Taken and translated from an article by Élodie (assisted by Alexis): "L'unité ou la Désintégration", on Élodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg
October 3, 2012
Unity or disintegration
special Bhandara of August 15, 2012, was seen as a major trauma by all the abhyasis
and Sharad Chandra Saxena was quick to exploit the situation.
Advocating a return to the fundamentals of Sahaj Marg, Sharad takes issue with Chari, his best spokesman and his sole rival. Sharad in reality is working to destroy everything that was built by Chari. The enemy to be defeated is clearly identified, he will have to withstand the rigors of divine punishment.
On September 27, 2012, at 3.40 am, in a direct intercommunication, Sharad asks Babuji what he expects of him. Babuji replies:
“My mission to be told in the right
way (…). My mission if not correctly explained to practice it shall give
negative effect (…) Because people had explained in their own way
adding their selfish material objects, which effects [sic, affects ?] my
mission’s reputation.”
These critical events have generated turbulence within the Mission, as around it. In a burst of insight and lucidity, the day after the bhandara, Kamlesh Patel was already calling for unity. Babuji's
special messages (whispers?) from the Brighter World calling for an urgent coming together to preserve "the unity of the great Sahaj Marg family" have
reinforced this sense of confusion and danger:
“(…) Make it clear and irrefutable.
You know human reactions better than anyone else, as you have suffered
first-hand from them so much. Likewise, your future successor will
endure a lot of it.
(…). We cannot avert all the turbulence prompted by
your health problems (…).”
Each in his own heart remembers Chari's nightmare. In the greatest of confusion, SRCM now fears disintegration. From now on, there is only one permanent and omnipresent password, unity. Hostilities are in the open, the "civil war" is raging. So the choice is simple, it is unity in the hope of avoiding disintegration.
Elodie (assisted by Alexis)
Alexis said ...
Some complementary reflections:
First, about Chari & the SRCM:
Despite his illness, he is still quite the ham, our Chari. To rejoice at having gathered 21,000 people in less than two days for his special bhandara: it is not about the guru one is thinking about, but about the star who titilates his own ego with his fanatical groupies ...
More alarming, in the face of adversity, SRCM is closing in on itself (fortress Sahaj Marg(tm) ). According to anti-cult groups, this is a signal of danger: heading towards a major risk of the society irreversibly skidding out of control!
The stopping of the dessimination of Echos of India and others on their website, the distribution of documents reserved for followers only, with passwords needed, etc.. also goes along with this sense of seclusion ...
Next, about Sharad:
“He is the only other person in the Mission, who has the power of inter-commune with Rev. Babuji.”
One wonders who the "other person" is, according to Sharad? The french anonymous (Medium)? Chari? If yes, how does he explain the contradictions? There must be one who is lying ... or Babuji is even more twisted we had ever imagined!
Sharad has not received any comments to his posts on his website, so he is challenging one and the other to correct his remarks. And he adds that eventually, Chari would his most valid interlocutor. But faced with the silence of one and the other, and by default, it is to the questions and the comments posted on our blogs which he replies:
What has he done for 30 years? In 1982, Sharad was twenty years. Babuji told him he had to mature. He is fifty today, he has matured, phew!
The Paris Declaration?
On this subject, Kishore affirms that Babuji had introduced the notion of
decentralization of SRCM, asking him to create zones and appoint
zonal secretaries. In
1981, at the suggestion of Kishore, Babuji created the position of
"Secretary for Overseas Centres" without consulting Chari. In
February 1982, "the last nail in the coffin" Babuji signed an amendment
to the constitution of the Mission for the tenure of office to be limited
to four years. Chari was secretary of the Mission for 15 years, he had to leave his job. Finally, Babuji confided to the care of Kishore to reconstitute the Working Committee of the Mission. He appointed Kodanduraman, Chari's brother and Babuji told him that with these brothers, difficulties were going to be create.
wonders how it is possible that Sharad was not appointed President
in 1983 if his partner had the power to appoint committee members ...
Babuji would allegedly also have forbidden that other preceptors be named after his death, and it is Srivastava who would apparently have been the first to disobey him. Duly noted, but I do not know if Chari had permission to remove others appointed by Babuji as he did from 1983 to 1984 ...
What about his cousins Navneet & Puneet?
No answer. He's afraid to get "in the cold" with them? Finally, Kishore and Sharad go after all the survivors of the Babuji era, they only criticize Srivastava, Narayana and Chari.
Chari submitted a letter of nomination as "President in the Sahaj Marg system".Note that Sharad and his society present Sahaj Marg by saying: "About the System Founded by Rev. Babuji Maharaj."
More to follow, they are prolific ...
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Elodie said ...
Hello to everyone,
Here below is an excerpt of the last spotlight from S. C. Kishore on Chari.
Happy reading and affectionately,
"Chari is propagating Sahaj Marg like a business executive -
only preaching. In business personal life is personal, and not to be
connected with official work and an office person can not comment on
that. That is why all the persons in the organization created by him are
only members – like member of so and so club, or say Sahaj-Marg club,
but none is an abhyasi. This he himself admitted in his last year’s
birthday function at Tirpur. Though belonging to a poor class family,
Chari’s life style can be seen by anyone as most luxurious.
This is
unlike Rev. Babuji, who belonged to an aristocratic family, yet His
personal life style was very simple. One of Chari’s rich follower at
Delhi had to change his new car to the latest model as his master would
not sit in an earlier model car ! Chari is said to be free with only
persons say above hundred crore worth. Ajai Bhatter, Kamlesh Patel,
being examples, which he himself has shown to the world. I do not ever
recollect any occasion when to me Chari looked simple, which is not to
be confused with outwardly simple dressed persons, many of whom are very
complex inside.
One has to be on their tip toes all the time to
understood such persons . Alertness is a basic requirement in
spirituality. It is no wonder that Chari has followers who refuse to be
alert and do not exercise their mental faculties, because of which they
have in him a Living Master. His actions are sufficient proof of his
intent, if we are alert."
Alexis Said...
Errare humanum est (latin for: To err is human) ...
The September issue of Echoes of India is finally released (October 5th) and confirms our words:
“Br. Kamlesh Patel gave a talk and made two important points : first that one does not need any position or title to do Mission work or to serve the Mission, and the other was about how “Unity and Harmony” was the need of the hour, and this had to be maintained among brothers and sisters at all times, under all costs and circumstances.”
Also reported are the statements of Chari by Patel after the (special - Aug. 15th) Bhandara: "Just on two days notice, so many have come ... they are my people!" He could just as easily have said that they were the spiritual seekers of Sahaj Marg or of Babuji (or of the divine?)! But no, he chose MY people ... (my people, my people, my fans, my slaves?!)
Friday, October 5, 2012
See also:
Chari's Nightmare
Alleged Power Struggle at SRCM(tm) Ashram
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Sahaj Marg(tm) - Unity or Disintegration?
1 comment:
- 4d-Don said...
Hi all...
From the "comments section" on Elodie's blog: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg"
Some "complementary reflections" by Alexis, and an "addendum" (latest instalment by S.C. Kishore) by Elodie have been added to the body of the article...
Thanks for your interest...
Don... -
Friday, October 05, 2012 5:18:00 pm
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