Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) Will It Dissolve In the Humour of Psychic Hoax?

Taken and translated from an article: La SRCM, Serait-elle Soluble dans les canulars Mediumniques? by Alexis, on Elodie's Blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

January 26, 2011

SRCM, Would It Be Soluble In The Humor Of Psychic Hoaxes?

Catherine Lauret was right, Ajay will not be the next Guru of SRCM. Catherine Lauret was wrong, the European Union and China are not at war, and the United Kingdom has not been destroyed in a nuclear blast.

Her performance of December 2009, has turned against her.
Suddenly, as she rose from total anonymity to excessive exposure, she became a weight (drag) for Chari. His value (the value of his yearly books: "Whispers") is now less than 250 euros per year per abhyasi who are purchasers of Whispers. Today it is a book rudely discredited, with a number of copies in freefall, despite the release of a new volume every year. Circulation which could even end up stopping ...

Especially now that another medium operates directly on the web. Babuji's word becomes inaudible when his spokespersons are too many. And the latest of Babuji's messengers has not taken the wrong approach. Her first criticisms have targeted Kasturi Chaturvedi and Catherine Lauret, but certainly not Chari who finds himself excluded, marginalized and out of it.

Hence, Babuji has returned to the front of the stage. But not for a reckoning as one might imagine. And not to parody Whispers. Just to comment on the most mundane and trivial actions inside the Mission. And his new messenger seems to enjoy the situation, and she obviously takes pleasure in it.

Well informed, her predictions have value in what she reveals of the past and present. It is her current knowledge that we judge and by which we gauge. Well aware of the issue, she enjoys playing with the people to whom she speaks by surrounding them with a pseudo-anonymity which is fooling no one.

She has returned Babuji to the heart of the subject, and it is Chari who is marginalized. Under fire, Whispers is pulverized. Catherine Lauret? No one talks about her anymore.

The humor is sometimes devastating. Elodie spoke of a hoax, it could prove to be a weapon of mass destruction.

Whether she is named Erin or Babuji's messenger, whether she is Australian or English, we do not care. Read it every day on MESSAGES FROM RAM CHANDRA "BABUJI" OF SAHAJ MARG: A LOVING, HONEST AND CARING BLOG

or at:

...instead of "A Whisper a Day".


Elodie Said:

Hello Alexis,

I am not at all sure I share your opinion this time.

I have not understood Erin's (or whoever he/she may be) humour nor her intentions.

what she wrote, she does not denigrate Chari or his son at all.

I still do
not see to this day what game she is playing, or whether it is a game

Hoax or game, what are her issues and what motivation? Nothing is clear.



Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Alexis Said:

@ Elodie

had more humor and perspective in your first post on Erin than now.
Is it because she likes to reveal very personal "predictions " to some poorly anonymized persons that worries you? I'm not sure ...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Elodie Said:

Hello Alexis,

person who made this blog seems to me not at all clear and that is what I dislike.

The first blog lasted only a few days, then she reappeared in part in the new one.
Meanwhile, Erin, English had become a businessman in Sydney (Australia).

I do not care what it says on individuals, but that person is actually fully involved in the movement.

How can we believe in his/her neutrality? It is impossible.

is unclear what the purpose of that person is. For the moment, as Claude said, he/she is rather favorable to Chari and his son.



Friday, January 28, 2011

Alexis Said:

@ Claude & Elodie

I had not noticed that Erin had been transformed into a man, a reason to smile more, right?

, we do not agree with the analysis. Certainly, he/she sides with Chari & PR Krishna, but in the words of Babuji.

That's what I really appreciate, and none of us had done: she gives Babuji center stage (center of the game?), there is no other who speaks. Chari is excluded and one can not do more harm than excluding Chari by listening more to his master ...

, is not it?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Claude Said:

Lol Lol! Not very convincing. It is not because Babuji "chats" with another medium that Chari is marginalized? It would be too beautiful. What is true though is that Babuji, from that brighterworld still does not speak directly to Chari. It is "too much" that the current Guru is not able to discuss with his master, while all these mediums manage to.


