Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Mediums Of Sahaj Marg(tm) And The Apocalypse!

Taken and translated from an article by Alexis: Les Mediums et l'Apocalypse, which was posted on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

Comments and insertions by 4d-don are in "red italics"

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Mediums And The Apocalypse!!

Between dream, nightmare and reality

In January 2009, Chari said that a cancer was eating away at the inside of the Mission and that it was threatened with disintegration. In his nightmares, he saw it bursting into 240 small Missions.

In December, Catherine Lauret announces to some English abhyasis that Ajay Kumar Bhatter would not succeed Chari.
Then in February 2010, Kasturi engages at her turn in predictions, before some French abhyasis: "Very soon he [Chari] will be forfeited and the truth will burst forth, Babuji is at work! "

Between mediumistic ability, dream and nightmare, desire or reality, they all claim to know the future better than ordinary mortals. These are no detractors of Sahaj Marg, all these individuals are eminent personalities. And yet it is chaos (schisms, divisions, resignations, etc... that they describe for their movement.

It all began with the publication in 2005 edition of "Whispers from the Brighter World". The first of the posthumous messages from Babuji, that this book contains date from the late 90s and are addressed to Chari through a medium, Catherine Lauret (??). In 2009, Chari announced the release of a new series of twelve Whispers at a rate of one volume per year, a nice windfall to come. Presented as the Bible of Sahaj Marg, these messages are mostly a eulogy to the glory of Chari. The medium knows how to caress her Chari in the direction of the hair (with the grain) ! The so-called "whispers" of Babuji are a bunch of flatteries and fawning, where the adulation of Chari reaches its peak.

From the beginning, at Sahaj Marg they have made the (spirits of the) dead speak.
Lalaji (as well as Vivekananda, Jesus Christ, and many more ... ) talked to Babuji, Babuji chats with Catherine, and soon, will (the ghostly spirit of) Chari chat with Catherine? It's great, it helps them to arrange reality, to bend it to their will, and to make all forget anything "they" want forgotten ...

As such, the Whisper of Thursday, February 1, 2001 at 8:00 is a memorable model of ' mediumistic technique" a real monument in the anthology of misinformation:

"Our laws can not be easily understood by men. We do not deal with worldly matters in your way. Once again, my daughter, don't let doubt overcome you. Your channeling ability is not at issue in this story. You must adapt to our comments and formulas, whose actual meaning you cannot understand.

Do not go by statements that can mislead you. They are meant to be decoded by my son, therefore, don't let yourself get emotionally involved in the business hazard of the Mission. They are sorted out according to the rhythm of life, taking into account the perpetual human play - changing and quite unreliable.

We must consider all possibilities and wait and see how things turn out while trying to positively influence them. There are miracles, but there is no permanent miracle. Life on earth has its won rules which no one can escape. Such ups and downs cannot fail to happen in the Mission history.

Sooner or later that Ashram will see the light of day; it is in the nature of things

Signed... Babuji

(allegedly signed?? How was it "signed"? Ink or "imagination"... Who verified the signature??)

Babuji spoke to Catherine in a language she can't understand.
Chari is the only one who can decode it, but that did not stop him from selling them to all abhyasis at a very good price, without a single shred of decoding, while strongly encouraging them to read a little every day. It is therefore normal that they do not understand anything of the new Sahaj Marg Bible! If they think they understand something, nothing will one day prevent Chari from telling them that they have misinterpreted it, if it suits him. And the contradictions, if there are any, are only of appearance, as things happen differently in the Brighter World ...

Apocalyptic predictions

But Catherine Lauret does not only send praises to Chari. She does not speak the same discourse when she speaks of a message to be issued in Whispers, as when she speaks in front of a handful of English abhyasis in the precincts (compounds) of the Manapakkam Ashram, while Chari is absent. On one side is flattery et al, on the other, she voluntarily forgets Chari.

Thus, it is what she does by announcing to the English (abhyasis) that she will be the next spiritual representative, and that she will open the new path (the new way) for Sahaj Marg. And she does not stop on such a good road, since she announce to them the imminence of a nuclear war between China and Europe, during which the UK will be completely destroyed, and this is for 2010.

And she is not the first to lend herself to this kind of delirious apocalyptic frenzy.
Babuji, in his book "Reality at Dawn", had already said:

"The world is currently going through a critical stage (...).
I present readers with a glimpse into the world to come, in my view (...). The heat from the sun has declined gradually for some time, (not accurate) and it can be a virtually insoluble problem for science because it is possible that in some time, life on earth becomes impossible (...). As a result of the ongoing upheavals, radical changes will occur and the new world structure will be quite different from what we see today. The fate of Great Britain will be unhappy. A portion of the country's southern region, will sink into the sea. A volcanic energy in latent form, is at work in the heart of London and in time it will explode in the form of a volcanic eruption. The Gulf Stream will change its course and the country will become very cold. The fate of Europe will also be similar. Small countries will cease to exist. The future of Russia is very bad. It can not survive (...) As for America is in imminent danger of losing its wealth and it is possible that in future it is almost reduced to poverty (...) The India will regain its glory of past and it will rise first (...) A civilization based on spiritualism (not on SPIRITUALITY?) in India will emerge and will eventually become the world civilization. " (conquer the world, eh?)

HOW CONVENIENT... only India (and China) "thrives" and "rises again" ...
What is the mechanism used by RELIGION, according to Sahaj Marg "leadership"?? ... FEAR and TEMPTATION?? (or the carrot and the stick)

Poor England! Volcanic eruption or nuclear conflagration, its future is bleak in the eyes of the supporters of Sahaj Marg ...

Who are the "trustees" of SRCM (England) who call these so-called delirious "prophesies" good for the "public health" of the English people? (see article below in the links).

We, the "bloggers" have predicted that this "nuclear" disaster will not happen! We will speak with you in a few months with an "Extra Edition" exposing the scam of Prophesy by so-called RELIGIONS !! ...

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! ... Nuclear Conflict Averted!!

