed by the higher centers), the adept is delivered without the protection of the environmental pressures and of his own internal pressures.

Progress is thus made virtually nil because these pressures oppose each other mechanically.

The spiritual structure of the individual obtained with a method that does not support the lower centers from the outset is that of a tree without roots, and ... without autonomy (it seems, autonomy produces monsters of the Ravana type ... one is confident that some Ravana would cause some damage to all these hypocrites by exposing them for what they are: "bleached tombs" (Biblical reference) of the kind that existed 2,000 years ago).

p 21 (20.05.1945) Intercommunication by S. Vivekananda

"As you are to have a registered body 'Shri Ram Chandra Mission', call a meeting of the persons who are to be the members of this body to start with. (...) The body will be called 'Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur (U.P. - India)'".

Very probably the proof of one more lie: The name 'SRCM' is not given by Babuji with the name of his master to honour him, as we are told in the historical myth of the SRCMtm, but is given by "Vivekananda", and very clearly with the name of Babuji ( "You are to have a registered body" + " 'Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur" and not Fatehgahr. It is nowhere written that this organization must be founded in memory of Lalaji in the text that I read. moreover, in the context Babuji is invited to base this mission for main street. This idea / intercom comes after visiting the ashrams of the Shri RamaKrishna Mission, whose emblem is similar to that of the SRCM).

The SRCM was founded by 'Babuji' and named by "him" with his own name.

The roots of the Cult of the Personality are already there in 1945 and before (and think of all these supreme souls who do not stop "incensing" with praise, while in the beginning of his journal, he saw himself as a shit: A defence tactic? And why one or the other assumptions (intercommunication, delirium)? And why not both?).

Then we could always argue that Babuji had 'accidentally' the same name as his master and that it was not narcissism as the emblem states "In memory ...".

This is the same sleight of hand when one means "god" and "guru" with the same term "master".
God is a creation of man, and religion, a creation of God: It takes a master and a disciple to get the god-man at the root of religions.

What is the purpose of religions, because they have a purpose other than to avoid going to hell and going to paradise?

Except to reconnect the world of demons and angels to the biological reality, it is not possible to understand, but the story becomes transparent when it comes back to this vital reality.

p 30 (08.06.1945) Int. S. Vivekananda
"You have not to live long in this world."
Failed. What is the value of the predictions of these dis-incarnate "messengers"?

p 34 (13.06.1945) Int. S. Vivekananda
"The time is fast approaching when your supremacy will be establish everywhere."

300'000 abhyasis ?? (probably closer to 100,000) 60 years later, vs. many billions of Christians et Muslims.

Pathological Megalomania?

p 35 (13.06.1945) Int. Lalaji
"The real way is the 'easy way' (Sahaj Marga). The nomenclature somehow does not appear quite good to pronouce."

Sahaj Marg was born a June 13, 1945, and that is' Lalaji 'who chose the name of the baby.
The translation from English is not 'natural way', but 'easy way'.

p 35 (15.06.1945) Int. S. Vivakananda
"Registration must take place. All the rules of this society must be put before me."

p 36 (18.06.1945) Int. S. Vivakananda
"You are starting a new religion, destined to be that by the Grace of the Governing Agency."

The 'Governing Agency'...
Another lie: Sahaj Marg is indeed a religion, not new, nor spirituality superior to the others.

It was so in the spirit of the designer of this movement from the outset whether the designer is Vivekananda or Babuji or the 'Governing Agency'.

So the current pitch (by all the SRCM's and their "schisms" ) is a pipe dream.

The SRCMtm can no longer hide that it is a religion: It has just actualized the project that was already there in 1945.

By the way, who first prophesied the end of religions?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Chari Is Not President Of SRCM (India)

Taken from Shashwat's blog in India: The Cult of Sahaj Marg (Shree Ram Chandra Mission).
Article: Rajagopalachari Is Not President Of The Mission (SRCM)

Don's comment: This would be "business as usual" in some lowly Materialist circles but remember, this is touted as a "SPIRITUAL" group. And they claim to be promoting BROTHERHOOD and a path of LOVE and/or to the ONE, the DIVINITY, the CREATOR of ALL ... As if the ONE does not know and that these actions do not create "unfavourable" samskaras, and that there is no KARMA (action/reaction) accumulated here. Some of that corrupted "psyche" (mind, not spirit) is then transmitted to the unsuspecting and naive "abhyasi" and now, to their children before they can even think critically. Are all abhyasis encouraged to emulate this behaviour by their Master and his "gang"?