Monday, Jan. 31, 2011

See also:

At Sahaj Marg(tm), It's Babuji versus Babuji!
Is Sahaj Marg(tm)'s Medium named Catherine, Cheryl (Chérie), Or...?
The Mediums of Sahaj Marg(tm) and the Apocalypse!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What or Who is Human? Chari, Sahaj Marg(tm)

Taken from an article by Alexis on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.
Added below is the comment by LéA on the same blog.

Alexis quotes a Sahaj Marg promotional article by an abhyasis. This abhyasis attempts to claim that Chari and the management team of SRCM (California-1997) and the abhyasis are more "humans" than the rest of us (the west?).

Is that not typical of most RELIGIONS? He tries to point at the "western countries", and the "middle east" as if there were no problems in India? Is that not typical nationalist religion?

I'm sure that most Christians would claim that Christians are more "human" than the "pagans" and "idolaters" from other parts of the world, who are apparently not very "human", according to them ...

Which religion calls adherents to other beliefs "dogs" or other "non-human" names? One was lead to believe that such behaviour came from the "religions" only, and not from the so-called: "SPIRITUAL" ... I thought Sahaj Marg(tm) was about "spirituality", not "Human content". Are the abhyasis of Sahaj Marg(tm) now expected to be only SPIRITUALIST, and/or as their Master, not be spiritual at all ... but materialist? Is the goal of Sahaj Marg(tm) now to be materialism, "character formation" and "human content"?

What this article does, is to continue the "finger pointing" and the dividing of the world yet again in the name of my God, my religion, my "cult of a PERSON". Our "uniqueness" is better than YOURS. You, being the non-humans!!

It is not "impressive". They seem to see the speck of dust in their neighbours eye, but not the logs (material) in their own eyes.

Are there no examples of people who use other "systems" and who are more "human" by general standards, than some who use Sahaj Marg(tm)? Sister Teresa? Dalai Lama? And too many Saints and wise "humans" from other "isms" (religions) to mention?

Can a "non-human" homonid, not be called a "zombie"??

Can we say that Chari and his Sahaj Marg(tm), registered as a commercial trade-mark, for trade and commerce, is now "de-humanizing" all who are not in Sahaj Marg(tm), specially those from the west, which his group targets? Their focus target? Women and children!! Is that not very RELIGIOUS? ... or "cultish" ??

Practice Sahaj Marg(tm) fervently and you too could become "human" as the SRCM (California-1997) leadership, and you too could chose your mate (wife) according to "skin complexion", "cut", and "height". And you could in your religious bigotry, or what they call "human-ness", become a person who lies about your history and lineage, your appointment, and/or become a HOMOPHOBE, and slander all other religions and individuals with brands such as those which Chari has "pointed at" the "bloggers", and even Bill Gates and the Pope in his recent speeches. Brands such as "morally degraded" or "enemies of Spirituality". That is what the leaders of Sahaj Marg (tm) were, have been and are now.

They, the materialist leadership of SRCM(California-1997), are not great "role models" to present to the next generation so as to teach them what "human" means. Many western "human-ists" are more moral and etical than these Spiritualists, who are really pseudo-spiritual and quasi-religious and not SPIRITUAL at all except in their outer shell (rituals), as actors ... Sahaj Marg(tm) is like Hollywood: they try and act the part and they fool some but not all ... not many! Thanks to the INTERNET and to our emerging global ONE-ness.

As LéA says below: Sahaj Marg (tm) in its intolerance, is getting close to "spiritual eugenics"


Alexis Said:

Jan. 19, 2011

Who or What is Human?

At the European Seminar in December 2010, Chari announced that the Vrads Sande ashram in Denmark would be the first SRCM European Retreat Centre, as the Berlin ashram would be the first European CREST.

Chari also announced the theme of the first session for young adults at this new CREST to be held this spring: "What or Who is a human?"

Why such a topic? Chari does not propose his subjects haphazardly, he always has good reasons, but one must still be able to decipher his intentions.

An abhyasi will help us. Mukul S. Mukherjee, in a study entitled "Efficacy of a Coping Strategy for Developing Human qualities, " introduces his subject as follows:

“It is assumed that the society today has come to a state where calling its members “human” is something like an exaggeration or a lie. The homo sapiens has the complete form but it is lacking in ‘human content’.” (Excerpt from a "study" by an abhyasi to be found at: )

We are
not worthy of the epithet "human". This is a good representative example of the result obtained by the hammering of Chari's messages: spiritual values, work on the character, etc..