(...thanks to Sahaj Marg(tm) Medium who interceded with their MALE GOD!! lol lol ;-)))

The more time passes, the more the speeches of the leaders of Sahaj Marg becomes apocalyptic.


See Also:

Who are Sahaj Marg Trustees and promoters of their "Spiritualism" in the UK?
Patanjali's Raja Yoga vs Chari's Sahaj Marg (tm)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Chari, The Master Of Sahaj Marg(tm) Wants To BE FREE!!

Taken from the Sahaj Marg (tm) site: (Home page... Daily Reflections, June 25, 2010) )
(P.S. The "Daily Reflection" may have changed by the time you read this... see below)

Apparently, the Master of Sahaj Marg (tm) who wants the abhyasis (disciples, also called "serfs" in the Sahaj Marg (tm) literature), to forsake their "FREEDOM" and to forsake even the desire for FREEDOM, here wants or "desires" FREEDOM for himself. He does not want to be told what to do! Does he not sound human?

With the recent resignation of Ajay Kumar Bhatter as the "Master-to-be", a crowned dauphin (king-in-waiting), a "theocratic" appointment, (not voted on by the membership, as per the Non-Profit Societies Act and the Charities Act) we now have the current Master and the Master-to-be, "desiring" the freedom to do as they wish. If the "GODMEN" want freedom, then they should allow the "people" their freedom also ...

When Chari says: "But see how foolish people are.", he does not mean US (the bloggers, or those who have left his version of Sahaj Marg(tm) or his version of "fundamental" Spiritualism or Spiritism masquerading as Spritiuality ... we must be "wise"?? ), we don't believe him ... HE MEANS YOU!! (who are still adherents or stuck, and are "co-dependent" with him)

Escape ... Escape ... Take your "FREEDOM"... your shepherd is asleep and/or "drunk" with his illusion of power and his "desires" for FREEDOM ... Now he wants FREEDOM, just like all of us ... He now sounds "WISE"!!

About some people who quote themselves

One dishonest way of gaining "credibility" is to get one's lieutenants, in the case of Sahaj Marg, called "preceptors", to write articles in magazines and newspapers, or "theses" at University, and then to quote these articles as if they were "impartial" or even "vetted" ...

The same mechanism is used in writing a book and then using that book to feign credibility by quoting it in another book !!

In the Age of Information, Information or "KNOWLEDGE" is BLIND ... Get your information from many sources and don't trust those who would stop you from reading other sources. Demand your FREEDOM... no one will give it to you...

Babuji is being quoted by Chari as saying: (believe it or not ... I don't... It is also not what Chari himself did with Babuji ... The answer to Chari's question (below) is: YES!! YES!!)

"He [Rev. Babuji] has told me, "Abhyasis should not compel the Master. All that the Master possesses is only for the abhyasis. So compulsion should not be there. I may also say it is wrong etiquette. Can the Master ever deny anything to his associates? But see how foolish people are. They make demands and thus curtail the freedom of the Master. The Master must be made totally free to do anything that he wants. Then see the splendour of his work!"

Rev. Babuji, qtd. in Yatra, vol. 2, p.120 (The Garden of Hearts, chapter three) -Rev.Chariji

Keep an eye on those who claim to be your "servants"

No one is, or will ever be, or should be, "totally FREE to do anything that he wants" !! NO WISE MAN would even ask for that also !! You must be following an egotistical "foolish person" !!

Babuji (and many other GURUS) said to "check out" the Master and to check him out all the time ... not just once and then believe him for life!! Treat a Guru as if he were a Guide ... no one, not even a "fool", gives every aspect of his/her life to a guide "FOREVER". Only the "foolish" don't adhere to this "pearl of wisdom"!! If you have a "bad GURU(guide)", then find a "good GURU(guide)" immediately!! From the outside, when one looks at the Master of Sahaj Marg (tm) on his "throne", being adored by his fans, he represents all that is "bad" and/or egotistical, or materialist with a so-called "spiritual" GURU! He has more desires and certainly is surrounded by more "material things" (opulence?) than most people I know ... or than the rest of us.

Save yourself, your family, your friends, your children, the children of your friends ... your Master is surrounded by and "STUCK" in Matter and egotistical "rituals" of SPIRITUALISM and SPIRITISM, not SPIRIT or SPIRIT-uality !!

Remember: Between Master and Matter, there is only one letter that changes: the "t" becomes an "s" ... We pray that with Time, you will See what we mean!!

Then your Master will have changed from "MYTHOS" to "LOGOS"!! Your "inner" LOGOS (logic, reason,) !!

And then, you won't have to "demonize" the better part of you ... what makes you "HUMAN" and/or the tool (brain) you use to realize the REALITY of SPIRIT (rarefied energy) and hence your REAL SPIRITUALITY!! That will empower you ... not a Mission, a Method or a Master. You will have left RELIGION and will simply BE ... not "become", SPIRIT! (One is an "action" and the latter is a "state"!!) You will BE at the GOAL ... Where FREEDOM IS !! You will BE the GOAL!!


Friday, June 25, 2010

Patanjali's Raja Yoga vs Chari's Sahaj Marg (tm)

From the writings of Ram Chandra (Babuji), the founder of Sahaj Marg which is found on the site of the SRCM (California-1997), the schism led by Chari, under an article called: The Role of the Abhyasi ...

Comments and insertions into the text of other authors by 4d-don are in "red italics"

The Role Of The Abhyasi (by Babuji)

Section: B. Practical

3. Meditation

Under the Sahaj Marg system of training we start from dhyan, the seventh step of Patanjali yoga, fixing our mind on one point in order to practise meditation. The previous steps are not taken up separately but they automatically come into practice as we proceed on with meditation. Thus much of our time and labour are saved.

According to this statement, steps number 1 to 6 inclusively of Patanjali's Raja Yoga, "are not taken up seperately" but are supposed to "automatically come into practice as we proceed on with meditation".

