Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Disappointed of Chariji-ism!

Taken from Elodie's Blog in France: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg. In a comment by Alexis to an article entitled: Temoignage de Jean-Francois

Alexis has his own Blogs: SRCM=Danger, and Le Project Sahaj Marg (French & English)

The Disappointed of Chariji-ism...

In 2000-2005, no Western abhyasis knew Kasturi, Navneet Kumar Saxena (grand son of Babuji) and Dinesh Kumar Saxena (grand son of Lalaji), apart from a handful of people who were well informed (in the know) . In the best of cases, their names were not unknown, but it stops there. For Western abhyasis, SRCM and Sahaj Marg was Chari and his Mission.

Since then, things have changed. Kasturi, Navneet and Dinesh all have their own web sites, and we helped make them known to everyone.

But why are they suddenly out of the shadows?

The galaxy of Sahaj Marg is apparently some 500 000 sympathizers, with only 10% of these as regulars, and faithfull to an aging Chari, soon to be 82 years old, and his commercialized and drifting mission is now well established.

Those disappointed in Chariji-ism are legions. Chari himself is confessing his fear that his Mission will implode into a multitude of autonomous groups. And everyone is trying to recover his/her piece of the cake (birthday) . The land, the money, the adherents ...

For that nothing beats a good media exposure and they understand it:

* The descendants of Babuji have opposed the SRCM (California-1997) of Chari through the courts for a very long time. But Navneet Kumar Saxena has chosen since January 2007, to speak first on Tell me Truth India and then on its own website (Shri Ram Chandra Mission) . Why has he decided to take his fight to the media? What does he seek? And what does he gain? Justice should have sufficed ...

* Kasturi has hardened her tone towards Chari, first in 1995, and more so today. Her collaborators Akshat Gupta and Pandit Ji Somesh have created a blog (Kasturi Bhenji) in November 2006. Her "faithful" in America and Europe have emerge from the shadows since 2008 (Denise and Jean-François Mincet, in Canada, Cyrille Roux, in France, etc.).. Why now? After 25 years of silence ...

* There are also the efforts by the grandson of Lalaji, since late 2006. Less media-savvy, Dinesh Kumar Saxena stands out less clearly from Chari of whom he is a preceptor. This did not prevent him from reaffirming the Sufi origins of his lineage, and most recently (late 2008) to bring forth proof that Babuji had lost his way from Sufism, in his time.

* Let's not forget KC Narayana, son of Dr. Varadachari, who multiplies the number of his websites: the movement (Institute of Ramchandra Consciousness-ISRC), a research center, Imperience and a foundation, Sahaj Seva Samsthan, with its social achievements. A limited presence in numbers, but international and of quality.

And one can doubt the "entente cordiale" (Brotherhood?) at the top of the Chari Mission itself. Is everything going well between Ajay Kumar Bhatter the Chari-picked successor, PR Krishna the rich heir, Santosh Khanjee the "eminence grise" (Power behind the Throne) or even A.P. Durai and U.S. Bajpai, Chari's henchmen?

As long as Chari is there, no one says anything and everyone follows. But tomorrow?

Moreover, the rumor goes that that the "rag is already burning" (tension?) between Chari and his son Krishna ...

The explosion is expected! The vultures and the jackals are there, following the herd and recovering the laggards (strays?) . When the shepherd is gone, the hunt (kill, slaughter) will be on.

Friday March 20, 12:39:00 p.m. PM


Sushant said...

I pray for the writter of this column . May God give him wisdom so that he realise that he is on a great mistake

Sushant said...

why blog owner's permission reqired? Show people the true comments by readers.

4d-Don said...


I used to be an "abhyasi", that "was" a great mistake ... I am now contacting the ONE, the DIVINE on my own, and letting others know that there is a "better way" than the same old MALE, religious, ritualistic, obedience to MALE, self-appointed, representatives of a MALE GOD.

May you find a more UNITING, forgiving and LOVING path ...


