Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Sahaj Marg(tm) Will Change The World! (they claim)

Taken and translated from an article by Alexis:"Changer Le Monde", on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

April 5, 2011

Changing The World

Sahaj Marg Denatured (un-natural or distorted) (part 2 - continued)

At the dawn of 2000, there were fears of irreversible acts on the part of some apocalyptic cults. Nothing like that at the SRCM! In those early times, Chari was very careful not to meddle in world affairs: neither criticism nor inclination to change transpired in his speeches. The single thing that counted was the continued growth in the number of his followers ... Today, nothing is the same, everything has changed!

The World is drifting. Humanity is doomed, it is amoral, divided by religion, ambition and greed. The abhyasis must change from within, because only the spiritual practice of Sahaj Marg can make them humans, the only hope that one day the world will change. The SRCM is at a crossroads in its history. Chari is a leader of men, a born organizer. He prepares the Man of Tomorrow, a new human race. He has celebrated more than 2,000 weddings, the beginning of a silent revolution. The "Indigo children" born of these unions will form the vanguard of the new society, a new moral and spiritual generation, to influence the evolution of humanity and decide its future. When they reach a critical mass of human beings, when a large egregore has been created, they will constitute an elite to regenerate mankind. There remains only to conquer the world ...

This above statement (in italics) is but an aggregation created by paraphrasing a few recent speeches (by Chari), and some "whispers of Babuji" or his medium. Here are some excerpts:

“Our Mission is at a crossroads in its history; many steps have already been taken but it has yet to conquer the world (…) You [Parthasarathi] are a leader of men, my dear son, a born organizer. This dimension gives you a special place in our Mission, where you will keep an iconic stature for centuries to come. Your personality marks people’s minds. We have touched the hearts and you will lift them up to the zenith in the context of a broad liberation movement (…) The world is drifting, without morality (…).”
– 3 Whispers of April, 2010

"Those whom you call the Indigo children do not adapt outdated concepts (...). Theyarrive at a pivotal time in world history and are different (...). A time will come whenthe number of these creatures grow to form an elite regenerating humanity and guidingthose less fortunate. "
a Whisper of June, 2004

“A specific force emanates from these days, which man cannot assess. As any participants, he benefits from it, but this fact goes well beyond by developing our Mission egregore. These days, which bring our brothers closer through the same surge of heart, have an incomparable positive impact. Whatever your possibilities, the fact of being united in spirit contributes to this large movement preparing the bright future of our way”
– 1 Whisper of April, 2003

"In Sahaj Marg, the Master makes us aware that slowly (...) our internal and external changes will influence the evolution of mankind and determine its future. (...) Human beings in general await the day when the world will change - a time for them to toe the line. But that day never seems to happen because, as the Master points out, the individual change must first take place, and that the person taking the trouble, using his will, must imitate the Master and wait until the impact is felt on society. (...) We are aware that the world is chasing success in all areas of human activity. This mad rush has spawned competition, selfishness, aggression and contempt for decency and civility (...) at the expense of moral and ethical values. (...) The Master envisions a society that is united as a family transcending the mental barriers created by us (...). He celebrated two thousand weddings within the bosom of Sahaj Marg - the beginning of a silent revolution (...) and they will form the vanguard of the new society. (...) It is therefore crucial that abhyasis raise their children on sound moral, ethical and spiritual values ​​and allow them to feel close to the Master .(...) When the abhyasis do it seriously and regularly, the rest of humanity will also look to spirituality. But this internal process must be evident to the outside we need a critical mass of human beings (...). The Master waits for the abhyasis to play this critical role which represents a great challenge for us - to externalize our change and become agents of change. "
- AP Durai - The Impact of an Abhyasi on Society

“(…) In fact, those of you who have been reading the Whispers [from the Brighter World] — I believe it appears every day on the computer — why has Babuji Maharaj to speak of a new world which can come into being only after massive, shall we say, unhappiness, misery, destruction? Destruction is only when total reconstruction is necessary. Something has to be eradicated, erased, taken out from the roots, and something new brought there. Are we conscious of what we are reading, what it means, and how much of the responsibility for that shall each one of us share? Are we conscious? So what do we read when we read these Whispers? (…) And more, how can I bring about that human existence of the future about which Babuji Maharaj speaks, that a new humanity is to come which would be all heart, not divided by language, not divided by custom, not divided by this much exalted thing which we call culture; not divided, most importantly, by religion, ambitions, avarice?”
– Chari – Change the future for Humanity

References (English & French):

2000-2010! So what has happened in this short ten-year span to observe such changes?

From the inside, the SRCM is threatened with collapse by current reformers, its numbers are stagnating or declining, many are involved in the New Age. The influence of the medium, channeling Babuji, has been considerably strengthened in recent years. Very often, Chari refers to extracts from "Whispers", soon to be more, than to the memories of Babuji, and much more than to the non-posthumous writings of Babuji.

On the outside, the world sank into crisis, societal misery is growing. People are looking for something to hang on, something that makes one dream.

As a
true opportunist, Chari tries to rebound, opening new perspectives, even sinking into populism and New Age ideology. But who is steering the ship today? Chari, the medium or the abhyasis' attraction to the New Age? It begs the question ....


To be Continued ... Coming soon!

deleterious influence of mediumistic spiritualism (3)

Comment by Elodie:

Translation of a commnent by Elodie on her blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg at:


Elodie said ...

Hello everyone,

When Alexis ran the article about the whisper and the elite in charge of regenerating mankind, (Indigo Children) I was offended that the Shri Ram Chandra Mission would publish something like that, but I thought it was a momentary slip, no more.

This time, with all those citations made ​​by Alexis over several years, we realize that unfortunately it is a voluntary skid, and is durable, perfectly orchestrated by the couple Chari / Medium.

Sahaj Marg has really fallen lower than the ground.

Alexis thank you for this terrifying demonstration.



Thursday, April 7, 2011

1 comment:

4d-Don said...

Translated from a commnent by Elodie on her blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg at:


Elodie said ...

Hello everyone,

When Alexis ran the article about the whisper and the elite in charge of regenerating mankind, (Indigo Children) I was offended that the Shri Ram Chandra Mission would publish something like that, but I thought it was a momentary slip, no more.

This time, with all those citations made ​​by Alexis over several years, we realize that unfortunately it is a voluntary skid, and is durable, perfectly orchestrated by the couple Chari / Medium.

Sahaj Marg has really fallen lower than the ground.

Alexis thank you for this terrifying demonstration.



Thursday, April 7, 2011