, thanks to the work undertaken by Chari of continuously undermining his abhyasis, he is not very far from the feeling that only the spiritual practice of Sahaj Marg can make humans. Obviously, he never said exactly that, but he leads his followers to believe it, and in the end it's only the result that counts.

The next question is obviously what will they do with all of these non-humans which revolve around them!

Chari probably has the answer ...


LéA Said:

I emphasized the other day on the rhetoric of your guru which leads one from so-called sexual frustration to terrorism. This time, Alexis illustrates well that your guru has arranged things so that his followers will believe that it is now time to distinguish between humans from non-humans. We are not very far from a spiritual eugenics which clashes with the so-called unparalleled tolerance of the guru.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sahaj Marg(tm) LMOIS, ASPnet and UNESCO

Taken and translated from a comment from Alexis on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

LMOIS= Lalaji Memorial Omega International School
ASPnet= Associated Schools Project network

UNESCO= United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization


After many years of lobbying, the SRCM was finally accredited by the Department of Public Information (UN DPI) December 12, 2005.

Very opportunistic, Chari used the "alliance" of SRCM with the UN to get international legitimacy and a relative change to its image. This eventually bore fruit, notably through the annual essay contest held in India jointly by the SRCM and UNIC. (United Nations Information Centres)

Always in 2005, the SRCM also founded the LMOIS school. In 2010, the school joined the Associated Schools Project network of UNESCO, (ASPnet) commonly known as "UNESCO Associated Schools". One more step in the recovery of their UN image ...

Founded in 1953, this global network brings together more than 9,000 educational institutions (kindergartens and primary schools, secondary schools and vocational training institutions and teachers) in 180 countries, working in support of international understanding, peace , intercultural dialogue, sustainable development and quality of education ..

The letter "One World, One Humanity" of SRCM with the UNDPI in December devotes much of its content to this "rapprochement".


ASPnet schools are ‘navigators for peace‘ and agents for positive change and serve as laboratories of ideas on innovative approaches for quality education for all. (…)
They aim at translating the four pillars of education for the 21st century -- learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together—into good practices of quality education.

ASPnet cooperates with a broad range of institutions, UN agencies, the private Sector, Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), or research institutions.

The Lalaji Memorial International Omega School‘s vision statement states ―”Omega strives to produce youngsters who are balanced, with soul, mind and body working in unison, with the soul guiding the mind in its activities and the body acting under the guidance of the mind”.

This vision is sustained by a dedicated management team and teaching staff that invests efforts and ideals in the Value Based Spiritual Education Programme (VBSE), which permeates every level of work and life on the campus.

The VBSE programme is the raison d’être of the school and is at its very core. It has established its framework on the eight values adopted by the UN in the “Learning to be” programme as core values for all human beings, everywhere. They are universal and hence apply to all humans irrespective of all possible discriminations. The LMIOS has added Spirituality as a value to this list and calls these the nine gems (Navratnas) of its VBSE programme : Sensivity and Creativity, Self-awareness and Self-Management, Truth and Wisdom, Health and Nutrition, Peace and Justice, Love and Compassion, Citizenship, Environment Morality, Spirituality.

The School on its part believes that if these values are properly imbibed, they have the potential to transform students into good and responsible citizens for the future.

These values are transmitted to the children first and foremost by providing role models in the form of teachers and staff and also by project based learning, seminars, group discussions, films, school clubs, scouts and last, but not least, personal experience. The goal is to make sure that the values become the fundamental and unconscious guiding principles of the lives of the children. The school curriculum includes this value based spiritual education at all levels as much in the classrooms as out of it. This ongoing exercise that continues for all the students throughout their stay in the school also includes re-search programmes and further training for the staff.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Comments by 4d-Don:

It's about these alleged "role models" of Sahaj Marg(tm) ??

* Who are these "role models" who would gather as a mob and take over ashrams by force?
See original Newspaper with photos.

* Who are these "role models" who practice racism, sexism, homophobia, nepotism, and other intolerant and un-democratic practices in their "non-profit", tax-exempt charity, and/or non-governmental organization (NGO).

