Taken and translated from an article: "Chari Invente la Démocratie", by Alexis on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.
4d-Don said:
Here Chari, the self-appointed, autocratic leader of a society which claims to be a "dictatorhip in favour of the president" in its own Constitution and By-Laws of 1945, and which is at best a "theocracy", is trying to lecture about the values of democracy.
Our western society is trying to evolve from a "Representative Democracy" into a more DIRECT DEMOCRACY (voting on the issues directly in binding "initiatives" originated and penned by the electorate) and Chari's regressive religious (elitist, sexist, racist, homophobic) SRCM(California-1997), spews the values of "representative" democracy (our current so-called: "four-year dictatorship").
Catch up to the morality of the civilized PEOPLE of the world, Chari, and stop persecuting our (and your) gay, lesbian and trans-gender brothers and sisters. Let us not forget the "darker than thou". (see here)
Catch up also, you SPIRITUAL adherent, who are stuck in regressive dictatorial religions, and their regressive religious immorality (kill the mother? God is male? Homosexuality is "un-natural"? Women can't be Masters? Babuji (the founder) chosing a mate for his son, by "skin complexion, height, cut"??), and who drag behind the societal pack. Spirituality (and its leaders) should lead, should it not?
To lead morally and ethically, the religious leader should be more moral and ethical than the lowly masses of "serfs" (as Babuji called the abhyasis). But, in Sahaj Marg(tm), they are not! They are not more moral, ehtical, loving, chanritable, evolved, etc... So they can't lead. They can only preach and point at others. Then, we will expose them and their spiritualist scams, and point at them!! We are their KARMA, accumulated by their "samskaras". ;-))
The methods used by our society for making decisions around the management of our collective political house (the town, the nation, and now: the Planet, Earth) are always evolving, as they must, or they will regress into anarchy and/or dictatorship, or worse, into theocracy. Our "representatives", the so-called "servants" may simply do NOTHING, thus giving us, the Masters of the House, a "dictatorship" between elections!! Or they will have PARTIES (Birthdays, weddings, games, congresses, seminars, retreats, etc )... as the religious and the spiritualists do!!
We will trans-form our collective selves (our house, our planet) and our individual selves at the same time.
April 29, 2011
Chari Invents Democracy
Excerpt from one of the latest speech Chari (Scatter the Seeds of Spirituality, March 9, 2011):
I pray that (…) this spirituality becomes something not exclusive to the few but common to the many, which is what should be the meaning of democracy. Democracy is not a vote. Democracy is a state where every individual has the same right to progress, and that right is guaranteed only in the spiritual field because it cannot be guaranteed in any other field."
(Translated to French)
Chari, the autocrat, the self-proclaimed master of Sahaj Marg, the self appointed president of the SRCM, claims to bring us spiritual democracy.
Certainly, democracy does not necessarily mean elections, it's just the case for our representative democracy, which is the model or example (your choice) most often put forward today.
For Chari, democracy is the right to progress for all, that is to say, spiritual progress, because there can be no other progress. There he goes inventing a kind of "spirito-cracy"
Let us remember that the SRCM and Sahaj Marg is not prohibited. Today nothing prevents the spiritual progress of the abhyasis. This democracy exists today, and if abhyasis are not progressing, the reasons are to be sought within the "House of SRCM(tm)" and nowhere else.
The abject failure of spiritual Sahaj Marg(tm) should not be blamed on the society that surrounds it; that would be too easy. The scapegoat is always the other ...
Our democracies are far from perfect, but the political project of Sahaj Marg is undemocratic; quite the contrary ...
See also:
Babuji and Sahaj Marg(tm) "skin complexion"! Colour Discrimination?
Sahaj Marg(tm), Moral Degradation and the UNDPI
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sahaj Marg(tm) and Swami Vivekananda (1893)
From a blog called: Light of Sahaj Marg (SRCM)
This article called: Swami Vivekananda and Surrender, includes a radio broadcast of Swami Vivekananda's speech to the Parliament of Religions, in Chicago, September 11, 1893, with transcript, so it is easy to understand and it's short.
"The World Parliament of Religions was sponsored by the Unitarians and Universalists of the Free Religious Association, and was a part of the greater Columbian Exposition held for several months in 1893, in Chicago, which was attended by over 27 million people." (quote from this site)
At the next "Chicago World Fair" (aka: Greater Columbian Exposition) in 1933, the REAL light from the star Arcturus (a red giant, from a minor galaxy swallowed by our Milky Way Galaxy) in the constellation Bootes was used to open the fair. Since Arcturus (from which we get: "arctic"... Arcturus follows the constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear which points to the Polar Star) was then thought to be 40 light years from earth, (actually 36.7 light years), it was thought that the light which left Arcturus at the time of the 1893 Greater Columbian Exposition held in Chicago, was the same light now being seen in 1933 (40 years later). High tech!! Just before WWll ... ;-))
Along with falsely claiming the Sufi Master, Lalaji, as part of their "lineage", and falsely claiming their system to be a modified (starting at step #7) form of Patanjali's eightfold path called "Raja Yoga", SRCM(California-1997 ... and Babuji) also claims that their "new religions", their "easy path" was influenced by Swami Vivekananda. Babuji claims to have had "inter-communications" (in dreams?) with Swami Vivekananda, Muhammad, Jesus the Christ, Buddha, Lalaji, etc. There are many such entries in his Journals published as: The Autobiography of Ram Chandra, compiled and authored by Dr. S.P. Srivastava, then the interim president of SRCM, as instructed by Babuji, and published by SRCM (Shahjahanpur-1945 . This "biography" contains 80% of Babuji's journals, as opposed to Chari's SRCM (California-1997) version which contains 20% of Babuji's original journal entries. (see Chari's reaction at section "pp. xiii-xiv" of this article)
If one listens and reads Swami Vivekananda's speech carefully, one can almost see the Swami pointing at Chari's speeches of intolerance, racism, sexism and homophobia.
Then the reader can remember (or research) the legal court cases with Babuji's family, (see on Youtube: Sahaj Marg Exposed,) and Baubji's grandson's site: Tell Me Truth India (see comments) ) and the replacement by force of the old preceptors who were still loyal to Babuji, and of course, the fanatical developments, the castle (Peugeot Castle, Dole, France), the ranches (Spurs Retreat Center, 25 acres, Austin, Texas, USA), etc ... (see many articles on this blog's Index)
Here is a short exerpt from Swami Vivekananda's speech: (see here for the whole speech)
“Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now. But their time is come; and I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this morning in honor of this convention may be the death-knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way to the same goal.”
To see a few overt and blatant examples in Sahaj Marg(tm) (trade-marked for for trade and commerce), of what Swami Vivekanada may have meant by "fanaticism" and "persecution with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons...", see the articles below (it seems that the imagined "light" of Sahaj Marg(tm) is in their imagination only, and does not really shine equally for all, specially for our homosexual brothers and sisters, those who suffer from AIDS, and those of darker (savla, sawla, sawala) "skin complexion, height, cut" (see specifics in articles below):
See Also (on this blog):
Sahaj Marg(tm), Moral Degradation and the UNDPI
Babuji, Sahaj Marg and "skin complexion"! Colour Descrimination??
Mr. Chari of Sahaj Marg(tm)! Recall your HOMOPHOBIC SPEECH!!
Sahaj Marg(tm) and Their VBSE School Curriculum Compares Religion and Spirituality!
Sahaj Marg(tm), An Infamous (Racist, Homophobic) Hypocrisy!
Anonymous French Lady Medium of Sahaj Marg and the Spiritual Elite (Indigo Children)
Spiritual Techniques (Magic?) Used On Babuji!
This article called: Swami Vivekananda and Surrender, includes a radio broadcast of Swami Vivekananda's speech to the Parliament of Religions, in Chicago, September 11, 1893, with transcript, so it is easy to understand and it's short.
"The World Parliament of Religions was sponsored by the Unitarians and Universalists of the Free Religious Association, and was a part of the greater Columbian Exposition held for several months in 1893, in Chicago, which was attended by over 27 million people." (quote from this site)
At the next "Chicago World Fair" (aka: Greater Columbian Exposition) in 1933, the REAL light from the star Arcturus (a red giant, from a minor galaxy swallowed by our Milky Way Galaxy) in the constellation Bootes was used to open the fair. Since Arcturus (from which we get: "arctic"... Arcturus follows the constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear which points to the Polar Star) was then thought to be 40 light years from earth, (actually 36.7 light years), it was thought that the light which left Arcturus at the time of the 1893 Greater Columbian Exposition held in Chicago, was the same light now being seen in 1933 (40 years later). High tech!! Just before WWll ... ;-))
Along with falsely claiming the Sufi Master, Lalaji, as part of their "lineage", and falsely claiming their system to be a modified (starting at step #7) form of Patanjali's eightfold path called "Raja Yoga", SRCM(California-1997 ... and Babuji) also claims that their "new religions", their "easy path" was influenced by Swami Vivekananda. Babuji claims to have had "inter-communications" (in dreams?) with Swami Vivekananda, Muhammad, Jesus the Christ, Buddha, Lalaji, etc. There are many such entries in his Journals published as: The Autobiography of Ram Chandra, compiled and authored by Dr. S.P. Srivastava, then the interim president of SRCM, as instructed by Babuji, and published by SRCM (Shahjahanpur-1945 . This "biography" contains 80% of Babuji's journals, as opposed to Chari's SRCM (California-1997) version which contains 20% of Babuji's original journal entries. (see Chari's reaction at section "pp. xiii-xiv" of this article)
If one listens and reads Swami Vivekananda's speech carefully, one can almost see the Swami pointing at Chari's speeches of intolerance, racism, sexism and homophobia.
