Taken and translated from a comment by Alexis on Élodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.
Inserts and additions by 4d-don are in "red italics"
READ if you dare:
Take your pick. Sahaj Marg has come from "a modified Raja Yoga" (starting at step #7 of the "eighfold path"), to a usurped SUFISM (Lalaji), and now with Chari's Spiritualism, to interventions by either: Aliens(extra-terrestrials), egregores, spirits, New Age agents, Indigo Children, an ELITE, God and the Natural Laws, etc..etc.. etc... (as merrily we go along)
Sahaj Marg is one not-so "unique" APOCALYPTIC MESS!! Or Sahaj Marg(tm) is everything to everyone ... or NOTHING unique or special to ALL ... same old, same old !!
The solution: A New Race of Individuals
Whispers: Decryption (3)
Mankind races to its ruin, divine punishment is coming, it will be the Apocalypse. But a new race (a Master Race??) is on the horizon ...
(Quotes from Whispers From The Brighter World, Sahaj Marg (tm)'s Bible, according to Chari, as channeled by an anonymous French Lady Medium)
"Another race, more resistant and with a strong sense of extrasensory perception, will establish a world that would surprise most men now living. " (02/25/01) -
" A new race of individuals, characterized by a wider perceptions that this one, will open itself to spaces of knowledge much more advanced. There are already legions of them on earth, this gifted precursor race, which will help shatter the intellectual rigor, slowing the evolution of the beings of this world. " (31/10/03)
" Upheavals without name will occur and will have to be produced to clean up this world, leaving a long enough time to emerge finally the chosen (elite?) race, capable of establishing a new world corresponding to the expected standards. (...) A new race is at work (...). " (10/11/03)
" The Received Messages constitute by themselves alone, the single teachings suitable for the elite souls emerging in these times of the advent of a new era. They will be understood, appreciated, and they will become, in our path, a reference point. Minds (spirits?), more and more will open to a reality somewhat surpassing also (by) a little, that of our brothers presently. The future times are being prepared and we will not be left behind. The souls incarnated in this view (optics?) , will seek a teaching which suits them in all respects. Those whom you call the Indigo children will not accomodate outdated concepts. They seek a vibrational niche suitable to the subtlety of their ethereal bodies. Many of these people already live in this world. They struggle to integrate into existing systems, for them devoid of interest most of the time. They arrive at a pivotal time in the history of the world and are different, hence often misunderstood, like everything that can be distinguished from the multitude. These people will gather and unite to recreate an environment which will give them satisfaction. They are pacifists, spiritually evolved, they will go to the point, of course, without hesitation, wisdom, for the most part is innate. A time will come when the number of these people will grow to form an elite regenerating humanity and guiding the less fortunate. Everything is written and wanted thusly. May all be blessed! " (30/06/04)
" As the great sage may address his disciple and give a glimpse of where the treasure is hidden. "Many are called but few are chosen", say the Scriptures. The road is arid, only the strong and determined souls succeed. Sahaj Marg is a path, a means offered for humans who are interested and able to seize the opportunity offered to them, to move forward on this narrow path full of pitfalls. Many succeed. Has it not been given to the world to respond to a profound call characteristic of the times which are being prepared, with a view on a radical transformation? We will be more than ever at the heart of this vast movement, carrier of hope and liberation of a humanity, which is as a prey in the throes of evil. " (30/07/04)
Let us Summarize, paraphrase!
All is not lost. An elite group composed of gifted souls is already at work. Members of the new chosen people on earth are already legion. They are more resistant and they have larger ESP. They are different, so often misunderstood. They are struggling to integrate.
They do not adapt to outdated concepts, they will open up a space for more advanced knowledge, because they have the innate wisdom. They seek a niche suitable for subtle vibration of their ethereal bodies. They are pacifists and spiritually evolved. They help to break the rigor of the intellectual environment. They will unite to form an elite that will regenerate humanity, because they are able to establish a new world. Surprising!
They will become a reference point for all those who follow the path of Sahaj Marg, where they will be understood and appreciated. For Sahaj Marg is at the heart of this movement of hope and liberation. It offers a way for humans to move forward on this narrow road full of pitfalls, where many are called but few are chosen.
"Everything is written and wanted thusly".
Words have meaning!
Let us first stop and examine the language: a new race, an elite of souls will regenerate humanity. The words of whispers are terribly connotations. They recall the dark days of racism and eugenics that have raged in the late 19th and first half of the 20th century.
This is far from trivial, because it would have been possible just as well to say that mankind had not completed its evolution, that it was at work right now, with the development of new spiritual abilities. What the people of Sahaj Marg have already qualified themselves as involutive evolution towards the state invertendo or transpersonal.
But now, instead of using the scientific language of the theory of evolution or the language of the current transpersonal psychology, whispers revives eugenics.
Babuji Judeo-Christian
Man is evil, he runs to his ruin, divine retribution comes, and will unleash cataclysms, it will be the Apocalypse. But in his great goodness, God will save humanity with the new race supported by the SRCM looming on the horizon ... as he allowed Noah's Ark at the heart of the Flood!
The chosen race can not be integrated because they are different, only in Sahaj Marg is it understood and appreciated, because that is where the way of the future is, the way to reach this new race, perhaps even to join. Sahaj Marg is the solution. The Whispers of Babuji borrows all its codes from Judaism and Christianity. It adheres typically to the letter, the Judeo-Christian discourse. It is not surprising when you consider that the medium is French, a Westerner herself nursed from the bottle of a Judeo-Christian culture.
Many are called but few are chosen?