What are these steps? Has anyone "automatically" begun to practice these "missing" or "lost" steps? Is this another "lie" or a "false claim"?? Does it not sound like the "fast-food" industry's claim: "Eat our processed "fast food" and you will get healthier "automatically" without having to do anything ... EASY!!"

With Sahaj Marg (tm) you will, they claim, "automatically" develop a "code of conduct" by starting at step #7 of some other not-practiced system, Raja Yoga, created by someone else, Patanjali! Huh?? That is not what we see from the "outside"!! That claim is thus a "butchering", and hence displays disrespect for Patanjali's Raja Yoga system, and for all who practice his REAL Raja Yoga fervently. And that claim is also an example of a wrong "conduct" ... without any "code" !!

Notice how "honesty" and/or "truthfulness" are important in Patanjali's Raja Yoga, unlike in Sahaj Marg(tm) where "obedience" is the most important criteria, even obedience to immorality such as lies and general "historical revisions and dis-honesty", and killing, even to "killing your mother" for no reason except that it was asked by the Master (according to Chari in his book: "Heart of the Lion" ... See section: On Choosing a Master ) ... You will not find such blatant and "corrupt morality" or immorality, in Patanjali's Raja Yoga.

Also with Patanjali's "eightfold" path, the mind is used to its full potential and is not "demonized"... unlike Sahaj Marg's obedience where the "serf" is to suspend logic so as to be able to obey to the point of agreeing with "killing your mother", if for no other reason than it was asked by the GURU ... or by any other person who creates such manipulative illusions of "authority", and then claim it as DIVINE or a gift!

We don't need more teaching of how to divide and "how to kill without thinking" ... we need to learn to "love" and "unite"! Everyone knows that except the Sahaj Marg (tm) adherents ... (such as in "stuck", with an adhesive, a glue, an opiate, etc...)

The eight limbs of Raja Yoga or Ashtanga (eight limbed) Yoga are:

  • Yama – code of conduct, self-restraint
  • Niyama – religious observances, commitments to practice, such as study and devotion
  • Āsana – integration of mind and body through physical activity
  • Pranayama – regulation of breath leading to integration of mind and body
  • Pratyahara – abstraction of the senses, withdrawal of the senses of perception from their objects
  • Dharana – concentration, one-pointedness of mind
  • Dhyana – meditation (quiet activity that leads to samadhi)
  • Samādhi – the quiet state of blissful awareness, superconscious state.

1. Yama
or the Patanjali "code of conduct and self restraint" is most certainly not adhered to "in spades" in Sahaj Marg (tm), either by the leadership (Chari, Krishna, Santosh, and the other wealthy businessmen and the "henchmen", etc...) , or for that matter, by the abhyasis and/or the preceptors that I know. It is also not witnessed in the way some of the abhyasis and/or the preceptors deal with one another or with their families (allegedly disrespecting or separating from their families, and spending much of their family's wealth on the 3M's (Mission, Method, Master) and not on their real families, their children or their grand-children, the poor, the sick and the marginalized of their own cultures, etc...).

Adherents to Sahaj Marg (tm), act much more like self-serving or narcissistic "addicts" looking for their regular "fix", repeating the "company line" with exact same words, like zombies. Nor is it witnessed in the opulent structures (Ashrams, retreats) that the SRCM (California-1997) builds or purchases (marble, lions, manicured (natural??) lawns, larger than life busts and icons (of themselves) everywhere, retreats for the well-to-do, etc... etc ...

Beginning with the lies about Lalaji's role in Sahaj Marg, to the schisms ad infinitum, and the many inner squabbles, we can now see why this step had to be "ousted" and never mentioned again ...

But we will bring it up and shine a light on it, to the shame, and eventually for the healing, of the corruption in the MISSION ...

Read well, all old "cougars" who chase "young studs", all who play "match-maker", all proponents and practitioners of "tantric yoga" and other so-called "alternate therapies", and those who would use violence to take-over ashrams ... (there are cameras everywhere!!)

Yama (restraints) consists of five parts: Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya (sexual abstinence unless intentionally procreating) and Aparigraha (non-covetousness).

is perfect harmlessness, as well as positive love. The five directives of Yama lay down behavioral norms as prerequisites for elimination of fear, and contribute to a tranquil mind.

According to the Founder, Babuji, Sahaj Marg will not bring PEACE but a "yearning" or a "restlessness", not a "tranquil" mind as Patanjali's Raja Yoga ... Hence the cancerous growth of Chari's goal-driven SRCM (California-1997) with his "evangelist" preceptors who would conquer the world for Sahaj Marg (tm) to please the megalomaniacal desires of their Master, Chari. ... Once the world is "conquered", then will the Sahaj Marg (tm) abhyasis have a "tranquil" mind? But will they finally BE at peace? ... ;-)) How many religions have and/or preach the same "goal" ... UNIQUE? NOT!!

The religious dream of "conquering the world" will remain a dream and will never become a REALITY!! The Reality of the ONE-ness and ALL-ness of SPIRIT-uality will not allow it ... ONE is ALL ... All paths lead to ONE and ONE-ness ... We are already ONE!! There is no goal to achieve or anything to "conquer"!!

No rituals or unique and/or special "method"!!

2. Niyama
or observance of the five canons: Shaucha (internal and external purity), Santosha (contentment), Tapas (austerity), Svadhyaya (study of religious books and repetitions of Mantras (... not of "whispers" from the dead, channeled by a MEDIUM), and Ishvarapranidhana (self-surrender to God, and ITS worship ... not to a Mission, Method, Master). Niyama, unlike Yama, prescribes mental exercises to train the mind to control emotions.

Does that mean disrespecting all other religions and insulting them or calling them "corrupt" etc ... or attacking the Ashrams of other Preceptors or the Family of the Founder?
Newspaper articles report such "attacks".

Does anyone at SRCM (California-1997) know the meaning of the word: "austerity" (tapas)?

Who "automatically" uses a "mantra" at Sahaj Marg (tm)??

When is the last time any abhyasi has observed these religious canons "automatically" ?

