Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Summer News from Sahaj Marg(tm)

Comment received from Alexis and translated to English.  Full article in French on Alexis' blog in Europe: Projet Sahaj Marg

Newsflash ...

Hi Don,

FYI. K.V.Reddy, who was a close associate to Babuji and General Secreatary of babuji's group, Shajahanpur has died on 07/23/2013.

Gopi Krishna

Now, the rest of the NEWS ...

July 23, 2013

Summer News

Chari celebrates his 86th anniversary tomorrow: will the Canadians have fulfilled their wager to finally open their first ashram as required by Chari?

In any case, 2 new SRCM ashrams have emerged this year, Qatar and Singapore. Chari also claimed specialization of the ashram of Paramdham to organize retreats for the elderly, near Bangalore (Karnataka, India).

The LMOIS (the School of  SRCM (California-1997) has achieved international recognition for its baccalaureate.  Chari also pampers the alumni of the school. He has not spent time with them.

Some "pearls"  on this occasion:

On a question about the difficulty of getting up in the morning to meditate: "No, you are not so tired. It's just a bad habit. Indiscipline is a bad habit. Discipline is a good habit. "

On marriage, again and again: "Do not let your eyes decide. Let your heart decide. And do not be compelled by your parents. Tell 'em that it is my life. "  ... When we all know that it is Chari who chooses for them ...
About politics: "Politics is a dirty subject. It is full of corruption and vice, etc.. I do not like law, I do not like politics. "

As for the essay contest in India, here we go again. First topic: "Minds are opened Only When hearts are opened."  Chari's SRCM and his Sahaj Marg (tm)  shows us exactly the opposite.  The more one's heart is opened to Chari, the more the mind is put on hold ...



Friday, July 05, 2013

Sahaj Marg: Between Spiritualism and Spiritism

Taken and translated from an article: "Sahaj Marg Entre le Spiritualisme et le Spiritisme", on her blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

Definitions:   Sahaj Marg and SRCM (California 1997) claims in its own Constitution and By-laws   (see page 14, section 11) to adhere to SPIRITUALIST principles and "standards of Spiritualism"  ...  (see here)

Spiritualism: (click here)
Spiritism: (click here)
Spirituality: (click here)

Sahaj Marg falsely claims to be Raja Yoga (according to Patanjali).  It is not!  But  it is SPIRITUALISM (with an anonymous French Medium, a Bible channeled from the "spirits of the dead", egregores (according to Chari), 

See Patanjali's Raja Yoga...   There is no 'spiritualism' THERE!! 

July 5, 2013

Sahaj Marg: Between Spiritualism and Spiritism


What then is Sahaj Marg? Meditation on the heart or the assiduous reading of "Whispers from the Brighter World"?  Spirituality or Spiritualism  (called "Spiritism" in Europe)Life of the soul and the spirit or the dialogue with the spirits of the afterlife?

With Lalaji things were clear. His teaching of Sufism and Santmat had only one purpose: meditation, so spirituality. But from the beginning of Sahaj Marg, Babuji cultivated ambiguity: his ten commandments invited to meditation while his diary was already sinking into the throes of spiritualism (dialogue with Lalaji and Vivekananda). Sister Kasturi reconciled Sahaj Marg with meditation and the spiritual journey through her famous Anant YatraBut Chari consigned everything to oblivion by introducing the concepts of obedience and service, incongruous in spirituality.  The totalitarian drift of a master who wanted power, relegating spiritualism and spiritism to the roles of tools for personal ends, a simple practice for personal development.

Then, a new turn in 2005 with the discovery of the anonymous French medium, and the publishing of the "whispers" of BabujiSRCM plunged into spiritualism to never get out.

Note that Sharad Chandra Saxena opposes Chari with the same weapons, those of spiritualism.

