Saturday, October 31, 2009

Debating Sahaj Marg's Chari's "Dare to Think" Speech!

Debating an excerpt of Chari's speech "Dare to Think" at Kharaghpur, Sept. 28, 2009.

4d-Don's comments are in
"red italics"

I presume that Chari means "use your head" not your "heart", as the heart can't "THINK" but simply "PUMPS"! The "nerve center" is in the BRAIN with its neuronal network (of nerves) that allows pyramidal or hierarchical thinking and also allows tangential thinking. For Spirituality, one wants to include the tangential properties of the neuronal network, so as to begin to discuss, explain and understand the synergetic experience of the super-luminal and the non-local aspects of revelation, illumination, inspiration or intuition. For that, we need to use the thinking BRAIN and its multi-dimensional capabilities, and not the "heart" with it's "thump, thump thump" and it's hierachical or linear communication system with feed-back loops. One will not get a new idea from the heart. The heart will simply continue what it did yesterday, until either natural death from age, or from the un-natural death of accidents or wrong thinking.

One wants to "Dare to THINK", not simply REPEAT or have BLIND FAITH, RIGHT??
One sign of an intelligent debate is the acceptance of the interruption!! In a free society, ALL want the freedom, the right and the ability to dis-agree and/or to interrupt and present a better idea.

Blind obedience to the Master and "thinking" are not compatible. One has to go... No MORE MASTERS!! No more TEACHERS (gurus), who think that their function is to impart their interpretation of the available "in-formation" as fact and/or dogma, but from now on, for the sake of our ONE-ness (our Spirit-uality), we simply "need" INFORMATION-ists or "infonauts" and/or POINTERS who direct the current of seekers to the "in-formation". The Seekers can decide for themselves what they chose to believe as TRUTH or Fact. We, the seekers after TRUTH, just need friends and fellow seekers or fellow pilgrims!!

WE WILL BE ONE... (No!)... WE ARE ONE in an arc and a spiral organizational structure!!! Not divided in a corruptible angle and/or a Pyramidal (Religious, military, business, etc...) structure.


A Speech by Chari at Kharaghpur, Sept. 28, 2009.


That is the broad outline for CREST, Bangalore. Here the intention is to do all that at a less… shall we say, more subdued level; not giving so much importance to the scholastic or the cultural aspect of religion and the Vedas and all this sort of thing, but more emphasis on the need for ethics, morality, balance between the inner and the outer selves of a human being, until there is only one self. Will it be ever possible to say there is only one self in a human being, or are we to deal again and again with the old Greek mythology (you call the "persona" a "mythology" and then you discuss it as if it was a REALITY!) of the persona, which we all wear at different occasions as it suits the need of the hour, or the need of our fears to protect ourselves? — because a persona is essentially a mask. (essentially means "in essence", so in essence, the persona is not an "efficacious" or a "good mask", as many can see through it by using the new (neuronal, or tangential) organizational structure demanded by true SPIRITUALITY!! (not the pyramid of Dogmatism and Religion) Are we covering ourselves all the time with different personae: a father with his son, a husband with his wife, a student with his teacher, and so on and so forth, soldier with his commanders? Are we fooling ourselves? — (No, Not some of us. That is the "God-created" nature of our "multi-dimensional" REALITY or our "duality". (in "your" ancient terms) because once we adopt so many personalities, are we not confusing ourselves into thinking whatever we may think: I am this or I am this or I am this? (Chari is a boy (male) who is also a businessman, a father, a husband, a friend, a boss, a spirit, a mind, a soul, and more... No confusion there for those who can "think and chew gum" at the same time. That is the nature of Chari's multi-dimensional or "DUAL" REALITY.

But then Chari seems to thinks and act as if he was the Master of a "cult of his person", who "needs" to evangelize and convert the WORLD to his "new Religion" as if he was appointed by a "divine ???" in either a "dream" or a "message (whisper) from an anonymous French Lady "MEDIUM", and then he instructs his adherents in the use of an "autonomous psychic entity" called an "egregore". Then, he may be living in an illusion and need professional help, and maybe to be "hospitalized".

We, the simple people were living in ONE-ness, and Chari and his form of Sahaj Marg, came along and divided our families and our society with "ONE MORE corrupt RELIGION" (as Chari calls "all religions" at his Omega school )... That is not a GIFT from a so-called FRIEND or from the ONE DIVINE. If Chari wants to commune with ONE, then he can GO HOME (or in his own Ashram) and please do so. One does not steal the Ashrams, or divide the societies of others in the name of ONE or One-ness! (what Chari calls by the divisive Gothic (Germanic) word GOD and/or "HIM"!!)