3. Asana
or integration of mind and body through physical activity... That does not mean work at the Ashrams and retreats for the "well-to-do" for free ... while neglecting your own homes and families, as well as the poor, the sick and the needy around your own cities, cultures and countries ... Has this grown from your practice of Sahaj Marg (tm) and the "imagining of a light in your heart" ? Light is "MATERIAL" ... not SPIRIT!! Imagination is "not real" ... How can Abhyasis claim to become ONE as they still "disrespect" their families and other RELIGIONS or MINORITIES?

Are any adherents to Sahaj Marg (tm) going to lie and pretend that they are really practicing Raja Yoga "automatically", as many others who, apparently like fools, according to Sahaj Marg(tm), really practice the REAL Raja Yoga? How disrespectful of the true adherents to the Raja Yoga of Patanjali!

There are two main definitions of asanas:

  • Yoga Vyayam (dynamic exercise), and:
  • Asana in the sense of a posture that one can hold for a period of time, staying relaxed and with normal (calm) breathing (or, as some sources say, "without effort").

In Hindi and Sanskrit, Asana means literally "seat", the place where one sits; or posture, position of the body (any position). Asanas (in the sense of Yoga "posture") are said to derive from the various positions of animals' bodies (whence are derived most of the names of the positions). Therefore, according to Yoga philosophy, there are 8.4 million of them (as are living beings on the Earth). 84 asanas are considered to be the main postures, of which the highest are Shirshasan (headstand) and Padmasan (lotus).

The practice of Asanas affects the following aspects or planes of the human being:

  • physical (blood circulation, inner organs, glands, muscles, joints and nerve system)
  • psychological (developing emotional balance and stability, harmony)
  • mental (improved ability to concentrate, memory)
  • consciousness (purifying and clarifying consciousness/awareness)

From the Raja Yoga perspective, it is considered that the physical postures and pranayama serve to prepare the body and mind for the following steps: Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi (withdrawal of the senses, contemplation, meditation, and state of expanded or transcendental consciousness, where the activity of the mind ceases and "The Knower and The Object of Knowledge Become One").

4. Pranayama
or regulation of breath... Which one of you are regulating your breath? I presume "none"!! Does it grow "automatically", from beginning at step #7 of the "eightfold path"? I would venture a "NO"!!

Pranayama is made out of two sanskrit words (prana = life energy; yama = control or modification). Breathing is the medium used to achieve this goal. The mind and life force are correlated to the breath. Through regulating the breathing and practicing awareness on it, one learns to control prana.

According to Raja Yoga, there are three main types of pranayama:

  • purak (inhalation)
  • rechak (exhalation)
  • kumbhak (holding the breath); which is further divided into:
  • antara kumbhak (withholding the breath after inhalation)
  • bahar kumbhak (withholding the breath after exhalation)
  • keval kumbhak (spontaneous withholding of the breath)

5. Pratyahara
the state of the quiet mind or "Nirbija" or the "seedless state" in which there is no mental object of focus (this will not be reached in Sahaj Marg (tm), as the abhyasi is to "imagine light in the heart" ... "light" is a material "object of focus ... Has any abhyasi progressed to "no object of focus"? Come-on ... lie like some of your leadership!! Become arrogant like THEM!)

This process, (it is said) will lead to a spontaneous state of quiet mind, the "Nirbija" or the "seedless state", in which there is no mental object of focus.

Pratyahara is bringing the awareness to reside deep within oneself, free from the senses and the external world. The Goal of Pratyahara is not to disrupt the communication from the sense organ to the brain. The awareness is far removed from the five senses. Pratyahara cannot be achieved without achievement of the preceding limbs (pranayama, niyama, etc.). The awareness comes to rest deep in the inner space, and during this time the yogi's breath will be temporarily suspended. Pratyahara should not just be likened to concentration or meditation, etc. It is a yogic practice that takes on adequacy with the prior 8 limbs as prerequisites.

6. Dharana
or concentration or one pointedness of mind.

Real Yoga starts from concentration. Concentration merges into meditation. Meditation ends in Samadhi. Retention of breath, Brahmacharya, Satvic (pure) food (not spicy), seclusion (oh yes?), silence, Satsanga (being in the company of a REAL guru), and not mixing much with people are all aids to concentration. Concentration on Trikuti (the space between the two eyebrows) with closed eyes is preferred. The mind can thus be easily controlled, as this is the seat for the mind (not the "heart" and not with an "imagined light"... pretending it to be "DIVINE"... )

Who in Sahaj Marg (tm) is "automatically" meditating on the "space between the two eyebrows"?? Do the preceptors even know about this and do they "guide" their "serfs" the Raja Yoga way, or does it happen for anyone "automatically", as mentioned by Babuji in his article ? (see above). A real GURU is not the same as a "self-titled" Guru!! And "not mixing with people" is not endless "parties" !!

Conclusion by 4d-don:

It is obvious that Sahaj Marg (tm) is not a Raja Yoga !! The focal point is not the same at all!!

Sahaj Marg (tm) is at best a butchered Raja Yoga starting at the "dessert" to end at the "drink" (tea, coffee?), or at course #7 of an "eight course" meal, but the meal has no entrées, no salad, no soup, or no "main course" ... and most of the real meal never really comes !! The claim is that if one eats the dessert, the full eight-course meal will fill and feed you "automatically", as if you had eaten the full "eight-course" meal! NOT! It's another "fantasy" !!

Sahaj Marg(tm), the trade-marked (commercial) product of SRCM (California-1997) is like the product of Fast Food Joints ... Many promoters and marketers claim their products to be for the "good of all" or "healthy" or "natural", or "easy", but it is really just "Fast Food", marketed for maximum profit. They just claim their product to be "NATURAL" and "easy" of course, but ... do we believe them? Just the naive and the gullible do. "Try it", the marketers say. But you will only know when you get "ill", or in this case, according to their own criteria for "spirituality": DIVIDED !!

They also preach that one should be "simple" but are they? How many cottages and houses, ranches, or hotels, castles can one have before one's life is not categorized as "simple"? They are "developers" after all!!
They can preach simplicity but they can't live it.

