Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Babuji, Lalaji, and the Sufi lineage of Lalaji (NaqshMuMRa)
“The Mohamadan systems have all breathed their last and this, 'The Sahaj Marga' the only ONE has now emerged out in their place. Its teachings and methods widely differ from those of the old systems in many respects.”
Bob sent this comment:
Anonymous said...
Hi Don!
Once again, Michael is right, and once again, good points! Thank you.
I studied/practiced with a sufi group after I left Sahaj Marg, briefly. Being a woman, I didn't like the way women seemed oppressed either.
I was diminished, controlled and oppressed by Sahaj Marg preceptor, guru and system so after that, if anything resembled that - it was pretty much over for me.
Thankfully, I am no longer a seeker - "I am the Master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."
Instead of having some false goal and working for some vague notion of the "upliftment of humanity" now I devote my extra time and energy helping the sick – (people dealing with AIDS), the elderly and the neglected youth.
Someone tell the old man that this former abhyasi is helping people with AIDS, and not his diabetes.
People believe the preceptors are helping people. Let me just say the way I see it, the preceptors are only really only helping the "guru." The Guru uses the preceptors.
In my opinion, this organization stinks from the top down.
I am all for taking back your power.
Well, that's my rant for today.
Is he dead yet?
-- Triple Gem
Thursday, November 01, 2012 5:36:00 am
- 4d-Don said...
Hi Triple Gem...
Thanks for the comments and for sharing of your personal life ...
I have been using a phrase which Michael coined: Spiritual Sovereignty
Bless you for all your good deeds and bye for now ...
Don -
Thursday, November 01, 2012 8:36:00 am
Bob said...
Hi Don,
There is certainly an error in the footnote of the Golden Chair article by LVL. Would you be willing to send your reply to them in California? They have a contact email address on their website.
Friday, November 02, 2012 4:15:00 pm
- 4d-Don said...
Hi Bob...
I sent this message to the contact address of the Golden Sufi Center, in California, USA.
Bob left a link on my blog: Our World from Another Dimension ... to an article on your site:
This is the comment to your article concerning the accuracy of footnote (2) , which I posted on my blog:
In the "Golden Sufi" article mentionned (link) above by Bob, footnote (2) claims:
(2) Lalaji, also known as Ram Chandra, became the founder of a Hindu spiritual tradition, the Ram Chandra Mission.
This is not accurate. Lalaji passed away in 1931. Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur (aka Babuji) formed his Shri Ram Chandra Society in 1945. Babuji was a disciple of Lalaji, having met him a few times before Lalaji's death in 1931. In 1930, Babuji was passed over as preceptor and as "region-in-charge" of Lalaji's Sufi organization because of: "Narrowness of heart". Lalaji passed away less than one year later, in 1931.
See Lalaji's letter in "Epitome of Sahaj Marg" in English on Alexis' blog: "La Fabuleuse Epopee du Sahaj Marg", as posted by Dinesh, Lalaji's grandson and dean of NaqshMuMRa Sufi Stream.
(Accurate) information will set us free ...
Saturday, November 03, 2012 12:20:00 am
Below is an article on the lineage of the Naqshbandiyya-Mujadidiyya Order, an Indian branch of the Naqshbandi order.
The article gives a clear explanation of the status of this path today - and it's approach for the western mind.
Lewellyn's teacher's teacher was a direct student of Lalaji's newphew, Radha Mohan Lal (Bhai Sahib).
Comment by 4d-Don, author of this blog:
In the "Golden Sufi" article mentioned (link) above by Bob, footnote (2) claims:
Lalaji, also known as Ram Chandra, became the founder of a Hindu spiritual tradition, the Ram Chandra Mission.
This is not accurate. Lalaji passed away in 1931. Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur (aka Babuji) formed his Shri Ram Chandra Society in 1945. Babuji was a disciple of Lalaji, having met him a few times before Lalaji's death in 1931. In 1930, Babuji was passed over as preceptor and as "region-in-charge" of Lalaji's Sufi organization because of: "Narrowness of heart". Lalaji passed away less than one year later, in 1931.
See Lalaji's letter in "Epitome of Sahaj Marg" in English on Alexis' blog: "La Fabuleuse Epopee du Sahaj Marg", as posted by Dinesh, Lalaji's grandson and dean of NaqshMuMRa Sufi Stream. The content of "Epitome of Sahaj Marg" is also posted here.
See also Babuji's letter of Feb. 15, 1963 posted on Lalaji's grandson's site: NaqsuMuMRa Nexus.
Michael, ex-preceptor of SRCM and Sahaj Marg (under Chari) sent this comment:
I studied Sufism for a while when I left SRCM. In fact I corresponded with and met Lewellyn Vaughan Lee. I spend some time with a 100 year old Sufi who was a direct disciple of Lalaji's.
I've subsequently lost interest in Sufism as there is far too much male based hierarchy imposed upon it. Other than Irina Tweedie, name one widely acknowledged female Sufi teacher...
What I found intriguing about Sufism, however was Sufism's roots which pre-date Islam. Mohammed embraced these wandering mystics as his own and they became a part of Islam. It is likely that these mystics were of the same tradition as the Magi who visited Jesus at his birth. Prophet Daniel of the old testament was of the Magi tradition. The Magi were far closer to Shamans than any formal religion or spiritual practice.
These ancient mystics touched literally every religious movement if not inspired them. Pieces of this ancient knowledge still exists. Pieces of it can be found scattered in Shaman traditions which can be found in every culture in some form or another.
I have found little or none of the remnants of this ancient wisdom in the established religious and spiritual practices. It simply cannot exist there as this knowledge empowers the individual and these organizations seek to dominate and control the masses.
Babuji was correct in stating that a spiritual path can be found in the life of a householder. He failed to offer a practical and meaningful system that empowers a householder to be on that path however as what he established was yet another hierarchical system that forces the "masses" to forgo their own journey and rely on spiritual blessings bestowed upon them by an exclusive and singular master.