If this is truly the gift of Spirituality, the world is really in trouble. IT IS NOT!! There is hope for the Brotherhood of all Good People, for all the Children of the ONE, but "elsewhere", where that behaviour is not condoned by the Religious Structure (pyramidal) and where the behaviour matches the "lessons", taught by the Spirit of LIFE (spiral)!!

READ the translation of the court documents (or scans of the originals in Hindi) at: Freedom From Sahaj Marg
(READ THE ARTICLE by Shashwat for your and your family's sake. Also, see and understand the state of the Justice system in India, the largest democracy in the world.)

Here is a short snippet from the article:

Shashwat Said:

A report published in Indian daily Amar Ujala ( dated 27th June 2009, states that P. Rajagopalachari is not the president of Shri Ram Chandra Mission.

This short report was published by the newspaper in order to counter the false propaganda spread by P. Rajagaoplachari, (stating) that (the) supreme court has ordered that he is the president of Shri Ram Chandra Mission.

Translation of newspaper article:
(see Cult of Sahaj Marg for full article)


Amreeesh kumar, member of working committee of Shri Ram Chandra mission has said that parthasarthi rajagopalachari is a self proclaimed president of Shri Ram Chandra Mission, he also said that P rajagopalachari is running a parallel organization and is misguiding people by using name of Shri Ram Chandra mission, P. Rajagopalachari is already facing charges of illegal possession of property and other similar charges in court. Amreesh Kumar has further stated that in supreme court order dated 29th april 2008, it is said that since P. Rajagopalachari is not a family member of babuji (direct line of succession) hence he cannot become representative of babuji and president of Shri Ram Chandra Mission.

Later Shashwat said:

Uma Shanker Bajpai (secretary of the Chari group) published an advertisement in another newspaper (Dainik Jagran) that "according to supreme court order P. Rajagopalachari has become the president of SRCM, and he is visiting Shahjahanpur ashram after a gap of 19 years".

When this advertisement came to (the) notice of (the) parent body of SRCM (run by Shri Navneet Kumar), a case was filed against Uma Shanker Bajpai and the newspaper which published this advertisement, this advertisement was part of the larger conspiracy of spreading false propaganda that according to (the) Supreme Court order, P. Rajagopalachari has won, whereas (the) facts were just the opposite. ( the newspaper has since published an apology, copy of which I do not have currently)


Monday, July 13, 2009

A Memorable 82nd year for Chari, his Sahaj Marg and his SRCM (California - 1997)

Taken from Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg, in Alexis' Article: "Une 82 ème année bien mémorable" (translation: A very memorable 82nd year ...Chari's 82th birthday)

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Very Memorable 82nd year ...

Financial crisis, moral crisis, a crisis of ego ... in short!

Small returns on a year of exceptional speeches:

24 October 2008: There is a crisis! (removed?)
10 January 2009: The SRCM will implode (removed?)
February 2: Whispers, the sequel (Read with Your Heart)
March 21: Make me happy (Keep the Master Happy Under All Circumstances)
May 31: One must be up early! (Change of Satsangh Timings)

Let us put things back into our sauce:

Chari said that there is a risk of SRCM imploding and there is more money. Chari acknowledges that he is primarily responsible for the mistakes of the past. He focused on the quantity rather than the quality (of abhyasis).

So to make honorable amends, Chari decreed fiscal austerity for SRCM and warns abhyasis about managing their own budgets. Laudable intentions that he displays by doubling the contributions (fees) of the French (abhyasis), and said he would also drain them 4 times 150 € over 4 years for the "bible" of Sahaj Marg (Whispers from the Brighter World) . Against all odds, he chose to edit (and publish) it in a deluxe version, and he prohibited its reproduction before 2030 or 2035, although he could have edited it cheaply or allowed the abhyasis to delay the purchase.

To bring back "quality", Chari requires discipline (serve and obey), and imposes new schedules which are not realistic for most people, and he decreed that we (they) should make him happy at all times ...

Clearly, he does not really lack for gall. The abhyasis have good strong backs. He begins to sort (his sheep) and the result is no doubt: Only those sheep will remain who are the most disciplined. (obedient)

Obedience or spirituality? He has chosen ...

