Monday, December 14, 2015

Sahaj Marg and Vedic Hindouism

Translation of an article by Alexis: "Le Sahaj Marg et le Védique Hindouiste",  on Élodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

December 14, 2015

Sahaj Marg and Vedic Hinduism

According to an article of Alexis (on his blog) :

France: Le lobbying hindouiste du yoga

SRCM France at the origins of the Vedic Federation France 

June 18, 2015, the SRCM France and 7 other organizations of the "Vedic tradition," formed a new association, the Vedic France Federation.

Beside Art of Living of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Embracing the World of Amma, this federation has 4 organizations mentioned in the list of sects of the French Parliamentary Report No. 2468 1995: Brahma Kumaris France, Shri Chinmoy Centre, Association Parisian Bhakti Yoga (eg Krishna Consciousness or ISKCON), and "to all Masters all honor", the Shri Ram Chandra Mission.  

The other 2 groups involved are the Ramakrishna Vedantic Center and TathataVrindham France.

The Association is headquartered at the headquarters of the SRCM in Paris; Ekta Bouderlique (preceptor of  Sahaj Marg) is the secretary.

Excerpts from the press release of the Vedic Federation France dated Friday, October 2nd, in Paris: 

"Launched on the advice of the Embassy of India in France and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response to the growing aspiration of the public and the authorities, eight major associations of the Vedic tradition (...) have come together as a representative interlocutor of Vedic spirituality.

(...) The Federation, bearer of the spirit and core values ​​of the Vedas (...) will propose for it a website, conferences, yoga practices and meditation seminars, publications of articles, books, research.

 France and its territories would presently number more than 500,000 Hindus.  Yoga is one of the most popular spiritual practice in the world, with over 250 million practitioners worldwide, including at least one million in France. Last year, the UN has also decided to dedicate an International Day, ( June 21st), at the proposal of Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India.SRCM as well as its Hindu cronies expect to benefit  ...


See also (In French)

- La Fédération védique de France au Journal officiel
- Liste des sectes du rapport parlementaire français N°2468 de 1995
- Brève d'Embracing the World
- La federation sur Hindu Forum 

And Also (In French): 

- La religion et la spiritualité nous rendent dépressifs 


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