Saturday, May 05, 2012

Sahaj Marg(tm)'s London Development and Babuji's Prophesies From His Book: Reality at Dawn!!

May 6, 2012

Sahaj Marg(tm)'s London Development and Babuji's Prophesies From His book: Reality At Dawn!!

It would appear that Kamlesh D. Patel, a pharmacist and pharmacy owner from Staten Island, New York, U.S.A., and Chari's second choice for his successor, (A. K. Bhatter, a businessman from Kolkota, West Bengal, being the first, but he resigned) has not read Babuji's book: "Reality at Dawn" and specially the prophetic chapter called: "My Vision".

In this chapter, Babuji, although previously condemning miracles as a trap, gives his miraculous prophetic predictions for the future of the planet. Babuji's vision, like most such prophesies, is very apocalyptic for most of the world, except for India. It seems that nature allegedly now prefers the Indian sub-continent to the rest of the planet. He mentions specifically in his miraculous predictions, that the city of London, the capital city of England and the United Kingdom (UK), will sink into the ocean. Of course, he does not mention when!

Now, I don't mean to be "picky" but if London is sinking into the ocean, according to Babuji, the founder of Sahaj Marg, why would the "management team" and Kamlesh D. Patel, the "master-in-waiting", (the dauphin), build an ashram in London, in the Stratford area of the Newham Borough (at or very near sea level)? Where is the SCAM here?

Has the flood at Babuji's Memorial Ashram in Chennai a few years ago, not taught them anything at all? Is Sahaj Marg(tm) really atuned to Nature or is it really serving the material beast which is the capitalist markets? Do they believe in "Global warming"? Or like other "right-wing deniers" from the Georges Bush era, do they insist on calling it: "Climate Change"? Do they think that prayers or meditation will stop the impending global floods being predicted by climate experts? Prayers and meditation did not protect Babuji's Ashram in Chennai. Prayers and meditation from various other religious groups did not stop the Japanese or the Indonesian tsunamis. Christian prayers did not stop the volcano eruptions in Italy, South America, or Iceland.

Should the Management Team of SRCM (California-1997), also not be more concerned about the "carbon footprint" of their Mission and of their disciples as they constantly and continuously go on pilgrimages, seminars and birthday parties in India, and follow the Master around the world (spiritual or religious tourism??). And what about the "poor"??

The polar ice caps will melt a lot faster, say the climate experts, if we as a species don't stop bulldozing and developing every natural nook and cranny of the planet, and if we don't start addressing our ever increasing "carbon footprint". If Sahaj Marg(tm) is really the "natural path", then why do they not make the property purchased (with societal Charity dollars) in that industrial part of London, a park or a GREEN SPACE. This lot was after all probably an industrial site at some point in the past, which means it probably contains much pollution and even contaminated soils to be disposed of. (see this Wiki article and map,_London)

When I was younger, my parents always warned me: "If your friends all jump off a cliff, don't follow them!!"

That lemming suicidal complex is a common popular misconception projected on the animal realm and used to depict "blind obedience" to an ingrained pattern of the past. In the case of the lemming, it could a migratory pattern over dangerous territory (a cliff, or a river), or a predator's pattern. In the case of religion and so-called "spiritual groups", it could be the wanton accumulation of material wealth, including the development of real estate for temples for the worship of their gods or their leaders, thus adding to our collective jeopardizing (suicidal complex?) of the live-ability of the planet for future generations of our species.

In the case of Sahaj Marg, when one's "god", (one's "special personality") prophesies that the city of London will sink beneath the sea, and one believes it, then one should not build a meeting place in the "flood path" and lure other "lemmings" (disciples) to the site ... Or is that apocalyptic prophesy (My Vision) also part of the religious or "spiritualist" SCAM ??

Sahaj Marg(tm) is SPIRITUALISM (anonymous French lady medium, messages from the dead, egregores, etc...), and not SPIRITUALITY (i.e. Patanjali's Raja Yoga).

Nature and Mother Earth will survive, but future generations will be left with a great burden by the many migratory gangs of "conquerors" and invaders, and their not-so-sustainable religious or spiritualist "developments", controlled by businessmen appointed by their off-shore religious dictators.

Do the Sahaj Marg(tm) businessmen, the Leadership, not believe that ONE (what they call "god"), is Everything, Everywhere and Everywhen (the E-Trinity)? Do they believe their founder's apocalyptic "Vision" or not? Do they not care about the next generation? ... their children? Do they not care about NATURE, their earthly mother? Are they not "the Natural Path" any more? Were they ever?

