Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sahaj Marg is a RELIGION... PRAY to GOD!!

Taken from:, now in the control of the Chari Faction of SRCM (California), registered in California in 1997. Comments by author of this blog are in red italics.


Speech given by Rev. Master on 30th July 2008 at Satkhol, India

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Master: Well, you know, my concerns are with the people of some countries.

Abhyasi: Really?

Master: Do I ever joke about these things?

Abhyasi: No, of course you don’t. What is your concern?

Master: That they should be progressive, safe to meditate. Because in one’s quest for God, there are so many religions. Now which is the effective one? Which is not the effective one? You see, we have started from the pygmies, to the Adivasis [a tribe] of India, to the tree worshippers, nature worshippers, sun worshippers, but we know, at least now in our spiritual level, that these are not God. They are creations of God. So everything that we worship in a material form (including the idolatrous man-created (Chari) attribute of the gender or MALE-ness of GOD ...see here ) is definitely something that has been created by God (or man...Sahaj Marg and the Buildings (Ashrams, Castles, ranches, etc...) were created by MAN, not by a GOD or THE ONE. The ONE's creation, Nature, created the material, not what man did with the MATERIAL) , whether it is a horse or a bull or [inaudible] or anything. So we have to go beyond this, you see. (Yes, we want to go into SPIRIT!! Not into more MATERIAL structures, that will demand our TIME caretaking of the MATERIAL rather that living in the NOW of SPIRIT. Under the guise of SPIRIT, Sahaj Marg is into the MATERIAL, as their Masters claim RELIGIONS are!!)

And in my opinion human beings should have a right, a birthright, to decide which way to adopt to reach the Ultimate. And nobody should have the right to interfere in this process. No? Therefore, we don’t go and preach, and say, “All of you come here.” We teach those who come to us, and we try to teach them what we do, and we say, “What I have achieved so far, I can guarantee you. Beyond that, Insha-Allah.” Now ‘Insha-Allah’ I am using as a phrase to mean God is always one who regulates our progress. Because if a child wants to go to school at the age of two, we don’t send. If a boy of eight wants to go to college—not yet. Or if a girl of six wants to get married—no. So here we use our judgement. So in social things, we have the parents’ guidance, the teachers’ guidance and the government’s guidance. The government should guide our lives, not control it—in any country. This is the idea of freedom, as I understand it. Not the French way of freedom, that you can get drunk, do what you like, break down and kill a queen. (OH YES?? WOW!! One has to shake one's head in amazement. And some believe that simplistic history?) That is not freedom, that is misuse of it. They take freedom for a moment, for a day, for two days, for five days, declare a revolution, kill, destroy, and then say, “Now we are this.” It seems to fit in with an idea of democracy, that it is the expression of people’s will, but people’s will to destroy cannot be given to them. Don’t you agree? ( You, the "upper classes" of this world are not giving out RIGHTS any more. We, the COMMON PEOPLE are TAKING THEM without asking your permission. This section sounds like "xenophobia" and instigating hatred and intolerance. This simplistic "history" is not only false for the "French" people and the French Revolution. IT IS NOT TRUE at all for all people of the world!! The French people then, had a will to survive and to be happy, much as today, not to "get drunk and destroy", and that right of all people, the right to the pursuit of happiness (and survival), was usurped by the aristocrats in complicity with the Churches, and they eventually paid the price for their arrogance. Their "divine rights of kings" were taken away by the PEOPLE! This (Chari's Tales) is another FALSE and "simplistic" interpretation and historical teaching from the current "upper caste" Master of Sahaj Marg and President of SRCM (California), as he goes about destroying families and dividing communities, even his own, in the name of "GOD"!

India and other countries have had, and continue to have their "revolutions", invasions, and wars and most are not instigated and/or led by "the people", but by the autocrats and the wealthy "power-seekers" who continuously lead their people to war for personal, nationalist and/or religious reasons. And then, the RELIGIOUS charlatans have the gall to blame the PEOPLE for the DESTRUCTION?? It is the people (children of the poor) who will eventually do the fighting and the dying for the "wealthy" who cowardly lead from the rear and simply profiteer from the suffering of the poor...

Chari, you should apologize to the French PEOPLE for your slandering of their ancestral revolutionary heroes. It was not only the "queen" who was beheaded by the "petit bourgeois" revolutionaries, but also many from the corrupt "aristocracy". This same "queen" when she was told that the people did not have any bread to eat (i.e. starving, so "suffering"), allegedly arrogantly said: "Let them eat cake!"... Laughter!! ... (but not for long)

PS... could it be that Chari is fixated on the word, "queen" and it comes to his consciousness through the emotion of "guilt", and because of it's use in the "homosexual" community. i.e. it is close in spelling to "queer"... And "queen" is sometimes used to indicate a "fem" or an "effeminate person", or a flashy "dresser" and/or a male "cross-dresser". Not scary at all! Certainly not as scary as the costumes glorifying "murderers", as worn by kids and adults on Halloween (Oct. 31st). You the so-called "spiritual" adherents please find some "tolerance" and charity, and compassion!

In our area, and in our country, according to an article in the Vancouver Sun, the number of attacks on gays and lesbians, who are , by the way, protected in our "Bill of Rights", coming from the "East Indian" community are on the increase. Could Sahaj Marg, the SRCM(California), and specifically, Chari please "train" its serfs to use "non-violent" means to express their intolerance and societal biases. (See Chari's quotes on Homosexuality: Lessons from Sahaj Marg, taken from a speech of Chari's that could be "off-line" by now...

Speech by Chariji "Balance-The Crux of Life" Jan 20, 2006 in Malaysia []

Pray to God for the Queens and the Queers TOO !

Well, as in the tale of the French "QUEEN" and in the tales of other such arrogant aristocrats from centuries past, first the "infonauts" and the "intellectuals" (thinkers), gave their warnings which were not heard! THEN... ???? I am sure there was "Private Security" that were probably hired for the "QUEEN" and other aristocrats?? Thus creating a false sense of security among these same aristocrats (upper classes) in collusion with religious (Christian) autocrats and "self-titled" representatives of GOD!

Note: Notice that there is no mention of the "killing of the Tsar, Nicholas and his family", during the "Bolshevik Revolution" in Chari's speech in Moscow called, Accept Suffering: "The most important benefit you have is seventy years of suffering. I say this because without suffering, there is no spirituality. God has been very kind to you all, because you have the foundation for sure success in your spiritual life. Here I have to say one word of caution. Don’t get pulled into this glamorous Western existence of luxury, waste and consumption-oriented life. I know how much they suffer in the West because of all these affluences they have. Because they don’t know suffering, they don’t want suffering, and they will avoid suffering at any cost."

Then the contradiction, in his speech in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, called: Embrace Spirituality Totally: "Our Mission is here to serve human beings for their spiritual life, spiritual welfare, spiritual progress so that they may emancipate themselves from this human life: the life of bondage to our samskaras restricting our freedom, bringing in elements of sorrow, pain, suffering, frustration into our lives, and denying us the possibility of leading a balanced life in which there can be no ups and downs, no exaggerated tendencies, no exaggerated feelings, but those which are natural to the human heart."

Is this a "con" or not? The French had also suffered for a long time before the "revolution" finally exploded into all-out violence. There is, by the way, no elimination of SUFFERING with religion and/or with religious rituals, prayers, and/or austerities. It is likewise with Sahaj Marg, and its rituals of "transmission", sittings, and now, "prayers" ... It is time to FACE REALITY!!