On my blog, I do what I want... Anyone can start their own blog and also do what they want. When dealing with religious fanatics, the threats, and other arrogant behavior, and general "silliness" is not going to be "promoted" or broadcast on this blog ...


I will publish those who are worthy of being read, like yours ... Others I will not!!

GV said...

Don, I have read your opinion on and off for sometime and i clearly see the mountain on animosity and intolerance you have against SRCM. I think your only aim in life as long as you breathe is to thrown filth on the Ashram. I don;t have anything against you but that is not going to help you when you say you are going to be spiritual and comment on ONEness with God etc. Remember jesus teachings, show compassion to your worst enemy and forgive him. You cannot have both ways.
Other than that, all i have to say is that starting from times immemorial, we have people who showed tremendous hatred against saints and GODs. Lord krishna was thought a cunning and manipulative thief by Kauravas. Not even all pandavas recognised him as God except Darmaraja. Lord Jesus was tormented for his teachings. I can tell numerous saints like Shirdi Sai Baba, Samarth Ramdas, Saint Gajanan who have been tormented by these evildoers.
Granted it is difficult to recognise a saint. I think it is a novell concept to westerners regarding Guru. In hindu dharma, Guru is even grater than God. starting from Dattatreya, the saints like Saibaba, Samarth ramdas, Meher Baba, Akkalkot maharaj, Baba Tajuaddin and many many saints were extrodinary Gurus who have spiritually elevated many souls.
Chariji's mission is to have as many people get the benefits of sahaj marg and pranahuti meditation and for that he has to expand. In these times, you cannot do your work without having lawyers, businessmen at your service.Chariji is very practical. You said people and money are his assets. You are right. If he has to propagate, he needs money and only way he can do is to sell books. He is not begging any govt or institution for money. People spend so much money on so much useless things, so why not some money for spiritual development. Also there is no insisence on anyone. Many poor people never pay anything. I don;t see anything wrong. Also, Chari himslef says both materialism and Spiritualism should be promoted just like bird with 2 wings.Yes, he insists ever on should be abhyasis, what is wrong? this is not new. All saintly Organizations will do the same. Even Jesus might have said just follow him and he will wash away their Sins.
There are mean people around who don;t have a problem in filing law-suits. Recently, one spritual head on Barsana dham ashram in Austin, TX was arrested because 2 women filed a law suit that he groped them some 15 yrs back. This is all BS, if you know the person that Swamiji is. Those girls know they can atleast get a million dollars if they reach some out of court settlement from the rich Barsana Ashram. There are vultures every where trying to prey. Even Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was not left alone, He was maligned that he was a gay by some stupid Chicago Professor just to get name and fame. Just some one maligns and files law suit with some clever writings and detective analysis, well nothing stops people from believing that because it looks very logical. The writings of that professor also looked very logical, a case in point.
You may argue why so many senior abhyasis are going against Chariji. Well, who knows they want some reason to establish their own ashram may be and they thought Chariji preferred some others instead of them. Don't think that these people are so divine that they don;t have any of the human qualities of hatred and jealousy.

I think i have made my point. It is my intent to lessenn your hatred. You can totally disagree with SRCM, but hatred and venom is not good. I am saying this not as abhyasi (because i am not) but as a human. God bless.

Anonymous said...


I think you confuse "exposing" intolerance, animosity and arrogance and "being" these "vices".

I tolerate all religions be they fundamentalists, literalists, liberal, sectarian, cults, or universalists, as well as most secular "ISMS" (capitalism, communism, socialism, conservatism, liberalism, etc...) and like Voltaire, would defend to the death the right of all and any to serve, believe or worship whatever they want, even SATAN-ism ...

But the claims of Brotherhood, and SPIRITUALISM (messages channeled by an anonymous French Lady Medium, from the "spirits of the dead"), masked as SPIRITUALITY is being used to lure my family, friends, children, associates, and I have a duty to protect and defend them and to give them a "heads-up". I still leave them free to CHOSE!! Once they have been made aware of the "PITFALLS" and the "WALK" of the PROPONENTS and PROSELYTIZERS of the many RELIGIOUS SCAMS ... not just the "TALK" that is spread by their "preceptors" (their judas goats)


4d-Don said...