Then the reader can remember (or research) the legal court cases with Babuji's family, (see on Youtube: Sahaj Marg Exposed,) and Baubji's grandson's site: Tell Me Truth India (see comments) ) and the replacement by force of the old preceptors who were still loyal to Babuji, and of course, the fanatical developments, the castle (Peugeot Castle, Dole, France), the ranches (Spurs Retreat Center, 25 acres, Austin, Texas, USA), etc ... (see many articles on this blog's Index)
Here is a short exerpt from Swami Vivekananda's speech: (see here for the whole speech)
“Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now. But their time is come; and I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this morning in honor of this convention may be the death-knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way to the same goal.”
To see a few overt and blatant examples in Sahaj Marg(tm) (trade-marked for for trade and commerce), of what Swami Vivekanada may have meant by "fanaticism" and "persecution with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons...", see the articles below (it seems that the imagined "light" of Sahaj Marg(tm) is in their imagination only, and does not really shine equally for all, specially for our homosexual brothers and sisters, those who suffer from AIDS, and those of darker (savla, sawla, sawala) "skin complexion, height, cut" (see specifics in articles below):
See Also (on this blog):
Sahaj Marg(tm), Moral Degradation and the UNDPI
Babuji, Sahaj Marg and "skin complexion"! Colour Descrimination??
Mr. Chari of Sahaj Marg(tm)! Recall your HOMOPHOBIC SPEECH!!
Sahaj Marg(tm) and Their VBSE School Curriculum Compares Religion and Spirituality!
Sahaj Marg(tm), An Infamous (Racist, Homophobic) Hypocrisy!
Anonymous French Lady Medium of Sahaj Marg and the Spiritual Elite (Indigo Children)
Spiritual Techniques (Magic?) Used On Babuji!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Sahaj Marg(tm) and the Apocalypse NOW!
Taken and translated from an article by Alexis: "Apocaplypse Now", on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.
April 22, 2011
Apocalypse Now
Back to basics?
Sahaj Marg denatured (4)
In December 2009, within the precincts of the Manapakkam ashram, Catherine Lauret (Rose's Medium... see here) announced to Poonam Thaper that she would open the new path (the new way) of Sahaj Marg and that she would be its next spiritual representative. But she also announced the imminent (in 2010) nuclear war between China and Europe, during which the United Kingdom should be completely destroyed.
Whispers also contains its own set of predictions, we have already spoken about it. But that's also what Babuji wrote in his book "Reality at Dawn" chapter "My vision" in the early 50s.
“The world these days is passing through a critical stage. The political situation is growing extremely intricate day by day. The economic condition has become very depressing. Moral, religious and social degradation has almost reached its final limit. An atmosphere of rivalry, unrest and insecurity prevails everywhere. Every nation looks with jealous eyes upon her neighbour and utilizes all her resources in finding out means of exploiting it.
The sign of progress they take to be the gradual drifting of the country towards the western type of civilization which is based on pure materialism. But now the age of materialism must come to an end. The old order must change yielding place to new. The present structure of world civilization based upon electricity and atomic energy shall not remain in existence for long. It is destined to fall soon.
I present before the readers a glimpse of the world that is to be, as I see it in my vision. Believe it or not, but that is my reading of Nature in the clairvoyant state. Signs are evident that the destruction of the undesirable elements in the world has already commenced.
The time is now ripe for its final phase and the world is rushing towards it with headlong speed. The action may come into full resent century but some of the events enumerated below may take a longer time to come into effect.
The heat of the sun has been gradually diminishing for some time past.
The present decrease in the sun's heat is meant only to expedite nature's process of change and the personality deputed for that work is utilizing it for the purpose. It is an unfailing sign of the imminent upheaval in the entire structure of the world and after it the sun will again resume its full glow. The same sign will appear again at the time of Mahapralaya (complete dissolution) but as it is a far-off thing, I do not like to dwell upon it here. One thing I may disclose in this connection for the interest of the readers. At the time of Mahapralaya the pole star will deviate a few degrees from its position and will grow a bit hotter. A powerful energy in the form of a gas will begin to gush out from it and will ultimately destroy the world and everything else in existence. The action of destruction will start from the North Pole.
In consequence of the present upheaval, drastic changes will come into effect and the new structure of the world will be quite different from the one we see today. The fate of Great Britain will be sad. A part of it, i.e., its southern portion will sink into the sea. A volcanic energy in the latent state is at work in the heart of London and in course of time it will burst forth in the form of a volcanic eruption. The Gulf Stream will change its course and the country will become extremely cold. The fate of Europe too will be similar. Smaller countries will lose their existence. The future of Russia is in darkness. She can not survive. The very weapon of Russia will serve as a pistol on her own head. Communism shall have its grave in its own homeland. As for America she is in imminent danger of losing her wealth and in course of time she may almost be reduced to paupery. Her power and greatness too will sink along with it. India will regain her pristine glory and she will rise to prominence under her own government. Her suzerainty will extend far and wide and the world will look up to her for a beacon-light.
The new structure of the coming world will stand on bones and ashes. A type of civilization based on spiritualism will spring forth in India and it will, in due course, become the world civilization. No country or nation will survive without spirituality as its base, and every nation must sooner or later adopt the same course if it wants to maintain her very existence.”
In 1954, the world was already crossing a critical stage. The vision of Babuji was already that the UK would end badly, while India would regain its former glory, spirituality would triumph and would dominate the world civilization. But for that to happen, it was already necessary for the number of abhyasis to reach a critical mass ...
Decidedly, Babuji was already a curious character. His image as a holy man is largely overrated, his esoteric folly is not the only trait of his mind. We knew of his paranoid tendencies, (see Autobiography of Ram Chandra) but his dementia is unclear and delusional.
Here are three excerpts from letters of Babuji to Shri N. Kumaraswamy in 1955 where he insists that he foretold the change of direction of the Gulf stream (broadcast in the Newsletter of the IUSCM in 2010). Obviously, Babuji wanted him to publicise it, and he insisted that the whole world discover his prophecy.
“(…) For your information, I may point out through human grief that my prediction given at page138 in “Reality at dawn” is coming true. The Gulf Stream is changing its course vide Sunday Pioneer Magazine Section daily of Lucknow dated the March, 1955.” (23-03-1955 - Ref: 2078 / SRCM)
“(…) Therefore, the thing written by me in the last chapter of “Reality at dawn” will follow soon. It is possible that you may hear soon about them. The causes are accumulating. I therefore conceive that the prediction will come to light.(…).” (15-04-1955 - Ref. 2119 / SRCM)
“ (…)“Pioneer” a prominent daily of Lucknow DT. 6-3-1955 says in his magazine section that Gulf stream is changing its course and the scientists are greatly perplexed. I remind you of my prophecy given in “Reality at Dawn” about England. If you attend to send in papers of South India, including “Hindu” of Madras about my foretelling then I will be highly obliged.” (17-10- 1955, Letter No.2073)
And now, this is what one finds today in the "Whispers" of his Medium:
(translated from French)
"NUCLEAR energy will doom the world. This force if poorly controlled is demonic. Man will one day be overwhelmed by its power. It will cause disruptions which will transform the world. It has implications far wider than you can imagine and will contribute to destabilize the balance of this planet.
"These prophecies do not apply to you. You suffer the ravages of this insidious which pollutionwill lead the world to ruin, but you can not stop time or change the system. So protect yourself the best you can of these nuisances and pray for your brothers in the future."
Babuji Whisper - 29/12/2000 at 8:00 am
The UK and nuclear energy are at the heart of the various predictions of one and the other. Poor England!
The Nuclear Apocalypse is announced, but there is nothing to do, it is inevitable. What good then to announce it? If it is not to frighten ...
So nothing has changed? The medium reinterprets the vision of Babuji in reviving it after Chari had distanced himself?
To conclude, a few excerpts of the latest speech of Chari (Scatter the Seeds of Spirituality, March 9, 2011):
I believe we have more than 220 ashrams throughout the world today. But yet it is only a drop in the ocean of humanity.
If that seed is lost, humanity is lost. Humanity has no hope after that.
So to prepare these human values, (…) each one of you is a torchbearer. If you don’t do that, if you don’t recognise that responsibility and carry it out, whatever you may become in yourself, you are a failure as far as Sahaj Marg is concerned. (…) today humanity’s task – every one of us must share in it. And we must not count; we want quality, not numbers. But we want increasing quality in increasing numbers.
I pray that our great Masters will bless us all on this auspicious occasion and make the people aware of these possibilities, bring them in greater and greater numbers so that this spirituality becomes something not exclusive to the few but common to the many, which is what should be the meaning of democracy. Democracy is not a vote. Democracy is a state where every individual has the same right to progress, and that right is guaranteed only in the spiritual field because it cannot be guaranteed in any other field.
