Monday, February 28, 2011
Anonymous French Lady Medium of Sahaj Marg(tm) and the Spiritual Elite!
Ah! ... Ah! Ah! What a mess! What a Mess! What a Mess! Save yourself!
An Elite To Regenerate Humanity
Extracted from Whispers in French, here is a Whisper of Babuji from the Brighter World dated June 30, 2004 at 10 AM:
"The received messages therefore constitute in themselves an education suitable for an elite of souls to emerge in this time of advent of a new era. They will be understood, appreciated, and they will become a reference point on our path. Souls will open more and more to a reality somewhat beyond that of our brothers at present. Future time are being prepared and we will not be left behind.
The souls which are incarnating in this perspective, will seek a teaching which will correspond to them in all respects. Those whom you call the Indigo children will not adapt to outdated concepts. They will seek a niche vibration appropriateto the subtlety of their ethereal bodies. Many of these people already live in this world. They struggle to integrate into existing systems, mostle devoid of interest to them. They arrive at a pivotal time in history of the world and are different, so often misunderstood as anything that can be distinguished from the multitude. These people will find one another and unite to recreate an environment to their satisfaction. They will be pacifists, spiritually advanced, they will go to the essentials, naturally, without hesitation, wisdom, for the most part, being innate. A time will come when the number of these creatures will grow to form an elite regenerating humanity and guiding those less fortunate.
Everything is written and wanted thus.
May all be blessed! "
The message is clear: our world is rotten, a spiritual elite will soon come to overthrow it, and guide us back on track.
Populist overtones, New Age philosophy and apocalyptic, but there is nothing missing. Whoever the medium or the cause of this message, the sectarianism of the SRCM has never been displayed so openly. That may be the reason that the message has not been released (yet?) on "A Whisper a Day". (see correction by Alexis in comments to this article)
So much so that one wonders if Chari is not being manipulated in turn by the medium. That he wanted to make money with Whispers is undeniable, but does he condone today that so-called message from Babuji? We have yet to see.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Babuji's Messenger, Rose comes Clean ... sort of!
From: | Poonam Thaper ( ![]() |
Sent: | January 29, 2011 4:24:27 AM |
To: | don 4d-Don (; shashwat pandey ( |
Hello Don and Shashwat
I hope you are both ok.
I would like to post a note on your blog from Rose. Since writing my story on the blog, i have discovered i was wrong about Sahaj Marg. Just because i had a bad experience doesnt mean it is a bad system. I am sorry for writing the story on the blog, i did it out of anger, hurt and dissapointment and it was wrong of me to do that.I feel Sahaj Marg is not a bad organisation-the medidation they practice is actually excellent when practiced in the correct way-i never actually practiced it properly which is why it went wrong for me.
Im sure you will speculate that someone from SM has made me do this but they havent-i am doing this on my own because i believe i was wrong.
I hope that this email will be published on the blog and then this will be the end of Rose.
Thank you
From: | |
Saved: | January 29, 2011 11:20:14 AM |
To: | Poonam Thaper ( |
Hi Poonam
As "Rose" does not exist but is a pseudonym you gave yourself so as to not be harrassed by your ex-fiancée (you claimed), this message (and any other messages from you) will be published as from Poonam Thaper, your (alleged) real name.
I would also trust that you will end your other alias, "Erin", (originally a woman, now an Aussie man) and cease publishing your "channeled spiritualist" blog: MESSAGES FROM RAM CHANDRA "BABUJI": A LOVING HONEST AND CARING BLOG, which you claimed originally was to be an experiment you wanted to try and was originally called: Conversations with Ram Chandra ... all of which you stated in other e-mails to me (all except the name of the new blog).
I warned you about playing "spiritualist games".
As you now seem to support Chari and his son as successor to Chari, and his Sahaj Marg(tm), on your new spiritualist blog, as if the endorsations comes from the long-deceased Babuji or Lalaji, your blog can only be seen as an attempt to endear yourself to Chari, his son, and to his organization.