As with the DIVISIVE Sahaj Marg (tm): By their Fruit ye will know them!!

Sahaj Marg(tm) so far does not UNITE, but creates divisions where once, there was unity, and Sahaj Marg (tm) has behind it, a trail of broken families and disappointed preceptors who have either been ousted or have left in disgust ... and then there is the recent resignation of the next "GODMAN-to be" Ajay Kumar Bhatter !!! Does that not strike you as "weird"!! What caused that? Is this path not "that important"??

The sheep are lost in the MOUNTAINS and the wolf is biding its time.

To all the naive and gullible abhyasis who were taken in ... and who now try and "take-in" their friends and family ... for a "nationalist" dream of conquering the world ...

The grass was greener where you were before Sahaj Marg (tm) !! But you did not realize it. They (the materialists) were supposed to become simple like you, and instead, you became like them (arrogant and "special", falsely claiming to be in a "unique" practice)!! That is why the SRCM (California-1997) came to get you where you were (their salesmen or their 'judas goats" sold you on Sahaj Marg) !! You did not go where they were, and got "taken in"!! They wanted what you had !! And they still want what you have!! Do you really want to be that DIVIDED and to DIVIDE the world for them, the megalomaniacs, in the name of RELIGION? Yet again ??


Do you really think they can save anyone? Can they even save themselves? Will they, like most businessmen, just continue "business as usual" as the pollution increases and the planet gets "HOTTER"?? Will you be part of their "folly"? How large is your "carbon footprint" now? How much of your "carbon footprint" is created in your search to find SPIRITUALISM (spirits) or ONE, what Chari calls a "male" GOD, and which really exists where you LIVE all the time ... where the grass is GREENER !! And where some of your friends are also saved and GREEN!!

JOIN the SAVED and the "contented" and BE, not "become" as they advise you!! And maybe, you will help the Planet, Gaia!!

ONE and ONE-ness is all around you wherever you are!! And IT is UNITED!

See Also:

Sahaj Marg is not Raja Yoga.
Evolution of Sahaj Marg from Vedic and Yogic Practices

A pearl of Wisdom:

Being Good and Becoming Good are two different things. The Flowering of Goodness is not Becoming Good. Becoming Good is the denial of Goodness.

Jiddu Krishnamurti


Sahaj Marg, The Perfect Trap!!

Taken and translated from an article by Martin on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

(See Martin's comment in the comments to article:
Materialisme Spirituel

Comments and insertions by 4d-don are in
"red italics"

The Perfect Trap!

I do not know Michael but his comments are of a rare pertinence, highlighted by his 10 years at the SRCM. The full text truly deserves a translation into French, but I would find it difficult to properly serve you.

For millenia humans have always been faced with the difficult relationship with their own finiteness.

They have then engulfed themselves in their beliefs, have invented gods, religions and other mystical sects that provide specific responses, so as to render the idea of death more bearable.

After all, if it can help them live, let us admit it, they have good reason to be ("raison d'être") !

But the SRCM is especially characterized by its diversion of the good effects felt in meditation, because it is true that meditation is good.

The SRCM presents a content, an explanation that traps the abhyasis in an illusion that turns with time into certainty.

The intensity of the practice (meditation, prayer and daily cleaning, Satsang 2 times a week, sitting at will and other rituals, seminars and celebrations ..) subjects the abhyasis to a permanent overdose, and makes him lose his bearings and disconnects him/her from the reality of life. The process is relentless, insidious, devious and of a remarkable efficiency.

The singleness of thought imposes itself in a relentless addictive process, the trap is perfect.

Some free meditators emphasize the need to be careful about what one meditates on, because one "becomes" what one meditates on.

By meditating on the precepts and the doctrines of the SRCM, the practitioner will find it difficulty to escape the grip of the guru, the true incarnation of God (they think) , and to keep his/her free will, in short, identity, freedom, integrity, determination.

The border-line is gradually transgressed into a zombie state ... "like a corpse in the hands of a Funeral Parlor director" (cf. "My Master" by Chari).

That said, we return to the fateful issue of freedom of choice for everyone!

I argue that we all have the right to be had, but with the express condition of knowing and wanting it.

How many abhyasis have known it and wanted it?

May the adherents visiting this blog lately pull themselves together: the end of their journey to the SRCM is fatal, and their salvation is resolutely in flight.



Fri, June 25, 2:18:00 PM

See article in question by Michael: "Spiritual Materialism", By Michael, Ex-Preceptor SRCM


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Counting, The Sahaj Marg (tm) Way!!

Taken and translated from an article by Alexis on Elodie's Blog in Europe : Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg
in a comment called: Les Bons Comptes Font Les Bons Amis

Comments by 4d-don are in "red italics"

When some take liberties with facts and numbers, one can only surmise what liberties are taken with myths and fantasies and/or other "intangibles" ... (un-touchables?) ...

There is the subjective TRUTH which can be different, when witnessed from different perspectives; and then there are objective FACTS ... REAL-ity!!

There are ERRORS, and then there are LIES and/or "manipulations"

Alexis said ...

Good accounts make good friends

Lalaji was born February 4, 1873, Babuji was born April 30, 1899 and Chari July 24, 1927. We are now in 2010 and we celebrated the 137th anniversary of the birth of Lalaji (2010-1873 = 137), the 111th anniversary of the birth of Babuji (2010-1899 = 111). And the abhyasis are preparing to celebrate the 84th anniversary of the birth of Chari (2010-1927 = 83 !!!). Understand that if you can ...

Last year, we were told that in India, they do not count the years the same way as in the West*. OK, but why does the statement not operate the same way for Chari (in India) or Lalaji and Babuji (Western)? If there must be a Westerner among them, my choice would be Chari, not Babuji or Lalaji ...

The SRCM is crazy with numbers! 84 or 83 years old? It is not about the one year. Spirituality is not going to bother with math. This is likely what we will hear this year. Admittedly, this is true! But are the accounts of the SRCM or the SMSF also as spiritual as counting the years of Chari? Here, I shudder ...