To those who preach "tolerance" as a way to hide "in-tolerance", I say:
Tolerance for the TOLERANT! Even though I tolerate SRCM and Christianity, both of which I left as they did not serve my "spiritual" path. They simply play: SPIRITUALIST games with prayers and incantations (egregores), to the dead, and many other silly practices of "oxygen deprivation", or of societal isolation.

Your Master is not a "TOLERANT" man and his actions are not "tolerant" but very "divisive" to our society and families. I will forgive him his "intolerance" of other RELIGIONS which he attacks and slanders constantly. But I will continue to EXPOSE IT and HIM ...

Jesus also took the "whip" to the "hypocrites" who traded money (commercialized) in the temple. I am not that "violent"... yet! ;-))

But the next wave of Christian are becoming very "MILITANT" so I would be wary of bad-mouthing "ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY, HINDUISM,JUDAISM and other such "militant" religions. Tell that to your ex-MASTER!! And Muzzle him for the sake of "PEACE" and BROTHERHOOD in the RELIGIOUS communities and FAMILIES of the World...

You say about Chari:

so why not some money for spiritual development

What SPIRITUALITY does one get from PRIVATE Schools for the Wealthy where their children are being taught about "Invincible INDIA" (nationalism). They are also taught in the VBSE (Value-based Spiritual Education) that RELIGIONS all PROMOTE war and violence? is that Religious TOLERANCE? And all that while the POOR have no food"? What type of SPIRITUALITY does one get from a 28 acre retreat ranch outside Austin, TEXAS called SPURS (an instrument of pain for animals, used for the pleasure of the crowds)? And what about castles? Golden LIONS? MARBLE? Pictures of the Master (idolatry)? And why so much focus on DUBAI and other "materialist resorts"? Why so much "comfort" while the POOR die of starvation?

Money has left Canada ($60,000) to help build a "Private school" for the Wealthy? This is abusing our "tax-exempt" legislation meant for legitimate "charity" not for "more comfort" for the hatred-spreading and "intoleranc-promoting" nationalistic Private schools of wealthy imperialists from other countries. We were told that money gathered in Canada would be spent in CANADA ... not for more luxuries for the wealthy in other countries. Where is the "accountability"... Do not give to Charities until you can see their "financial statements". Do not believe them any more... SOME, who want to SCAM, LIE and HIDE THE TRUTH...

The use of the "token" poor, gay, black, "misfit" etc... does not hold water... It is just a way to justify paying for the wealthy ... It is just a way of saying: we give "medical services" to a few POOR, but we give most medical services to the WEALTHY and those few POOR are how we JUSTIFY the "abuse" of CHARITY dollars, and volunteers from other countries who also have many POOR ... Respect our Charity "tax-expempt" legislation or do business elsewhere. SRCM is a business ... for the comfort of the wealthy your taxes, SRCM, the business of RELIGION!! ...

You say:

both materialism and Spiritualism should be promoted

The Sahaj Marg of Babuji was supposed to be "SPIRITUALITY" as a "system" like the "eight-fold path" called: Raja Yoga, not "SPIRITUALISM" ... Spiritualism is contact with the DEAD and messages received by MEDIUMS (French "anonymous" Lady) We all know that SPIRITUALISM is a SCAM and a FRAUD... leave our Tax-exempt Charity dollars alone for your pleasure of SPIRITUALISM... It is not SPIRITUALITY.

4d-Don said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
4d-Don said...


Chari says that the Catholic PRIESTS and JESUS can't forgive sins... but HE (Chari) can erase SAMSKARAS and overide the ONE's law of ACTION and REACTION (karma? in your culture). How disrespectful and un- BROTHERLY! Then he teaches that "religions" promote war at his PRIVATE school (LMOIS)... is that the LOVE and BROTHERHOOD the SRCM's Master talks about, but that he, the SRCM's Master doesn't WALK the WALK...