I presume you now also endorse their racism (chosing a wife for Babuji's son according to "skin complexion", cut, and height"), their homophobia (Chari's speeches), and their dishonesty around their lineage to Lalaji, and their claim to be a Raja Yoga, but beginning at step #7 (meditation) of Patanjali's eightfold path. The purpose for that condoning and endorsation, using the mouth of the deceased Babuji and/or Lalaji, is disrespectful of the dead, to say the least, but is yours alone and has never been mine. I will not protect you anymore and will expose your Spiritualist blog (a scam), as I expose other Spiritualist groups.
I will not protect you, as "Rose", "Erin" or any other alias, or as your real name, nor will I be party to any of your spiritualist "fantasies" and/or games anymore ... I never was. You claim your channeled blog to be 'honest", then this is the HONEST story. Now you be "honest" and stop pretending and fantasizing ! To claim to be "honest" confirms the opposite, said Chari!
What will you try next? Will you next arrange marriages from a photograph, as you claimed as Rose, they did to you? You once did not think very highly of that "scam"!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sahaj Marg (tm), Divides Family, and LOVE! A Testimonial!
February 23, 2011
Even Love Can Do Nothing!
Martin had promised us, he did it, here is his testimonial, touching and moving (trying). Thank you Martin, I know how difficult it must have been.
When love can not do anything
This is the story of an unexpected reunion of two lovers that life's events had suddenly separated thirty years ago.
The lightning strike is total, unstoppable, sublime ...
She tells me she does yoga.
Interested in this process I am delighted and even congratulate her.
I realize quickly that this "yoga" has for her an abnormal importance, early signs, it deprives us of much needed weekends and very waited-for moments, due to seminars and other rituals ...
We are in 2000 and the information on this so-called yoga, which I do not yet know the name, are inaccessible.
That same year I offer her the fare to go to Vrads, but noted on her return a strange change in behavior.
But love is blind, and despite moments of anxiety, I bear patiently the constraints of the practice.
She will then propose, without a second thought, that I read Chari's book, "My Master".
Unable to come to grips with this masterpiece of trash, I discover, terrified, the ins and outs of this "Yoga".
Then I start looking for information, rare at that time, but enough to confirm that the path is dangerous.
So I discovered that my dear friend is truly in a cult and I undertake some painstaking research.
The meanderings of SRCM(tm) are hard to fathom.
It is a cocktail of scams and lies very well assembled that can not be comprehended by the ordinary followers who are drawn into its nets.
The most obvious scams have already been criticized on this blog, but I summarize the key points.
Scam No. 1: the Spiritual lineage of the 3 Gurus
Let us leave Lalaji in peace, who with inoffensive principles, tried to reconcile two religious enemies: Hinduism and Sufism.
As for Babuji, it is established that he only met Lalaji 3 times and that he (Lalaji) refused to appoint him preceptor.
Therefore one must already swallow the idea that Babuji was invested by Lalaji in a dream after his death ... ( Bon appétit)
Finally, the so-called handover of power from Babuji to Chari becomes the subject of legal proceedings against him before the Supreme Court in India for violent acts committed against Babuji and his descendants.
The official lineage is clearly a fallacious montage and an attempt to accredit the current guru with valid historical roots (lineage).
Scam No. 2: SRCM(tm) as a Trade Mark (registered trademark)
Innocuous to the uninitiated, one must understand that filing a trademark was done so as to protect themselves and gain the exclusivity of legal and commercial ownership, and therefore of the revenue that can generate.
The current guru, a former businessman who came to spirituality of late, therefore availed himself the title of this very promising and juicy commercial product. It is impossible to discern in this initiative, very extravagant in this area, any spiritual intention or connotations, but much to the contrary, one sees conclusive evidence of it being a business proposal, pure and simple!
Scam No. 3: The benefits of meditation
There are countless ways to meditate and the majority have mostly beneficial effects on the meditator.
The simple act of sitting, calming the mind, to focus on the present moment ... generates positive feelings and energy as evidenced by the abundant literature on the subject, and this, whatever the mode of meditation practiced.
The major and central scam of SRCM(tm) is to give a particular and very original meaning to this natural well-being.
They explain to the followers that the benefits felt from the meditation, the SRCM(tm) method, which come from nothing more nor less than the effects of the transmission received from the guru via his preceptor, is the divine presence in the heart of the follower.