I am happy to see our jawans [soldiers] and their officers here; I welcome them. I am happy that our efforts have reached them too, and I hope I will see battalions of them in the future. May they progress well. May they all grow.
God bless all of you.”
Humanity has no hope, it is lost without Sahaj Marg. Outside of spirituality, there is no salvation, no democracy. The "Soldiers of Sahaj Marg" are to form battalions, grow the quality, and increase the numbers!
Chari is now in step with the orders from "Whispers", there is now no doubt ...
See also:
Sahaj Marg and Homosexuality
Babuji, Sahaj Marg(tm) and "skin complexion, height, cut"! Colour Discrimination??
Sahaj Marg(tm), Moral Degradation and the UNDPI
April 22, 2011
Apocalypse Now
Back to basics?
Sahaj Marg denatured (4)
In December 2009, within the precincts of the Manapakkam ashram, Catherine Lauret (Rose's Medium... see here) announced to Poonam Thaper that she would open the new path (the new way) of Sahaj Marg and that she would be its next spiritual representative. But she also announced the imminent (in 2010) nuclear war between China and Europe, during which the United Kingdom should be completely destroyed.
Whispers also contains its own set of predictions, we have already spoken about it. But that's also what Babuji wrote in his book "Reality at Dawn" chapter "My vision" in the early 50s.
“The world these days is passing through a critical stage. The political situation is growing extremely intricate day by day. The economic condition has become very depressing. Moral, religious and social degradation has almost reached its final limit. An atmosphere of rivalry, unrest and insecurity prevails everywhere. Every nation looks with jealous eyes upon her neighbour and utilizes all her resources in finding out means of exploiting it.
The sign of progress they take to be the gradual drifting of the country towards the western type of civilization which is based on pure materialism. But now the age of materialism must come to an end. The old order must change yielding place to new. The present structure of world civilization based upon electricity and atomic energy shall not remain in existence for long. It is destined to fall soon.
I present before the readers a glimpse of the world that is to be, as I see it in my vision. Believe it or not, but that is my reading of Nature in the clairvoyant state. Signs are evident that the destruction of the undesirable elements in the world has already commenced.
The time is now ripe for its final phase and the world is rushing towards it with headlong speed. The action may come into full resent century but some of the events enumerated below may take a longer time to come into effect.
The heat of the sun has been gradually diminishing for some time past.
The present decrease in the sun's heat is meant only to expedite nature's process of change and the personality deputed for that work is utilizing it for the purpose. It is an unfailing sign of the imminent upheaval in the entire structure of the world and after it the sun will again resume its full glow. The same sign will appear again at the time of Mahapralaya (complete dissolution) but as it is a far-off thing, I do not like to dwell upon it here. One thing I may disclose in this connection for the interest of the readers. At the time of Mahapralaya the pole star will deviate a few degrees from its position and will grow a bit hotter. A powerful energy in the form of a gas will begin to gush out from it and will ultimately destroy the world and everything else in existence. The action of destruction will start from the North Pole.
In consequence of the present upheaval, drastic changes will come into effect and the new structure of the world will be quite different from the one we see today. The fate of Great Britain will be sad. A part of it, i.e., its southern portion will sink into the sea. A volcanic energy in the latent state is at work in the heart of London and in course of time it will burst forth in the form of a volcanic eruption. The Gulf Stream will change its course and the country will become extremely cold. The fate of Europe too will be similar. Smaller countries will lose their existence. The future of Russia is in darkness. She can not survive. The very weapon of Russia will serve as a pistol on her own head. Communism shall have its grave in its own homeland. As for America she is in imminent danger of losing her wealth and in course of time she may almost be reduced to paupery. Her power and greatness too will sink along with it. India will regain her pristine glory and she will rise to prominence under her own government. Her suzerainty will extend far and wide and the world will look up to her for a beacon-light.
The new structure of the coming world will stand on bones and ashes. A type of civilization based on spiritualism will spring forth in India and it will, in due course, become the world civilization. No country or nation will survive without spirituality as its base, and every nation must sooner or later adopt the same course if it wants to maintain her very existence.”
In 1954, the world was already crossing a critical stage. The vision of Babuji was already that the UK would end badly, while India would regain its former glory, spirituality would triumph and would dominate the world civilization. But for that to happen, it was already necessary for the number of abhyasis to reach a critical mass ...
Decidedly, Babuji was already a curious character. His image as a holy man is largely overrated, his esoteric folly is not the only trait of his mind. We knew of his paranoid tendencies, (see Autobiography of Ram Chandra) but his dementia is unclear and delusional.
Here are three excerpts from letters of Babuji to Shri N. Kumaraswamy in 1955 where he insists that he foretold the change of direction of the Gulf stream (broadcast in the Newsletter of the IUSCM in 2010). Obviously, Babuji wanted him to publicise it, and he insisted that the whole world discover his prophecy.
“(…) For your information, I may point out through human grief that my prediction given at page138 in “Reality at dawn” is coming true. The Gulf Stream is changing its course vide Sunday Pioneer Magazine Section daily of Lucknow dated the March, 1955.” (23-03-1955 - Ref: 2078 / SRCM)
“(…) Therefore, the thing written by me in the last chapter of “Reality at dawn” will follow soon. It is possible that you may hear soon about them. The causes are accumulating. I therefore conceive that the prediction will come to light.(…).” (15-04-1955 - Ref. 2119 / SRCM)
“ (…)“Pioneer” a prominent daily of Lucknow DT. 6-3-1955 says in his magazine section that Gulf stream is changing its course and the scientists are greatly perplexed. I remind you of my prophecy given in “Reality at Dawn” about England. If you attend to send in papers of South India, including “Hindu” of Madras about my foretelling then I will be highly obliged.” (17-10- 1955, Letter No.2073)
And now, this is what one finds today in the "Whispers" of his Medium:
(translated from French)
"NUCLEAR energy will doom the world. This force if poorly controlled is demonic. Man will one day be overwhelmed by its power. It will cause disruptions which will transform the world. It has implications far wider than you can imagine and will contribute to destabilize the balance of this planet.
"These prophecies do not apply to you. You suffer the ravages of this insidious which pollutionwill lead the world to ruin, but you can not stop time or change the system. So protect yourself the best you can of these nuisances and pray for your brothers in the future."
Babuji Whisper - 29/12/2000 at 8:00 am
The UK and nuclear energy are at the heart of the various predictions of one and the other. Poor England!
The Nuclear Apocalypse is announced, but there is nothing to do, it is inevitable. What good then to announce it? If it is not to frighten ...
So nothing has changed? The medium reinterprets the vision of Babuji in reviving it after Chari had distanced himself?
To conclude, a few excerpts of the latest speech of Chari (Scatter the Seeds of Spirituality, March 9, 2011):
I believe we have more than 220 ashrams throughout the world today. But yet it is only a drop in the ocean of humanity.
If that seed is lost, humanity is lost. Humanity has no hope after that.
So to prepare these human values, (…) each one of you is a torchbearer. If you don’t do that, if you don’t recognise that responsibility and carry it out, whatever you may become in yourself, you are a failure as far as Sahaj Marg is concerned. (…) today humanity’s task – every one of us must share in it. And we must not count; we want quality, not numbers. But we want increasing quality in increasing numbers.
I pray that our great Masters will bless us all on this auspicious occasion and make the people aware of these possibilities, bring them in greater and greater numbers so that this spirituality becomes something not exclusive to the few but common to the many, which is what should be the meaning of democracy. Democracy is not a vote. Democracy is a state where every individual has the same right to progress, and that right is guaranteed only in the spiritual field because it cannot be guaranteed in any other field.
I am happy to see our jawans [soldiers] and their officers here; I welcome them. I am happy that our efforts have reached them too, and I hope I will see battalions of them in the future. May they progress well. May they all grow.
God bless all of you.”
Humanity has no hope, it is lost without Sahaj Marg. Outside of spirituality, there is no salvation, no democracy. The "Soldiers of Sahaj Marg" are to form battalions, grow the quality, and increase the numbers!
Chari is now in step with the orders from "Whispers", there is now no doubt ...
See also:
Sahaj Marg and Homosexuality
Babuji, Sahaj Marg(tm) and "skin complexion, height, cut"! Colour Discrimination??
Sahaj Marg(tm), Moral Degradation and the UNDPI
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Sahaj NEW AGE Mart(tm) and Quantuum Mysticism!
I received this comment to the previous article. ( I add all the hyper-links)
Hi Don,
just wanted to point your attention to a flawed attempt to justify SRCM's nonsense scientifically.
In European Echoes April 2011 newsletter the article below appeared:
Nice, France
Lecture “Science and Spirituality”, March 20
The abhyasis present at Nice Ashram on Sunday 20th of
March, followed enthusiastically the talk “Science and
Spirituality” given by Charles Thomas, Researcher at
INSERM (National institute of Health and Medical
After the presentation of the subject and the definitions,
essential for the layman to follow, the features of divergence
and convergence between Science and Spirituality were
focused upon to conclude on a balance between these two
This presentation was endorsed by scientific studies (namely
Einstein and the present Quantum Physics) on one hand and
spiritual masters on the other.
Charles brought these notions to our level by using simple
sketches as well as extracts from the videos “What the bleep
do we know” and “Down the rabbit hole”.