* Who are these "role models" who set up their organization not as a democracy, but as a "dictatorship"... See: Babuji's original Constitution and By-laws (Appendix A, Resolution 1-f )

* Is the practice of Spritualism with its anonymous mediums, messages from the dead, egregores, now seen as "role model" of any quality by LMOIS and SRCM (California-1997)?
See: Chari's SRCM (California-1997) Constitution and "Bye-Laws-Section 11"

* If a male (see the SRCM stand on "sexism") student does not get to be the President of the LMOIS school, is he, like the spoiled child "role model" taught to go to another country and/or another school and re-register its name, and name himself (women will never be president of SRCM (California-1997) according to its Master and President, Chari) president ... by decree or by force?

* Are the students at LMOIS, like the founders of SRCM and Sahaj Marg, taught to lie about their "history" and their lineage? (see NaqshMuMra Nexus, Lalaji's family Site... Epitome of Sahaj Marg)

* Will the bad-mouthing of other religions as in the VBSE Chapter 10 of Class 10 create a more "tolerant" and peaceful world? Is Chari and his bad-mouthing, the "role-model" which would create a UNITED and more "peaceful" and tolerant world? Is SRCM (California-1997) and its developers, and businessmen, the "role model" for the world?

* Will "homosexuals" be allowed to be "out of the closet" at the United Nations DPI sanctionned private Schools for the children of the "well-to-do"?

* Will the students be taught that the Pope (Christian), and Bill Gates are "morally degraded" for their donations and prayers for those who suffer with AIDS?

* Will the UN Commissioner on Human Rights insist that Chari retract his homophobic, hate-mongering speeches, which incite violence against our homosexual brothers and sisters?

* Will the concept of God be taught as being a "male person", using the personal pronoun "He", as if it was a reality, as Chari teaches to children? How will LMOIS explain that to the "girls"? Why can't girls be "Masters"? Why does the Master of SRCM, state that he can only talk to women about "un-important" things like "cooking"?? (gender discrimination?)

* "Spirituality unites"?? It's hard not to laugh!! Please don't take your Sahaj Marg(tm) "spirituality" to any conflict zone!! Some families of abhyasis and preceptors have recorded their first-hand testimonial of how Sahaj Marg(tm) has united their families ... There is not even the basic "human respect", but much religious hypocrisy!

* Will the children be taught to emulate the Sahaj Marg (tm) "role models" and solve the societal problems of poverty and hunger, in the world with a phoney cheque of "173,000,000 wishes"? (see their UNDPI Newsletter, April 2010)

See also:

SRCM (California-1997) and the UNDPI Scam!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sahaj Marg (tm) and their VBSE School Curriculum Compares Religion and Spirituality

From the Value Based Spiritual Education (VBSE) curriculum, Class X (10), Chapter X(10). This is the last Chapter of the last Class of the curriculum. See the complete Class 10 at link above. This curriculum was developed by Sahaj Marg(tm) and is in place at their school in India: Lalaji Memorial Omega Internation School (LMOIS). Do they practice what they teach (preach)??

Notice there is no mention of Spiritualism, "standards of spiritualism", mediums, messages from the dead (beyond the grave), egregores, etc.!! Also no mention of the ethics and morality of re-registering SRCM in San Luis Obispo, California, USA, when Chari was denied the Presidency of SRCM(Shahjahanpur-1945) by its Board of Directors. Oops! We don't mention that!!

There is also a chapter about "honesty". Oops! Who pulled down the pants of the teacher? ;-)) They also want the students to site an example of how religions divide humanity. (see below)

Can we raise our hands and YELL, united and in UNISON: Sahaj Marg(tm) !!

Nota Bene (NB):

Words and Statements highlighted in color are by the author of the Blog:

-Words in GREEN = Grammar, syntax or spelling error

-Words, phrases and sentences in PURPLE = Questionable and/or inaccurate statement (theology, philosophy, ethics, morality, scientific)

-Statements in BLUE = Statements that SRCM (California-1997) does not seem to practice




* To understand the source of religion and its effect on humanity
* To learn the differences between religion and spirituality

Thoughts for Life

* The foundation of spiritual association with God is Love.
* Where religion ends, spirituality begins.
* Spirituality is defined as a system, which makes us exist.
* Religions divide, spirituality unites.
* It is good to be born in a religion, but not to die in it.