The guru is therefore the transmitter of a universal divine energy, of which he is surely the only one to generate (™), and promises the followers who come to drink from his source a guarantee of spiritual elevation that will shelter them from the painful cycle of re-incarnations ...
And voila! The game is played ... or almost, it is still necessary to strictly apply the method.
Scam 4: The method SRCM(tm)
My friend is a preceptor for about 25 years, quickly named after some months of practice without special training, probably due to her reassuring good nature, and her pleasant smile.
Let us recall the basic rituals which merely listing, will speak volumes about the level of personal investment required:
- 3 Siting initiation in close proximity, special session, taken from a preceptor
- Daily meditation in the morning on the divine presence in the heart
- Cleaning in the evening, another cleansing meditative ritual
- Prayer at 21:00 sharp, the veneration of the master
- 2 weekly meditation group sittings on Wednesday evening and Sunday morning (Satsang)
- 1-2 weekly sittings with a preceptor (which him/herself must give and receive ...)
- Local seminars, regional, national or international, 3 to 5 times per year
- An annual trip to India if you have not had the chance to meet the gaze of the guru directly, it is the rule during his travels which are more rare these days.
All this of course being presented as easy and completely compatible with a normal family and professional life, including when with a couple, if one plays and the other does not ... I guarantee you that, except for fans of threesomes, over time it is impossible!
Scam No. 5: Raja Yoga, do you want some? ... here you are!
At the entrance to the meditation hall of my friend is displayed a fine gold plate on which are engraved the words "SRCM - Raja Yoga Centre".
Raja Yoga is a higher evolution of yoga accessible to confirmed yogis after years or even decades of practice.
At the SRCM(tm), one just sits cross-legged to access "in two tempos, three movements" (quick, and easy) what yogis masters take lifetimes to approach.
But there is a catch, the teacher who will introduce you, my friend in this case, however, has never done yoga, it's an act!
Worse, reference books on yoga warn about the dangers of approaching raja yoga without going through the preliminary phases.
Scam # 6: How the trap closes
A new adept, experiencing the benefits of meditation, and reassured by the group effect, can not question themselves, or ask questions, about the ins and outs of this organization.
The practice and the rituals will gradually train (tame), condition them, to then render them totally permeable to the messages of the Master.
Some selected pieces on obedience and submission which are the basis of the process of control (and strangely lacking in keywords in your blog, Elodie):
"All that is needed now is a blind obedience to the instructions of the Master. This alone will ensure the successful conclusion of the spiritual quest, quickly and safely."
"All we need now is determination and the will to act and obey the Master in every detail of his directions."
"For those lucky enough to reach this exalted state, the Master is no longer a guide for spirituality alone. He has now become the Master of our life in all aspects of life. He becomes the father, mother, son, teacher, doctor, in fact there is no role that He does not play in the life of the abhyasi. He took the full responsibility. Thus, we see that only our surrender to Him, can determine the condition where he can completely take us over! "
"What should be the ideal attitude of the abhyasi? In the words of the Master:" he must be like a dead man in the hands of a funeral director. "That is to say that the abhyasi should be like a dead body, free from personal desire, personal opinions and completely devoid of any resistance. Such an abhyasi is the ideal material because he offers no resistance whatsoever, not more physical than mental, to the spiritual powers of the Master. "
And I pass over some... and the best ones!
Here then, dear visitor, is one of two things: either you feel a shiver of fear and/or disgust at the mere reading of the above extracts, and all goes well, you can slowly resume your normal life, or you find meaning and interest and you are already infected.
Your critical thinking is altered (compromised) and your personal freedom, your integrity, your identity is in danger!
By admitting these statements you close yourself in, or on yourself, a trap, since any criticism of the organization, the guru, the preceptors, will for you be definitely impossible. You will be encouraged and rewarded (gratified) for having done this work by yourself and you will auto-maintain yourself in this enterprise by this simple effort.
The mental manipulation is clever, the effective control and enslavement guaranteed "like a dead man in the hands of a funeral director!"
Over time addiction and auto-suggestion will mutate you into a veritable zombie and your entourage (surrounding, environment) will assist impotently to your perdition.
The list of scams would be too long to list and you can find them on this blog, but back to our story.