An elite will save the world: there are many called but few are chosen, except that many will succeed. Here we are again faced with one of the many contradictions of Sahaj Marg.
The SRCM is a private club reserved for the elite. Moreover, these messages are addressed to "Members of the brotherhood of man." The road is narrow and full of pitfalls. There are many who are called but few who are chosen. In short, you're lucky to be part of this elite which is not given to everyone, you should feel happy. You are part of the Club ...
Elitism is an attitude which is essential for all groups so as to strengthen the internal cohesion and to make people who are outside want to enter. SRCM cultivates very well with this elitism with its supposedly unique and unparalleled method! Yes, but thanks to the cultivating this sense, it also returns the image of a perfect Master, so far removed from the ordinary abhyasis that it becomes impossible to reach or even to come close. The risk for Chari is that negative behaviors arise when faced with difficulties. The abhyasis should not throw down their arms, renounce or abandon the game. Hence the concession dropped from time to time: a lot succeed ...
"A vibrational niche appropriate to the subtlety of their ethereal bodies"
Enjoy the beauty of the formula! Add a pinch of indigo children to extra-sensory perceptions, and we are plunged in the heart of New Age, deep in the occult and Western esotericism.
The medium of whispers undertook a major rewrite of the dogmatic ideology of Sahaj marg, mixed in Western new age, and it seems very appropriate to Chari. I repeat, the words make sense. Between Judeo-Christianity, racialism (eugenics) and the New age, the personality of the so-called medium re-appears in the reflected lights.
Why does Chari accept this evolution / revolution of Sahaj marg? What are they trying to do? Achieve a Westernization / globalization of the concept?
Sunday, November 27, 2011
See also:
Sahaj Marg(tm) and Whispers: Decryption
Monday, November 28, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Sahaj Marg(tm) and Whispers: Decryption
Taken and translated from comments by Alexis (see here) on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.
Insertions by 4d-Don are in "red italics"
Read here to see the Sahaj Marg(tm) spiritualist contradictions from beyond the grave... not by a spiritual Master, but by an anonymous French lady MEDIUM ... This, they call their "Bible" and they pay for it by buying a book of these "whispers" every year... one per year for another 12 years according to Chari. The requested "donation"? $150.00 - $250.00 US dollars per book. Where are the "ghost busters" ??
As Sahaj Marg(tm)'s President (Chari) rants against the evils of materialism and the excesses of the abhyasis and of other "infidels", they themselves indulge in the excesses of cancerous growth for their opulent Mission and their own "businesses". And, their imperialist (evangelical) "carbon footprint" is larger than many corporations ... But not to worry, the "ALIENS" (see below) or the "indigo children" will save them (not us??). That is if God does not first intercede directly with "His" (male) natural laws !!
(see below the bolded "satanic plans" and the "alien... power" quotes from WHISPERS attributed to Babuji from the invented "central region" of their fantasy "Brighter World" ... as told by their anonymous French lady Medium)
Is this what is called: "demonizing" your fellow humans, as well as your technocrat children"? Then, with the other side of their spiritualist face, they pretend (imagine?) and dare to call them (and us?) "brothers and sisters"? Is this the "light" or the "LOVE", which Sahaj Marg(tm) transmits to the world? Is this an example of the "HEART", what is in reality a pump, doing the thinking? .. . or, in this case, not "thinking" at all, as it (the heart) can't think? The heart simply pumps. Is this also an example of not using the "brain", which in Sahaj Marg(tm), is busy contacting and communing with "the spirits" of the dead and/or the psychic "egregores", or is busy "demonizing", and certainly not loving or unifying anything??
Are you intelligent guys and gals seriously believing this hate-filled "fiction"?? Whom do you serve in reality??
Are you still defending this so-called "spiritual" (but in reality "spiritualist), practice as something good for US??
Merry Christmas to them too!! As they divide families and societies at their HOLY TIME and anytime !!
May they point at their own STUPIDITY, for a CHANGE!!
Alexis said ...
Whispers: Decryption
Much has been said of "Whispers from the Brighter World". Almost everything has been said about its commercial exploitation. The wildest conjectures have been made on his or her alleged perpetrators.
Now we attach ourselves to its content. It is now six years since the abhyasis began to imbibe daily this New Bible of Sahaj Marg, as described by Chari. It's time to decipher and analyze the content, to know what the SRCM implants in its followers and to better understand the spiritual ideology of Sahaj Marg.