Now we can say people want war. (NO.... NOT TRUE and silly but dangerous logic (or lack of) from the wealthy (ex. CEO) leader of a religious sect) So can we declare a war immediately? (simplistic,... do you mean a "religious war"?) There is a rule (??... who wrote that "rule"... please show your source!! ) even in economic theory, that if you have a house, it is yours. It is undisputably yours, it is totally yours, but you cannot set fire to it (no, but any "home owner" can destroy his/her own house...and rebuild another "BETTER ONE"... (a joke on Sahaj Marg and other "religions") —say for insurance or for some criminal reason. You cannot do it, because it can affect the neighbours’ houses, it can kill a baby inside. Most thinking good-willed person will make sure that they do not affect their neighbour or their "baby", ... Maybe Chari is refering to "faith-based" and brainswashed individuals who can be made to attack other groups' Temples, Churches and/or ASHRAMS violently so as to "PROFITEER" and gain power? Most thinking (common) persons are apparently more ethical and moral than the 'faith-based" and OBEDIENT serfs of Sahaj Marg.) So you have a right only to construct and to enjoy—construct, retain and enjoy. No destruction! (NOT TRUE!! We, being the MASTERS of our own LIVES and PROPERTY, can destroy or build, and at the same time, not affect the rights and property of our neighbours. We, the common people can "walk and chew gum at the same time". It is a RIGHT (to control our property and destiny) that we gradually TOOK from the feudal STATE (12th century aristocrats) and other megalomaniacal MASTERS of the UNIVERSE (religion), and we are not giving it back... I will do with my PROPERTY as I wish!! That is why we seperate STATE and RELIGION! RELIGION with it's "literal" interpretation of "DIVINE" WORDS, as if the ONE, the CREATOR used and still uses WORDS to communicate with his "chosen few", is fundamentally flawed!!)

Now when you interfere in the people’s legitimate (and right conferred on them by birth itself) sort of choice—you cannot interfere with it. (please make sense!!) I choose to worship in my room, (and you have the right to stay there and not "proselytize" as Babuji and Dr. Varadachari taught!! ) in a way that I find gives me peace, tranquillity, and therefore a possible spiritual evolution. And if I have somebody who can guide me, what you call morshed [master] in your language, very good! But then we must remember, a morshed is not a religious person. ( no... but Sahaj Marg is now a RELIGION, with a set of edicts, maxims, rituals, arranged marriages, etc...) Religion has a set of edicts, like thou shalt not, thou shalt not, thou shalt not. But what shall we do? So here the soul (in Sahaj Marg, there is now a "soul" just as in RELIGION ... what is the difference between "soul" and "spirit"? Much like "RELIGION"? Right?) in its wisdom has to tell me from inside myself: don’t do these things. It is better to be without, than to do the wrong thing. As my morshed has said, it is better to be without a teacher than with the wrong teacher. It is better to be without medicine and let nature work, than take the wrong medicine. (YES that is so TRUE... Sahaj Marg is the perfect example: Using non-ethical, non-moral means, even violence to control ASHRAMS... and then preaching "PEACE" and "non-violence". Praying for PEACE and then serving the GODS OF WAR! ... as the "two faced or the "forked tongued" spiritualists" that you have become. You've got to think the world is deaf and blind!! )

So this is my concern for the people of some countries.

Abhyasi: What can we do to change this, Master?

Master: You can change only by prayer, ("only by prayer"?? ... and not by Sahaj Marg MEDITATION and transmission any more? Or by having a "GURU"? Now abhyasis are becoming religious and PRAYING to GOD? Bribing "HIM" , the Male God of Chari, with verses and songs or MONEY? Are we "spiritual capitalists" at SRCM(Calfiornia)? Where did Babuji go wrong? Is this the new SAHAJ MARG? ... PRAYERS, as the "ONLY" way to change? ... and your character is your own responsibility, right?

That "all new" Sahaj Marg would not have attracted me in the 1980's and it still does not attract me !!) because as individuals, which so many revolutions of France teach us, they can only destroy, (not true... obviously... many cities and buildings are "BUILT", not simply DESTROYED) using the same principle that Americans are now (now?? That was a phrase attached to WW l... not NOW!!...Why do you attach it to the Americans? That is not accurate!! You are still trying to get away with "made up" and unfounded citations? yet again!!) using, that this is the war to end all wars. Isn’t it? It is like saying, all the people of the world will die so that new people will come. It is not possible. (and your analogy is inaccurate and silly) So as humans, individuals, we all must pray, and pray with the heart. (not with the brain and the "intellect"?... in other words, "repeat the prayers that you, the MASTER, gives to the "serfs"? The Heart does not speak, and does not THINK... it is the BRAIN that PRAYS ... One prays with the upper "chakras" (throat, third eye, crown), not with the HEART, the lowly PUMP for blood that has been given "mystical" and "emotional" properties by those who want and demand "obedience", rather that "teaching" their followers to think and become responsible for their own words and actions.) Then things will change. (Things are always changing.... like it or not) After all, the world has seen so many changes, even without wars. In India we have seen that we could have our own government without a war with the British. It was called a bloodless revolution, what we call ahimsa—non-violence. So to get an ahimsa type of a change, only prayer. (Oh! the French can only "kill a queen" or "get drunk" and "destroy", but in INDIA, it is so much BETTER!! NO KILLING THERE, eh Chari? You gotta think the world is deaf and blind... WE ARE NOT!! and we don't simply believe you... we can read and we can research and we see much violence, killing and war in INDIA also, even some reported in newspapers about your group of "peace-loving" (SRCM (California) ... and specially by the upper classes, who continuously bring their "people" to war, thus accumulating wealth and slave labour from neighbouring states so as to build their (your) gaudy, oppulent and obscene religious TEMPLES and ASRHAMS, and/or making deals with other INVADERS, so as to retain their POWER. (see Lalaji's family history, and current history of India)

Abhyasi: The nine o’ clock prayer, or even outside that?

Master: No, no. Nine o’clock prayer is only for people. (... nine o'clock is for "people"??... and pray beside that for something else.??.. just like Chari tells you..., children!! do you folks (abhyasis) realize how you have become a RELIGION??) For change of this sort, you need to sit and pray, you see. You may say Allah, or you may say God, or you may say O my beloved, anything you like. He (male...false and idolatry) knows. When you say, “A rose by any name smells as sweet,” God by any name should be accessible to me. No? Because he (male... false and idolatry... the ONE is an "IT" without name) is nameless. One without a name can be called by any name. ( but that is wrong .If I have "no name", you must not call me "chari"... Call me by a "number" (ONE+), or by "NO NAME" (Yahweh) ...and by NO GENDER... or IT becomes a PERSON in the MIND of the PEOPLE who obey literally... the faith-based, non-thinking, serfs of Sahaj Marg) But if you are Yasmin, or Sohrabi, I have to call you by your name.

Those who don’t wish to change, they are at liberty not to change. (Impossible..."change", like MOTION, is a REALITY... you would not claim that change or MOTION is not REALITY, would you? Do you know of anything that does not change, or anything that is "standing still" and not in MOTION?) It is their life, you see. “No, no, I prefer to remain what I am. I am happy.” Okay, be happy. Because ultimately human life, forget the spiritual part of it, must be at least happy. The least that we should look forward to on earth is happiness, contentment. (and no RELIGIONS and no self-appointed "masters" to tell us how to relate to the ONE...SPIRIT.. that is contentment!)

Okay, thank you.

Okay, you're welcome, Eh!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) Documents on-line


Many legal documents (see items 1-16) from SRCM (Shahjahanpur) versus SRCM(California) case have been put on-line on Shashwat's Blog. Some are now translated by Shashwat, others are in the process of translation:

Shashwat's Blog:



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Further Comments on 1982 succession letters

Taken from Elodie's (France) blog: Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg.
Comments are by Alexis, and Elodie, and refer to Michael's letters and information on his Blog Site: The Inner Circle of SRCM

Alexis Said:

There are three things that are worth remembering

Navneet Kumar Saxena and Shashwat Pandey are not worshipers of Chari, far from it. They first accused Chari of having produced a false document in 1974, the reverse may be true for those documents allegedly written in 1982.

Cyrille from the nebula of full preceptors appointed by Babuji, reports that none of the sons of Babuji participated in satsang, much to the chagrin of Indian and Western abhyasis. How is it that Babuji had decided to appoint one of his sons and dismiss Chari?