During the first five years I tried everything to wake up my friend, convinced that an external and intrusive factor would not permanently interfere in our romantic relationship and a click would eventually occur.
The subject was not taboo but our discussions were most often sterile, sometimes even conflicting.
But we lived a real relationship, intimate, and very smooth, friendly, except on this plane where no communication could be established.
In the best moments I sometimes feel she tried, she would have liked to, but she could not manage it, she could not do it...
I then abandoned the idea of getting her out of there, suggesting we try to take a step back, to ease her practice without giving it up, but to no avail.
We started to not talk about it, to avoid the sore subject, and a painful and forced silence settled on this subject.
Short-term ruptures began to succeed one another when her obligations as a preceptor became linked at a cadence which was for me, unbearable.
Without any improvement, I realized helplessly, that on the contrary, in time, the process of addiction worsened.
An excessive overdependence set in leading to submissive behavior, idolatry, and anguish of separation; it is very worrisome, sinister, deadly ...
Just as everyone's freedom ends where someone else's begins, the freedom to believe finally begins where the abuse of trust of others begins.
I have much questioned myself, even tortured myself on my inability to respect her freedom to choose, to believe and to accept her in fact "as is".
She sometimes reminded me: "I am what I do" and I answered emphatically: "No, you are luckily not what you do, you strive to become what they want you to be."
But I could never doubt of her status as an abused victim, nor of the feelings, undoubtedly reciprocal, which inspired me with the duty to help.
It is as if finding a loved one who is under the influence of alcohol or hard drugs, you would assist in their own destruction without ever attempting to rescue them!
But the damage of addiction to alcohol or drugs are known and the solutions and potential detoxification are available and possible.
The damage of addiction to SRCM(tm) are diffuse, insidious, sly, unknown and without solutions of detoxification.
This is the black hole ... for everyone to come back from the other side of the mirror on their own is a challenge, not without a helping hand, and yet ...
"There is no humanity without reason"; victims of SRCM(tm) are inevitably brought to lose it (reason) to mutate towards a state of zombie totally at the mercy of their guru and his organization.
This mutation is fatal for a couple, now condemned to look at each other like china dogs,(clay dolls) permanently incapable of looking together in the same direction.
The trust is compromised, the happiness of love turns into despair and painful resentment (rancour) at not having been able to find a solution.
This situation is against nature where words have no meaning, reason and common sense no more hold.
The reality falters, the truth is veiled and an unbearable sense of failure buries (inters) the beautiful story.
When I reminded her that "only SRCM(tm) could separate us," she replied confidently: "if you left me because of that, I do not understand ..."
May she understand one day ...
Despite the sentiments, two lovers are separated in an intriguing pain; two unhappy people, overwhelmed and desperate that even love can do nothing!
I struggled a bit to send my text but I could not, or able to bold the subtitles: Scam No. 1 2 3 ...
and quote some passages of "my master" such as:
"Blind obedience to the instructions of the Master, in every detail of his instructions"
"He has now become the Lord of our life in all aspects of life. He becomes the father, mother, son, teacher"
If you could integrate it, it would be better...
See Also (Part 2):
More Sahaj Marg(tm) Testimonial from Martin!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Spirituality Unites, Sahaj Marg(tm) Divides!
Stand United as Abhyasis
Asia-Pacific Seminar, December 3, 2010, Chennai, India
"I am expressing this as a hope because Sahaj Marg has been at least in Malaysia and Singapore, I think, from 1977 when my Master personally visited those two places, and visited them again in 1981.
It has taken thirty years to find out something we have known all our lives: that unless we stand united as abhyasis — forgetting personal egos, personal desires about how the Mission should be conducted, personal opinions about our own brothers and sisters — the Mission cannot grow. Which only means to me that we cannot serve more and more human beings of those places. The Mission is not existing for itself; the Mission exists to serve people. That is why we go to all these countries and offer our service (such as it is, such as Babuji Maharaj designed it to be) to serve people of those countries. But if the people want to form groups and politicise the situation to such an extent that we are divided against ourselves, it is a very sad repudiation of all the finer principles of Sahaj Marg, and that one single principle which Babuji said must prevail in our satsanghs, in our assemblies — brotherhood."