Has Sahaj Marg(tm) become just another religious gang of real-estate developers, leaving future generations of their disciples to "pay the mortgage", the maintenance, and to clean up their spiritualist and material mess? Is Sahaj Marg(tm) just about controlling "real estate" in other countries through "charities"? Real estate purchased with tax-exempt "charity dollars"?

PS... For all Gays and Lesbians of London
... This gang of religious nationalists is not "gay friendly". Their current Master calls the practice of homosexuality "un-natural". And Chari, their self-titled guru, calls Bill Gates and the Pope: "morally degraded". Bill Gates because he donates some of his money to help those affected with AIDS in Africa; the Pope because he offered a prayer for those who suffer from AIDS. (see links below)

See here also:

Babuji, Sahaj Marg(tm) and "skin complexion" (Colour discrimination?)
Mr. Chari of Sahaj Marg(tm): Recall your Homophobic Speech!!
Sahaj Marg(tm), Moral Degradation and the UNDPI

Who are the Sahaj Marg(tm) Trustees and Promoters of their "spiritualism" in the UK?



4d-Don said...

This comment was left on this article in this blog:

Anonymous said...

Nice comments. stupid brother-in-law thinks sleeping on bed is a sin and watching tv is a sin because beloved Master says so...nonsense...Look at Chari's property fool.....

Sun May 06, 09:46:00 PM

4d-Don said...

This comment was left on this article on this blog:

Anonymous said...

Sahaj marg is the worst brainwashing group I have seen. I went for 2 sittings and it was enough for me to run away and not turn back. My poor sister was introduced by my so-called brother-in-law to SRCM in a vulnerable time in her life. Biggest blunder!! Though we had known him since childhood we were unaware of what SRCM is capable and what a fool he is. Now 10 yrs down and a diabetic child, her life is ruined. All he does is sit in meditation. He has no clue how to take care of the child. Not a human..a zombie....he scares me to death even in my vacation there. To live with him around each day is a big punishment. We have ran out of options to bring him back. He has ruined a total family's happiness. Ruined a beautiful kind-hearted soul's life. Destroyed this birth of her. People...please run away from SRCM.

Sun May 06, 09:35:00

4d-Don said...

For Michael...

This comment was left on this article (Michael's letter) on this blog:

Anonymous said...

Loved your words about meditation. Continue with what matters in life. good luck.

Sun May 06, 09:39:00 PM

Michael said...


Thank you for moving this comment to the top of your blog. I certainly would have missed it otherwise. I convey my blessings and best wishes to the kind soul who posted these words.


Anonymous said...

Hi Don!

Today I feel compelled to tell you thanks so much for all your work in writing your blog and exposing Sahaj-Marg.

Thanks for using your intelligence and for having so much courage to publicly post the truth.

For someone to abuse another person in regards to their spirituality, is an incredibly deep wound. (That is probably putting it mildly.)

It's good to have moved past the pain and feel whole again!

I fear many never fully recover.

You and Michael, Frank, and all the other people who have shared what they know, have helped me become free and I remain indebted to you.

Thank you.

--Triple Gem

4d-Don said...

Hi Triple Gem

I thank you on my behalf, and on behalf of the other names you mention (if I can be so bold?), for your kind words ...

There are many more (specially in Europe), including yourself who have added their "testimonial" and their insights over the years and have supported as they could ...

This "exposing" could not have been possible without the work of all the scientists who have taken us to this "Age of Information", making the information technology available to us. ... And of course, we are also indebted to the financiers and the capitalists (human greed and all), for making it (the technology) "happen", and putting it on the "MARKET".

We all all specially indebted to James Clerk Maxwell (Theory of Electromagnetism) and to all the many other un-named mathematicians, geometers and un-named experimenters and techies over the past few centuries ...

... and now (of course) to the "internet" itself. The last such revolution (Reformation??) was supported and fueled by the "printing press".


4d-Don said...

Hi all...

Received this comment on my article:

Anonymous said...

HI 4d-Don, and anyone else who is reading this,

Do you know if any of the original Babuji group are in the U.S., and possibly conducting satsangh or sittings?

Sun May 13, 08:24:00 AM

4d-don Replied:

Hi Anonymous (from the Yukon?)...

Michael is the oldest preceptor I know from the USA (Texas). Michael, who also met some of Lalaji's preceptors, is an old preceptor appointed by Chari, was present at the take-over by Chari, and has since left Sahaj Marg.

Michael was a member of the publishing and editing team in the US, and now has a blog: Inner Circle of SRCM at

You might get some info from him by going directly to his blog ...

I will re-post your (and my) comment in my most recent article on this blog... the one about the London Ashram development

Someone may reply from those who read my current material ... I suspect that very few re-read old article like this one ... or the comments there-in.


Anonymous said...

First off, Chari is NOT Sahaj Marg. Chari killed Babuji by poisoning his food over a period of time.