First step in the series:
Man and his punishment
Man races to his ruin, he must pay ... (Below are a series of quotes from "Whispers from the Brighter World", channeled by an anonymous French lady Medium (AFLM))
"(...) mankind is playing with fire, without realizing the adverse consequences for humanity." (29.12.2000) -
" The time of punishment for such arrogance will be manifest in all its power and man, paying for the gross errors of his ancestors, will suffer without being able to control the situation." (28/02/01) -
" Men end up falling into the wildest excesses, then it must be remedied." (11/03/01) -
" Where will stop the cruelty of men? (...) It can go into adulthood, to the excesses that we recognize today and which stem from the collective madness. These acts are served by a high technology, which allows them to develop satanic plans. Everything is good to assuage the hatred and the spirit of revenge that inhabits them. It's a vicious cycle that has no end and will, sooner or later be stopped by a power alien to this planet who (or which, the planet or the people on the planet) will have no other means to stop this dangerous escalation, harmful to the universal equilibrium. The lower instincts of human nature are difficult to counter. The method of power (heavy handed method?) will have to prevail one day (...). "(13/09/01) -
" This planet is arriving at a crucial point where everything has to change regarding the behavior of men, many of which seem to have lost their mind. Humanity is in danger in more ways than one. God, for a majority, remaining for them an abstraction, they consider themselves to be masters of the world, allowed to put it at risk at any price. (...) May the people come to their senses while there is still time." (12/28/03) -
" Let us work for this evolution, time is running out, humanity is in danger in many ways. What emerges from this cesspool will be strengthened and enlightened. " (7/1/04) -
" This civilization is destructive, nothing seems to be able to stop it in this world, divine laws, and they alone, will be able to remedy. " (7/3/04) -
" This civilization is going too far in its prerogatives and endangers an entire balance, regardless of the consequences. (...) May humanity react in time so as to limit the destructive phenomenon! " (15/07/04) -
"Humanity is living dangerously, ignoring the warnings given to it. A reality check would be needed here too, but a consumer frenzy has seized mankind, ignoring any and all warnings on the subject. Everything in modern civilization is contributing to its perdition; the cries of alarm from the experts, not having been heard while there was still time, the inevitable will happen. Respect for nature, of life in all its forms is a concept that man for too long has neglected. He must face the consequences. God's laws are inflexible: they operate on their own, also." (11/09/04) -
"The movement is irreversible; nothing will stop the frenzy down here to pollute and destroy under the pretext of modernizing and producing on a large scale. Sooner or later, the errors must be paid; this civilization goes much too far into excess. A brutal brake (stop?) will be put on this destructive system, it is in the order of things. " (10/09/04) -
" This civilization has reached such an imbalance, unprecedented in the history of this world, that we owe it to ourselves to warn our brothers about their misdeeds, going well beyond pollution in all its forms."(11/03/04)
To Summarize! The picture is clear.
Humanity and this civilization are a filthy cesspool! Man is playing with fire and is engaged in the greatest of excesses. His behavior, dictated by the lowest instincts of human nature, hatred and the spirit of revenge, is destructive. This behavior will have serious consequences: in its collective madness, man develops satanic plans. Its frenzy to consume, pollute and destroy, puts the world is at risk of a dangerous escalation. We have arrived at a crucial point where everything conspires to ruin, the danger is great, everything must change ...
In its arrogance and imbalance, man has lost his mind, he acts as the master of the world. He will bear the consequences, he must pay for his mistakes. A brutal stop (brake?) will be placed on his activities, he must be stopped, the hard (heavy-handed?) way. A mutation is preparing itself for this world if it wants to survive, it must be completely revised ...
So far, everything is perfectly clear! But the message is blurred and becomes more confused then ...
On the one hand it must be stopped by a power, alien to this planet. On the other hand he must pay for his mistakes, and God's laws only can remedy. Divine punishment or alien invasion? The blur begins ...
Man has lost his mind
It is amusing to note that Whispers says that man has lost his mind, while Chari inversely repeats, that we have to stop thinking and open our hearts. Remaining in the sphere of the mind is to deny the spirituality that is the voice of the heart ...
In popular parlance, the heart is the emotions, the head is the reason. And Whispers tells us that things are not right because man has lost his mind. Like love, the lowest instincts, such as hatred, revenge, etc.. are indeed emotions, emanations of the heart. There are some positive, others negative. But Chari has never said that one had to listen only to the positive emotions from one's heart, he said one must listen to one's heart, that's it!
Man has listened to his heart, he has lost his mind but has not thusly won spirituality. And now, nothing works, we must change everything. Man must find reason, then reconnect with the sphere of the mind. But we must also grow spiritually. So how?
A contradiction again, who can understand, this is not the last ...
Danger, the punishment is coming!
Whispers exploits fears. Since the end of the glorious 30's, and the first oil crisis, our world has gone from crisis to crisis. The year 2011 is the year of disasters: climate, nuclear, economic, financial and social, etc.. The world is in constant crisis. Whispers benefits by riding the wave of a declining environment. We are just around the corner from the Apocalypse (I will return to this topic later ) ...
Mankind must pay for its mistakes, it is the divine punishment. It is close to the Judeo-Christian imaginary, where, irritated by humans, God unleashed the flood.
Does Whispers want to make us believe in the vengeance of a cruel God? And the SRCM is Noah's Ark?
A vengeful and cruel God. Is this the image of God in the spiritual Sahaj Marg way?
Insertions by 4d-Don are in "red italics"
Read here to see the Sahaj Marg(tm) spiritualist contradictions from beyond the grave... not by a spiritual Master, but by an anonymous French lady MEDIUM ... This, they call their "Bible" and they pay for it by buying a book of these "whispers" every year... one per year for another 12 years according to Chari. The requested "donation"? $150.00 - $250.00 US dollars per book. Where are the "ghost busters" ??
As Sahaj Marg(tm)'s President (Chari) rants against the evils of materialism and the excesses of the abhyasis and of other "infidels", they themselves indulge in the excesses of cancerous growth for their opulent Mission and their own "businesses". And, their imperialist (evangelical) "carbon footprint" is larger than many corporations ... But not to worry, the "ALIENS" (see below) or the "indigo children" will save them (not us??). That is if God does not first intercede directly with "His" (male) natural laws !!