Chari and the "businessmen" go to other countries to built markets for India (themselves). Sahaj Marg(tm) has become Spiritualist tourism, Spiritualist marketing (books,Whispers (spiritualism), dvd's, idolatrous iconography, birthday parties, travel, accomodation, food, real-estate, materialism, etc... etc ... promoted, advertised and sold by the preceptors and the torch-bearers, Sahaj Marg(tm)'s agents or fifth columnists) and Spiritualist capitalism, a tool of imperialist developers and invaders of foreign material markets. It's their "diaspora" led by businessmen and developers using foreign students and their "new" religion.
Under Chari and the "businessmen" clan, the "brotherhood" preached by Babuji, became "obedience to the 3M's"! What was originated by philosophers, became the "no philosophy" of the nationalist businessmen. They don't serve the people, they get the people to serve them and their society!! Volunteering their time to attend "parties", getting the women (torchbearers, preceptors) to lure the men and to bring the children.
While they preach "no racism", they practice discrimination according to "skin complexion, height, and cut"! Remember? There was the publication of Babuji's letters and the "skin complexion, height, cut" issue when chosing a wife for Babuji's son. And then, there is Chari's homophobia, all of which are "divisive" and discrimatory. All this, while Chari and his gang, drape themselves in the UN flag. They joined the UNDPI and agreed to promote the ideals of the UN! Do they honour their "commitment"? NO!! Are they members of UNDPI in good standing? NO!
It seems that 30 years later, Chari after dividing the SRCM against itself, is still blaming the abhyasis. Is it not the "management team" which should be taken to task? Including himself? The "bloggers" are not, were not, and have never been the "enemies of spirituality" as Chari claims in his book, "He, The Hookah and I". That is a blatant lie. These bloggers, were the seekers who had found Sahaj Marg and were then disappointed by the materialism and spiritualism.
It seems, according to this speech, that the "dividers" were and are still inside the Ashrams already!! He should have listened to the "bloggers", who were simply being the journalists, the messengers, when they gave a voice to family members who spoke of the divisions in their own families when one is "snared" by Sahaj Marg(tm) or SRCM (California-1997).
The division in SRCM only started to surface when Chari took over Babuji's small meditation group with his clan of nationalist "businessmen". It was a "hostile take-over".
Do most abhyasis know that they are members in a society which was registered (or re-registered) in San Luis Obispo, California, in 1997, after Chari was denied the Presidency of SRCM by its Board of Directors? Do any abhyasis ever wonder why they are not members of a society registered in Lucknow, India in 1945, by Babuji and his Board of Directors? See both constitutions here. Notice Section 11 of Chari's constitution. Their standards are of "spiritualism"
As Chari says!! When you point at someone, three fingers are pointed at you!!
I one took all the spirituality in Sahaj Marg(tm), and placed it into a thimble, one would have enough spirituality left over to fill the navel of a flea and the heart of a Sahaj Marg(tm) spiritualist agent.
Sahaj Marg(tm)'s Rantings of Mediums
February 12, 2011
One Must Be Wary Of The Rantings of Mediums
Good Evening Elodie
I remain a regular visitor to your blog even if I haven't shared my comments for some time.
My patience and determination have not won over the indoctrination of SRCM and the last seminar of my friend in India in December has probably signed the end of our story ...
I speak with you today so as to share a thought.
I find that the exchanges on the blog are deviating lately.
Debates around mediumistic rantings, the reliability of the sources, assumptions made about who is behind them, etc ..., keep visitors away from the intentions and the good merits of this blog.
If you begin ranting with the extra-terrestrials also, I fear that rather than finding answers to their questions, the readers will be more confused than ever.
Avoid falling into this trap that may be laid for you for this sole purpose.
Do not get lost, go back to basics, to the heart of the matter: the irreparable damage and the victims of which the SRCM daily lengthens the list.
Elodie Said
Hello Martin,
I do share with you some discomfort with this current mediumistic "tidal wave", and I wonder where she is leading us.
Heat treating this news can be hazardous. Is this a deliberate toxification, or a temporary fad?
You do well to alert us in retrospect about the risks that this entails.
I also take this occasion to ask you if you would accept to write a testimonial of your experience, that would allow us to change the subject back to something more pragmatic.