Michael, who can not be regarded as an admirer of Chari, was in France in September 1982, and demonstrates that Babuji was sick and delirious. He added that any document signed by Babuji at this time has little credibility:

Paris 1982

I attended the Paris 1982 gathering. My observation is that, at that time there were those who supported Chari and those who opposed him. Andre Poray was on the side that opposed Chari. There was no doubt in my mind that this gathering was an attempt to divert western attention away from Chari. Chari was explicitly not invited to the gathering, however, somehow, he managed to be there. I was told that this was because Babuji demanded Chari’s presence there. This may or may not be true, as Chari may simply have shown up on his own accord. Chari was in a room next to Babuji's, which adds credence to the theory that Babuji wanted him there. Members of Chari’s opposition attempted to attend to Babuji keeping Chari as far away as possible. I spent many an hour in Chari's room and witnessed Babuji's attendees sheepishly requesting Chari’s presence in Babujis room due to Babuji’s request.

I also witnessed that Babuji was sick and delirious. Attendees would drive him to the meditation hall, and carry him into the hall, this effort requiring two large men to carry out. He would black out and fall on his knees if he tried to walk. It was as if they were carrying a corpse into the hall for all to see. Any letter written by Babuji at this time in this state, is questionable, especially such a long letter as the one on the Umesh Clan website. In my opinion, any official documents signed by Babuji during this time frame has little credibility.

Chari on the other hand was also aggressively keeping himself in the public eye. He played the role of the man in exile, holding court in his small room, inviting friendly disciples to mediate with him. It was a very effective bit of drama as he knew that people like myself would see his opposition attempt to attend to Babuji in a western country, while Babuji had come accustomed to Chari serving this role. Babuji's constant calls for Chari were embarrassing I'm sure to Chari’s opposition.

As for the references to the doctor attending to Babuji. I spoke with the Doctor at length just after Babuji left. He was a German doctor who practiced both homeopathic and conventional, allopathic medicine. No mention of treachery. His story was that Babuji was far too sick to travel to the west and should never had made the trip. He felt that the trip to Paris would likely be the death of Babuji. Given that Babuji never fully recovered from this trip, his words have the most credibility of all other claims.

Source : Michael's Website le 24/02/2007

Let us remain prudent !

Elodie said:

Hello all,

Alexis sent me Michael's reaction following their exchange of e-mails around this supposed Chariji letter, read below. As Alexis said in his previous comments, caution is required with such documents.

I would add that Shashwat took on pursuing the attacks Navneet since the "web of Silence" by the latter. We are not here to relay their charges indiscriminately. The battle of Navneet against Chariji is at least questionable. That of Shashwat sometimes resembles that of a hitman.

We ask abhyasis to exercise the power of critical thinking vis-à-vis the Mission, do not forget to do the same on our side.

Most affectionately,

Michael's e-mail

Simply because Navneet is against Chari, doesn't give him the credibility that merits publication of his papers and comments. All agree how easy it is to forge these things and accuse the other side of forgeries. Umesh claimed after Babuji's death in 1983 that his nephew was the acknowledged successor and was circulating letter signed by Babuji supporting this . Why doesn't anyone question Navneet about this first letter instead of printing everything he produces as if its fact? It wasn't until several years later Umesh himself claimed to have yet another letter claiming that he was the successor. Now they claim to have a damaging letter from Chari? In my opinion, we're giving Navneet far too much time by even publishing this. His motives are clear aren't they. He wants control of the mission and its property.


Cyrille Said:

Hello to all

Well after two weekends of meditation in the south (France) and Tours, I'm back.
I am always shocked by what is happening and is written!

I do not understand the time spent Shahwat and what his motivation is in wanting to demonstrate to such a point the devil in Chari and the horrible-Sahaj Marg, everyone is able to make up their own fair opinion? In addition he wrote before in one form and his image appeared and not now? What a sac of knots (to be polite). Alexis, Elodie, Cricri thank you for your prudent advice.

Navneet: I'm sorry but your grandfather has never named your father as his successor, and even if some are ready to declare him senile or delusional, he never wrote it (that is my opinion) and I kneew Umesh quite well and, by the way, his other brothers also. Anyway, as for Chari, his behavior and his actions do not reflect, and are even at odds with what is or was Babuji. He declared himself his successor and that is, in my opinion, quite sufficient for my opinion to be made.

If there was an appointment, it was but for an administrative position, and in no way as spiritual representative!

I was in Paris and I was able to talk to Babuji and those who recognize me, because I do not hide will remember me. He (Babuji) was indeed very ill and it was certainly a mistake to let him take this trip and even if his speech was very short he did it with a soft but clear voice. I am not a doctor despite having a medical background, I have not seen him delirious but I can not say what transpired, I'm still sad but the truth may come out. Anyway the technique and the path he has always shown can be followed without making an idol of anyone for that matter, I am ready to talk about the method, to give you my point of view on the technique or who he was, but was not trying to convince anyone on the benefit of this method (the only thing that counts is the individual and subjective experience) or even to seek to demonize or belittle anyone.

Narayana: I have repeatedly met Babuji and like all those I know who have known him well, I can say that although he was probably ill in 1974, there was in no way fragile in his 'Spirit or easily manipulated. One has only to see his writings, and photographs and film of him after that date.

Best regards

Monday, November 10, 2008

Analysis of Chari's 1982 letter to Babuji

Taken from Elodie's (France) Blog: Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg. This is a "comment" by Cri-cri, who was an abhyasi for 18 years and is a PHD in psychology and a psycho-linguist. For Cri-cri's testimonial (including e-mails signed from Chari?) , see his blog: Analyse de la SRCM.

Here is Cri-cri's comment and psychological analysis of Chari's 1982 reply to an earlier incendiary letter from Babuji.

Cri-cri said:

The information is very fragmented and focused on Shashwat's site.

Could we also read the letter that was sent to Babuji by Chari on April 6, 1982, and other documents which are cited in your post, Alexis? Can you do the investigative and information work?

I wish I could read and meditate on the original document for each of these points, particularly the allegations of attempted poisoning:

"Then on Sept. 2, (1982) according to Navneet, he (Babuji) writes to MD Jahagirdar that Chari is straying from the initial teachings, that he (Chari) is illegitimately presenting himself as his successor and alleges that he has tried to poison him several times since the last 4 years, but that he has found his successor."

If Babuji really wrote all those things, obviously, his successor could not be Chari.

Chari has the same ambitions as the shadowy (global) brotherhood that guides the flock (the masses). He has the same global outlook, the same megalomania, he has the same immorality when it comes to advancing his agenda, he uses the same methods of mental manipulation of individuals and masses, and he radiates the same energy, then he transmits it to the abhyasis as if it's divine. One wonders how he can do all that.

In his letter of reply, he clearly sought to tenderize the heart of the writer so as to regain control over him. However, the style is without a soul. Here is a short analysis of the text.

"May you live long. Your presence on this world is of utmost essentiality for the welfare of humanity."
If (allegation) he tried several times poison him, then, he has a lot of nerve to write that.

"something more is needed on your part, and you are aware of it."
Babuji told him that he, Chari, knows very well what is lacking in himself. However, the insolent Chari responded in substance: "What is lacking?" ( "I am aware that there are very many things that are needed on my part. The difficulty is to know what.")

"From your last sentence it is clear that" glittering in the heart "is also not there, which you want."
Babuji wants to find a sparkle in Chari's heart, which reveals the latter blah ( "I have made you my goal. If there is anything that I want to achieve, it is to become like you in everything.") that corresponds well to his desire, and that he wants nothing else. This lack of "sparkle" is significant: How can it be if what he says before is true? Chari... liar?

And then the manipulative infection rveals itself:
"Of course I am convinced that this can be possible only if you want this to be achieved.", Which means essentially that if the sparkle is absent from his heart, it is because Babuji did not want that to be so ... Of course, things are presented in inverted to get the message (only if you, Babuji, wish there to be a sparkle in my heart, will it happen "implicitly"... do what it takes to effect this Status change ").