Anonymous said:
M0n. July 13, 07:36:00 AM

I believe that we will find out that the SRCM legal structure from Chari group is by now empty of material value because this has been tranferred to the other legal entities (foundation, school, whatsoever). This is clever foresight in case the legal dispute about SRCM will be lost by Chari group. Handing over SRCM to Indian SRCM will not cost a lot in this scenario, because everything is well protected in newly created legal vehicles.

Alexis Said:
Mon. July 13, 07:36:00 AM

In France, for Chari's anniversary, the abhyasis are invited to meditater at 4 o'clock in the morning, (so as to be in "sync" with those in Tirupur... at Chari's birthday bash), then at 7:30 and again at 17:30, on July 24th.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Sahaj Marg BIBLE? ... According to WHOM??

It seems that Babuji, who invented Sahaj Marg in 1945, and founded and registered the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) in India, as a "society" will not be predominant in his "BIBLE". It appears that according to Chari, the current President and Master of SRCM (California - 1997), the Whispers from the Brighter World series of "opulent" books will become the Sahaj Marg BIBLE.

Who will be the alleged "ghost writers" for the "all new" Sahaj Marg Bible that will come out of the channeled messages allegedly received by a French lady "medium" who is also an "abhyasi", but "not a professional" (medium), and written and sold as an "opulent" series of books called: Whispers From The Brighter World, all according to Chari? ( in Chari's own words in Italics)

The first volume was sold in April, 2008 for $250.00 US. The second volume (April, 2009), was sold for $150.00 US. There will apparently be another "whisper" in April, 2010 and yet another "whisper" in April, 2011. Chari also gives a hint that there could be more "whispers" indefinitely, since these will not be reprinted until 2050, so "buy them now" and have a "collector's item" ... or as the sales shpeel goes, "become blessed" to have the first edition, that can erase one's samskaras (impression on the soul) if one reads the messages "over and over" up to "seven or eight times", according to Chari.

(see the many "Whispers From The Brighter World" articles on this blog)

According to the "invitation" (by Chari) to purchase the book (that has now morphed into the series of book (S)) which is on their web site: Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, the four message givers are:

Message Giver # 1

A medium, who is not a professional, has passed on these messages to me after my Master gave orders that they be made available to me. She is a sister-abhyasi of the Sahaj Marg system of spiritual practice. I have recorded messages from four sources, all of them beloved to me, and all beyond question. The first is my mother, Janaki, who passed away in the year 1933 leaving behind four children, three boys of whom I am the eldest, and the fourth child a girl, who followed her mother when she was but three years old.

No comment by 4d-don about Chari' s mother's "liberated", "heavenly" or "Brighter World" status. She passed away in 1933, before Babuji founded his SRCM, invented Sahaj Marg, and before her son, Chari, became involved with Babuji and Sahaj Marg ... If anyone believes, or gives these messages any status or importance in the Sahaj Marg Bible, they are free to do so, and they will deserve what they get! I don't believe that Babuji, or any wise person, would take the word of an "anonymous" medium about a message allegedly from an un-named group of spirits which another anonymous and also un-named Medium claims to be "Chari's mother". In Spiritualism, and its messages from beyond the grave, the caveat is BELIEVER BEWARE!

According to this "anonymous" French lady Medium, Babuji apparently "gave orders" that the messages from the "others" (Lalaji, Chari's wife, and Chari's mother, and his own) be made available to Chari.
That sounds unlikely! Lalaji, being the "elder", would decide for himself what to do with his messages. I guess that Chari was not sensitive enough to get his "messages" directly. Or was Babuji refusing to talk to Chari? (pouting? angry at him?) How can we question or challenge this "anonymous" lady's credibility? The importance to SRCM is that you BUY THE BOOKS ... Credibility does not seem to be very important in Chari's SPIRITUALISM!!

Message Giver # 2

The second entity who has graced me with his messages is the Grand Master of the spiritual system hailed as Sahaj Marg, now spread all over the globe. He is a personality with whom I have had no personal relationship, since Lalaji Maharaj, as Mahatma Ram Chandraji of Fatehgarh was popularly known, attained Mahasamadhi, preceding my mother into the Brighter World when I was five years old. I have been blessed with spiritual experiences wherein He has graced me with His spiritual presence on several occasions. On a few occasions I have been blessed with direct sittings too from Lalaji Maharaj.