(see below the bolded "satanic plans" and the "alien... power" quotes from WHISPERS attributed to Babuji from the invented "central region" of their fantasy "Brighter World" ... as told by their anonymous French lady Medium)
Is this what is called: "demonizing" your fellow humans, as well as your technocrat children"? Then, with the other side of their spiritualist face, they pretend (imagine?) and dare to call them (and us?) "brothers and sisters"? Is this the "light" or the "LOVE", which Sahaj Marg(tm) transmits to the world? Is this an example of the "HEART", what is in reality a pump, doing the thinking? .. . or, in this case, not "thinking" at all, as it (the heart) can't think? The heart simply pumps. Is this also an example of not using the "brain", which in Sahaj Marg(tm), is busy contacting and communing with "the spirits" of the dead and/or the psychic "egregores", or is busy "demonizing", and certainly not loving or unifying anything??
Are you intelligent guys and gals seriously believing this hate-filled "fiction"?? Whom do you serve in reality??
Are you still defending this so-called "spiritual" (but in reality "spiritualist), practice as something good for US??
Merry Christmas to them too!! As they divide families and societies at their HOLY TIME and anytime !!
May they point at their own STUPIDITY, for a CHANGE!!
Alexis said ...
Whispers: Decryption
Much has been said of "Whispers from the Brighter World". Almost everything has been said about its commercial exploitation. The wildest conjectures have been made on his or her alleged perpetrators.
Now we attach ourselves to its content. It is now six years since the abhyasis began to imbibe daily this New Bible of Sahaj Marg, as described by Chari. It's time to decipher and analyze the content, to know what the SRCM implants in its followers and to better understand the spiritual ideology of Sahaj Marg.
First step in the series:
Man and his punishment
Man races to his ruin, he must pay ... (Below are a series of quotes from "Whispers from the Brighter World", channeled by an anonymous French lady Medium (AFLM))
"(...) mankind is playing with fire, without realizing the adverse consequences for humanity." (29.12.2000) -
" The time of punishment for such arrogance will be manifest in all its power and man, paying for the gross errors of his ancestors, will suffer without being able to control the situation." (28/02/01) -
" Men end up falling into the wildest excesses, then it must be remedied." (11/03/01) -
" Where will stop the cruelty of men? (...) It can go into adulthood, to the excesses that we recognize today and which stem from the collective madness. These acts are served by a high technology, which allows them to develop satanic plans. Everything is good to assuage the hatred and the spirit of revenge that inhabits them. It's a vicious cycle that has no end and will, sooner or later be stopped by a power alien to this planet who (or which, the planet or the people on the planet) will have no other means to stop this dangerous escalation, harmful to the universal equilibrium. The lower instincts of human nature are difficult to counter. The method of power (heavy handed method?) will have to prevail one day (...). "(13/09/01) -
" This planet is arriving at a crucial point where everything has to change regarding the behavior of men, many of which seem to have lost their mind. Humanity is in danger in more ways than one. God, for a majority, remaining for them an abstraction, they consider themselves to be masters of the world, allowed to put it at risk at any price. (...) May the people come to their senses while there is still time." (12/28/03) -
" Let us work for this evolution, time is running out, humanity is in danger in many ways. What emerges from this cesspool will be strengthened and enlightened. " (7/1/04) -
" This civilization is destructive, nothing seems to be able to stop it in this world, divine laws, and they alone, will be able to remedy. " (7/3/04) -
" This civilization is going too far in its prerogatives and endangers an entire balance, regardless of the consequences. (...) May humanity react in time so as to limit the destructive phenomenon! " (15/07/04) -
"Humanity is living dangerously, ignoring the warnings given to it. A reality check would be needed here too, but a consumer frenzy has seized mankind, ignoring any and all warnings on the subject. Everything in modern civilization is contributing to its perdition; the cries of alarm from the experts, not having been heard while there was still time, the inevitable will happen. Respect for nature, of life in all its forms is a concept that man for too long has neglected. He must face the consequences. God's laws are inflexible: they operate on their own, also." (11/09/04) -
"The movement is irreversible; nothing will stop the frenzy down here to pollute and destroy under the pretext of modernizing and producing on a large scale. Sooner or later, the errors must be paid; this civilization goes much too far into excess. A brutal brake (stop?) will be put on this destructive system, it is in the order of things. " (10/09/04) -
" This civilization has reached such an imbalance, unprecedented in the history of this world, that we owe it to ourselves to warn our brothers about their misdeeds, going well beyond pollution in all its forms."(11/03/04)
To Summarize! The picture is clear.
Humanity and this civilization are a filthy cesspool! Man is playing with fire and is engaged in the greatest of excesses. His behavior, dictated by the lowest instincts of human nature, hatred and the spirit of revenge, is destructive. This behavior will have serious consequences: in its collective madness, man develops satanic plans. Its frenzy to consume, pollute and destroy, puts the world is at risk of a dangerous escalation. We have arrived at a crucial point where everything conspires to ruin, the danger is great, everything must change ...
In its arrogance and imbalance, man has lost his mind, he acts as the master of the world. He will bear the consequences, he must pay for his mistakes. A brutal stop (brake?) will be placed on his activities, he must be stopped, the hard (heavy-handed?) way. A mutation is preparing itself for this world if it wants to survive, it must be completely revised ...
So far, everything is perfectly clear! But the message is blurred and becomes more confused then ...
On the one hand it must be stopped by a power, alien to this planet. On the other hand he must pay for his mistakes, and God's laws only can remedy. Divine punishment or alien invasion? The blur begins ...
Man has lost his mind
It is amusing to note that Whispers says that man has lost his mind, while Chari inversely repeats, that we have to stop thinking and open our hearts. Remaining in the sphere of the mind is to deny the spirituality that is the voice of the heart ...