He had proposed this theme in January in Toulouse, Vienna
(Austria) and Munich (Germany) and has continuously
improved it after each session. Presently, he is preparing a
version intended for general public use.
This lecture lasting one hour was followed by a session of
questions and answers, and then a debate for about one hour.
More than fifty abhyasis participated. They came from the
local region or other more distant centres.
The morning finished with an improvised meal, which was a
continuation of what we all shared.
Now notice the teaching material used:
"What the bleep do we know" and Wikipedia's take on it:
Sahaj New Age Marg!
Hi Don,
just wanted to point your attention to a flawed attempt to justify SRCM's nonsense scientifically.
In European Echoes April 2011 newsletter the article below appeared:
Nice, France
Lecture “Science and Spirituality”, March 20
The abhyasis present at Nice Ashram on Sunday 20th of
March, followed enthusiastically the talk “Science and
Spirituality” given by Charles Thomas, Researcher at
INSERM (National institute of Health and Medical
After the presentation of the subject and the definitions,
essential for the layman to follow, the features of divergence
and convergence between Science and Spirituality were
focused upon to conclude on a balance between these two
This presentation was endorsed by scientific studies (namely
Einstein and the present Quantum Physics) on one hand and
spiritual masters on the other.
Charles brought these notions to our level by using simple
sketches as well as extracts from the videos “What the bleep
do we know” and “Down the rabbit hole”.
He had proposed this theme in January in Toulouse, Vienna
(Austria) and Munich (Germany) and has continuously
improved it after each session. Presently, he is preparing a
version intended for general public use.
This lecture lasting one hour was followed by a session of
questions and answers, and then a debate for about one hour.
More than fifty abhyasis participated. They came from the
local region or other more distant centres.
The morning finished with an improvised meal, which was a
continuation of what we all shared.
Now notice the teaching material used:
"What the bleep do we know" and Wikipedia's take on it:
Sahaj New Age Marg!
Thu Apr 14, 07:25:00 AM

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Political Project of SRCM (California-1997)
Taken and translated from an article by Alexis: "Le Projet Politique de la SRCM", on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg
Insertions by 4d-don are in "red italics"
April 13, 2011
The political project of SRCM(California-1997)
The deleterious influence of mediumistic spiritism
Sahaj Marg Denatured (3)
Sahaj Marg has much evolved, it has been distorted (denatured). Babuji speaks in all times, and now Chari promises that he will change the world. "Whispers" and the medium have greatly contributed to the recent turmoil ...
Spirituality, spiritualism, religion and spiritualism
Lalaji embodied spirituality, Babuji veered into spiritualism by dogmatizing the 10 Commandments of Sahaj Marg, and Chari caricatured it by creating a new religion with global ambitions.
The last master of a great Sufi lineage (Naqshbandiya Sufi Order and the first Master of NaqshMuMRa Sufi Stream), Lalaji delivered an open and syncretic spiritual teaching and a philosophy of life, combining the contributions of Muslim Sufism and Hindu Santmat.
Babuji however has more or less recuperated it, much adapted it, re-nationalized and re-Hinduized it, to baptize it "Sahaj Marg".
Upon his arrival into the Mission and so as to seduce the West, Chari codified and ritualized the spiritual teachings, and this travesty has gradually been transformed into a (new) religion. Today, with Whispers and its medium, SRCM sinks into Spiritualism.
Between an open and spiritual syncretic religious teaching, to a dogmatic and sectarian spiritualism, Sahaj Marg has seen it all.
Whispers, the new Bible of Sahaj Marg
Remember! In 2005, Chari launches the sale of "Whispers From The Brighter World," a book sold for 250 €, and which no one knew neither the title nor the content. It must remain strictly personal, although it is a limited edition, it must not be copied or read in public. The money-making machine begins!
We discover later that it (Whispers) is a collection of messages from Babuji (deceased in 1983) channeled since 1999 and addressed to a French medium. (the Anonymous French Lady Medium (AFLM)
In 2009, Chari announced the release of four additional volumes at the same price as before, to one per year, and does not hesitate to baptize "Whispers" as the new "Bible or Veda of Sahaj Marg". He added that there would not be any second editions of these limited editions until 2030 or 2035.
Despite this claimed exclusivity, since that time, a section of the website of the SRCM has been established and a "Whisper a Day" distills a daily (channeled) message from Babuji. But Chari says that the internet will not deliver the messages published in the second volume until he alone gives the green light.
The money pump (money-making machine, or cash cow) is restarted ...
Does "Whispers", the Bible of Sahaj Marg according to Chari then replace the 10 Commandments of Sahaj Marg written in his lifetime by Babuji (Commentary on Ten Commandments of Sahaj Marg, Babuji, 1946) and supposedly enacted by Lalaji from the "great beyond"? It is true that Chari has already transformed the "Commandments" of Babuji into "maxims" for many years now.
The pernicious and deleterious influence of the medium
The phenomenon "Whispers" is not just a money pump (money-making machine, cash cow). By delivering the daily words of Babuji, Chari's revered master to whom Chari claims to refer to constantly, "Whispers" has come to surpass him. Babuji does not speak directly to Chari, he requires an intermediary. This medium says what she wants, she distills his message gradually, day after day. Her influence is pernicious, insidious.
Result? Today at the SRCM they speak of an elite to regenerate humanity, egregores, weddings to create a new human race or indigo children. Mediumistic spiritualism has eventually given birth to an intelligent design for the SRCM, between the New Age and science fiction, with nothing spiritual left.
To my knowledge, the word "Apocalypse" has not yet been delivered, but we're not far away from it and, especially, it is already in everyone's head ...
The example of the encounter between Catherine Lauret and Poonam Thaper is a very good example. No matter who Catherine Lauret is, her words perfectly reflect the mood of some abhyasis in the ashrams, and their toxicity. An atmosphere of doom ...
Another example which is representative of the result obtained by pounding the message and the undermining work undertaken, the abhyasi Mukul S. Mukherjee says that we are not worthy of the epithet "human".
The influence is huge and deleterious.
This reminds me of the story of the frog. Thrown into a pail of hot water, it jumps out immediately, but if immersed in cold water that is slowly heated, it can become accustomed to the heat, and eventually die. The abhyasis would have ran away if they had been sold all of these ideas at once. Instilled on a daily basis, they made their way and are now shared by all ... including Chari?
A draft policy between New Age and science fiction
Chari has manipulated Sahaj Marg for the sole benefit of his megalomania, through a carefully codified religious movement to attract the greatest number. A goal widely shared by his followers, let us recognize it ... The medium has completely hijacked the structure, its guru and his followers in favor of a new design, still a little blurry to the eyes of an outside observer.
SRCM exploits the fears and offers an alternative political project: create a new human race, spiritual, to form the new elite for mankind. Overthrow democracy and capitalism in favor of a spiritual dictatorship. Nothing less.
A project which has little chance of success! So why? To strengthen the cohesion of a SRCM threatened with implosion and surfing on FEARS, and provide a unifying goal?
For 20 years, Chari's project was growth. Reaching its end, being short of breath, he needed another project! The medium offered him a new project ...
To be continued ...
Back to basics? (4)
Insertions by 4d-don are in "red italics"
April 13, 2011
The political project of SRCM(California-1997)
The deleterious influence of mediumistic spiritism
Sahaj Marg Denatured (3)
Sahaj Marg has much evolved, it has been distorted (denatured). Babuji speaks in all times, and now Chari promises that he will change the world. "Whispers" and the medium have greatly contributed to the recent turmoil ...
Spirituality, spiritualism, religion and spiritualism
Lalaji embodied spirituality, Babuji veered into spiritualism by dogmatizing the 10 Commandments of Sahaj Marg, and Chari caricatured it by creating a new religion with global ambitions.
The last master of a great Sufi lineage (Naqshbandiya Sufi Order and the first Master of NaqshMuMRa Sufi Stream), Lalaji delivered an open and syncretic spiritual teaching and a philosophy of life, combining the contributions of Muslim Sufism and Hindu Santmat.
Babuji however has more or less recuperated it, much adapted it, re-nationalized and re-Hinduized it, to baptize it "Sahaj Marg".
Upon his arrival into the Mission and so as to seduce the West, Chari codified and ritualized the spiritual teachings, and this travesty has gradually been transformed into a (new) religion. Today, with Whispers and its medium, SRCM sinks into Spiritualism.
Between an open and spiritual syncretic religious teaching, to a dogmatic and sectarian spiritualism, Sahaj Marg has seen it all.
Whispers, the new Bible of Sahaj Marg
Remember! In 2005, Chari launches the sale of "Whispers From The Brighter World," a book sold for 250 €, and which no one knew neither the title nor the content. It must remain strictly personal, although it is a limited edition, it must not be copied or read in public. The money-making machine begins!
We discover later that it (Whispers) is a collection of messages from Babuji (deceased in 1983) channeled since 1999 and addressed to a French medium. (the Anonymous French Lady Medium (AFLM)
In 2009, Chari announced the release of four additional volumes at the same price as before, to one per year, and does not hesitate to baptize "Whispers" as the new "Bible or Veda of Sahaj Marg". He added that there would not be any second editions of these limited editions until 2030 or 2035.