The confusion began in 2007. Then, they celebrated with great pomp the 80 years of the Big Boss, but quite another soft music was already serenading 81, and the same thing in 2008. Then came the revolution in 2009 and he (Chari) was now 83 years old, and there was no question anywhere of 82! Chari had taken two years in one ...

Why do they suddenly want to make Chari grow old a little faster? By this account, he will turn 90 in 2016, nine years after his 80th birthday. We will then celebrate the centenary of his birth in 2026, a year earlier than the initial count.

When SRCM (California-1997) counts its money, there is no question of spirituality, it knows perfectly well. So eventually, it ends up seeming rather bizarre! There must be a good reason behind it. What is it? What does this cover?

What is therefore so important in 2016? France is organizing the Euro 2016 and the Summer Olympics will be held in Rio de Janeiro, and this should also be the first manned space flight of India. And in 2026? The 250th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America and the 23rd World Cup of FIFA.

We'll have to do more research ...

Mon, June 21, 10:28:00 AM

* The weak attempt of an explanation presented to us ... with an example: On one's second birthday, one has lived for two full years but we are told that in some countries (India?), it is seen as one's third "birthday", counting the day of birth as a "birthday", as if it was an "anniversary" of the event, and not the initial or inaugural event itself, the birth! ...

It is now "EXPOSED"!! Please correct it!! ... Along with the other historical, philosophical and theological errors and/or flaws, in your goal of leading others on a "Search for the ULTIMATE"! It is one thing to live in "error", but to live in a continued stand of "non-correction" is the egotism that RELIGIONS have to maintain.

Sahaj Marg (tm), like many Religions, being trapped in a snare of its own making, DOGMA and the TRUTH, does not have a "corrective mechanism", since their TRUTH is said to be "inspired" by the DIVINE and has to be "eternally TRUE", while science and secular society, has many corrective mechanisms ! ...

Which is more egotistical ? Which one is so self-involved that, in it's own mind only, it can't accept being wrong?

Why the rufusal to correct such a silly mistake? Are they testing the "obedience" of the "flock/herd" ? The abhyasis (sheep) are being trained to be so obedient, that none will dare tell the MASTER, the MISSION, or the Method of an embarrassing error that should be corrected? Who is steering (manipulating) this ship?

"Ahem! Excuse me! Your emperor has no clothes!"

From Wikipedia: An anniversary (from the Latin anniversarius, from the words for "year" and "to turn", meaning: (re)turning yearly; known in English since c. 1230) is a day that commemorates and/or celebrates a past event that occurred on the same day of the year as the initial event. For example, the first event is the initial occurrence or, if planned, the inaugural of the event. One year later would be the first anniversary of that event. The word was first used for Catholic feasts to commemorate saints.

Monday, June 21, 2010

"Spiritual Materialism", By Michael, Ex-Preceptor Of SRCM

Here is an article from Michael who was made Preceptor by Chari. (30 years ago). Michael has two blogs: one for Sahaj Marg, called "Inner Circle of SRCM", and a more personal blog, called: "Skai Journey".

By Michael, ex-preceptor of Sahaj Marg (tm) and of Chari's group which has become the SRCM (California-1997)

As SRCM and its offshoot organizations experience turmoil and disputes amongst its most senior members and leaders, it brings into question the founding principles of the organization and the meditation practice itself.

The Buddhist monk Chogyam Trungpa wrote the book "Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism" in 1973 that inspired me in my early spiritual practice prior to my introduction to SRCM. Having gone through the SRCM experience for over 10 years and having yet another nearly 20 years since my departure to process that experience, I have had lots of time to develop some thoughts of my own on the subject of Spiritual Materialism. While my article on my other blog is not specific to SRCM, it seems a timely subject given the current circumstances that SRCM finds itself in.

I've put a link to the article below:

Spiritual Materialism

... Here is An Excerpt:


Unfortunately the creation of fantasy and illusion is a common trait of practitioners of religions and spirituality. This "Spiritual Materialism" is infinitely more deceptive than abject worldly materialism. At least worldly materialism is based on what we all commonly experience with our collective physical senses. Spiritual Materialism is based on faith in myths and concepts that cannot perceived directly. It is fueled by the same desires that cause one to covet material things - the desire for power, the desire to be important, self gratification. It is very often driven by fear of the void, emptiness or feelings of meaninglessness. Spiritual Materialism allows one to justify actions and behavior that otherwise cannot be justified or excused. It spawns wars, destroys families, causes dishonesty and deception. It can be used to justify the abuse or taking the life of another human being.

Spiritual Materialism is often practiced by spiritual trainers, masters, self proclaimed saints or gurus in their promotion of goal based spiritual practices. They claim to have achieved great spiritual conditions and offer their disciples the hope of achieving the same.

An analogy might be that of a car mechanic who claims to have created the most advanced automobile and insists that all should entrust him to make their cars equally advanced. Like the car mechanic and his customers, neither the guru nor the disciple spends much time embarking on any journey of their own. Instead they pontificate endlessly about achieving spiritual perfection and speculate whose spiritual condition is the highest. Money and souls are exchanged for the privilege of achieving great spiritual heights. Meanwhile the Infinite Journey awaits as they covet and worship the Guru's spiritual condition wishing it was their own.


For the whole article, see: Spiritual Materialism

For other articles by Michael on this blog:

Comments and Clarifications by U.S.A Ex-Preceptor, Michael!
Message from Michael, (Ex-Preceptor, USA)


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ajay Kumar Bhatter of Sahaj Marg (tm) Has Thrown In The Towel!

Taken and translated from an article by Alexis: Ajay Kumar Bhatter Has Thrown In The Towel on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

Insertions by 4d-don are in "red italics"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ajay Kumar Bhatter Has Thrown In The Towel

Exhausted by five years of association (co-management) with Chari, Ajay Kumar Bhatter has waived his succession. In the process, Chari took away his responsibility for Europe and took the opportunity to remove all previous "zone-in-charge", including his son Krishna PR previously in charge of the Americas. Chari has made a house-cleaning!