In popular parlance, the heart is the emotions, the head is the reason. And Whispers tells us that things are not right because man has lost his mind. Like love, the lowest instincts, such as hatred, revenge, etc.. are indeed emotions, emanations of the heart. There are some positive, others negative. But Chari has never said that one had to listen only to the positive emotions from one's heart, he said one must listen to one's heart, that's it!
Man has listened to his heart, he has lost his mind but has not thusly won spirituality. And now, nothing works, we must change everything. Man must find reason, then reconnect with the sphere of the mind. But we must also grow spiritually. So how?
A contradiction again, who can understand, this is not the last ...
Danger, the punishment is coming!
Whispers exploits fears. Since the end of the glorious 30's, and the first oil crisis, our world has gone from crisis to crisis. The year 2011 is the year of disasters: climate, nuclear, economic, financial and social, etc.. The world is in constant crisis. Whispers benefits by riding the wave of a declining environment. We are just around the corner from the Apocalypse (I will return to this topic later ) ...
Mankind must pay for its mistakes, it is the divine punishment. It is close to the Judeo-Christian imaginary, where, irritated by humans, God unleashed the flood.
Does Whispers want to make us believe in the vengeance of a cruel God? And the SRCM is Noah's Ark?
A vengeful and cruel God. Is this the image of God in the spiritual Sahaj Marg way?
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Whispers, The New Ideology of Sahaj Marg
Taken and translated from an article by Elodie: "Whispers, Nouvelle Idéologie du Sahaj Marg", on her blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg
November 15, 2011
Whispers, The New Ideology of Sahaj Marg?
A third debate
Alexis opens a new series of reflections on the content of Whispers. Rather than reproduce his messages, I propose to discuss it.
You can find and read through the links below:
Whispers: decryption
* Part 1 (French): Mankind rushes towards its ruin, he must pay
* Other Components: I will publish here the links as they appear
A must read (and reread also) so as to properly reflect about:
* The dark side of Sahaj Marg
* Label Whispers (Google Whispers)
While Alexis opens this new series, I realize that Whispers crystallizes my biggest disappointment vis-à-vis the SRCM of Chari and Sahaj Marg. My disappointment, but also my indignation and my anger, my cries of rage.
I overcame my inhibitions and created this blog in January, 2006 because of the commercial exploitation of Whispers by Chari and the Mission. When, much later, I lost my last illusions about Chari, it was still about Whispers, because of the content of the messages of the so-called medium of Babuji.
Before, and for a long time, I spent the towel on (whitewashed? brushed over?) so much. I was sometimes offended by certain words or certain acts, but it seemed a necessary evil, almost insignificant in such a large organization. Inevitably there must be some black sheep, the structure would inevitably generate some slag.
Without the excesses brought about by Whispers, I think I would have finally continued to whitewash everything. For me it was the trigger, the last straw. But then, Whispers exceeded all the vertices of the excess and madness that reigns within the SRCM, there are no limits. Since 2006, this drop of water was gradually transformed itself into a stream, and into a river and an ocean as a result of the oft-repeated so-called messages of Babuji.
If Chari's SRCMtm only swears by their Bible, Whispers, Sister Kasturi told Shashwat Pandey on February 20, 2009 that she objected to the release of Whispers which she considers harmful, because they peddle incorrect messages. I remind you that Babuji called her (Sister Kasturi) "the saint of Sahaj Marg". He was then alive and in full mental health.
Shashwat :
I have one more question, recently there is a book published by Sahaj Marg, called "Whispers From the Brighter World", which is said to contain messages from Lalaji and Babuji, and these messages are sold at a price of 250 euro’s which is approximately 12,000, Indian rupees, kindly throw some light on this as to what is this brighter world and what are these messages from the "brighter world".
Kasturiji : I have written the truth about these things in my book, because I know, that these things are going to be very harmful for the mission in future, this will not convey the correct message, you tell me one thing, did Chariji hear the name of “brighter world” during Babuji’s time, or before him or after him?
Shashwat : (pause) you are correct.
Kasturiji : (where) ever did he heard this name?
Shashwat : you are correct, this all started since 2005 onwards.
Kasturiji : even Chariji, he also use to do worship before, many big names use to visit him, did he ever hear this name “brighter world” (laughs..) and then there are messages from this place!! I will tell you the truth, and I have cleared this in my book, whenever someone is asked to come down to earth for some work, suppose Babuji was asked to come to earth for spirituality, there are some personalities who know before hand, that this divine personality will come down to work, such personalities leave their pleasure and allow themselves to protect that divine personality like a bodyguard, like lord Shankar, Narad Muni, and many others, whenever such personalities come down, they all are ready to serve such a personality, these are people who stay back after leaving earth, and they get the job done, they will inform, like you need to do this, you did a good job, but you need to do this also, and there is nothing of this kind in Chariji’s diary, I have read that diary.. it only contains information like, he is praising him, she is praising that fellow.. like this.. if there is expression of any kind of relation, than it is totally false, because relation are that place when spirituality ends, there are no relation for such people, all relations are part of earth, and they and they are left behind in this world only, when you leave this world then only divine bliss exists, and there are no relations there.. and in Chariji’s diary, all it contains is relations… I have not written his name because he is head of our mission currently, I have not taken any name, but I have answered everything, so that people can come to know the truth.
Am I the only one with Sister Kasturi, to believe that the ideology brought by Whispers is particularly harmful (noxious)? Am I the only one to believe that with Whispers, Chari's SRCM has attained some until now never accessed peaks of excess and madness?
I propose to all to discuss it here.
Obviously, the other debates remain open. Thank you for participating, it will not work without you.
November 15, 2011
Whispers, The New Ideology of Sahaj Marg?