In advance thank you, whatever your answer.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Martin Said:
Hello Elodie,
I understand your request and promise to try, but the exercise is painful, difficult and laborious.
To summarize in a few lines a beautiful love story of 10 years annihilated, inevitably, by the misdeeds of the perverse SRCM, is a daunting task ...
And yet!
Who would have imagined that the Internet and the blogs would one day free the Tunisians and/or the Egyptian from their dictators?
The victims of SRCM can find in yours (blog) the key to their revival, or even their release.
Thank you and congratulations on your determination!
I must help you.
See you soon,
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Alexis Said:
So now it's the "anonymous French medium"? One more crackpot!
Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2011
AFLM said ...
(Anonymous French Lady Medium)
Believe me, I just wanted to end a fraud, I never wanted to take advantage of my relationship with Babuji to succeed Chariji, I have too much respect for him.
I wish to remain anonymous and if it had been up to me, nobody would hear about these messages except the intended recipient.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Claude said:
A medium is an imposter by definition.
Friday, Feb. 11, 2011
Alexis Said:
@ Elodie
Good comment! We've already had god invite itself into our discussions and we will soon see Lalaji, Sulochana, etc. tumble.
The mediums are becoming the cream pie (pie in the face) of SRCM ...
Friday, Feb. 11, 2011
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Sahaj Marg(tm)'s Medium #3 Challenged! Exposed!
The Anonymous French Lady Medium has added a new comment to your post "The Brighter World of the Hindus and the Mediums":
I offer my modest contribution to show that Babuji's messenger is less than a nobody.
I sent a nice message from the granddaughter of Chariji:
“Hello, I am Madhuri. My grandfather said Krishna is to old, Barghav too young to manage the mission in the future. Dad and my brother are unhappy, I am afraid what they will do. What will happen? What can I do? What do you think about it?”
As you will see on his blog, he (Babuji's messenger) said this:
“M****** please email me regarding your comment
Dear M******
You left a comment on my blog earlier asking some questions.
Please email me personally on so that i may answer your questions as they are of a personal nature and would be best discussed in private.
Also so that i can verify that it is actually you asking these questions as it may be someone who writes an anti Sahaj Marg blog pretending to be you........
Thank you"
I could feel the hit coming but I still sent him an email to see what he would do, "of course i am Madhurai"
Here at last is his final answer:
There is a very sad, nasty and immoral person who sends me messages pretending to be MASTERS granddaughter-Babuji has told me that this person is not who they say they are. I work with computers so i asked this person to send me an email so i could trace it and as i suspected it has not been sent from where MASTERS granddaughter is based.
This person is very very stupid-we must all pray that they find the right path and stop being so bitter against Sahaj Marg. If they do not approve of Sahaj Marg they should move on with their lives and stop reading this blog. If they continue to read this Blog maybe they should actually admit that they want to be a part of Sahaj Marg-THE GREATEST SPIRITUAL GROUP ON EARTH!!!!!
I will say no more on this subject.
I send out love to all the haters may BABUJI bless you and help you find the right path”
He had to wait for me to re-send him an email before being sure that I was not the person announced. Why did he not immediately send his last message to my first communication?
Either he does not believe enough in what he says and as St. Thomas (the doubter) he must see the computer proof, or Babuji does not inform him at all and he is in need of proof. He should not say: "You Can Never Fool Babuji", but: "You Can Never fool my computer".
Well, it's all just bullshit, Catherine, Erin and Babuji's messenger are usurpers.
I am the only one to receive messages from Babuji, Lalaji and Sulochana (Chari's wife), the only daily to feed to Whispers from the Bright World. I am AFLM, The Anonymous French Lady Medium, and I defy you to prove otherwise.
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Sahaj Marg(tm) lineage: "It has been said...", by Whom?
Who said this, Lalaji or Chari?? Or NO-ONE?
This is an example of the "nebulous" PR statements that spiritualist RELIGIONS and Scammers use ... These are their "scientific facts" about spirituality (or spiritualism) gathered as "evidence" in their "scientific method"? It sounds more like gossip or Fairy Tale, does it not??