And the abominable insolent adds again that he does not even attempt to apologize ( "I am not trying to make any excuses."). He still admits "I have not tried hard enough". That is what he (Chari) says today to his flock of worshipers?

So the little emotional manipulation begins so as to try to regain his grip:
"It has now plunged me into despair."
"I have not deserved even a fraction of the love and grace that you have poured upon me all these 18 years"
"your holy feet."

Then, without discomfort but still coated with ointment, he tells Babuji what he should do so that he fares better:
"you may call me affectionately to your side, and say" Parthasarathi, you have today deserved all that I have been giving you all these years. Now we proceed with the work, and go ahead! ""

In other words, "come back here and resume your work at my service".

There would therefore had been a "parting of ways", between them.

Finally, after a semblance of repentance ( "I beg your forgiveness for all my failures and mistakes unthinking"), Chari again stresses the responsibility of his master in shaping his own character ("and pray to you to rectify and correct all the faults in me, and make of me what you will. "), re-sending the ball in his (Babuji's) court - in essence, "if you pity me it's all your fault". Has he forgotten that the shaping of abhyasis is not only their work, but primarily the responsibility of the Master? How does one "shape" 300,000 abhyasis? How does one shape 1,000?

This letter is nauseating, it is Chari.

So, if we have followed the case accurately, Chari "found himself" spiritual master without conditions or without having the endorsement of his own Master. Was I wrong to call him swindler and impostor?


Sunday, November 09, 2008

A Very Dark Year (1982) for Sahaj Marg!

Taken from Elodie's (France) Blog, Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg. It is an article by Alexis. A scan of the original reply by Chari and other documents are on Shashwat Pandey's blog: Freedom to Speak- Power to Speak

1982 - A Very Dark year for Sahaj Marg

According to the latest documents published by Shashwat Pandey (on his blog: Freedom to Speak, Power to Speak) , Babuji wrote an incendiary letter to Chari on April 6 1982 to which he (Chari) then responds on April 12. According to Navneet Kumar Saxena, (Babuji's grandson and President of SRCM (Shahjahanpur), Babuji would then have drafted a letter of succession in favour of his son Umesh Chandra on the following April 16th, 1982. (see here) But only on June 28 did he name SA Sarnad as secretary of the Mission instead of Chari, according to Shashwat ...

Then on Sept. 2, (1982) according to Navneet, he (Babuji) writes to MD Jahagirdar that Chari is straying from the initial teachings, that he (Chari) is illegitimately presenting himself as his successor and alleges that he has tried to poison him several times since the last 4 years, but that he has found his successor. He does not mention the (successor's) name, but also announces that ("he") will be accompanied by (SP) Srivastava, (KC)Narayana and Kashi Ram Agarwal and Nasib Chand.

Let us recall first the general context. In 1981, senior preceptors Raghavendra Rao and Ramachandra Reddy take an un-official tour of the USA with Umeshchandra Saxena, son of Babuji and not even a preceptor. Everything has become very dark in 1982 when Babuji travels to France. André Poray (France) is everywhere front and center stage. Chari who was not even invited is relegated to the sidelines. Babuji is very sick. He (Babuji) also announced to Kasturi, that he has named someone (as his successor) without specifying the name, and said he wanted to go to the police because someone will make an attempt on his life. He (Babuji) will eventually not do so.

Shashwat Pandey does not give the contents of the letter from Babuji to Chari, but only his (Chari's) response (read here). Chari quotes Babuji: "something more is needed on your part, and you are aware of it." And he (Chari) asks forgiveness for his mistakes and failures while assuring him of his love and his willingness to do right ...

Chari seemingly plays the well intentioned stooge for Babuji ... but did Babuji still have all his faculties?

Here is an APPROXIMATE transcript (see here) of the document which is not always legible and my English is limited. (thank you to those who can correct me):

12th April 82

My Beloved Master,

May you live long. Your presence on this world is of
utmost essentiality for the welfare of humanity.

I am grateful for your affectionate letter of the 6th
April under ref: No.1739. I have been pondering over what to
reply, because it is not easy to understand all that you have
written. All that I am able to understand is that you expect
from me something that is now lacking. You have written that
"something more is needed on your part, and you are aware of it."
I am aware that there are very many things that are needed on my
part. The difficulty is to know what. I would be most grateful if
you would kindly elaborate and give me more detailed comments.
I have been trying to come up to your expectations, but
it is obvious that I have so far failed. From your last sentence
it is clear that "glittering in the heart" is also not there, which
you want.

I have made you my goal. If there is anything that I
want to achieve, it is to become like you in everything. Of course
I am convinced that this can be possible only if you want this to
be achieved. I am not trying to make any excuses. I have not tried
hard enough - that is clear from what you now write. It has now
plunged me into despair.

I am conscious that I have not deserved even a fraction
of the love and grace that you have poured upon me all these 18
years that I have been at your holy feet. All that I now want in is
that by your Benevolent Grace, a day may dawn when you may call
me affectionately to your side, and say "Parthasarathi, you have
today deserved all that I have been giving you all these years.
Now proceed on with the work, and go ahead!"

Mistakes I have been making all my life. I have even
been guilty of disrespect towards your Divine and Holy SXXf on
not a few occasions. I beg your pardon for all my unthinking
failures and mistakes, and pray to you to rectify and correct all
the faults in me, and make of me what you will.

With Pranams, and love,

Your affectionately,

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Spirituality's "Net Worth" in Sharp Decline

Translation of article in French by Alexis, in his confidential "SRCM Newsletter"!

Spirituality's "Net Worth" is in sharp decline!

Bursting of the speculative SRCM bubble?

An ashram, "one must wish it with all of one's heart. (.) The problem is not money. When Master acts, projects come and the money is found?."

That was the sentence of PR Krishna as cited by the leaders of SRCM, Lyons Center to motivate the search for funds to finance their future Ashram.

"When Master acts, the Stock Markets crash, and projects are abandoned?" This is the conclusion one must draw by the e-mail sent by Chari from Dubai, October 24 2008.

"(.) Over the past one month or more, what began as a flurry of news reports, and broadcasting media has suddenly assumed the proportions of a global financial calamity facing not just a few developed countries of the world, but every single country everywhere . Even the oil-rich Middle East is showing signs of nervousness, quite visible to all, which makes me pray for the organizations that my Beloved Master, Babuji Maharaj, has entrusted to our care (.) Our halcyon days, golden years of prosperity , Of growth and expansion, would now appear to be gathering momentum towards a precipitous end (.)."

According to Chari, a "global financial calamity" is forcing the SRCM to reduce costs by economizing on everything, thus, to renounce the "expansion projects", to renounce the celebrations and seminars of all kinds. Austerity has just come into vogue in the kingdom of spirituality.

The Lyon (France) Ashram project is thus abandoned. The seminars? It's over! And if we follow his recommendations (as written), travel to see the Master should also be canceled, the renting of meditation halls abandoned, and the work on the Paris Ashram stopped.

Likewise for the search for a new Ashram in Switzerland?

This is evidence that Chari had seen nothing coming, and hence, there is nothing planned! This does not stop him from "playing dumb" today. Although failing to have a clear spiritual message, his economic council is clear.

Was there a speculative bubble around the (real estate) worth of Sahaj Marg and/or SRCM?

The CEO of SRCM (California) announced drastic budget restrictions before anyone else. The global financial crisis (apparently) affects primarily the spiritual enterprises, as if the market value of spirituality was falling faster than the rest of the economy. It is not even austerity any more, could it be the first signs of an inevitable financial collapse?

Funny that this announcement comes from Dubai! As if he (Chari) had just consulted his banker and was completely distraught. Could the coffers of the SMSF foundations be empty?

"(.) All that is applicable (.), With even more urgency and insistence, in the personal lives of the abhyasis and their families (.)."

Chari sets himself up as financial adviser to his flock. One could wager that in his great goodness, he will not forget to reduce the French dues (contribution) that he had doubled for 2009. It would be a necessary gesture of goodwill so as to help the abhyasis who are, (so he claims), so dear to his heart, and who could be in need.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

25 Years of Degradation of Sahaj Marg!

Taken from speech by Chari on Oct. 12, 2008. comments are by author of blog.