The "vultures" in the case of "SPIRITUALISM" is the SRCM (California-1997). Why re-register the SRCM in San Luis Obispo, California and the Foundation, SMSF in Austin, Texas? Why steal what one can't get "LEGALLY" and then preach "morality" and "ethics"? WHY so much "immorality" and un-ethical conduct in the supposedly "Spiritual" teachers?

Chari, and the other "senior" preceptors are all the same ... When there is "MATERIAL" the vultures circle and try to eat and control the "carcass"... Such is SAHAJ MARG and SRCM (California-1997)

Even the "only saint" in Sahaj Marg, Sister Kasturi, according to Babuji would not "meet with these people" ... Why would you, or I? Do you not adhere to the warnings of the SAINTS or of the Saints of BABUJI?

I have no hatred... that is what the "exposed" haters try to push on the "infonauts" or REPORTERS. "Blame the Messengers for the flaws of the KING" is an old DEFENSE but now with the INTERNET, we can continue EXPOSING without hatred, anger, lust, greed, manipulation. We can just tell the TRUTH as we see it ... OUR part of the Picture is now to be taken in consideration and not to be "pooh poohed" as "negative"...

In mathematics: multiplying two negatives give a "positive"... So to expose or report a SCAM or a FLAWED theology, philosophy, psychology is a POSITIVE... the negative is in the PYRAMID which is most SCAMS ... and the other "negative" is the "exposure"... We, the spiritual individuals, remain POSITIVE!!

May you be blessed of the ONE and the ALL and find your way to ONE-ness, not "DIVISION", without a PROXY or a structure. The Proxies (representatives) and the pyramidal structures of RELIGION and SPIRIT-ual GROUPS are what is WRONG!

The word: "G-O-D" is a German (Gothic) word and is not SPIRITUAL but RELIGIOUS. It did not mean solely the ONE, the CREATOR but also included many "HUMANS", heroes, emperors, etc... (see "pantheism")... That is a flawed and Divisive "theology" of the Past perpetrated under the name of "spirituality"... the CREATOR is ONE! The mechanism of Creation is MOTION!

The new galactic spiritual paradigm is not a PYRAMID (such as SRCM and other scams) with GOD at the top, the GURU replacing GOD at the TOP and then the "inner circle", Preceptors, and the lowly "serfs" at the bottom, funding the structure and doing all the work.

But the new Spiritual paradigm is a SPIRAL with no beginning, no end, so no "special PLACE, TIME, PERSON" and which in 3d, has no enclosed or INSIDE (space) or no (locked-out) OUTSIDE space.

All can enter the SPIRAL freely and all can leave freely. There is no LEADER. At the Eternal Feast, ALL are invited!! And all are free to come and participate Freely, and/or depart and stop participating Freely


Anonymous said...

Don, all i can say is, "You / your soul) are/is doomed for eternity. May your mental imbalance be restored and may you become a normal human being. May Master help you !

4d-Don said...

Hi anonymous...

You seem to have as much "love" and you express as much "divine essence" as your Master. It's good that the world does not rely only on your group's love and spirituality so as to BE ONE with ALL ...

I, like everyone, am not "doomed for eternity" ... your curses are as silly and much like the idle threats from the bully in the schoolyard ... they don't have any spiritual power as you are basking in the material developed by your CEO developer, Chari ... NOT I.

I express the balance of nature which shows that everything which exists is connected to everything else and one tree (the cedar), does not have to become a "clone" of another tree (the fir) so as to BE in balance in nature ... Nature's ways are not Chari's and Sahaj Marg's ways ... Don't you wish you could realized that you are "special" too?? Like Babuji, and Chari... and now Kamlesh D. Patel?? Isn't that just SPECIAL??

Everyone part can be what ONE has created and only the profiteers try and "bully" others with threats ...