Lalaji passed away in 1931, Chari's mother passed away in 1933. Babuji registered his society, the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) in India, in 1945. Babuji passed away in 1983. Chari Registered his SRCM (California - 1997) in San Luis Obispo, California, in 1997. The "channeled messages" are sold as "whispers" in 2008.

Lalaji has an existing succession in the Sufi Order,
NaqshMuMRa and in the RamAshram. Babuji was not a "preceptor" of Lalaji and met him a few times when Babuji was 18 yearrs old. Babuji registered the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) 13 years aftet Lalaji's death in 1945. See "Lalaji is our Master!", they all claim on this blog.

Message Giver # 3

The third person to bless us with His messages is Babuji Maharaj, my spiritual Master, who has filled my life to the brim with His loving presence, His teachings, and His divine love, starting with my very first meeting with Him in Shahjahanpur way back in 1964. His loving and patient guidance have followed me throughout the forty years of my sadhana under the Sahaj Marg system, and even today that same guidance, filled with His love and compassion, is generously made available to me through these messages. Lalaji Maharaj rediscovered the Sahaj Marg system of spiritual practice, and my Master spread it all over the world, during the years 1972 to 1982, when I was closely associated with Him in his work carried out through the Shri Ram Chandra Mission.

Lalaji passed away in 1931. To say: "Lalaji Maharaj rediscovered the Sahaj Marg system of spiritual practice, (...) is stretching the truth to the maximum. Do your research and see the true Sufi lineage of Lalaji and see what they say Lalaji "rediscovered" and left for them and mankind.

Read the interviews with Dinaysh the "dean" of Lalaji's family's organization and see their site : NaqshMuMRa Nexus, where they publish a letter by Babuji from 1963.

Message Giver # 4

My wife Sulochana, who departed for the Brighter World in November 1999, is the fourth giver of messages, having secured her place in my Master's heart in His lifetime, and now seated at His divine feet in the Brighter World.

Comment by 4d-don... If anyone believes that, they deserve what they get!

Chari, in his speech: Read with your heart, he says:
"You are all familiar with the messages that were published a couple of years ago, under the title Whispers from the Brighter World - mainly messages from Babuji Maharaj, but also containing messages from Lalaji Sahib and some other highly spiritualized entities. " Now you know who are the "highly spiritualized entities", Chari's wife and his mother.

Chari's theology sounds like the Religious "salvation" of many religions, with the
saved "sittin on a cloud" in the Brighter World or in "heaven", or at "His divine feet". "His", would hopefuly be the feet of Ram Chandra Saxena (Babuji), a male (His), and not the feet of the ONE SPIRIT, or what Chari calls his "male" GOD (with the attributes "maleness" and now of "feet"?? ... at least we hope that Chari's male GOD is not a PERSON and does not also have "feet".

So as to be honest and accurate, the trade-marked Sahaj Marg of Chari should now be called "Spiritualism" not SPIRITUALITY !! Not Raja Yoga !! And with not much of a "theology". Christianity with it's Master, Jesus the Christ as part of the "TRINITY" of their Triune God, is being challenged for credibility. NOT !!

So much for the so-called SPIRITUALITY of the neo-Spiritual Groups of the NEW AGE!!

Note that the pronoun "His", to apparently signify Chari's Master (Babuji?) is capitalized but also note that the word "divine" or coming from the ONE "DIVINITY" is not!! I would write it: "his Divine feet", and give the most important (capitalized) reverence to the CREATOR of Babuji and of ALL, ONE!

The last sentence in his "invitation" to purchase his "gift" contains his "carrot and the stick" or as Chari calls it, the Religious tactic of "Fear and Temptation".

I think Chari is talking about himself, and about the SRCM (California - 1997) abhyasis and his own "inner circle", not about us who have left this group, and are not serving the "
forces of hatred, willful violence and religious bigotry" any more. Chari and his current group are doing that. The only real threats I get in this life, are from the "SRCM (California - 1997) "humanity", not from an apocalyptic "instant extinction" from nature or from the ONE. The forces of "hatred and wilful violence and religious bigotry" are alive inside the adherents (adhesive, glue, as in "stuck") to religions, including the Sahaj Marg of SRCM (California - 1997) !!

May these messages bring new hope to threatened humanity, threatened with instant extinction by the forces of hatred, wilful violence and religious bigotry.