The Declaration of Tiruppur had twofold objectives: to put an end to the succession disputes, and to reassure the abhyasis about their future. The resignation of Ajay Kumar Bhatt has three major consequences: the abhyasis reconnect with uncertainty, the war of succession is openly revived and the medium of Babuji and Chari has made a remarkable entrance.

The abhyasis do not know who will lead them after the death of Chari. Because of their dependence, the anguish that now grips them must be strong. Certainly they did not all succumb to the charisma of Ajay Kumar Bhatter who does not have much, far from it. But he was still the one who had been appointed by the guru, so it was necessary to make do with him ...

The Declaration of Tiruppur never managed to completely turn off the hostilities between the various claimants to the estate, but it had muted it, failing to choke it off. Once Ajay Kumar Bhatter is off-side, PR Krishna, Santosh Khanjee and many others could again compete openly, not to mention the sensational arrival of Catherine Lauret (the Medium?) in the arena. We are not far from reviving the dark atmosphere of the end of the reign of Babuji, when all the blows were allowed.

As for outsiders, Kasturi, Narayana and the grand-son of Lalaji, there is reason to be euphoric. It is not the Mission of Chari that interests them, but its disappointed and sobered abhyasis. So what is more favorable than a Mission which is awash in scandals which never end? The situation is more grotesque, the more the spiritual mission loses its credibility, the more the hemorrhaging of its troops may be strong. The "outsiders" could not have dreamed up a much better situation than that, their current situation is most favorable.

Ironically, it is the grand- son of Babuji who does not benefit. It is the Mission and its wealth that he wants to recover. But unlike the others, he has not positioned himself on the spiritual plane, but only on the path to justice. His legitimacy is in no way improved by the current events which are taking place in the Mission.

Catherine Lauret had predicted barely six months before his resignation, that Ajay Kumar Bhatter would not succeed Chari. For a grand entrance, it was perfectly orchestrated, and a total success. But beware, her prestige could be short-lived. She plays a game that is especially dangerous. On the one hand, she is a woman and Chari has always said that a woman could not become a guru (Master) . On the other hand, she announced that a (nuclear) war would break out between China and Europe, and the United Kingdom would be destroyed in 2010, there yet remains but six months for that to happen. Finally, by announcing that she would create a new path for Sahaj Marg, it also means that she takes her orders directly from Babuji, bypassing Chari, who would become a mere footnote in the history of Sahaj Marg.

Chari might be offended and take drastic measures. On the one hand, the money from "Whispers", on the other, an un-controllable medium; consider in which direction the scales will tilt?

While Chari has not officially replaced Ajay Kumar Bhatter, everything is possible. The most acrimonious negotiations could take place and the most unlucky candidates could engage in the worst extortion. The stakes are considerably larger than at the death of Babuji. However, if extrapolated to today, in what some refer to the atmosphere that prevailed in 1982, Chari could be poisoned tomorrow.

What would then be the future of the Mission? Of Sahaj Marg? What about the abhyasis?



Wednesday, June 09, 2010

SRCM (California-1997) and the UNDPI! A Confession!

Translation of an article by Alexis titled: Why Did SRCM Become Associated With The UN? A Confession! posted on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg

Insertions by 4d-Don in
"red italics"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Why SRCM (California-1997) Became Associated With The UN!

A Confession!

Since the accreditation of the SRCM with the UNDPI (United Nations Department of Public Information ... not the "UNITED NATIONS" as their material claims!!) in 2005, we highlighted the opportunistic nature of this "alliance" on numerous occasions.
In our opinion, Chari tried to use the image of the United Nations for his own advantage, to draw some international legitimacy. It was (and still is) our opinion, but on what was it based? Nothing specific, except for a fairly long history of the habits and of the practices of Chari ...

Theatrical drama, today! It was enough to wait a little to get confirmation. The truth will eventually explode and come out. An American abhyasis is finally speaking out without holding back in Echoes of North America in June 2010 (pp. 10-11).

What does she say? What we have been arguing about, without any real evidence. She initially did not understand why the Shri Ram Chandra Mission was associating itself with the United Nations. Then she finally realized that it brought a legitimization of the Mission in the public's opinion. An opinion rendered suspicious by an organization that has a spiritual guru. So a real benefit in terms of image! In short, what is important is to clearly provide activity reports required by UNDPI.

There, I said it! There is nothing to add. Unfortunately, our conjectures were once again proven to be utterly accurate and just ...

Hopefully the UN will draw the appropriate conclusions. Too bad this great institution suffers from immobility.

Here is precisely what this American abhyasis writes about the involvement of the SRCM (California-1997) with the UN "Days".
It sounds better when one reads it:

“A few years ago when I first heard about the Mission’s observance of United Nations Days, I was confused. I admit it. I didn’t understand why we were doing them or what our involvement with the UN really meant.


Regardless of the approach, what is important is that we observe the events somehow and then report our activities to our UN Days committee members. The UN, in order to properly document SRCM’s participation in the event and our association with them, require reports.

In terms of benefits, these United Nations Days provide a fantastic way to reach out to our communities. Here in America our culture can tend to be suspicious of a spiritual organization that has a guru. However, the United Nations is generally considered a positive, upstanding global organization. When we reach out to our communities via our association with the United Nations, we may become a bit more legitimized in the eyes of a society that views the unfamiliar with apprehension. That’s a good thing in terms of opening people’s minds and hearts to the wonders of Sahaj Marg.”


4d-don said:

It seems that the UN DPI is being used to spread "the (spiritualist) wonders of Sahaj Marg" and not the other way around: the wonderful and honest people at Sahaj Marg spreading the (secular) values of the UN ... Somehow I don't think that is what the UN had in mind ... But then, adhering to the rules of ethics and morality is not high on this group's agenda.

United Nations and "egregores", messages from spirits of the deceased, and Mediums, a la "spiritualism"?? Could the UN please do something about this "mis-use" of their DPI program?