A third debate
Alexis opens a new series of reflections on the content of Whispers. Rather than reproduce his messages, I propose to discuss it.
You can find and read through the links below:
Whispers: decryption
* Part 1 (French): Mankind rushes towards its ruin, he must pay
* Other Components: I will publish here the links as they appear
A must read (and reread also) so as to properly reflect about:
* The dark side of Sahaj Marg
* Label Whispers (Google Whispers)
While Alexis opens this new series, I realize that Whispers crystallizes my biggest disappointment vis-à-vis the SRCM of Chari and Sahaj Marg. My disappointment, but also my indignation and my anger, my cries of rage.
I overcame my inhibitions and created this blog in January, 2006 because of the commercial exploitation of Whispers by Chari and the Mission. When, much later, I lost my last illusions about Chari, it was still about Whispers, because of the content of the messages of the so-called medium of Babuji.
Before, and for a long time, I spent the towel on (whitewashed? brushed over?) so much. I was sometimes offended by certain words or certain acts, but it seemed a necessary evil, almost insignificant in such a large organization. Inevitably there must be some black sheep, the structure would inevitably generate some slag.
Without the excesses brought about by Whispers, I think I would have finally continued to whitewash everything. For me it was the trigger, the last straw. But then, Whispers exceeded all the vertices of the excess and madness that reigns within the SRCM, there are no limits. Since 2006, this drop of water was gradually transformed itself into a stream, and into a river and an ocean as a result of the oft-repeated so-called messages of Babuji.
If Chari's SRCMtm only swears by their Bible, Whispers, Sister Kasturi told Shashwat Pandey on February 20, 2009 that she objected to the release of Whispers which she considers harmful, because they peddle incorrect messages. I remind you that Babuji called her (Sister Kasturi) "the saint of Sahaj Marg". He was then alive and in full mental health.
Shashwat :
I have one more question, recently there is a book published by Sahaj Marg, called "Whispers From the Brighter World", which is said to contain messages from Lalaji and Babuji, and these messages are sold at a price of 250 euro’s which is approximately 12,000, Indian rupees, kindly throw some light on this as to what is this brighter world and what are these messages from the "brighter world".
Kasturiji : I have written the truth about these things in my book, because I know, that these things are going to be very harmful for the mission in future, this will not convey the correct message, you tell me one thing, did Chariji hear the name of “brighter world” during Babuji’s time, or before him or after him?
Shashwat : (pause) you are correct.
Kasturiji : (where) ever did he heard this name?
Shashwat : you are correct, this all started since 2005 onwards.
Kasturiji : even Chariji, he also use to do worship before, many big names use to visit him, did he ever hear this name “brighter world” (laughs..) and then there are messages from this place!! I will tell you the truth, and I have cleared this in my book, whenever someone is asked to come down to earth for some work, suppose Babuji was asked to come to earth for spirituality, there are some personalities who know before hand, that this divine personality will come down to work, such personalities leave their pleasure and allow themselves to protect that divine personality like a bodyguard, like lord Shankar, Narad Muni, and many others, whenever such personalities come down, they all are ready to serve such a personality, these are people who stay back after leaving earth, and they get the job done, they will inform, like you need to do this, you did a good job, but you need to do this also, and there is nothing of this kind in Chariji’s diary, I have read that diary.. it only contains information like, he is praising him, she is praising that fellow.. like this.. if there is expression of any kind of relation, than it is totally false, because relation are that place when spirituality ends, there are no relation for such people, all relations are part of earth, and they and they are left behind in this world only, when you leave this world then only divine bliss exists, and there are no relations there.. and in Chariji’s diary, all it contains is relations… I have not written his name because he is head of our mission currently, I have not taken any name, but I have answered everything, so that people can come to know the truth.
Am I the only one with Sister Kasturi, to believe that the ideology brought by Whispers is particularly harmful (noxious)? Am I the only one to believe that with Whispers, Chari's SRCM has attained some until now never accessed peaks of excess and madness?
I propose to all to discuss it here.
Obviously, the other debates remain open. Thank you for participating, it will not work without you.
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
At Sahaj Marg(tm): Your Children Belong to the Mission
Taken from an article by Elodie: "Vos Enfants Appartiennent à la Mission" on her blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg
Insertions and additions by 4d-don are in "red italics"
In the west, we teach our children. As the song goes: "Teach Your Children Well"... Chari and his Sahaj Marg(tm) want the children of abhyasis, which are now called the children of the Master or the Mission, to be "trained" or "formatted" ... as one would a pet or a slave (serf) or a piece of machinery (computer) !! Sahaj Marg is like a loop back to the feudal 12th century !
November 8, 2011
Your children belong to the Mission
In one of Chari's last speeches, "Material Life is the Vehicle to Spirituality" (September 25, 2011, Garden of Hearts, Chennai), he returns to the fate reserved for the children of abhyasis:
" I am happy to see a happy group of people around me, a lot of children. I hope you are training them properly because what we have as the first generation of abhyasis was not quite well disciplined because, of course, they were the ragtag of a population which had no discipline at all, and Babuji made what he could out of them. But at least in one function they have not disappointed us, in that they have produced a lot of children who we hope will be the second generation, if not the third generation of abhyasis."
"I would like to emphasise the need to train your children properly, especially mothers, because I see many of them in the ashram instigating their children to run around, to shout, to come to me when I am on my walk. That is not the way to train children. Children should be trained to be disciplined, to be seen and not heard, to study well. Because all of you who are parents know, these are your children but more especially my Master's children. They belong to the Mission. You have been in the Mission. The Mission has helped you to grow, to exist happily, comfortably, in protected surroundings like this, so that you have a responsibility to the parampara of Sahaj Marg, the hierarchy, to feed future generations of Sahaj Marg with well-prepared, well-conceived children into this, I don't know, twenty-seven thousandth generation if that is the plan of divinity."