My reply:

Yes...Yes... Lies, scams, and the un-ethical and immoral games and scams of "spiritualists" and megalomaniac miracle workers, and other "pseudo-enlightened" have always brought hope to humanity. (lol... sarcasm!). NOT!! Now go home and meditate and reduce your carbon footprint, searching for a GOD which is everywhere. Sahaj Marg (tm) has made some more cynical, but many of our species are still gullible and naive and still want to believe in such fantasies that are woven and used by "businessmen scammers".

Now, in REALITY, the hope we the victims of SRCM and Sahaj Marg get from this, is that finally, thanks to the technology, we can expose them from their beginning. We don't have to lobby the newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, publishing houses, etc... anymore so as to get our message out.
We, the information miners, the INFONAUTS are now the MEDIA.

Scammers Beware!! Religious start praying!!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Why Does Sahaj Marg Use Egregores? A Freemason Perspective!!

Taken from the ILLUMINATI NEWS article:

Exerpts from:
Understanding the Occult: What is an Egregore?
by Theron Dunn, 32° Freemason

Category: Occultism Explained

4d-Don's Comment: Chari and the SRCM (California -1997) claim that there are no rituals in Sahaj Marg!! That is not the case according to this article, as the freemasons who apparently call on an "egregore", call that a "ritual" as it should be called. At least the Freemasons seem to be honest about that fact. Why is the SRCM (California - 1997) still claiming to be "spirituality" and not "spiritualism". This is obvious with the messages channeled by an anonymous French lady from the "spirits" of the deceased, that will become their "Bible" according to Chari, the President, and now, an "urging" by this same President/Master, for the "abhyasis" to "create an egregore" (a ritual). So Sahaj Marg apparently is Raja Yoga, Spiritualism, and ritualistically using autonomous psychic entities called: "egregores".

Tell that to your new "recruits". Tell them that the experience in Sahaj Marg comes from an "egregore" and is partly due to "lack of oxygen" as Chari said in a speech. (see here)
. Sahaj Marg is simply re-gurgitating the psychic energy of the GROUP... So Frank (Pitfalls of Spirituality blog) seems to have been right about the "groupthink" (egregore) going on in Sahaj Marg.

See the other articles on "egregores" on this blog:

Abhyasis Pray So As To Create a "favourable egregore", Chari
What is an Egregore? Is it part of Raja Yoga?
Chari-ty Creates a "gay bashing" Egregore!

From the "Illuminati News" article:

Following are the four primary occultist definitions: (see article for references)

An energized astral form produced consciously or unconsciously by human agency. In particular, (a) a strongly characterized form, usually an archetypal image, produced by the imaginative and emotional energies of a religious or magical group collectively, or (b) an astral shape of any kind, deliberately formulated by a magician to carry a specific force.[1]

…from a Greek word meaning “watcher.” A thought-form created by will and visualization. A group egregore is the distinctive energy of a specific group of magicians who are working together, creating and building the same thought-form or energy-form.[2]

Any symbolic pattern that has served as a focus for human emotion and energy will build up an egregore of its own over time, and the more energy that is put into such a pattern, the more potent the egregore that will form around it. The gods and goddesses of every religion, past and present, are at the centers of vast egregore charged with specific kinds of power. This power is defined by, and contacted through, the traditional symbolism of the deity in question.[3]

An egregore is an angel, sometimes called watcher; in Hebrew the word is ir, and the concept appears in The Book of Enoch.... Thus, Irim, the city of the Nephilim is again linked with the Book of Enoch, since the Nephilim, according to that Book, were the sons of the Irim (the egregores.)....Although the Irim, the egregores, are angels on both sides of the camp - fallen angels as well as faithful ones.[4]

(see the full article here) The author continues...

René Guénon, a prolific writer on Masonic philosophy offers the following:

In a lodge of freemasons, the egregore is strengthened by time and experience, and the will and intention of good men. The strength of the egregore is patent in the effect the ritual has on the candidate, and effect that cannot be accounted for simply in the execution of the ritual itself.

We have all experienced the thrill, the exhilaration of the initiation, and the emotional high that carries us for days afterward as the flame is kindled in our breast. This is the spirit the egregore connects us with that fills us and carries us. It is this spirit that breathes in us, inspires us with brotherly love, relief, truth and charity.

The spirit is from the divine. The egregore is the psychic link between the mortal to the spirit. The mason is inspired by the breath of the spirit.

And thus: freemasonry.