This is from their own site (their sub-section, Masters or as they call themselves, GUIDES, until they die and then then they are "spirits" who "whisper". But only so that a special few, some "mediums", can hear. The current Master, the self-named "representative" of this "spirit" or ghost does not seem to be able to receive these "whispers" directly. He needs an anonymous French Lady Medium. ):
Revered Babuji Maharaj (1899 -1983)
"It has been said that while Lalaji was in a super-conscious state contemplating a successor to take forward his spiritual work, the form of Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur appeared to him. Lalaji started transmitting his own spiritual condition to his presumed successor, thus attracting this special personality towards him. Ram Chandra later became Lalaji’s spiritual representative and was affectionately known as Babuji to thousands of his devotees."
Who said that? Give us a NAME please!! Can you trust someone who records the history of the alleged appointment of their FOUNDER by a SUFI Master from another group, and discipline by: "It has been said..." ... It has been said by WHOM? By the SCAMMERS themselves?
No on else ... They made it up ...
And then, the SUFI Master, Lalaji, still has his own "successors" and his own society, so he must not have been in real "super-consciousness" because he would not have appointed anyone else ... and that is what he did ... his LEGITIMATE successors are everywhere ... Dr. Chatterbuy, (Ramashram) and many more ... all legitimate SUFIS ... still teaching the teachings of Lalaji, not the teachings of Babuji and Chari ...
Their PR is an invention or a fabrication, and is sold using a fantasy "intro" of children's fairy tales, similar to: Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away... etc...etc... It's hard to believe that they want anyone to believe anything presented that way. It's even more difficult to believe that some abhyasis are so gullible and naive that they actually believe that "tall tale" and then attempt to spread it to others as their evidence, their "proselytizing" tool to prove that Babuji was actually chosen by Lalaji as his "spiritual representative", and that Sahaj Marg was to replace all the other Sufi organizations. This "it has been said... ", is their evidence? Their PROOF ?? If a vacuum cleaner salesman comes to one's door and attempts to sell his product with: "it has been said...", then any fool would ask for the name and/or the contact number of that person and speak to them directly ... specially when its about a "product" one is asked to take into the Great Beyond, in one's ETERNITY, as one's beliefs.
Don't believe fairy tales as TRUTH!!
And Sahaj Marg(tm) is aimed at ADULTS? Not really... Babuji and Lalaji were targeting adults over 18 years old. And Lalaji intructed his "men" to avoid the company of "women, children, and the rich". Chari wants a dynasty and to go down in history so they (his management team) are targeting women (believers in fantasies, and fiction) to bring the CHILDREN (also believers in fantasy and fiction) ...
But the INTERNET will be the tool that will expose the charlatans, the SPIRITUALISTS and the scammers. Spiritualism is not Spirituality.
Some don't believe "evidence" when it is presented to them, but expect all to believe a story that is obviously made up as it begins with: "It has been said".
One could add:... by the profiteers, the scammers, the liars, the weavers of fairy tales and fantasies, the spiritualists who pretend to be SPIRITUAL. Those who usurp the genuine techniques of other "HONEST" men: (Patanjali (raja yoga), Lalaji (sufism)), and pervert (modifying) them so as to "SELL" to the gullible who support the "fast-food marketplace" of Spiritualism and the cults of a personality... ie. Sahaj Marg(tm). All for Spirituality? Or is it really to make more money and satisfy the EGO of the management Pyramid, by being adulated by naive women and greedy men?
It has been said by businessmen. It has been said by "marketers".
And Ram Chandra (Babuji) did not become Lalaji's successor, nor his "spiritual representative". The REAL story is that 14 years after Lalaji's death (1931), although Babuji had met him only a few times, according to his JOURNALS, and Lalaji had passed him over for preceptorship, he founded his own Shri Ram Chandra Mission (1945) and named himself President and claimed that Lalaji had told him in his dreams that he was his successor. He did not join (and was not asked to join) any of Lalaji's societies even though he attended a few satsanghs.
No Board of Directors from Lalaji's organizations accepted Babuji as Lalaji's successor, nor did any group name him Lalaji's successor ... Babuji named himself.