Comments from the author of this blog are in red italics

Awake Now

Speech given by Rev. Master on 12th October 2008 at Hyderabad, India

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

My journeys to Hyderabad are becoming longer because now the airport is very far away—two hours! Anyway I am happy to be here to do what I can to help you in your spiritual progress. (The "materialists" are in reality degrading the "spiritual progress" of some naive seekers and adherents who are "stuck" to this sect)

There are two aspects to my work: one, I cannot do more than what the Master (which is told to him by an anonymous French female "spiritualist medium") permits me to do; two, I must have the strength and will to do what He (He is not the ONE nor Babuji, but an anonymous French female Medium) permits me to do. The third, and most important, is your cooperation in permitting that work to bear fruit in you. By cooperation I mean living a life according to the ten maxims of Sahaj Marg; (...or don't be attracted to the Material, to the point of re-registering a society in another country) regularity in practice; discipline—inside and out; discipline—material (let the material Ashrams go, rather than being "addicted" to POWER) and spiritual; discipline—at home (do not use violence to gain Material Power) and in the outside world (do not place your lackeys on the "board of directors" of SRCM around the world, and suck money from the poor in other countries for "private schools" for the wealthy in India, 28 acre ranch in Texas, castles in Europe, commercial real estate, etc...) ; and discipline, most of all, in regulating your thoughts (such as calling bloggers who do not agree with your tactics: the "enemies of spirituality"...control your thoughts, and retract that silly statement), because that is where the origin of all problems lies.

Really speaking, as Babuji emphasized several times, it is easy to train animals. Babuji used an example of a lion. He said you can train a lion in a very short time to keep its mouth open so that the trainer can put his head into it and take it out alive. He said the human being is the most difficult to train, and that is a matter of experience. (Quoting Babuji or others does not add to your credibility anymore)

We all know, all of you know who are parents, how difficult it is to train children (we do not "train" our children as if they were "animals" ... Children have a brain and a mind, and "logic" and they can think and UNDERSTAND. Try to "educate" and teach "logic", and "thinking") . Most of the children go untrained. (Is that what you and your brand of Sahaj Marg or SRCM(California) do at LMOS? Train Children? Are you doing this in Babuji's and Lalaji's name?... If so, you will see "rebellion" and degradation there also. You are really trying to relive the feudal Past! (12th century). They may be educated, but they are not trained. Therefore, by the time they become adults, they have a fair degree of education, which means that their heads are crammed with facts necessary to earn their living, but their hearts are generally empty. (Such as your heart also, as they are filled by you, the Master) They have no courage. They are bewildered when they are thrown out into the arena of the world. What shall I do? How shall I do it? Where shall I do it? All these traumas start from the time you send a child to school. Babuji Maharaj said this is because at home they are not trained at all. (Where did Babuji say this? I think you make it citation) He said, “Really speaking, true training starts with the conception of the child.” (educate, instruct,... not "train") But even after the child is born, there is no training. Children run wild. (not my children, maybe yours?) They neglect everything that they should do, and do everything that they are not required to do. Kabir has said this beautifully, “Our childhood we waste in play.” (Leave my children play away from the "religious fanatics", and the servants of the sacred cow of "linear time", who would teach "DIVISION" in the name of GOD (what I prefer to call the UNITY or ONE) ... The Material, Money and POWER are not that IMPORTANT, unlike what the "capitalists and materialists" want to teach in the name of SPIRITUALITY ... Play can also be SPIRITUALITY... Let the children be SPIRITUAL, not RELIGIOUSLY divided by "sects" as with Sahaj Marg)

The next stage of life—the stage of youth, we do even less (call that YOU, not WE... we don't rely on schools to teach our children "morality" and "ethics", do you? Maybe if you , the CEO's of Industry paid your "serfs" a fair wage, they would have time to devote to other more "spiritual" joys in life) because now we have schools, we have our education, we have our mark sheets, our grades. They are our certificates of, shall we say, advancement in the world, and parents are happy enough to have a look at your report card and be happy. What you do at school other than study, nobody looks into.

Today, in modern life, as it is lived now, in this year, I am told that school is really a school for scandal. (in your words... your LMOS shools will thus be judged) (You know there is a novel of that name written in the last century by a fellow called Sheridan—The School for Scandal. It used to be required reading when I was in school. I don’t know how many of you have even heard of the title. Of course it has no connection to what I am speaking about.) The scandalous behaviour today of our young men (my young men were not (and are not) "scandalous". Maybe because we, the parents had morals and ethics, and were not driven by "MONEY" and "POWER" ... you must speak of your youths) of our young men who have married and entered life with a seriousness that is not there, of a purpose which is not what it should be. Because grihastha ashram [life of a householder], properly speaking, is the union of two hearts who come together in marriage, the worldly purpose being to have children (not necessarily true... there is the "spiritual" and loving act of "adoption") so that the parampara [lineage] can go on, but the much larger spiritual purpose being to help each other to walk the spiritual path with the guidance of a guru, (As Babuji instructed, it is better to have no GURU than a BAD GURU... if we change the word GURU for FRIEND, it becomes clear...) so that in this life we can achieve what has to be achieved. (Leaving a "large footprint" is the "capitalist and materialist" way... in SPIRIT, there is no path and nothing to be "achieved"...but much to be LIVED and TO BE in a MORAL and ETHICAL existence that is LIFE. BE spiritual..., not BECOME spiritual and "achieve" so as to be "recognized"... That is EGO!! and will lead the true spiritual seeker astray and cause "degradation" of the illusion of the PATH or the GOAL...)

(Some) Parents (in Sahaj Marg) are unable to do what they have to do because, first, they are too busy in leading their own lives. Mothers, poor things, are helpless (Chari disempowers his "serfs", and takes all their TIME, so as to later pretend to "save" them) ; fathers (from his gang of materialist, power-seeking, nationalist friends) too busy making their own money, making their own names, making their own reputation, trying to make for their children what they call a solid future, which means enough money to leave behind so that the children will have what we call an assured financial future—well, that is not all that matters. (... and that is not what we gave them... no money, no power, just morals and ethics, maybe you should learn from them) Children are expected to earn, have their own income, lead their own lives without depending on parental inheritance. But in India it is something of a curse that parents spend all their lives earning money which they never use for themselves, to leave for children to waste, to run amok with, probably to destroy themselves, too.(...what a negative view of your culture and your children... That is not our REALTIY in the "un-religious" west. We took the power from the Churches a long time ago. Some people are like you say but we do have some "great leaders" and some wise and spiritual children to take over in these "changing times"... WE are not afraid of CHANGE... WE worked for it all our lives and it is now happening... Live with it... don't try and stop it... some children are rebelling against your and your generation's "materialism" and specially your sexist, racist, nationalistic, materialistic teachings. We stand arm in arm with them in opposition to such "RELIGIOUS degradation as is Sahaj Marg, even to the use questionable ethics (re-registering SRCM in California) , morals (homosexuality), violence (see Newspaper clippings), and war (yet to come, but will be fueled by RELIGION)

So, seeing this happening in our own satsangh—increasingly marriages are getting troublesome. (because of flawed cultural Philosophy (arranged marriages), guided by flawed Theology (a male GOD) People get married here by the grace of my Guru, my Master, (NO... Babuji would never do that... we hope that other religions don't adhere to such manipulative practices and if they do, that the "followers" will either change it or LEAVE the sect) and they run into trouble. Some of them, fortunately only a few, the marriage is finished on the day of the marriage itself. So far we have had three cases. But it is a tragedy for me because, as Babuji said (quotes Babuji for credibility) , even one drop of poison in a big vessel of milk means a big vessel full of poison. Here we don’t judge spiritual progress by success, we judge it by failure. And in that sense our marriages have failed too often for my comfort. Though my boys (now he calls his gang: "MY BOYS", like the Mafia "Dons"...ooops... freudian slip... ) tell me, “Only three, saab [sir].” Should not have been even one.