Oh! I guess that means that Chari would have to "recall" his homophobic speech on "homosexuality", and his sexist statements that "women can't be Masters" and that "God is Male" but "Nature is Female" in Sahaj Marg! Not to mention Chari's constant attacks and "bad-mouthing" of most RELIGIONS, calling them "corrupt" and even that "catholics" lie in the confessional!! And of course, he would have to recall his book: "He, the Hookah and I", in which he calls the "bloggers" the "enemies of Spirituality" ... There is a difference between "SPIRITUALITY" and SPIRITUALISM!!

Should we also mention the alleged "take-over" of many Ashrams by mobs (Sister Kasturi, the only "Saint" in Sahaj marg according to Babuji, calls it "war" ?

See also:

Sahaj Marg and Homosexuality
Chari-ty" Creates Gay-Bashing Egregore!!
The enemies of Spirituality
Last Open Letter to Chari... For the Sake of ONE!

... and now the "hype" from Echoes of North America ...

(notice the low attendance numbers ... at the so-called UN events? It gives one HOPE that the world is not as "gullible" as this group seems to "non-think" !! )

Maybe the ghostly or "imagined" attendees at the "prayer" meetings, are the "haunting" product of the "guilty conscience" of the adherents to Sahaj Marg, and could be called the "Spirit" (essence or presence) of the gays and lesbians, and/or of the adherents to other religions that Chari bad-mouths so as to grow his "gang" ... It could also include the "spirit" of all those who died from "religious violence" or in "religious wars" ...

Maybe the prayers for PEACE and "no racial discrimination" will eventually stimulate (through guilt or "cognitive dissonances", creating a trap of their own making ...) the "SRCM gang" to stop attacking other "isms", either the secular as well as the religious isms, for the sake of "invading" or "conquering" the WORLD, and of growing their own "business" ... The preceptors of Sahaj Marg are now as "evangelical" as the Jehova's Witnesses, and the Hare Krishna movement.

Leave the world at PEACE or create MORE PEACE ... don't just pray for PEACE and then serve the "gods of WAR" !!! That is the "hypocrisy" which is a by-product of the narcissistic addiction to THE OPIATES OF THE MASSES ... RELIGION !! You are not that different! Make peace in your own families!! Stop the disrespect of your "brothers and sisters" !!

Does anyone think that the next Master and President of SRCM (California-1997) will be "WHITE" or "BLACK"? Or a woman? NOT a chance! Will "he" be chosen by "nepotism"? Maybe!!
Is SRCM (California-1997) democratic? NOT!! Try dictatorship and/or THEOCRATIC!!

UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination Observed

March 21st was the United Nations International Day for the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Across North America,
abhyasis and friends came together at local prayer events to
commemorate the day with thoughtful discussions and
heartfelt prayers.


Organizing and participating in a UN prayer-event can have a
profound impact. An abhyasi from the Midwest wrote of the
experience: “The meditation itself knocked my socks off. It was
very subtle and powerful at the same time. At one point I felt
that there were about 50-100 people present meditating with
us, instead of the 4 people who were there. The meditation
brought me to tears. I feel that this event was planting a seed
for other like-events at the same venue. It was full of purpose
and the fact that it was poorly attended wasn't that important,
in a way, compared with the fact that it took place. It was our
first event. We'll do it again.”


the owner of this blog presents the full article for "study and discussion" ... (the truth from the "mouth of babes" (the naive and the innocent) ...

United Nations Days and SRCM – An Abhyasi’s Perspective

Shelly Gould Burgess

A few years ago when I first heard about the Mission’s
observance of United Nations Days, I was confused. I admit it.
I didn’t understand why we were doing them or what our
involvement with the UN really meant. I meditated over my
confusion, and, over time, a “big picture” emerged for me, and
it’s a very simple picture. Shri Ram Chandra Mission is
associated with the United Nations because Master saw fit to
create that official association. In order to maintain this
association, we must participate in some activities annually
that support the spirit of the United Nations charter.

The North American Mission participates in about a half dozen
UN Days annually. A committee selects these from about sixty
possible events. A center’s observance of these events can be
elaborate or simple, depending on what’s appropriate for the
center. Some centers have done fantastic, creative events
involving art, entertainment, food, and exercise in addition to
the Universal Prayer. Some centers simply meet and pray.
Regardless of the approach, what is important is that we
observe the events somehow and then report our activities to
our UN Days committee members. The UN, in order to
properly document SRCM’s participation in the event and our
association with them, require reports.

In terms of benefits, these United Nations Days provide a
fantastic way to reach out to our communities. Here in America
our culture can tend to be suspicious of a spiritual organization
that has a guru. However, the United Nations is generally
considered a positive, upstanding global organization.

When we reach out to our communities via our association with the
United Nations, we may become a bit more legitimized in the
eyes of a society that views the unfamiliar with apprehension.
That’s a good thing in terms of opening people’s minds and
hearts to the wonders of Sahaj Marg.

I also think that our association with the United Nations is an
encouraging sign that our Master thinks we are becoming
better tools for spiritual work. When Master re-introduced the
Universal Prayer in 1989, it showed that we were becoming
more capable of aiding in human evolution by participating in
selfless prayer. Now Master has given us this new opportunity
to conduct prayer events with larger communities, and I think
it is a wonderful vote of confidence that we are becoming
more effective tools.

Finally, I’d like to share an experience I had with conducting
an event on the United Nations Human Rights Day in
December of 2008. I organized the event at a school and was
excited for a big turnout. The hour of the event rolled around,
though, and my excitement diminished as, with each passing
minute, I began to realize that no one was coming. I decided
to pray on my own. What followed was nothing short of
remarkable. Of all the Universal Prayers I’ve prayed at 9 PM,
never before and never since, have I had such a profound
experience. I felt as if I heard a million voices praying with me.
It was incredibly deep. It was then that I realized no matter
how small or “unsuccessful” our attempts, the results are
beyond what we can truly know.