Your Master can't even help himself by BEING spiritual. He has to point at you all as "not being of caliber" or "not being of quality" enough to reach his "invented" BRIGHTER WORLD (Heaven?)... or even the more ridiculous "Central region" of this Brighter World ...

Thanks for your loving example of what one becomes with Sahaj Marg...

I will not pursue you but will continue informing the other readers which you and you kind would ensnare with your fantasies and legends ...

We shall overcome... someday!!
We are not afraid...
We shall live in PEACE ...
and we will overcome someday!! But now, we are in ONE and of ONE!!

You have no negative effect on us ... so thanks for your loving? input and your comment ... it gave me one more occasion to inform my readers about Sahaj Marg and you are the examble of the LOVE created at Sahaj Marg towards us, your Brothers and Sisters as Nature has created it ....

Don ...

P.S. Don't worry, your words and your lack of love will not "doom you for eternity". You too will learn one day!! We all will!!

Aja said...

Dear Don, my soul brother,
What shall it profit to our souls by such arguments and defamations. Breeding hates and dislikes will only spoil souls' beauty.
When a soul aspires to return to the God, it aims at becoming love and being love, as "God is Love".
So it would be wise to be an example of love. Seeing the goodness and God in others is one's merit/achievement, which reflects the expression of divine in him.
Whoever or whatever may be revered master Chariji, what does it matter to you if you don't like or accept Him as your Master..Just walk your way wherever you find solace and be happy. Chariji never criticised religion, but He only only criticised the wrong/superstitious practices of the religion. For example, if a person kills another person in the name of God, is it justifiable? Which God has ever permitted to kill in God's name?...isn't it? It is the human hates/anger/dislikes which is their ignorance.
So, is it wrong to criticize such wrong religious practices? No reasonable human would agree upon such superstitious practices.
Now rev.Chariji being a spiritual guide, it was His duty to guide us to be a better individual for a better world.
Spiritualism or spirituality doesn't soley means communion with deads. It also means science of soul, where a person realizes its true Self/Soul Self/divine Self through meditation.
Speaking of Brighter World, it is not an invented word by rev. Chariji. Be clear in this, there are many dimensions where a soul progressively evolve or devolve. Brighter world is one of such spirit dimension where liberated souls reach. There are higher dimensions beyond brighter world where soul progressively evolve finally merging in God. Just to name the dimension where liberated souls qualify to reach, Masters like Babuji Maharaj, Chariji ..etc has named it as Brighter world. Sahaj Marg Masters' approach are far beyond brighter world. But one has to experience it for oneself. You mayn't believe my words neither do I expect you to believe it. It is purely experiential and one's choice.
SRCM as an organization is running superb with its new Master Kamleshji. One can see the transparency and simplicity in its functions.
Sahaj Marg/SRCM , is now registered and practised in more than 110 nations throughout the world.
This itself shows the effectiveness and purity of the system/SRCM. Even U.N (United Nations) has recognized its effectiveness in imparting value based education, relaxation technique, meditation etc. to the humanity.
Please try to look for good in others and be loving. That's one of the way to build a better world.
When Sahaj Marg/SRCM can bring so much of transformation in this world to build a better world, let it do.
Let's strive our ways with love.

4d-Don said...

Hi Aja...

Islam and Christianity are registered in more countries than Sahaj Marg... Does that mean that this shows that they are more effective and more pure than Sahaj Marg? Does recognition by the world mean that this confirms the "GOD-liness" or the holiness or even the "near-ness" to the ONE-ness of all?? .... NO!! Of course not!!

Religions (including Spiritualism) divide mankind and Sahaj Marg is now simply another divisive "ideology" and of a ritualist dogmatism ...

It is not "spirituality" which means something quite different than "SPIRITUALISM" ... look it up ...

Go (with your religious and/or sectarian divisions) in our peace and love and leave us in our unified peace and love ... You are part of our world ... We are not part of your divisive religious group, but we, the "free thinkers" as well as those who will eventually be "free thinkers", are all ONE and are inside our ONE-ness