So you see, when our people don’t appreciate the sanctity of a spiritual marriage, don’t understand why they are marrying in a spiritual assembly under a spiritual atmosphere, with a spiritual purpose, somewhere the teaching has been lost. (maybe it is not "spiritual at all... Your blessing does not seem "keep them together", as is claimed ..maybe it even is the practice of arranging marriages and the Sahaj Marg "teachings" as taught by you, that "divides" them. These divisions are everywhere in Sahaj Marg and SRCM ...HOW can you call it "spiritual" as it divides everywhere?) They have not imbibed it, they have not appreciated it, and, as in all things in India, all this is for the others, not for us! Satyam vada [speak the truth]—“Yes, that’s for the others. I am in business. I can’t possibly exist if I have only to tell the truth.” Dharmam chara [be righteous]—“Not possible for me. It’s for the others, because if I was to lead a dharmic [righteous] life, I wouldn’t exist in this world. I would have to beg.”

So, you see, satyam vada, dharmam chara—all this is gone. Even in spiritual life today in Sahaj Marg, over the past twenty-five years, there has been a steady fall, a decline in values, in goals. (as lead by the followed the herd of SHEEP) Our published goal is the goal of realization, of perfection as a human being. But all of us (... not all of us, but all of YOU... so you should get out of the "SPIRITUALITY" business, as you are not adept at it, having just "self-titled" and made claims, and now you try to gain credibility by using an anonymous FRENCH medium lady) have other goals: make money, have a good reputation, enjoy life, so many things, you see, very many diverse goals.

So, it is sad for me to be asked to talk because if I am to speak to you all, I must speak frankly, which means bluntly, but unfortunately not effectively, because it doesn’t take me anywhere or you anywhere. (that is an admission of TRUTH but for what purpose? To manipulate again? ... you can't teach if you don't name youself a MASTER does not make you one. What if engineers (Chari is an engineer) were "certified" that way??) You all listen; you don’t apply. A hundred times in these halls I have requested that in Sahaj Marg there are only human beings: there are no Reddys, no Naidus, no Iyengars, no Iyers, and please drop all these suffixes to your name which are meaningless and, much more importantly, they still serve to divide you by caste, by surname, and so on. How many have done it? How many are willing to respond again to my reminder of my appeal to you today and say we are no more Naidus and Reddys? How many of you will be willing? I don’t find any answer, you see. (OK... Please stop Dividing our people and communities, calling your "brothers and sisters" the "enemies of Spirituality" (bloggers), or "un-natural" (gays and lesbians), or "liars", "corrupt" (Other Relgions and specially Christians during their confession) and start becoming a "UNITER" and a force for SPIRIT-uality, not a force for Spiritualism, Materialism and "un-natural" exponential material DEVELOPMENT that can be compared to a deviant "sexual" practice or a "cancer" that will further "DEGRADE" the human condition on this planet)

So, these are too deep in you, even deeper than samskaras. (Deeper than "Samskaras"? You just make things up as you go along!!... Should abhyasis now go to CHRIST? Now there is something that the GURU can't do?... Why have you led people astray all these 25 years of "DEGRADATION" in Sahaj Marg? ... It is not too late to UNDO the DAMAGE... Please Unite the broken families you have divided... and TRY like some of our children from "broken Sahaj Marg homes", to live a MORAL and ETHICAL life, not lead with pollution-creating MATTER, or morality-corrupting POWER, but by SPIRIT) Samskaras the Master can clean, (BS (Bull Shit) but these (your...that you then "transmit" to the naive, the gullible and the receptive...) silly, meaningless, self-destructive, socially destructive cultural norms that we have created for ourselves, we don’t want to give up. Therefore, we continue to fight. Naidu votes, Muslim votes, Christian votes. Where is the vote for the right man? In India it doesn’t exist. First of all, there don’t seem to be any right men and, much more importantly, the vast mass of humanity that is India doesn’t want right men. We want our man. ‘Our man’ means what? “Naidu, sir! Manavadulu. [Our man.]”

So, you continue to be misruled by your people, and you pride yourself, you know, and saying, “Oh, we have a Naidu to rule here, we have a Babu to rule here,” et cetera, et cetera. Nobody in India can today say we have the right man at the head of affairs, or the right men. At least when India began its journey as an independent, free nation, we had idealists leading the country, people with high ideals. Today we have no idealism. We have only narrow sectarianism, parochialism: Telengana for Telenganas, Maharashtra for Maharashtrians, Bengal for Bengalis. You see, what has happened—a beautiful car project has been thrown out of Bengal for no reason, just because one politician said, “I shall throw it out.” She has proved that she is right. She is powerful enough. But what happens to Bengal? What happens to the Bengalis? What happens to industrialization in India? (NOW we understand: you want "industrialization" of India by sucking money from the currupt WEST to bring to the corrupt EAST ... And what about Pollution? As most "capitalists", it is left for the "next generation" to fix.. It is no wonder the "youth" are rebelling against that "blindness" of your ilk. You have no solution at all, you just repeat the past!! I am with them!!

So, you see, it is sad that in all the world today there is corruption, there is degradation, there is fall in values. It is sadder that in India it is happening, where it is supposed to be a land with the culture of our ancient rishis and traditions, and saddest that it is happening right here in Sahaj Marg. (I agree)

So, what you are going to do about it, I don’t know. Because for me, I daily pray that I may not live much longer to see this degradation going more and more, and affecting my heart. I am happy as I am now and my ardent wish is that now I should go after I finish this speech. But you are still there. What is going to happen to Sahaj Marg, to Shri Ram Chandra Mission, to all of you in your thousands? What is going to happen? Nothing can happen except what you make happen. (those who still can, will become FREE and will re-join their loving and forgiving families...those who are still "co-dependent" will seek out other "paths" led by other charlatans with a "pretty story" or another "magical fantasy". May they find a more LOVING, COMPASSIONATE, and less divisive path than Sahaj Marg) Only what you want will happen. Do you want something noble, something wonderful, something glorious to happen? Or, do you want to continue in this degraded misery of politics and money, priding yourself like the bandarlog in Rudyard Kipling’s book, “We are happy”? The choice is—it has always been and will always be—yours. (LOOK IN THE MIRROR)

We have a great parampara of Sahaj Marg. You know, the gurus. We only know about Lalaji and Babuji. (They are not with you or are not from your lineage (there is no "lineage" in Sahaj Marg) and the SRCM (California). But from Babuji’s messages that you receive from a French lady medium, you must have falsely seen that there is a hierarchy. (there in in fact no "hierarchy", saying it does not make it so... Lalaji and his group "Ramashram", are seperate from Sahaj Marg. And now, You are serperate from the SRCM (Shahjahanpur). You are still in an "illusion" and are teaching falsehoods.) Where it begins is only with God, with that enormous parampara through time, through space, through eternity, helping us, wanting to liberate us, to raise us. If we do not succeed, it only shows that the human will is more powerful than the Divine will. (We...some of us are already with the ONE, not GOD. We are inside IT, and IT is inside us. Let our families GO and be free to be "with the ONE", away from the Sahaj Marga's "DEGRADATION" that has divided them from their families for so long)

So, I can only say, dear sisters and brothers, (naming "sisters" first will not fool anyone... In Sahaj Marg, "women can't be Masters, according to you... CORRECT THAT MISTAKE also) with a view to correcting all this, trying to correct it, I have put out a message in Sahaj Sandesh a few days back. I don’t know how many of you have read it, how many have had access to it. Please read it, not once or twice. (Repetition is for 'brainwashing", or for "TRAINING" (as in animals). Try LOGIC and KNOWLEDGE for humans ... and not blind FAITH) I would suggest that you give up your paaraayana [recitation of scriptures] of whatever you are doing, Hanuman Chalisa [verses in praise of Hanuman], Ramayan Kambha [story of Rama by Kamban], whatever it is and read Sahaj Marg literature, read this message, and realize that without you trying to help yourself, nobody can help you, not even God. (That message is just propaganda, and emotional manipulation... Stop the DEGRADATION, and do not try to "justify" your MISTAKES that brought about that DEGRADATION. The serfs, like good slaves, are just Imitating you! Do they even know that they are "doing it" and hence becoming "degraded"? You trained (like animals) them THAT WAY!! To undo that TRAINING, teach them LOGIC and THINKING ... and they will become as they were: SPIRITUAL SEEKERS... maybe this time, they will not be FOOLED...and they will sing: "WE WON'T BE FOOLED AGAIN", in a LOUD and rebellious VOICE... that is the beginning of the lesson of WISDOM!!)