Despite this claimed exclusivity, since that time, a section of the website of the SRCM has been established and a "Whisper a Day" distills a daily (channeled) message from Babuji. But Chari says that the internet will not deliver the messages published in the second volume until he alone gives the green light.
The money pump (money-making machine, or cash cow) is restarted ...
Does "Whispers", the Bible of Sahaj Marg according to Chari then replace the 10 Commandments of Sahaj Marg written in his lifetime by Babuji (Commentary on Ten Commandments of Sahaj Marg, Babuji, 1946) and supposedly enacted by Lalaji from the "great beyond"? It is true that Chari has already transformed the "Commandments" of Babuji into "maxims" for many years now.
The pernicious and deleterious influence of the medium
The phenomenon "Whispers" is not just a money pump (money-making machine, cash cow). By delivering the daily words of Babuji, Chari's revered master to whom Chari claims to refer to constantly, "Whispers" has come to surpass him. Babuji does not speak directly to Chari, he requires an intermediary. This medium says what she wants, she distills his message gradually, day after day. Her influence is pernicious, insidious.
Result? Today at the SRCM they speak of an elite to regenerate humanity, egregores, weddings to create a new human race or indigo children. Mediumistic spiritualism has eventually given birth to an intelligent design for the SRCM, between the New Age and science fiction, with nothing spiritual left.
To my knowledge, the word "Apocalypse" has not yet been delivered, but we're not far away from it and, especially, it is already in everyone's head ...
The example of the encounter between Catherine Lauret and Poonam Thaper is a very good example. No matter who Catherine Lauret is, her words perfectly reflect the mood of some abhyasis in the ashrams, and their toxicity. An atmosphere of doom ...
Another example which is representative of the result obtained by pounding the message and the undermining work undertaken, the abhyasi Mukul S. Mukherjee says that we are not worthy of the epithet "human".
The influence is huge and deleterious.
This reminds me of the story of the frog. Thrown into a pail of hot water, it jumps out immediately, but if immersed in cold water that is slowly heated, it can become accustomed to the heat, and eventually die. The abhyasis would have ran away if they had been sold all of these ideas at once. Instilled on a daily basis, they made their way and are now shared by all ... including Chari?
A draft policy between New Age and science fiction
Chari has manipulated Sahaj Marg for the sole benefit of his megalomania, through a carefully codified religious movement to attract the greatest number. A goal widely shared by his followers, let us recognize it ... The medium has completely hijacked the structure, its guru and his followers in favor of a new design, still a little blurry to the eyes of an outside observer.
SRCM exploits the fears and offers an alternative political project: create a new human race, spiritual, to form the new elite for mankind. Overthrow democracy and capitalism in favor of a spiritual dictatorship. Nothing less.
A project which has little chance of success! So why? To strengthen the cohesion of a SRCM threatened with implosion and surfing on FEARS, and provide a unifying goal?
For 20 years, Chari's project was growth. Reaching its end, being short of breath, he needed another project! The medium offered him a new project ...
To be continued ...
Back to basics? (4)
Monday, April 11, 2011
The Disposal of Religious Sacred Books and Individual Right of Ownership!!
Comment of April 1, 2011 on: The Imprudent Observer to an article by Fred Stopsky: Afghan Mob Goes Beserk.
The article above (see link) is about the mock trial and subsequent burning of a copy of the Qu'ran in Gainsville, Florida, USA, on Mar. 20, 2011 by Pastor Terry Jones and others from his Christian religious community.
But the comment can also apply to the sacredness of any and all so-called "holy books" and/or scriptures, be they the writings of the original founder, the current leader, a holy man (person) or a Saint of a TEACHING, or the post-humous or channeled messages received by a Medium from an alleged "spirit" from beyond the grave!!
The secular or the profane, which can be bought, sold and/or traded, and hence has material or monetary value, is not SACRED!!
The Comment:
Apr 3, 2011 at 12:38 pm
Great article …
If one buys a book, even a copy of a so-called “sacred” book, the original having allegedly been written by some alleged “holy person” in the past, and thus is now being considered “sacred” by some, then that copy of a book which is now sold for money and/or profit, becomes a “commodity” and is not sacred as the ORIGINAL is claimed to be. If anything is to be considered “sacred”, then it should not be sold and bought by anyone. COPIES are not the “sacred” ORIGINAL.
The rules of the marketplace does not make for anything that is bought and sold to be considered “sacred”, and hence having to be protected for infinity/eternity from any form of disposal by society at large, or even by a GROUP or a SECT. Even the laws of nature and/or the Laws of ONE (what some call god), do not permit that.
Whatever one BUYS, by law one has really bought ownership of that item in exchange for money, and one can dispose of that item as any other item one buys in the marketplace. Would a “garbage dump” or a recycling depot, show more “respect” than a fire, shredding, recycling, etc…?
This is an example of the FREEDOMS which we have availed ourselves in the WEST. Some of these FREEDOMS we now enjoy were gained by the blood of our ancestors, as they fought our also once-tyrannical religions. The Muslim community (or the EAST) will have to also FREE themselves so as to be a FREE society. Free from our own institutions (religious and secular).
The Muslim ORIGINAL book can be protected as “GOLD” or as sacred by the collective, but not all the copies which are sold for MONEY (to Satan?? and/or his western “acolytes”??)
The more Bibles I burn, the more Bibles are printed, bought, sold and/or given to replace them …
The article above (see link) is about the mock trial and subsequent burning of a copy of the Qu'ran in Gainsville, Florida, USA, on Mar. 20, 2011 by Pastor Terry Jones and others from his Christian religious community.
But the comment can also apply to the sacredness of any and all so-called "holy books" and/or scriptures, be they the writings of the original founder, the current leader, a holy man (person) or a Saint of a TEACHING, or the post-humous or channeled messages received by a Medium from an alleged "spirit" from beyond the grave!!
The secular or the profane, which can be bought, sold and/or traded, and hence has material or monetary value, is not SACRED!!
The Comment:
Apr 3, 2011 at 12:38 pm
Great article …
If one buys a book, even a copy of a so-called “sacred” book, the original having allegedly been written by some alleged “holy person” in the past, and thus is now being considered “sacred” by some, then that copy of a book which is now sold for money and/or profit, becomes a “commodity” and is not sacred as the ORIGINAL is claimed to be. If anything is to be considered “sacred”, then it should not be sold and bought by anyone. COPIES are not the “sacred” ORIGINAL.
The rules of the marketplace does not make for anything that is bought and sold to be considered “sacred”, and hence having to be protected for infinity/eternity from any form of disposal by society at large, or even by a GROUP or a SECT. Even the laws of nature and/or the Laws of ONE (what some call god), do not permit that.
Whatever one BUYS, by law one has really bought ownership of that item in exchange for money, and one can dispose of that item as any other item one buys in the marketplace. Would a “garbage dump” or a recycling depot, show more “respect” than a fire, shredding, recycling, etc…?
This is an example of the FREEDOMS which we have availed ourselves in the WEST. Some of these FREEDOMS we now enjoy were gained by the blood of our ancestors, as they fought our also once-tyrannical religions. The Muslim community (or the EAST) will have to also FREE themselves so as to be a FREE society. Free from our own institutions (religious and secular).
The Muslim ORIGINAL book can be protected as “GOLD” or as sacred by the collective, but not all the copies which are sold for MONEY (to Satan?? and/or his western “acolytes”??)
The more Bibles I burn, the more Bibles are printed, bought, sold and/or given to replace them …
human rights,
social justice,
Terry Jones
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Sahaj Marg(tm) & SRCM (California-1997), The Nationalist Spiritualist Corporation!
Exerpts from a speech by Chari and comments by 4d-Don in "red italics"...
Allow Your Light To Show
14 March 2011, Hyderabad, India
Should we not regret that we are hearing this so often and yet we are not responding in any sensible way, in any perceptible way? We come in, we meditate and we go out as we came in, unfortunately not even conscious, not even aware of what we have received during this hour or two here. It is very sad. (Yes! Very sad! Time that could be spent with family and friends in communion with ONE and ALL ... In Spirit, or Spirituality, and not so concerned with conquering the world, numbers, development, the material and the Spiritualism or Spiritism which Sahaj Mart(tm) has become.) When there is no change, we are what we are. Every time we come in and go out, it is the same. (The disciples imitate their Master and are concerned with developing the self , SPIRITUALISM and the material, developing numbers of disciples and numbers of Ashrams, becoming a tool for invasion of material (products) and religious markets. That's the problem with the pyramidal structure of spiritualist cloning as is practiced by Sahaj Marg(tm) !!) In the Bible there is the example of a bucket which goes again and again into the well and comes out empty, which means the bucket has a hole in it; nothing comes out [from the well]. It is not only for the day or for one single satsangh; over the years we have seen this. (Nothing can come out except what Chari (not ONE, not the CREATOR) puts in, and that is nationalism, materialism, spiritualism, developing numbers and real estate. One readily sees, with very little research, examples of the racism and homophobia displayed by the Masters of this "cult of a Person".)