And then, 52 years later (1997), Chari did the same thing to Babuji's organizations as he attempted to do to Lalaji's MISSION (see on NaqshMuMra Nexus, site of Lalaji's family, Babuji letter of Feb. 14, 1963). HE TOOK IT OVER, named himself Master and President, without asking permission. (see State of California registry for societies)
In business, it's called a "hostile take-over". In Human terms, it is called: Immoral, un-ethical and dishonest.
The Mayans would say: It was meant to be (their "long-count" calendar is predominated by multiplbes of 52 (26, 13, etc). You will also notice the pre-dominance of 14 in this whole story. 1+4= 5, the five-pointed star of Magic!
Some have said that Lalaji's clan (allegedly) used "spiritual techniques" on Babuji. (S.P. Srivastava, Past-President, Shri Ram Chandra Mission (Shahjahanpur-1945).
On Chari?
Cyril Borg
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Sahaj Marg(tm) And Its Mediums, Channeled Messages from the dead, and Flawed Theology!
Hello to everyone ...
I'm just goffing around, that's all! (Marg Delahunte, on CBC- This Hour has 22 Minutes)
Apparently, our anonymous Medium (#3 - male or female?), does not understand French.
It seems that Babuji, despite now living in the Brighter World, also does not understand the language of God (or the gods) (French or Latin ... Roman, Greek, or Hebrew, Egyptian, Mayan, etc ...) lol lol
We know, since Saint Joan of Arc (1412-31), that God speaks French, and if we are to believe the story (the "REAL one ??"), God prefers French to English. So Babuji, now being illuminated in ALL subjects, if he is truly in the Central Region or in Paradise (Brighter World), is expected to speak French (and any and every language) or at least understand them ... ;-))
Errors in grammar, spelling and syntax in these so-called "inter communications", reveal that it is really "humans" playing with the minds of people, and not the spirits of elevated (but dead) and wise people who should now know everything about everything ... apparently! Or why should we believe them more than the "living" ... Do fools living on earth magically become wise on the other side? Do liars on earth, then magically become honest people on the other side? Do racists and homophobes on earth, then not also become more sympathetic towards the suffering of others? Not Babuji, apparently, as our anonymous Medium (male or female), depicts Babuji as still being intolerant and despising homosexuals and homosexuality. And the ghost of Babuji says nothing about his own (and Chari's) racism in his lifetime.
According to the Hindus, LIFE continues and it does not stop at the Brighter World, but we apparently all come back to the dreaded cycles of life and death, according to our Karma ("samskaras" for abhyasis of Sahaj Marg (tm), sins/virtues for the Christians) until we reach LIBERATION from the duality, the cycle of birth and death!
But not for the abhyasis of Sahaj Marg (tm), apparently! They go to heaven, their "Brighter World" directly ... and they even go to the Center of Heaven (central region?). Some of them anyway. It is allegedly a more desirable SPACE! lol Maybe there is no shade at the Center?
For the adherents to Sahaj Marg(tm)'s daily ritual of imagining the "light in the heart", light, being only a spectrum of energy and/or material, is apparently even more desirable than the reality of SPIRIT, as they affirm in their prayer to being "slaves to desires" ... So they can be called materialists and spiritualists (Mediums, messages from the dead, spirits, egregores, etc...) and not SPIRITUAL, since they focus on Light (matter, shiny trinkets, the rush of energy, bliss) rather than on the reality, SPIRIT! God is SPIRIT is IT not? SPIRIT is ONE?
They (she) make mistakes in their theology (mythology?)!
God is not HUMAN! God is not LIGHT! God is not MATTER! God is not RACIST, or Homophobe. God does not choose his son's wife by: "skin complexion, height, or cut"!
Apparently, according to the Christian Bible, God (a person) chose a Jewish woman (Mary) for Joseph (a Jewish man) and had a "holy ghost" (SPIRIT) impregnate her, begetting Jesus, the Christ, the Saviour of everyone in the world. (Honest to God!! That's the Gospel Truth!) God did not chose a European woman with a more "fair complexion"! And God (allegedly) did not chose a darker (savla?) African either!
God is SPIRIT? (yes or no?) A fantasy? Or, the NOTHING of Buddhism?
You gotta laugh b'cause it's not funny! (Acadianism) lol ;-))