"So, first of all, to train your children you must train yourself. Indisciplined parents can never have disciplined children."
"So don't forget, you are here to train yourself, to equip yourself to get into the Brighter World when your turn comes, when your time comes – may it be long in the future, but your greater responsibility is to the Mission."
This speaks for itself. "These are your children, but more so the children of MY MASTER. They belong to the Mission. " According to Whispers (Messages from the spirit of deceased Babuji (1983), received through an Anonymous French Lady Medium), these children are the future of the Mission, the world's future. They are the vanguard of the chosen race, the "indigo children". They will go through their LMOIS school, (Lalaji Memorial Omega International School) to be formatted by the VBSE (Value-Based Spiritual Education) of Chari, before becoming good little soldiers in the disciplined battalions of Sahaj Marg (tm).
Alexis said:
@ Elodie
Well done! Remember that the Garden of Hearts is a set of apartments facing the Babuji Memorial Ashram, originally built for and by abhyasis who wanted to be closer to Chari ... (or to sell to make "MONEY" ... Spiritualist Capitalism?)
Your children belong to the Mission, you need discipline! Chari and his pharmacist from Brooklyn are preparing their troops ...
Vincent (see his French blog here) is going to be happy for his grandchildren ...
Elodie said:
Hello Vincent,
I myself have a niece who has gone to Chari's school this year. This is the only daughter of my brother, she is twelve years old only. My sister in law went with her in late June to her new school. She stayed there with her for three months and came back shortly after this speech of Chari. I imagine that his speech was directed especially at her, as other mothers who left their children for one year and could not part with them. From what I understand, the children will be back in early May for two short months of vacation.
My sister-in-law is a true fanatic of Sahaj Marg, but she still returned back home torn. I'm not talking about my brother who was unable to accompany them to India because of his work, he just made the round trip on the anniversary of Chari and saw his daughter a few hours. They will see her again once more before May.
October was a martyrdom, at the beginning my niece was crying in front of the webcam. My brother, a strapping man ten years my senior, broke down several times in front of us and now he takes refuge in his work. My sister-in-law, who does not work, compensates by spending all her time for the Mission.
Despite all this, my little sister raised by my parents and my brother is seriously considering doing the same with her children. Fortunately they are still too young for now, maybe she will change her nind by then, although I do not think so.
It's hard, especially because of the length of the separation and because this is the only child of my brother. However, I agree with Léa and 4d-Don in telling you that the SRCM is not the only organization to support the education of children of the followers in their place. This does not take away from the hell which the Mission spreads, but it is not specific to the operation of Sahaj Marg.
Much love,
Friday, November 11, 2011
See Also:
VBSE (Value Based Spiritual Education) at LMOIS (Lalaji Memorial Omega International School), at SRCM(tm)
Insertions and additions by 4d-don are in "red italics"
In the west, we teach our children. As the song goes: "Teach Your Children Well"... Chari and his Sahaj Marg(tm) want the children of abhyasis, which are now called the children of the Master or the Mission, to be "trained" or "formatted" ... as one would a pet or a slave (serf) or a piece of machinery (computer) !! Sahaj Marg is like a loop back to the feudal 12th century !
November 8, 2011
Your children belong to the Mission
In one of Chari's last speeches, "Material Life is the Vehicle to Spirituality" (September 25, 2011, Garden of Hearts, Chennai), he returns to the fate reserved for the children of abhyasis:
" I am happy to see a happy group of people around me, a lot of children. I hope you are training them properly because what we have as the first generation of abhyasis was not quite well disciplined because, of course, they were the ragtag of a population which had no discipline at all, and Babuji made what he could out of them. But at least in one function they have not disappointed us, in that they have produced a lot of children who we hope will be the second generation, if not the third generation of abhyasis."
"I would like to emphasise the need to train your children properly, especially mothers, because I see many of them in the ashram instigating their children to run around, to shout, to come to me when I am on my walk. That is not the way to train children. Children should be trained to be disciplined, to be seen and not heard, to study well. Because all of you who are parents know, these are your children but more especially my Master's children. They belong to the Mission. You have been in the Mission. The Mission has helped you to grow, to exist happily, comfortably, in protected surroundings like this, so that you have a responsibility to the parampara of Sahaj Marg, the hierarchy, to feed future generations of Sahaj Marg with well-prepared, well-conceived children into this, I don't know, twenty-seven thousandth generation if that is the plan of divinity."
"So, first of all, to train your children you must train yourself. Indisciplined parents can never have disciplined children."
"So don't forget, you are here to train yourself, to equip yourself to get into the Brighter World when your turn comes, when your time comes – may it be long in the future, but your greater responsibility is to the Mission."
This speaks for itself. "These are your children, but more so the children of MY MASTER. They belong to the Mission. " According to Whispers (Messages from the spirit of deceased Babuji (1983), received through an Anonymous French Lady Medium), these children are the future of the Mission, the world's future. They are the vanguard of the chosen race, the "indigo children". They will go through their LMOIS school, (Lalaji Memorial Omega International School) to be formatted by the VBSE (Value-Based Spiritual Education) of Chari, before becoming good little soldiers in the disciplined battalions of Sahaj Marg (tm).