More and more people come, more and more join us. You see this immense hall here – the largest hall in the Mission so far in this world. It is a little more than twice the size of the hall in Manapakkam. By this, it would appear that we have evidence of growth; we have evidence of Sahaj Marg in action. This is not Sahaj Marg in action. This is money in action – your money. (TRUE! and it's goals are "imperialism", conquering "markets" ) You have given donations which make all these things possible. What the Mission spends is what the Mission receives from loving abhyasis who contribute their hard-earned money. (call them "investments" which will expect a return... in the targeted markets. (i.e.- "blue jean baron", director of SMSF expects to control 10% of the US blue jean market!) Even they, are they happy with what they see? Are the donors, small or big, are they happy that their money is producing some result? If you are putting money into the Mission and treating it as an investment, what is the return – merely an ashram? (NO!! It's just business... Spiritual Capitalism!! ) Or the people in it? You know, we can have paper bags containing fruit, seeds, fertilizer, anything. What is it that this ashram is now giving to you all? Is it a fair return on your investment? You, as abhyasis, you come here, spending money to come from wherever you have come, investing your health, your time. Have you ever thought of what you are taking back? What is the investment you have made in terms of money and time and effort, and what is the return that you have got? Have you ever thought over this? (Sahaj Mart(tm), The Nationalist Spiritualist Corporation Now more talk of the Material or "GOLD")
I know people of Andhra Pradesh. I call this the bangaaru [golden] state. It is a very rich state. But it is like the bangaaru vaakili [golden entrance] in the temple of Lord Venkateswara – opening, closing; opening, closing; opening, closing. We are proud of the bangaaru vaakili. We use more gold to adorn the temple itself, on the gopuram [temple tower]. But what is the use of all that? If you see the newspaper the last two days, the enormous earthquake off the northeast coast of Japan, the damage, fortunately by God’s grace, not very big, but yet devastation was there. We think of the world, the earth as Bhoomadevi, the Mother, and it is as if she is unhappy. “What is this I am carrying? Bigger and bigger loads – population, more and more structures – the weight. And what for?”
(And now, more talk about "money"!! Why are the abhyasis concerned about Money? Maybe because they have a CEO for a Master, and a leadership who are developers and industrialists.)
So I would request each one of you to think why you come here. What for? And the money that you give, is it well spent not merely here but here [in the heart]? When you feed a child, you expect the child to grow. (When you feed a child only "matter" and spiritualism (spirits) it will grow physically and in spiritism, not in the reality of SPIRIT.) When you educate the child, you expect the child to become more and more knowledgeable, more and more master of the facts that it learns, more and more achieving, not only the intellect but wisdom. Education without wisdom is only a degree hanging on the wall, a bit of paper. Wisdom without education is much better than education without wisdom. Isn’t it? Do we have at least the intelligence to know why we have come, and what we are taking back when we go away?(Development strategies, investments and returns on investment, gold, markets, growth, more numbers, MATERIALISM and SPIRIT-ualism, just like the Master and the Leadership of SRCM(California-1997)) Or are we like the pandits [priests] who go to temples and take the pongal, or whatever is given as prasad, fill their belly and are happy?
(Where is the developer's wisdom in paving one more part of Paradise (farmland??) and puttin in a parking lot and a TEMPLE to find SPIRIT which is Everything, Everywhere, and Everywhen (the E-Trinity). It seems that there is no spirituality at all in Sahaj Marg(tm)... just materialism, nationalism, spiritualism, capitalism, etc... That is the gist of this speech, is it not? )
You know there is a tradition that temple pujaris [priests] will be reborn as dogs (Get you leash ready, and bury some bones now, as you are the "priests" Chari speaks about, not "himself" of course) because they do so many wrong things within the temple: they cheat, they lie, they steal. Are we doing the same thing here? Trying to cheat God, which is not bad at all, (Oh!! Chari is telling on himself ... Can you imagine Chari trying to carry his "monstrous" Ashrams and religious TEMPLES into Sahaj Mart(tm)'s Brighter World, and not letting God see it? Claiming that they are made of SPIRIT... trying to "cheat" God? ) but yourselves, which is worse. If I am cheating myself, I am the worst enemy of myself. Nobody can do anything to me worse than what I am doing to myself. I am harming myself. If I kill myself physically, that is what is called suicide (atmahatya). (YES Chari!) We are putting so much in the newspapers about farmers committing suicide – so much news. I wonder whether in the brighter world there is a newspaper reflecting our activity on earth. Because, if you come here and don’t evolve – your spirituality does not grow, your character does not change, your behaviour remains as it was or sometimes even worse – it is spiritual suicide. (Huh?? Spiritual Suicide?? Now SPIRIT which is ONE can now commit "suicide"... More flawed theology for "fear and temptation" tactics of the False Spiritual Guru!! )
Is there a spiritual newspaper up there where all this is shown? Increasing spiritual suicides and asking Babuji or Lalaji Maharaj there seated, “What is going on in earth? What is your Mission doing?” Do we understand the responsibility that we owe to our prefects, to our families, to our gurus, when they spend so much time on us? Pranahuti is the life force itself being given to you from the heart of the guru to the heart of the disciple – pranasya prana. When the mother gives her life for the baby, we appreciate it so much – maatru prem, maatru devo bhava [mother’s love, consider your mother as God]. If a mere mother is capable or deserves to be worshipped, how much more these people who have brought us up, who are serving us, who are loving us, who are compassionate, who are merciful, and who are willing to go on working without limit, hoping that somewhere, sometime, there will be an uprising – not political, not violence, but spiritual. They have no hopes or expectations, but they have an investment in us, the return for which is given to us back – you grow, you continue to grow with what you have got.
And now, more talk about the Corporation of Sahaj Mart(tm) . The model for Sahaj Mart(tm) is the Corporation and the tactics are militarism)
This is like a company which gives you shares. The shares are yours, the returns are yours. It keeps nothing for itself. (Not TRUE... a blatant lie... The corporation does not give all to the shareholders ... Flawed analogy. We all know of the many percs for the CEO with his "options"... and his (and his entourage) "all expenses paid" jaunts around the world.) That is because there is infinity there but very much limitation here. “Purnam adah purnam idam purnaat purnam udachyate,” that is what the old Veda says. It was always full. Take away fullness from fullness, yet fullness remains. That is a definition of the Infinity. And only love can be infinite. (And where is the "eternal" and ETERNITY in Sahaj Marg's flawed theology?? Lost in their Materialism and Spiritualism??) It gives, goes on giving, giving, giving. Hatred you cannot give forever. You destroy the enemy, you destroy yourself – hatred is over. Love goes on giving infinitely, patiently forever, timelessly. Do we appreciate it? (Like an engineer and a CEO, a capitalist, Chari's concepts are all about Matter and TIME, an alleged illusion, and/or t+1 or "infinity" not about ETERNITY!!
SPIRIT is ONE and ETERNAL, not only "infinite". The philosophers and the thinkers who followed Babuji, the philosopher, could not adhere to Chari's theology so they are not in Sahaj Marg (tm) anymore ... Now the MISSION is controlled by "businemen" , the managers of "time" and the material, with it's illusion of existence into INFINITY!! But SPIRIT IS, is ONE and ETERNAL!
This speech speaks to the businessmen and techies ... in their language. Money talks and Sahaj Mart(tm) speaks to the followers (shareholders?) as to a Corporation ... Sahaj Marg(tm), is an now example of Spiritualist Capitalism ...
Allow Your Light To Show
14 March 2011, Hyderabad, India
Should we not regret that we are hearing this so often and yet we are not responding in any sensible way, in any perceptible way? We come in, we meditate and we go out as we came in, unfortunately not even conscious, not even aware of what we have received during this hour or two here. It is very sad. (Yes! Very sad! Time that could be spent with family and friends in communion with ONE and ALL ... In Spirit, or Spirituality, and not so concerned with conquering the world, numbers, development, the material and the Spiritualism or Spiritism which Sahaj Mart(tm) has become.) When there is no change, we are what we are. Every time we come in and go out, it is the same. (The disciples imitate their Master and are concerned with developing the self , SPIRITUALISM and the material, developing numbers of disciples and numbers of Ashrams, becoming a tool for invasion of material (products) and religious markets. That's the problem with the pyramidal structure of spiritualist cloning as is practiced by Sahaj Marg(tm) !!) In the Bible there is the example of a bucket which goes again and again into the well and comes out empty, which means the bucket has a hole in it; nothing comes out [from the well]. It is not only for the day or for one single satsangh; over the years we have seen this. (Nothing can come out except what Chari (not ONE, not the CREATOR) puts in, and that is nationalism, materialism, spiritualism, developing numbers and real estate. One readily sees, with very little research, examples of the racism and homophobia displayed by the Masters of this "cult of a Person".)
