April 29, 2015
Compulsive Seduction at Sahaj Marg
Alexis' new message: When Patel, the Mission and Sahaj Marg Advance Secretively!
After the Natural Path Meditation on MeetUp.com after the makeover of the home page of Sahajmarg.org, here Heartfulness.org is a step closer to a sanitized presentation of Sahaj Marg and the Shri Ram Chandra Mssion (SRCM) .
As Michael (ex-preceptor - See: Inner Circle of SRCM) said about the Natural Path Meditation, the SRCM understands that people are attracted to spirituality, but that they find gurus scary.
Here, one finds no mention of a Master or a Guru, no mention of Sahaj Marg or of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) (except in the trailer, where we find that: Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation Inc. is at the origin of this new website).
Here is a Small Exerpt:
Heartfulness, a spiritual adventure
Learn to Meditate with the help of yogic transmission
Experience the beauty of the heart
Experience Heartfulness
The Way of Experience
Here, everything is based on aesthetics: beautiful pictures and some good evocative words with neat calligraphy. Sleek site for the pleasure of the eye and/or the senses! Everything must attract, nothing should "put one off" ...
There are links to all the social networks! And of course, a whole stack of appointments (rendez-vous?) whereby one can discover this "new" (and "unique"??) spiritual adventure.
Kamlesh Patel has enhanced the preceptors' field of expertise, in order for them to be able to welcome all newcomers. SRCM has spread its nets and dropped its hooks in the hope that the fishing will be good ...