There is NO transmission from whoever is with Chari and chari himself is a criminal. Dissociate Sahaj Marg from Chari. Chari is a criminal and a murderer who is trying to take over Sahaj Marg. Do the real research before posting this garbage about Sahaj Marg.

The court battles are ongoing and slow, given the Indian judicial system. Chari is a criminal who has not yet been brought to justice.

4d-Don said...

Hi all...

Anonymous left this comment on my article on this blog:

Anonymous said...

Hi Don,

Did anyone ever figure out why Ajay decided to step down??


Mon May 14, 06:16:00 PM

Don Said:

Hi Anonymous...

I have not read anywhere the reason why Ajay Kumar Bhatter resigned. Someone else might know ...

I will post this comment on the last article on this blog... Someone else may come up with a "theory" or an bit of information...

I will post it in the comment to the article on the London Ashram Development...

P.S... Very few people read old articles or their old comments ...


Mon May 14, 09:30:00 PM

4d-Don said...

Hi Unknown...

Could you enlighten the readers and expand on your research. Please give links to the research you mention ...

Which Sahaj Marg would you say is the real one? Kasturi's? Narayana's (Dr. Varadachari's son)? Any of the old preceptors?

Is the Sahaj Marg of the grandsons of Babuji (Navneet, Puneet, etc..) still functionning?? Is that the real "Sahaj Marg"? It is the real: Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM - Shahjahanpur- 1945)...

Chari's society is: SRCM (California - 1997)... His "clan" has trade-marked the words: Sahaj Marg(tm)... and they now own it for commerce and trade.

Thanks for your input ...


Anonymous said...

I have met babuji and I still meditate although I don't follow anybody other than the original master.I don't think you understand or any inclination of developing any curiosity to understand the whole purpose of the creation.You better stick with your religion which at least teaches people to do good so they can form favorable impressions for your journey.If I were you I would stop this nonsense . If you don't like something just move away from it and forget. I don't wish you anything bad but you are not in the right tract!!!!

4d-Don said...

Hey !!

I meditated with Babuji also, and I left when Babuji died and the "society" was taken over by a gang of materialist and spiritualist businessmen: Republican Party (Bush) supporters in the USA, pharmaceutical "pushers" and into SPIRITISM or SPIRITUALISM (not spirituality).

What is now called the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (the Chari clan, registered in California, in 1997), has an anonymous MEDIUM who "allegedly" channels messages from the spirit of Babuji who died in 1983. These messages (whispers) are packaged into a "oppulent" book, and sold yearly as a major fund-raiser (tax free... "charity??).

They, as ordered by Chari, also pray for a favourable "egregore"... Find out what that is on this blog in the "search" if you want to...

Beside being Spiritualists, Chari's own words in his speeches show intolerance for some minorities (homosexuals). He claims that "women can't be Masters, he disrespects the Pope for praying for those afflicted with AIDS, and Bill Gates for donating his money to care for those afflicted with AIDS and to do research to help find a cure... Chari calls them: "Morally Degraded".

He calls those who have blogs like mine, the "enemies of Spirituality"...(In reality, we are opposed to spiritualism which calls itself "spirituality", like Chari's clan) ... liars!!

This gang of businessmen are trying to snare others (our families and fellow citizens) as "milk-cows, in their materialist, "money-making", spiritualist (not spirituality) scheme which is a front for travelling the world and building markets for their "commercial products" (pharmaceuticals, blue jeans, IT services, and many more..)

Unlike you, I am not into "religion" or cults of personality ... Sahaj Marg (Babuji) claimed to be different. Once Sahaj Marg became that, I left ...

My charitable work for the country and the planet's environment has been recognized by those who matter to me, my country and my society and specially my family ... As usual, you "idol worshippers" know not of what you speak ... You are simply the "sheep", who "follow and obey", and attack those who oppose your "idol". You simply obey and you all spew the same "company line" ... the words given to you by "THEM", your Masters. Think for yourself and then speak...

By the way, you are here in my space... I am not in yours. You can move away if you want to ... but I will continue doing what I do for the sake of those whom the "spiritualist" scammers from India are targeting and I will put up: Warning and "heads-up" signs...

This group is not SPIRITUALITY it is SPIRITUALISM or SPIRITISM with mediums, messages from the dead, egregores, and a cult of a person, an "idol"... (read their "constitution and bye-laws"...

Get a life... Do something good for your planet ... navel-gazing and praying will not achieve anything for anyone, not even you ... It's called: narcissism!! It's self-serving and it claims to be "charity" (for you??), and wants to be "tax-exempt" in our country...

LIKE Liars and thieves ... not very "saintly" at all...