More and more people come, more and more join us. You see this immense hall here – the largest hall in the Mission so far in this world. It is a little more than twice the size of the hall in Manapakkam. By this, it would appear that we have evidence of growth; we have evidence of Sahaj Marg in action. This is not Sahaj Marg in action. This is money in action – your money. (TRUE! and it's goals are "imperialism", conquering "markets" ) You have given donations which make all these things possible. What the Mission spends is what the Mission receives from loving abhyasis who contribute their hard-earned money. (call them "investments" which will expect a return... in the targeted markets. (i.e.- "blue jean baron", director of SMSF expects to control 10% of the US blue jean market!) Even they, are they happy with what they see? Are the donors, small or big, are they happy that their money is producing some result? If you are putting money into the Mission and treating it as an investment, what is the return – merely an ashram? (NO!! It's just business... Spiritual Capitalism!! ) Or the people in it? You know, we can have paper bags containing fruit, seeds, fertilizer, anything. What is it that this ashram is now giving to you all? Is it a fair return on your investment? You, as abhyasis, you come here, spending money to come from wherever you have come, investing your health, your time. Have you ever thought of what you are taking back? What is the investment you have made in terms of money and time and effort, and what is the return that you have got? Have you ever thought over this? (Sahaj Mart(tm), The Nationalist Spiritualist Corporation Now more talk of the Material or "GOLD")
I know people of Andhra Pradesh. I call this the bangaaru [golden] state. It is a very rich state. But it is like the bangaaru vaakili [golden entrance] in the temple of Lord Venkateswara – opening, closing; opening, closing; opening, closing. We are proud of the bangaaru vaakili. We use more gold to adorn the temple itself, on the gopuram [temple tower]. But what is the use of all that? If you see the newspaper the last two days, the enormous earthquake off the northeast coast of Japan, the damage, fortunately by God’s grace, not very big, but yet devastation was there. We think of the world, the earth as Bhoomadevi, the Mother, and it is as if she is unhappy. “What is this I am carrying? Bigger and bigger loads – population, more and more structures – the weight. And what for?”
(And now, more talk about "money"!! Why are the abhyasis concerned about Money? Maybe because they have a CEO for a Master, and a leadership who are developers and industrialists.)
So I would request each one of you to think why you come here. What for? And the money that you give, is it well spent not merely here but here [in the heart]? When you feed a child, you expect the child to grow. (When you feed a child only "matter" and spiritualism (spirits) it will grow physically and in spiritism, not in the reality of SPIRIT.) When you educate the child, you expect the child to become more and more knowledgeable, more and more master of the facts that it learns, more and more achieving, not only the intellect but wisdom. Education without wisdom is only a degree hanging on the wall, a bit of paper. Wisdom without education is much better than education without wisdom. Isn’t it? Do we have at least the intelligence to know why we have come, and what we are taking back when we go away?(Development strategies, investments and returns on investment, gold, markets, growth, more numbers, MATERIALISM and SPIRIT-ualism, just like the Master and the Leadership of SRCM(California-1997)) Or are we like the pandits [priests] who go to temples and take the pongal, or whatever is given as prasad, fill their belly and are happy?
(Where is the developer's wisdom in paving one more part of Paradise (farmland??) and puttin in a parking lot and a TEMPLE to find SPIRIT which is Everything, Everywhere, and Everywhen (the E-Trinity). It seems that there is no spirituality at all in Sahaj Marg(tm)... just materialism, nationalism, spiritualism, capitalism, etc... That is the gist of this speech, is it not? )
You know there is a tradition that temple pujaris [priests] will be reborn as dogs (Get you leash ready, and bury some bones now, as you are the "priests" Chari speaks about, not "himself" of course) because they do so many wrong things within the temple: they cheat, they lie, they steal. Are we doing the same thing here? Trying to cheat God, which is not bad at all, (Oh!! Chari is telling on himself ... Can you imagine Chari trying to carry his "monstrous" Ashrams and religious TEMPLES into Sahaj Mart(tm)'s Brighter World, and not letting God see it? Claiming that they are made of SPIRIT... trying to "cheat" God? ) but yourselves, which is worse. If I am cheating myself, I am the worst enemy of myself. Nobody can do anything to me worse than what I am doing to myself. I am harming myself. If I kill myself physically, that is what is called suicide (atmahatya). (YES Chari!) We are putting so much in the newspapers about farmers committing suicide – so much news. I wonder whether in the brighter world there is a newspaper reflecting our activity on earth. Because, if you come here and don’t evolve – your spirituality does not grow, your character does not change, your behaviour remains as it was or sometimes even worse – it is spiritual suicide. (Huh?? Spiritual Suicide?? Now SPIRIT which is ONE can now commit "suicide"... More flawed theology for "fear and temptation" tactics of the False Spiritual Guru!! )
Is there a spiritual newspaper up there where all this is shown? Increasing spiritual suicides and asking Babuji or Lalaji Maharaj there seated, “What is going on in earth? What is your Mission doing?” Do we understand the responsibility that we owe to our prefects, to our families, to our gurus, when they spend so much time on us? Pranahuti is the life force itself being given to you from the heart of the guru to the heart of the disciple – pranasya prana. When the mother gives her life for the baby, we appreciate it so much – maatru prem, maatru devo bhava [mother’s love, consider your mother as God]. If a mere mother is capable or deserves to be worshipped, how much more these people who have brought us up, who are serving us, who are loving us, who are compassionate, who are merciful, and who are willing to go on working without limit, hoping that somewhere, sometime, there will be an uprising – not political, not violence, but spiritual. They have no hopes or expectations, but they have an investment in us, the return for which is given to us back – you grow, you continue to grow with what you have got.
And now, more talk about the Corporation of Sahaj Mart(tm) . The model for Sahaj Mart(tm) is the Corporation and the tactics are militarism)
This is like a company which gives you shares. The shares are yours, the returns are yours. It keeps nothing for itself. (Not TRUE... a blatant lie... The corporation does not give all to the shareholders ... Flawed analogy. We all know of the many percs for the CEO with his "options"... and his (and his entourage) "all expenses paid" jaunts around the world.) That is because there is infinity there but very much limitation here. “Purnam adah purnam idam purnaat purnam udachyate,” that is what the old Veda says. It was always full. Take away fullness from fullness, yet fullness remains. That is a definition of the Infinity. And only love can be infinite. (And where is the "eternal" and ETERNITY in Sahaj Marg's flawed theology?? Lost in their Materialism and Spiritualism??) It gives, goes on giving, giving, giving. Hatred you cannot give forever. You destroy the enemy, you destroy yourself – hatred is over. Love goes on giving infinitely, patiently forever, timelessly. Do we appreciate it? (Like an engineer and a CEO, a capitalist, Chari's concepts are all about Matter and TIME, an alleged illusion, and/or t+1 or "infinity" not about ETERNITY!!
SPIRIT is ONE and ETERNAL, not only "infinite". The philosophers and the thinkers who followed Babuji, the philosopher, could not adhere to Chari's theology so they are not in Sahaj Marg (tm) anymore ... Now the MISSION is controlled by "businemen" , the managers of "time" and the material, with it's illusion of existence into INFINITY!! But SPIRIT IS, is ONE and ETERNAL!
This speech speaks to the businessmen and techies ... in their language. Money talks and Sahaj Mart(tm) speaks to the followers (shareholders?) as to a Corporation ... Sahaj Marg(tm), is an now example of Spiritualist Capitalism ...
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Sahaj Marg(tm) Will Change The World! (they claim)
Taken and translated from an article by Alexis:"Changer Le Monde", on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.
April 5, 2011
Changing The World
Sahaj Marg Denatured (un-natural or distorted) (part 2 - continued)
At the dawn of 2000, there were fears of irreversible acts on the part of some apocalyptic cults. Nothing like that at the SRCM! In those early times, Chari was very careful not to meddle in world affairs: neither criticism nor inclination to change transpired in his speeches. The single thing that counted was the continued growth in the number of his followers ... Today, nothing is the same, everything has changed!
The World is drifting. Humanity is doomed, it is amoral, divided by religion, ambition and greed. The abhyasis must change from within, because only the spiritual practice of Sahaj Marg can make them humans, the only hope that one day the world will change. The SRCM is at a crossroads in its history. Chari is a leader of men, a born organizer. He prepares the Man of Tomorrow, a new human race. He has celebrated more than 2,000 weddings, the beginning of a silent revolution. The "Indigo children" born of these unions will form the vanguard of the new society, a new moral and spiritual generation, to influence the evolution of humanity and decide its future. When they reach a critical mass of human beings, when a large egregore has been created, they will constitute an elite to regenerate mankind. There remains only to conquer the world ...
This above statement (in italics) is but an aggregation created by paraphrasing a few recent speeches (by Chari), and some "whispers of Babuji" or his medium. Here are some excerpts:
“Our Mission is at a crossroads in its history; many steps have already been taken but it has yet to conquer the world (…) You [Parthasarathi] are a leader of men, my dear son, a born organizer. This dimension gives you a special place in our Mission, where you will keep an iconic stature for centuries to come. Your personality marks people’s minds. We have touched the hearts and you will lift them up to the zenith in the context of a broad liberation movement (…) The world is drifting, without morality (…).”