I pray you ( will awaken now, (and show the way...not lead) because it is never too late to wake up, but if you continue to sleep this dreadful sleep, this slothful sleep, this, shall we say, unwillingness-to-awaken sleep, you are at the misery of your own destructive self.(I place a spiritual miror in your consciousness...heed the loving "heads up". No need to be "apocalyptic". There is no end to eternity so ALL will change with the cyclic MOTION of LIFE that we measure with the illusion or the "detour", we call TIME)

Thank you. (you are most welcome. May your sheepish and "obedience-trained" serfs find the Spiritual, moral and ethical fortitude to give their comments FREELY and directly to you!! )

Sunday, November 02, 2008

James Clerk Maxwell - Spiritual Guru?


James Clerk Maxwell, (1831-1879) is generally credited with the development of the classical electromagnetic theory. He synthesized all previous unrelated observations, experiments and equations of electricity, magnetism and even optics into one consistent theory. His set of equations—Maxwell's equations—demonstrated that electricity, magnetism and even light are all manifestations of the same phenomenon: the electromagnetic field. From that moment on, all other classical laws or equations of these disciplines became simplified cases of Maxwell's equations. Maxwell's work in electromagnetism has been called the "second great unification in physics". (Newton's was the first)

Because his original EM theory was written in the new "quaternion algebra", and because this new algebra was not as widely understood or accepted by the other academics of his time, who were more familiar with the simpler "vector algebra", he was, after a 30 year battle, finally convinced to begin "translating" his original EM equations into the simpler "vector algebra". He passed away before he could complete this massive task and the "slaughtering" of his theory was left to Maxwell's main opponents and "nemeses", Heavyside and Gibbs.

What are Quaternions?

A quaternion is an extension of complex numbers with two additional imaginary dimensions. Or two sets of complex numbers, one part being "real numbers" and the other part called "imaginary".

W.R. Hamilton, the inventor of Quaternion Algebra (over a field) knew that complex numbers could be viewed as points in a plane (2d), and he was looking for a way to do the same for points in space (3d).

William Rowan Hamilton, found that after spending years trying to find a three dimensional number system but with no success, he finally looked in 4 dimensions instead of 3, and it worked. Hamilton's invention (Quaternions) of 1837, was supported and taught by a few mathematicians and specially by Arthur Cayley (1821-1895), another multi-dimension geometer, until its use by Maxwell in his original EM theory, in 1850's.

Hamilton was building an algebra that might do for TIME what Geometry had done for SPACE, define it in three or n... dimensions. Or more accurately: as three dimensions (length, width, height) defined SPACE, there could also be three (or n...) dimensions of TIME ... or three (or n...) dimensions of MOTION (change) as measured by TIME to complement the three (or n...) dimensions of Space, as demonstrated by geometry.
(see Cornell University archives of lectures by W.R. Hamilton, Dublin 1843)

But Maxwell was also a poet.

His "... unembodied spirits of direction", at the end of the second verse of his poem: "To the Committee of the Cayley Portrait Fund", only makes sense in context of a "non-commutative" algebra such as "quaternion algebra", where AB does not equal BA (when A and B are quaternions or two sets of complex numbers), because "direction" is important. If A=3 and B=4, then in a non-commutative multiplication, 3x4 does not equal 4x3 even though the product is 12 in both cases.

James Maxwell's poetry may be the vehicle that defines his view of REALITY more accurately than the slaughtered "EM" theory currently credited to him, but which should really be called the "Heavyside Gibbs" theory. Maxwell's (Quaternion) EM theory with its 20 equations and 20 variables to define Magnetism, is not the same set of four partial differential equations that describe the properties of the electric and magnetic fields and relate them to their sources, charge density and current density.

Maxwell's original EM theory is finally beginning to be read and studied, and Quaternion algebra is finally being used in Computer Graphics, and in the Space Programs as a tool to rotate objects in 3d, be they computer graphics (2d) or satellites in space (3d). It is quite possible, according to some mathematicians, that the theoretical work for a wider societal use of Magnetism and other fields such as gravity, including even "anti-gravity", could already be in Maxwell's original equations. Since Magnetism, being a field, can induce an electrical current (field) that can then be used to do work, and vice versa, maybe an EM field can also induce other fields such as a "gravity" field.

The extrapolations excite and stagger, but do not "boggle" the open mind ...

If fields are "interchangeable" as induction between Magnetic and Electrical fields seems to show, can an EM field induce a gravity field?

What about other possible fields?

In our atmospheric sciences, the fields that we call "high and low pressure systems", seem to induce magnetic and electrical storms, that we experience as "thunder and lightning".

Are thoughts also arranged in "fields"? Do "thoughts have wings"? What about mind, or consciousness itself, are they fields also? Can an EM field, (or simply a magnetic field) induce a "mind field"? What is "animal magnetism" or charisma? Is "magnetism" involved?

What about plasma fields (ionized gases)? This was the area of research of David Bohm, Einstein's protege at a time when many physicists, and researchers from other scientific fields, were inventing and coining such theories as the Holographic Universe, "hidden variables" and the "explicate" and "implicate" Universe.

What about fields in the "Higgs Ocean"?

What about Spirit? Is SPIRIT a more "rarified" but conscious form of energy? Is SPIRIT a field also? Are SPIRIT and MIND the new "fields" of some as yet unquantified "fundamental energies" and/or even "entropy-reducing" fields?


Many of the terms used in the poem (below) are "mathematical" terms ... Google and learn... using knowledge, and logic, not "obedience" and "blind faith" ... The ONE Geometrizes.

To the Committee of the Cayley Portrait Fund

O wretched race of men, to space confined!
What honour can ye pay to him, whose mind
To that which lies beyond hath penetrated?
The symbols he hath formed shall sound his praise,
And lead him on through unimagined ways
To conquests new, in worlds not yet created.

First, ye Determinants! in ordered row
And massive column ranged, before him go,
To form a phalanx for his safe protection.
Ye powers of the nth roots of minus one!
Around his head in ceaseless cycles run,
As unembodied spirits of direction.

And you, ye undevelopable scrolls!
Above the host wave your emblazoned rolls,
Ruled for the record of his bright inventions.
Ye Cubic surfaces! by threes and nines
Draw round his camp your seven-and-twenty lines—
The seal of Solomon in three dimensions.

March on, symbolic host! with step sublime,
Up to the flaming bounds of Space and Time!
There pause, until by Dickenson depicted,
In two dimensions, we the form may trace
Of him whose soul, too large for vulgar space,
In n... dimensions flourished unrestricted.

James Clerk Maxwell

To read other of the 50 poems by James Clerk Maxwell:

Definitions and Research hints:

Ruled surfaces
Cubic Surfaces
Seal of Solomon

Dickenson: Mathematician, artist
Vulgar Space: Common Space of 3 dimensions (length, width, height)


Logos: In Greek philosophy, this one access to knowledge can be defined as: Logic as defined by Sound using Words (as in language) ... often used with the other access to knowledge, Mythos (Myth, as opposed to the more scientifically logical and verifiable knowledge of Logos).