4d-Don said:

And thus Sahaj Marg?? So much for "UNIQUENESS" of the "Easy path" or the "all new" NATURAL PATH that has become: Sahaj Marg under Chari. Abhyasis should become "freemasons" or join the "Illuminati" ... they seem to be more UP FRONT!! Also, the freemasons seem to do "charity" and they also seem to be getting "transmisssion" from the "divine"?
Navneet is a Mason, is Chari? Is Sahaj Marg still claimed to be "UNIQUE"? With a straight face? The Preceptors can lie because they don't seem to be able to think critically for themselves, and simply repeat what they have been "indoctrinated" to say, by the group, (groupthink) and/or do not seem to have much "morality" and/or "ethics" transmitted to them by their "egregore"!!

According to social psychologist Stanley Milgram (1933-1984), and confirmed in 2008 by P. Burger, (Dept of Psychology, Santa Clara University, California) with a contemporary population, 70% of those around you (friends, family) would apparently chose to put your life in peril by blindly obeying an authority figure, rather than questionning the meaning of, and/or the reason for the order and to disobey. Hence the power of RELIGION!!

Hence the temptation and the area of possible corruption in religion, harmful sects (cults...of a PERSON), and some self-called "spiritual groups" !!

And Babuji claimed that in Sahaj Marg, the ability to use such "powers" (of egregores), was taken away. Not so ... It was just "wishful thinking" on Babuji's part. Thus making Sahaj Marg a "dangerous" or a "harmful sect". The "egregore" created by decree from Chari may or may not use its power autonomously, through "GROUPTHINK", because of the sub-conscious activity of the self-titled "good men (and women)" in the all-new SRCM (California - 1997). Of course, all sub-consciously!! In dreams. Or as Freud, the first MASTER of psychology, might have said when he was living: "The Monster is of the id" ... the violence and much of the manifestations of corruption come from the "lunatic fringe" that hangs around those who claim to give, but who sell, POWER ! The PRICE? OBEDIENCE!

And all in the name of BROTHERHOOD! He's (Chari) too Heavy (too much material or "mass") ! He ain't aware of the REALITY of being my (Spiritual) BROTHER ... yet !! He calls me "enemy"! And he would not use an "egregore" and its "divisions"?  Or would he?  I don't, even though I can !! We don't use that "archangelic" POWER!! We gave it up and we (the followers of Christ) also limited its use by taking that manipulative power away from the VATICAN in the 12th century.  And that is what Babuji also taught for the followers of his Sahaj Marg!! He knew!!

Sunday, July 05, 2009

A Song for Abhyasis and ex-abhyasis of SRCM (California - 1997)

Here is a song for all the abhyasis and ex-abhyasis of Sahaj Marg and the various factions of SRCM.

Find the song here:

Find the lyrics to the right of the screen (press "more info") ...

... or here (bottom of page) for a better quality version :

Happy and spiritual trails (paths) to all !!!

4d-Don ...

Saturday, July 04, 2009

The Truth About SRCM Politics and Lineage: Clear as Mud

Taken from an exchange between Alexis and Shashwat on Elodie's Blog in France: Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg.

See also, Shaswat's blog: The Cult of Sahaj Marg (Shri Ram Chandra Mission) :


Sequence of Events (SRCM-1983-1984)

Shashwat Said:


your questions are answered to some extent by Manbhawati Devi.

Later after the death of babuji, Chari called everyone one-by-one and asked them if they are going to accept him as father or brother, according to Mabhawati Devi, Chari asked her also the same question, and she replied that babuji had already told her that Chari would do something like this, and she cannot accept chari in place of babuji as babuji himself have asked her not to do so.

So did everyone rejected chari in late 83 and early 84?

yes and no!!

Yes:- All members who were on administrative board of SRCM (which was functioning since 82) rejected him.

No:- Chari created a new setup, which was created by him by asking people to either join him or leave him, to who joined him accepted him, now it is very clear that Chari was not in-charge of the situation at that time.

About Dinaysh kumar interview, i am sadden by your response, I don't know if you have read my email exchange with him which led to the telephonic interview, It was Dinaysh who approached me for the interview, i asked him to talk in april, (when i was planning a trip to india) and i got response after 2 months. Dinaysh said what he wanted to say, i asked him what i wanted to ask!!

Its more of a sahaj marg syndrome when you refuse to accept the obvious.

(much like abhyasis belief that 80+2=83!!)


PS:- I am waiting for a reply from K.C Naryana for his interview.