Alexis said:
@ Elodie
Well done! Remember that the Garden of Hearts is a set of apartments facing the Babuji Memorial Ashram, originally built for and by abhyasis who wanted to be closer to Chari ... (or to sell to make "MONEY" ... Spiritualist Capitalism?)
Your children belong to the Mission, you need discipline! Chari and his pharmacist from Brooklyn are preparing their troops ...
Vincent (see his French blog here) is going to be happy for his grandchildren ...
Elodie said:
Hello Vincent,
I myself have a niece who has gone to Chari's school this year. This is the only daughter of my brother, she is twelve years old only. My sister in law went with her in late June to her new school. She stayed there with her for three months and came back shortly after this speech of Chari. I imagine that his speech was directed especially at her, as other mothers who left their children for one year and could not part with them. From what I understand, the children will be back in early May for two short months of vacation.
My sister-in-law is a true fanatic of Sahaj Marg, but she still returned back home torn. I'm not talking about my brother who was unable to accompany them to India because of his work, he just made the round trip on the anniversary of Chari and saw his daughter a few hours. They will see her again once more before May.
October was a martyrdom, at the beginning my niece was crying in front of the webcam. My brother, a strapping man ten years my senior, broke down several times in front of us and now he takes refuge in his work. My sister-in-law, who does not work, compensates by spending all her time for the Mission.
Despite all this, my little sister raised by my parents and my brother is seriously considering doing the same with her children. Fortunately they are still too young for now, maybe she will change her nind by then, although I do not think so.
It's hard, especially because of the length of the separation and because this is the only child of my brother. However, I agree with Léa and 4d-Don in telling you that the SRCM is not the only organization to support the education of children of the followers in their place. This does not take away from the hell which the Mission spreads, but it is not specific to the operation of Sahaj Marg.
Much love,
Friday, November 11, 2011
See Also:
VBSE (Value Based Spiritual Education) at LMOIS (Lalaji Memorial Omega International School), at SRCM(tm)
Friday, November 04, 2011
Sahaj Marg(tm) 2011, Dubai, Kamlesh & The GST
Taken and translated from an article by Alexis: "2011, Dubai, Kamlesh & la GST" on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg. Alexis has his own blog (french & english) also: Le Projet Sahaj Marg
Insertions and additions (for clarity) by 4d-Don are in "red italics"
November 4, 2011
2011: Dubai, Kamlesh & GST
After one year of "sabbatical," Chari resumed his travels abroad. First to Dubai for the inauguration in the spring of their ashram, then to Singapore and to neighboring Malaysia. With October, came returning to Dubai this time with his new "dauphin" (successor in waiting), Kamlesh D. Patel, a pharmacist from Brooklyn (Staten Island, N.Y.) ...
In early summer, Chari had revealed he was working on the renovation of the SRCM with Ishak Adizes. A team of global services (GST, Global Service team) had been established with Kamlesh as the GRAND mediator.
From Dubai, where Chari came to visit the banks with Kamlesh to ensure the financial succession, he re-iterated the role of the GST and the reorganization of the Mission. Historically, Babuji had not split the actions of the Mission between the administration and the spirituality. Fifteen years after the arrival of Chari, these two parts were organized separately.
Today, Chari has kept two things from Adizes' proposals: an organization must answer the question why? what? ... and nothing works properly without mutual respect and mutual trust. There is need of nothing else to "become brothers and sisters," but Chari added that this lacks ...
He reminds that the abhyasis are there to serve, not to serve humanity but to serve him, the master who loves everyone. "Love him who loves all." So the administration and spirituality may well be made by each communally, but it requires a global service team.
Critics of this new organization are fusing already, Chari asks all not to judge it and be patient, otherwise the system will not work ...
A team of 14 persons, 14 Indian chiefs, serving the entire SRCM, what a revolution! We've already had the President's Committee, nothing new under the sun ...
The mountain of Adizes / Chari has given birth to a very small mouse indeed ...
Insertions and additions (for clarity) by 4d-Don are in "red italics"
November 4, 2011
2011: Dubai, Kamlesh & GST
After one year of "sabbatical," Chari resumed his travels abroad. First to Dubai for the inauguration in the spring of their ashram, then to Singapore and to neighboring Malaysia. With October, came returning to Dubai this time with his new "dauphin" (successor in waiting), Kamlesh D. Patel, a pharmacist from Brooklyn (Staten Island, N.Y.) ...
In early summer, Chari had revealed he was working on the renovation of the SRCM with Ishak Adizes. A team of global services (GST, Global Service team) had been established with Kamlesh as the GRAND mediator.
From Dubai, where Chari came to visit the banks with Kamlesh to ensure the financial succession, he re-iterated the role of the GST and the reorganization of the Mission. Historically, Babuji had not split the actions of the Mission between the administration and the spirituality. Fifteen years after the arrival of Chari, these two parts were organized separately.
Today, Chari has kept two things from Adizes' proposals: an organization must answer the question why? what? ... and nothing works properly without mutual respect and mutual trust. There is need of nothing else to "become brothers and sisters," but Chari added that this lacks ...
He reminds that the abhyasis are there to serve, not to serve humanity but to serve him, the master who loves everyone. "Love him who loves all." So the administration and spirituality may well be made by each communally, but it requires a global service team.
Critics of this new organization are fusing already, Chari asks all not to judge it and be patient, otherwise the system will not work ...
A team of 14 persons, 14 Indian chiefs, serving the entire SRCM, what a revolution! We've already had the President's Committee, nothing new under the sun ...
The mountain of Adizes / Chari has given birth to a very small mouse indeed ...
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