– 3 Whispers of April, 2010
"Those whom you call the Indigo children do not adapt outdated concepts (...). Theyarrive at a pivotal time in world history and are different (...). A time will come whenthe number of these creatures grow to form an elite regenerating humanity and guidingthose less fortunate. "
- a Whisper of June, 2004
“A specific force emanates from these days, which man cannot assess. As any participants, he benefits from it, but this fact goes well beyond by developing our Mission egregore. These days, which bring our brothers closer through the same surge of heart, have an incomparable positive impact. Whatever your possibilities, the fact of being united in spirit contributes to this large movement preparing the bright future of our way”
– 1 Whisper of April, 2003
"In Sahaj Marg, the Master makes us aware that slowly (...) our internal and external changes will influence the evolution of mankind and determine its future. (...) Human beings in general await the day when the world will change - a time for them to toe the line. But that day never seems to happen because, as the Master points out, the individual change must first take place, and that the person taking the trouble, using his will, must imitate the Master and wait until the impact is felt on society. (...) We are aware that the world is chasing success in all areas of human activity. This mad rush has spawned competition, selfishness, aggression and contempt for decency and civility (...) at the expense of moral and ethical values. (...) The Master envisions a society that is united as a family transcending the mental barriers created by us (...). He celebrated two thousand weddings within the bosom of Sahaj Marg - the beginning of a silent revolution (...) and they will form the vanguard of the new society. (...) It is therefore crucial that abhyasis raise their children on sound moral, ethical and spiritual values and allow them to feel close to the Master .(...) When the abhyasis do it seriously and regularly, the rest of humanity will also look to spirituality. But this internal process must be evident to the outside we need a critical mass of human beings (...). The Master waits for the abhyasis to play this critical role which represents a great challenge for us - to externalize our change and become agents of change. "
- AP Durai - The Impact of an Abhyasi on Society
“(…) In fact, those of you who have been reading the Whispers [from the Brighter World] — I believe it appears every day on the computer — why has Babuji Maharaj to speak of a new world which can come into being only after massive, shall we say, unhappiness, misery, destruction? Destruction is only when total reconstruction is necessary. Something has to be eradicated, erased, taken out from the roots, and something new brought there. Are we conscious of what we are reading, what it means, and how much of the responsibility for that shall each one of us share? Are we conscious? So what do we read when we read these Whispers? (…) And more, how can I bring about that human existence of the future about which Babuji Maharaj speaks, that a new humanity is to come which would be all heart, not divided by language, not divided by custom, not divided by this much exalted thing which we call culture; not divided, most importantly, by religion, ambitions, avarice?”
– Chari – Change the future for Humanity
References (English & French):
2000-2010! So what has happened in this short ten-year span to observe such changes?
From the inside, the SRCM is threatened with collapse by current reformers, its numbers are stagnating or declining, many are involved in the New Age. The influence of the medium, channeling Babuji, has been considerably strengthened in recent years. Very often, Chari refers to extracts from "Whispers", soon to be more, than to the memories of Babuji, and much more than to the non-posthumous writings of Babuji.
On the outside, the world sank into crisis, societal misery is growing. People are looking for something to hang on, something that makes one dream.
As a true opportunist, Chari tries to rebound, opening new perspectives, even sinking into populism and New Age ideology. But who is steering the ship today? Chari, the medium or the abhyasis' attraction to the New Age? It begs the question ....
To be Continued ... Coming soon!
The deleterious influence of mediumistic spiritualism (3)
Comment by Elodie:
Translation of a commnent by Elodie on her blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg at:
Elodie said ...
Hello everyone,
When Alexis ran the article about the whisper and the elite in charge of regenerating mankind, (Indigo Children) I was offended that the Shri Ram Chandra Mission would publish something like that, but I thought it was a momentary slip, no more.
This time, with all those citations made by Alexis over several years, we realize that unfortunately it is a voluntary skid, and is durable, perfectly orchestrated by the couple Chari / Medium.
Sahaj Marg has really fallen lower than the ground.
Alexis thank you for this terrifying demonstration.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
April 5, 2011
Changing The World
Sahaj Marg Denatured (un-natural or distorted) (part 2 - continued)
At the dawn of 2000, there were fears of irreversible acts on the part of some apocalyptic cults. Nothing like that at the SRCM! In those early times, Chari was very careful not to meddle in world affairs: neither criticism nor inclination to change transpired in his speeches. The single thing that counted was the continued growth in the number of his followers ... Today, nothing is the same, everything has changed!
The World is drifting. Humanity is doomed, it is amoral, divided by religion, ambition and greed. The abhyasis must change from within, because only the spiritual practice of Sahaj Marg can make them humans, the only hope that one day the world will change. The SRCM is at a crossroads in its history. Chari is a leader of men, a born organizer. He prepares the Man of Tomorrow, a new human race. He has celebrated more than 2,000 weddings, the beginning of a silent revolution. The "Indigo children" born of these unions will form the vanguard of the new society, a new moral and spiritual generation, to influence the evolution of humanity and decide its future. When they reach a critical mass of human beings, when a large egregore has been created, they will constitute an elite to regenerate mankind. There remains only to conquer the world ...
This above statement (in italics) is but an aggregation created by paraphrasing a few recent speeches (by Chari), and some "whispers of Babuji" or his medium. Here are some excerpts:
“Our Mission is at a crossroads in its history; many steps have already been taken but it has yet to conquer the world (…) You [Parthasarathi] are a leader of men, my dear son, a born organizer. This dimension gives you a special place in our Mission, where you will keep an iconic stature for centuries to come. Your personality marks people’s minds. We have touched the hearts and you will lift them up to the zenith in the context of a broad liberation movement (…) The world is drifting, without morality (…).”
– 3 Whispers of April, 2010
"Those whom you call the Indigo children do not adapt outdated concepts (...). Theyarrive at a pivotal time in world history and are different (...). A time will come whenthe number of these creatures grow to form an elite regenerating humanity and guidingthose less fortunate. "
- a Whisper of June, 2004
“A specific force emanates from these days, which man cannot assess. As any participants, he benefits from it, but this fact goes well beyond by developing our Mission egregore. These days, which bring our brothers closer through the same surge of heart, have an incomparable positive impact. Whatever your possibilities, the fact of being united in spirit contributes to this large movement preparing the bright future of our way”
– 1 Whisper of April, 2003
"In Sahaj Marg, the Master makes us aware that slowly (...) our internal and external changes will influence the evolution of mankind and determine its future. (...) Human beings in general await the day when the world will change - a time for them to toe the line. But that day never seems to happen because, as the Master points out, the individual change must first take place, and that the person taking the trouble, using his will, must imitate the Master and wait until the impact is felt on society. (...) We are aware that the world is chasing success in all areas of human activity. This mad rush has spawned competition, selfishness, aggression and contempt for decency and civility (...) at the expense of moral and ethical values. (...) The Master envisions a society that is united as a family transcending the mental barriers created by us (...). He celebrated two thousand weddings within the bosom of Sahaj Marg - the beginning of a silent revolution (...) and they will form the vanguard of the new society. (...) It is therefore crucial that abhyasis raise their children on sound moral, ethical and spiritual values and allow them to feel close to the Master .(...) When the abhyasis do it seriously and regularly, the rest of humanity will also look to spirituality. But this internal process must be evident to the outside we need a critical mass of human beings (...). The Master waits for the abhyasis to play this critical role which represents a great challenge for us - to externalize our change and become agents of change. "
- AP Durai - The Impact of an Abhyasi on Society
“(…) In fact, those of you who have been reading the Whispers [from the Brighter World] — I believe it appears every day on the computer — why has Babuji Maharaj to speak of a new world which can come into being only after massive, shall we say, unhappiness, misery, destruction? Destruction is only when total reconstruction is necessary. Something has to be eradicated, erased, taken out from the roots, and something new brought there. Are we conscious of what we are reading, what it means, and how much of the responsibility for that shall each one of us share? Are we conscious? So what do we read when we read these Whispers? (…) And more, how can I bring about that human existence of the future about which Babuji Maharaj speaks, that a new humanity is to come which would be all heart, not divided by language, not divided by custom, not divided by this much exalted thing which we call culture; not divided, most importantly, by religion, ambitions, avarice?”
– Chari – Change the future for Humanity
References (English & French):
- 1 whisper of April, 2009 (Create an egregore at SRCM)
- 1 whisper du 30 juin 2004 (An elite to regenerate humanity)
- 3 whispers d’avril 2010 (Quotes par Chari for Babuji's 111th anniversary)
- Article by A.P. Durai (The impact of an abhyasi on society)
- Discourse by Chari (Changing the Future of Humanity-French)
- What or who is a human ? (Theme proposed by Chari to the CREST, Berlin)
2000-2010! So what has happened in this short ten-year span to observe such changes?
From the inside, the SRCM is threatened with collapse by current reformers, its numbers are stagnating or declining, many are involved in the New Age. The influence of the medium, channeling Babuji, has been considerably strengthened in recent years. Very often, Chari refers to extracts from "Whispers", soon to be more, than to the memories of Babuji, and much more than to the non-posthumous writings of Babuji.
On the outside, the world sank into crisis, societal misery is growing. People are looking for something to hang on, something that makes one dream.
As a true opportunist, Chari tries to rebound, opening new perspectives, even sinking into populism and New Age ideology. But who is steering the ship today? Chari, the medium or the abhyasis' attraction to the New Age? It begs the question ....
To be Continued ... Coming soon!
The deleterious influence of mediumistic spiritualism (3)
Comment by Elodie:
Translation of a commnent by Elodie on her blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg at:
Elodie said ...
Hello everyone,
When Alexis ran the article about the whisper and the elite in charge of regenerating mankind, (Indigo Children) I was offended that the Shri Ram Chandra Mission would publish something like that, but I thought it was a momentary slip, no more.
This time, with all those citations made by Alexis over several years, we realize that unfortunately it is a voluntary skid, and is durable, perfectly orchestrated by the couple Chari / Medium.
Sahaj Marg has really fallen lower than the ground.
Alexis thank you for this terrifying demonstration.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
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