Tuesday june 30, 2009 08:30:00 AM

Alexis Said:

In June 83, were Narayana and Kasturi part of the working committee, yes or no? A priori, they recognized that Babuji had prepared Chari and appointed him to the Presidency. And they did not oppose him ...

So what happened in 1983? From the little we know, Umesh Chandra was not a candidate, it is one of his brothers (Prakash), who was and who was dismissed. Was Chari accepted or rejected? I do not know.

Then came February 84, with the application of Umesh Chandra, the appointment and dismissal of Chari.

So what happened in June 1983? It is understood that Navneet and his supporters do not talk about it because this episode is less favorable to them. Hence the importance of interviewing other witnesses to the event to shed light on this period.

To communicate only on certain historical moments in exclusion of others, is to be deliberately biased. Seeking to know is t0 try to be objective.


Thursday, July 02, 2009 09:23:00 AM

Shashwat Said:

K. C Narayana was part of the meeting of Feb 84 and as well as june 83, kasturi was never part of administrative block of SRCM.

Narayana opposed Chari's nomination letter and was part of the meeting held in Feb 84 as well, which rejected the claim of both Chari and Sharad Saxena.

This information is available in the working committe meeting document which i had uploaded previously, but due to lack of space i have only important documents online. (I have to spend more money to buy more space, I am already paying a hefty sum per month for the site.)

Prakash was never a candidate for president of SRCM, i don't know from where this information has come out, but as far as I know, Prakash was never a presidential canditate for SRCM, on the contrary Prakash Saxena was the founding member of SRCM and his name is present in the list of founding members in the original constitution of SRCM (at number 11). see documents section of my site for more details.

First meeting which was held immediately after the founder died was on 10 June 1983, in this meeting two people presented their candidature for president of SRCM.

One was from chari and other one was from sharad saxena, son of prakash chandra (who was a founding member and not a candidate).

No decision was taken in the meeting of june-10-83, but it was agreed that decision will be taken in the next meeting.

Chari called everyone one by one and asked them to either accept him or leave the mission. (Manbhawati Devi was one such person who was called by Chari, she rejected Chari).

I Hope this is clear now, although most of this has already been cleared by Puneet saxena, (interview is available on youtube).

I will summarize it as:-

1. Founder died on 19th April 1983.

2. Meeting of working committee of SRCM was held on 10th June 1983, in which P. Rajagopalachari and Sharad Saxena presented their claims for nomination. (Umesh did not present his claim in the first meeting) no decision was taken at that time, it was agreed in the meeting that both the claims will be examined and decision will be taken in next meeting.

3. P. Rajagopalachari started influencing members. between 1st meeting and second meeting (according to Manbhawti Devi).

4. During this period, Umesh Chandra presented his claim.

5. Second Meeting (scheduled in 10th June 1983 meeting) took place on 6th and 7th Feb 1984 (two days).

6. In this meeting all the 3 claims were examined and Umesh Chandra was declared as president as his nomination letter was considered to be genuine by the members of the working committee.

Following people were present in the meeting:-

1. Mr. P.C Chaturvedi (Chairman of the meeting)

2. Mr. P.C Saxena.

3. Mr. B.M Heble

4. Mr. R. Rajagopalachari

5. Mr. R.L Mimani

6. Mr K.V Subba Rao

7. V.R Vipat

8. Dr. S.P Shrivastava

9. Mr. K.C Narayana

see: Freedom From Sahaj Marg (for many legal documents and interviews)

7. After this meeting, S.A Sarnad (who was appointed secretory of SRCM in 1982 by the founder) circulated the appointment of U.C Saxena as president of SRCM on 15 Feb 1984.

8. P.C Chaturvedi who was chairman of the committee which appointed Umesh Chandra Saxena as president of SRCM is father of Kasturi Chaturvedi, (who some say drifted towards Chari, then moved away from him) but while talking to me, she did not mention that she ever endorsed Chari's nomination as president, she told me that Chari was never appointed as President of SRCM, which is consistent with the resolution adopted in 1983-84 meeting's.

What followed there after is legal battle, which is continuing even today.

9. According to K.V Reddy, who was overseas secretary of SRCM since 1980, K.C Narayana was neutral till 1991, started his own group ISRC with a commitment to umesh chandra that his group will be merged in his, once the legal skirmishes are over.


Friday, July. 03, 2009 at 08:39:00 PM