Lesson Illustrated

* Religion: It should be considered as a kindergarten school of spiritual life. It is where we learn some basic ideas of God – What God is? What divinity is? – things like that. Religion enforces an externalization of the mind in man’s search for God. Religion requires belief and faith. Religion speaks of seeing God, speaking with God, hearing God’s voice etc. The purpose of religion is to put a developing child into an environment where ethics, moral living, truth – all these things are taught and where in addition some idea of God is given.

Eg. Take different shaped bowls and fill them with water. Now pose the question to the class as to which bowl would they choose to quench their thirst. They will not hesitate to choose any bowl, because they are concerned only with the water and not lured by the external appearances of the bowls. This analogy reveals that the nature of different religions, their tenets, their mode of practice and religious leaders may differ, but the one essence or aim is to realize God. The word religion is derived from the Latin expression re-ligare, which means to unite or to bind or "to go back to the source" or "to reconnect us with God."

Bowls – Religions
Water – Divinity or God within

There are five very important reasons, why we should get away from religious bondage –

a. It creates division among people.
b. Every religion talks of "one God" but states that only their God is the best.
c. It promotes disharmony, violence and wars.
d. The real meaning of the tenets is forgotten and only the rituals are adhered to.
e. Religions put fear and temptations into the hearts of the people.

All religions in the world say the same thing i.e. "seek within". But do they? The answer is NO. Then what is the way? Transcend religion and move towards spirituality.

* Spirituality: The word spirituality has its birth in the word ‘Spirit’ which refers to the soul or the life force. The process of realizing this soul is spirituality.

Spirituality is not a progress or a search or travel in time. It is a travel in and into eternity. Spirituality gives us Love – Love of God, to become one with Him.

Spirituality is supposed to concern itself with the soul, just as education is with the mind, physical exercise with the body and achievement with the ego. So the whole idea in Spiritual practice / Spiritual life is to progressively refine ourselves. Spiritual practice is the only possible way of changing the heart in such a way that there is a lasting change in human character. There can be no spirituality without morality.

Do you really feel there is any difference between Religion and Spirituality? Here you are!

Religion ....................................Spirituality

Nursery Level...................................University Level
Emphasises external cleanliness ......Insists on internal Cleanliness
Searching Out .................................Searching within
It is gross ........................................It is subtle
Rituals ............................................Raja Yoga
Introduces the idea of God ................Makes us realize God
Idol Worship (Stops with means) .......Meditation (leads to the end)
Divides ............................................Unites
Based on fear and temptation ............Love and Universal Brotherhood

To sum up,

1. Religion appears to divide man from man, while spirituality “Unites all”.
2. Spirituality shapes a person to perfection and brings out the best in him.
3. Spirituality leads one towards Divinity and finally helps to merge with the Ultimate.

This is the purpose of life.


* However high a man may have reached in spirituality, if he is immoral, spirituality becomes null and void – Discuss.
* List out the tenets of any two major religions of the world and elaborate on it.
* “Religions divide humanity” – Site an example (see introduction for blog owner's example)

Mind and the Machine

Mind of a man is like a machine of a van
It needs knowledge like the oil for the machine
Mind without knowledge will blabber and shout
Like the machine without oil will squeak and creak
Men with good knowledge are quite calm and cool
Like machine with good oil works silent and smooth
So oil your mind with real knowledge it needs
And stop all the blabber it otherwise emits

See also:

VBSE at LMOIS of SRCM (California-1997)



Friday, January 14, 2011

Sahaj Marg(tm) Targets The Children !! (Vincent, Belgium)

Taken and translated from an article by Vincent, on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

January 14, 2011

grandchildren are now attending Chari's school

New testimonial from Vincent, a Belgian grandfather

(see Vincent's blog: Sahaj Marg destroyed my family):

year, the oldest of my grandchildren went to India to attend Chari's school, the guru of my children, at the Lalaji Omega School,
Kolapakam. He will not be back in Belgium until the end of the school year.

When we were young, we went to boarding school for a long time, but it was not thousands of miles from our parents and we did not leave for a whole year.