Used by Biblical (Christian) John (John 1) the "beloved" disciple of Jesus, the Christ of the original (Greek) New Testament: In the Beginning was the Logos, and mis-translated in the (Germanic) English as: In the Beginning was the "WORD"(static), and mis-translated in the romantic French (latin) Bible as: In the Beginning was the "VERB" (action). Both were and are still used to signify that Jesus of Nazareth, their Christ (Saviour, Messiah) was there (existed) "in the beginning" of the UNIVERSE, according to the Christians. That is before the theoretical Big Bang of CREATION!

"Have faith", we are then told by the faith-based. And they continue, "one does not need LOGOS, or gnosis" (knosis or Knowlege). If one relies on "gnosis" one is labeled "gnostic" (agnostic= can't decide... fence sitter, etc ...) . They, on the other hand, rely on MYTHOS and/or blind (not logical) faith in their written and/or oral MYTHS.

SPIRITUALITY, unlike religion which relies on faith, should refine the intellect and hone its tool, LOGIC. It should not go around or under logic, as some "mystery/miracle" religions do. Instead of "logic", the faith-based create a childish and divisive dependence on miracles and MYTH or on a very human "Divine" PERSON through "obedience" to the words of "His (male)" representatives (also male), as HE (male God) does not speak to many (Moses?)

Fear (of disobeying their God), some religious adepts claim is the beginning of wisdom. That is not logical (or LOGOS) and fear, even the fear of disobeying the ONE (God), will not lead back to a concept of ONE or UNITY but to a concept of TWO. We fear what we are not. We fear what is outside of us and/or what we are outside of (IT). We can also fear what we don't know, such as ONE (what some call GOD), but LOVE should be the spiritual quality that removes that FEAR.

If Spirituality unites, where Religion divides, as some "spiritual" movement adepts claim, then James Clerk Maxwell and his equations, UNITE in REALITY! This "unification" makes James Clerk Maxwell a REAL force for UNITY! That makes him more of a spiritual "guru" than those so-called Masters who "DIVIDE" society yet again in the name of the ONE, what they call GOD.

For those who don't use, or don't want to use LOGOS and understanding as their source of knowledge, then look to MYTHOS and have FAITH and obey other religious "men", with my blessings! I chose LOGOS and so did JAMES CLERK MAXWELL, creator of the "second great unification in physics" (Isaac Newton's was the first "unification"). Spirituality is not MAGIC or FANTASY and/or Miracles performed by humans, but it is a part of the lingering REAL MYSTERY of REALITY.

Off the Wall stuff... for those "faith-based" adherents to religious dogmas and tenet, who believe in fantasies, myth, or anything esoteric or conspiratorial ... I present this for fun! ;-))

The Seal of Solomon on Mars:

Saturday, November 01, 2008

SRCM (California) Ashram Buying Fever

Taken from an article by Alexis on Elodie's Blog (Europe): Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg
See also:

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Ashrams: Buying Fever?

Searching for local 300 m2 Commercial Building with offices. This is the ad that could have published the SRCM Lyon today. Indeed, Ajay Kumar Bhatter (heir apparent to Chari) gave his agreement to the Lyon (French Riviera) Center to begin the search for an ashram.

"How to build an Ashram ? Thanks to the Love of the Master?" That is the theme of the seminar which was held in Switzerland from 19 to 21 September 2008 at Vaumarcus, close to Neuchatel?

The Gifts of Ceasar!

In Lyon, the "Gift of the Master" will cost 300, 000 Euros according to the estimates by officials. In its great goodness, The SRCM France which recovers 60 Euros on a contribution of 75 Euros per abhyasi, and manages its million Euro financial investments is looking to finance half of the project. No international funding is expected. The Lyons abhyasis must find the rest on their own: estimated at 3,000 Euro per person! That is the gift of Chari?

What is the purpose of the Swiss SMSF (Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation) foundation that collects European donations if it does not participate?

While the renovations to the Lausanne (Switzerland) Ashram are almost completed, and while it became a place of increasingly active life, Chari has decided to get rid of it and to build another elsewhere. The abhyasis have not always been convinced, but to no avail, Chari overrides everyone, and short of dynamiting the French dynamic, it is therefore "thanks to his love" that will be built this new Ashram. Thanks to Chari's love ???

These are the "generous" gifts of Chari to his dear abhyasis!

Remittances to India

At the SRCM of Chari, an ashram is at minimum a meditation hall, with a cottage or an apartment for Chari. And the cottage has as much if not more importance than the meditation hall, since the greatest hope for the abhyasis is to see Chari visit them?

Let us briefly look back to see the origins of these ashrams that grow like mushrooms:

In 1976, Babuji inaugurated the ashram of Shahjahanpur. Built 30 years after the foundation of the SRCM, it is the first of the Mission's Ashrams, and the only one Babuji ever built. And again, it is built on his own private property?

Arrives 1988-89, 10 years later. Babuji died and Chari is taking charge. Change of strategy: he has warmed to a "white hot", his faithful white Westerners. If they want to see him return, they need an ashram. First will be the Augerans Castle (France), and Molena, (USA) in France and the USA. And it never seems to stop: VRADS Castle in Denmark, Broomlee in Scotland, etc.

Once again 10 years later, Chari has made a name (for himself), a reputation in the West. It is time for him to consider returning home. This time, he bleeds the West for his projects in India. And in 1999 he inaugurated with great pomp and ceremony the Babuji Memorial Ashram (5 ha, a meditation hall for 13 000 people, 2 to $ 3 million estimated at the time). And the big Indian ashrams follow: Bangalore, Tiruppur, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Allahabad, Calcutta and Satkhol. For example, the Ashram of Ahmedabad covers 2 acres, the meditation hall can accommodate 2,500 people, there are dormitories for 750 people and fifteen apartments ...

2005: New change! He does not finance more ashrams but a school, the Lalaji Memorial Omega School (the LMOS), training centers (CREST) and retirement centers (Panshet, Malampuzha, etc.).. Diversification projects and investments, but it is still in India that it happens. The transfer of Western funds to India is in full force. Why change?

Clearly, Chari began investing in Europe and the United States, or rather he had the abhaysis invest in their Western homeland, and thus justify asking them to finance his headquarters in India (the BMA), and all his new projects ...

At Chari's Whim!

Chari has fun! He plays with abhyasis as if to test how far he should go, knowing we have not seen the end yet. They accept everything without flinching ...

In 2003, against all odds, he sold the Augerans Castle. Then Australian abhyasis had to sell their land in Armadale, near Perth. On 16 May 2006, Chari during his visit, gives his consent to the Italians on their draft proposal for an Ashram. A week later, from VRAD Castle, Denmark, he cancels the project so as to better allow the Berlin Project, on June 2. He said "no" to the proposed London Ashram, and returned the Irish and English abhyaisis to VRAD Castle ...

But Chari does not only have fun! If abhyasis have to ask permission (to build an ashram), they also have to fend for themselves for the funding. What is therefore the purpose of the Swiss Foundation, Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation) that collects European donations if it does not participate? Chari (the SMSF) has financed two thirds of the ashram in Berlin. How much did he put on the table for Milan? He refuses to participate financially in the UK, despite the € 1,500 paid by the average abhyasi? And he does not put in a penny in Lyon where abhyasis must find € 3,000 each ...

So, for their project to succeed, the head of the Lyon Center have particularly cared for their communication campaign, adopting a strategy of avoidance of financial issues.
To do this, they use the words of PR Krishna, son of Chari and manager of Ashrams in the world: an ashram, "one must wish with all his heart. (...) The problem is not the money. When the Master acts, projects come and the money is found. "

When the Master acts, Chari does nothing but give his approval via lip service to Ajay for the search of an ashram. Basically, "go to it, figure it out." This does not mean that he will accept the final purchase deal, such a reversal has already been seen! As for the SRCM France, it is much more generous: from the top of its gold stock, it deigns to provide half the funding when it already affects 80% of the basic contributions that will be doubled next year ...

An ashram, "one must wish with all his heart." With "all his heart", really? Yes, but also with his wallet!

Meanwhile, "when the Masters act", the stock market collapses ... and projects are abandoned.


See also:

Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation acts like a Privately owned Fund