While his parents saw him quickly in December because they were in India, but they were there to meet Chari, not their child.

My grandson is now under the rule of Chari, at the school of Sahaj Marg. In a year the indoctrination will have born its fruit and it will be a good little soldier who will return to Brussels.

Will Chari steal all my grandchildren one after the other?


See also:

VBSE (Value Based Spiritual Education) at Lalaji Memorial Omega School (LMOS) of SRCM (Shri Ram Chandra Mission (California-1997)


Chari's Million Dollar "Western Blue Jeans"

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Sahaj Marg (tm) and their Soldiers of Spirituality!!

Chari in his early years as "secretary" of Babuji's society, the SRCM (Shahajanpur-1945), started using military terminology and titles to arrange his "army" of abhyasis. His terms for preceptors, prefects, and 'zonal-in-charge" all followed the military model with it's pyramidal structure and strict obedience to established lines of command.

(The "Foundation" mentionned below (Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation) owns all the real estate of the SRCM (California-1997) and the directors of the "charitable" society own and control nothing. Chari is an addict to numbers, and of Sci-fi ... and Isaac Asimov ... he even has Asimov's Foundation Series at their CREST retreat centers ... as reading material. Spirituality ?? ... And now Chari recommends Hollywoods' fantasy movie: Inception, with Leonardo Di-Caprio. Now that is SPIRITUAL? )

Then in 2004, as self-titled and dictatorial President and Master of the re-registered SRCM (Calfornia-1997), he gave this speech:

Soldiers of Spirituality

A talk given by Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari
in Bangalore on 20th April, 2004


The first is here. We are hoping to get a donation of land just above Palghat up in the mountains at four thousand feet, a fifty-acre site has been promised to the Foundation. In Pune, there is a five-acre site also being donated to the Foundation. Like that, we will have to start with at least six or eight Retreat Centres in India. So that one batch of hundred at each Centre is eight hundred people per month. That is about, you can understand, nine thousand six hundred people a year, much more than we can do now. There will also be courses for prefects similarly rigid. It will be something like the training combining the army and the yoga, because without physical and social discipline, there is no proper yogic life.


All these have to change. You know, Sahaj Marg is out to revolutionize your approach to divinity. Take divinity away from everywhere in the world, you know, from temples, from mosques, from churches and from maths, and put it here (in Ashrams or retreat centers ??) [points to the heart] where it really belongs. So I think the time has now come to, sort of, select. When we have three grains of rice, you cannot do the shaladai [utensil used to separate the grain from the chaff] business. But if you have a bag of rice you start taking out the stones and the chaff. So we now have enough abhyasis to start playing with this cleaning process, really like the decoction of coffee.

So please be prepared for it; it is going to be tough, but we want soldiers of spirituality. You know, in one revolution in Europe, they were called "The Soldiers of God", but they were killers. We don't kill anybody. We only kill our own samskaras, our own bad habits, our own negative thinking. And, therefore, we emerge from within ourselves as divinised persons.

(Beware!! YOU ARE WITNESSING YOUR OWN corruption ... The so-called "Europeans" (in reality they are also Asiatic) SOLDIERS OF GOD were not told that they would have to kill either ... until much later!! And it's not called: "killing" but doing "God's will" or "serving and strict obedience to the Master"... or even: A Test of your "divinity"!! .

Spirituality is not pyramidal and it is not Spiritualist, nor "militarist"!! Which among you will strictly obey to the point of performing 'immoral" acts? ... such as " killing the mother"?? ... as is already suggested by Chari in his speeches?

Research on the net (google?) the term "Soldiers of God" and see who indulges in such dangerous rhetoric.
Words have meaning and power!! These are the structures which your children will be recruited into, thanks to your "involvement" in a spiritualist cult of a PERSON !! Not the DIVINE!! God is not a king, an emperor, or a soldier!! Who will control these military structures? YOU? Will you even know who controls them and what they do? If you obey now, will you not also obey then !! Will you ever be able to "dis-obey"??

So Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation will play a very big role in the future of Sahaj Marg. And the two organisations, Shri Ram Chandra Mission and the Foundation, will do the work together and, I hope, establish a sane, healthy, spiritual society.
It starts with brushing your teeth in the morning. I am sorry to say that most people today have bad breath. They are not aware of it, they deny it if you tell them. If you tell your friend that you have bad breath, you are in danger of losing a friend. There is a very simple test - [blows into his hand] and smell it. You can smell your own breath. And ladies are no exceptions. Just because they powder their face and use perfume, it does not mean they do not have bad breath. There are as many women with bad breath as men. Please apply this test and clean yourself up, because when some people come near me and sit, I get nauseated. And when I turn away they get upset. They say, "Sir, every time I come to you, why do you turn away?" Now I cannot tell them because I may lose an abhyasi.

You know I shouldn't say this in public but very often I don't know how husbands and wives can sleep together in the same bed with such bad breath between them. This is not a matter of joke. It comes out of bad eating habits, bad oral hygiene, and not using tongue cleaners. I know a friend to whom it was suggested and he denied that he has bad breath. He said he had never needed a tongue cleaner and he would take it as an insult if it was presented to him. It costs a few rupees.

So, you see, that is where it starts. And be prepared for it because this is going to be rigorous discipline, strict discipline. Prefects are no exception, office bearers are no exception, nobody is an exception.

So I hope you will donate well to the Foundation because it is a big program of work. The idea is not to make the Foundation rich, but to relieve the Shri Ram Chandra Mission of so many of its current expenses. And the Foundation is better equipped to deal with all these things.


It took a few years but now, the military structure is being created at the (Battlestar Galactica?) Natrampalli ashram, in Tamilhadu ...

Like other so-called "corrupt" religions, Sahaj Marg(tm), (registered for trade and commerce) will now have its own "soldiers" ...

The Roman Catholics had their Knights Templar, and now have their Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Jesuits, etc.. and their female equivalent. Judaism has its Jewish Defense League. Islam has its Society of Muslim Brotherhood". The Buddhists have the Shaolin Monks.

So much for Peace in the World, thanks to "RELIGIONS" or to "spiritualist" movements which claim to be "spirituality" (Raja Yoga... starting at step #7 of an "eightfold" system)!!

Like all religious "military" societies, strict obedience is a must. Why? Is it so "immoral" acts can be perpetrated against the "enemies of Spirituality" and then denied by the pyramidal "management structure" which will then dis-associated itself from the "lunatic fringe" they create?? This is very much like we see transpiring in other religions which constantly wage war against one another and each other, while claiming to be "peaceful". Religion is akin to "insanity"!! And the so-called "spiritual movement" is insanity with hysteria!

Soldiers of Spirituality, Karnataka South

From: Echoes of India, Jan, 2011

A two-day residential program "Soldiers of Spirituality" was organized for 47 abhyasis from |Kanatakaq South, on 13th and 14th of November, at Natrampalli ashram, Tamilnadu.

(That is the Ashram which was donated to Chari's SRCM (California-1997), and looks like a small version of "Battlestar Galactica". See here - page 10)

If "Idle hands are the devil's workshop"

What are the "idle eyes" of the religious fanatics who always look to the dust in other's eyes but who don't see the log in their own eyes?

Here is a song:


Key of B (Capo 4....Play G) in 4/4 Time-Folk

Hey You! With a double face

Who pray for peace, then serve the gods of war

What's that you speak? Turn the other cheek?

You gotta think the world is deaf and blind


Get out of here, not in my space

Join the human race, and become civilized

I was at ONE, my one in ONE

Then you came along, with your master song.


Hey You! Of the Holy Book

In your Holy Nook, with the words you bastardize

You sow the war, then you reap the war

You gotta think the world is deaf and blind

With the instrumental solo, as back-up vocals to solo

You got idle eyes... idle, idle, idle eyes

Idle, idle, idle, eyes... you got idle eyes

Idle, idle, idle eyes...

Don’t wanna think the world is deaf and blind

You got idle, idle, idle eyes… idle, idle eyes..

Idle, idle, idle eyes… idle, idle, idle eyes….


Hey You! Of the Master clan

With your Master plan, and the words you idolize

What about the child, who is brutalized

You gotta think the world is deaf and blind

Hey You! Who theorize

Proselytize, and then you criticize

You victimize, and you terrorize

You gotta think the world is deaf and blind