You know there are people who have been used to commanding, and you hear frequently their wives saying, “He is a commander on the field and he is also a commander at home. He barks his orders.” “Bring on the soup!” to his wife; things like that, you see. So do we develop one supervening personality, or do we suffer from a multiplicity of personalities and have to be hospitalized? (To us on the outside, that is the way we see Chari, one who does not know very much about theology (the study of the "DIVINE" or ONE), which Chari calls a "male" and by the "Gothic" (German) word "G-O-D"), or about philosophy, but who wants to teach his concepts (ideas) to the World as if he had received his illusion of knowledge as "REVELATION" or in "WHISPERS"! That is a common delusion among the RELIGIOUS fanatics (and seems prevalent in Sahaj Marg) who quickly become megalomaniacal, thinking that the DIVINE has "chosen" them above all others, for a "Divine PURPOSE!!)

So will we ever achieve this goal of saying, “I am one person”? — meaning this person is everything that he is to everybody that he sees, from man to plant to animals to God. Why should we be different when behaving or interacting with human beings, grovelling before some, going on our knees before some, booting others? (When we became (evolved?) mostly "carbon cellular entities", what was our "cellular make-up" became our human Nature, and that was what we defended. Everything else that was not "our cells" but was "carbon" or "elemental", (stored star energy) could be our "FOOD", or what we consumed and/or used to survive. That included other "carbon forms" (humans, animals, plants), and the "elements" or crystals (minerals), liquids, gas, and even plasma, the energies, etc ... Hence we developed a multi-dimensional approach to acquiring, protecting, storing, our "food", our survival, depending on how "hungry" or how "needy" we were. Hunger, we called then, and still call today, as our natural needs.

Need-iness (which is really not our "needs" at all, but is really our "wants"), some now call "GREED". So now, some see all humans and human society as motivated by GREED only. That is also an "illusion". Some (few) are not GREEDY but live according to their true Natural minimal "NEEDS". These, some call Saints, ascetics, "good and simple people, etc... but they are really just the simple people. They are not certainly not developers, evangelizing to the "donors" about the "simple life" while building their "wanted" cottages in every town with Chari-ty dollars, while some other "PEOPLE" are dying of hunger (natural or "basic needs")? Where are the "ethics and the "morality" in the neo-Religion?
Where are they in Sahaj Marg and the SRCM (California-1997)?

That is the nature of the Natural World, we all eat what we are not. Hence the need, through ethical and moral thinking (comtemplation), for a societal "ONE-ness" of intellect and even (spirally organized) Spirituality (not pyramidal-ly organized religion or Cults of Personalities), so we may see ourselves as "ONE people" so we can stop preaching at one another, eating one another, killing one another, using and manipulating one another, Dividing one another into camps or "sects" of "them/us", etc...)
And, of course, before God we are all grovellers, beggars. (Some of "YOU" are. NOT US!! Some of us simply "commune with ONE as with a FRIEND!) As Babuji said, prayer is begging. That can be achieved only by delving rather deep into the subject of what makes us adopt, perhaps naturally, perhaps by education, by society, by choice, the various personalities that we manifest in our day-to-day existence. Is it fear? I suspect it is largely fear. Because even the idea to appear as something which you are not, comes out of the fear that you may reveal yourself to be what you are. (I suspect that it is deeper than the FEAR of other "humans". It is EGO that allows one to think that they are the "CHOSEN" of the ONE and who think that they have a divine duty and Mission, to go around the WORLD preaching at, and using and manipulating OTHERS (their families and friends) with tactics of FEAR AND TEMPTATION, for the sake of "LIBERATION", Salvation, Heaven, Brighter World, etc... If it is a "fear", it may be the fear of DYING and not having cared about the POOR, the truly NEEDY, the SICK, the dis-empowered, etc... and having to be re-born as "one of THOSE"...

Give up one of your incompatible frames of thought, your obsession with MATERIAL comforts (cottages??, extra houses, hotels, restaurants, luxuries, etc...) now, for the sake of the NEEDY so you may not overlay your concept of the MATERIAL as a LIGHT (in your heart) upon your concept of the ONE, and then WORSHIP or meditate upon the ONE as if IT was a "LIGHT" (which is also matter) rather than a SPIRIT or ONE-ness ... (not Matter, not energy.... Remember Einstein's E=mc2).... Matter and Energy (Light), are the same.

In the case of Sahaj Marg meditation, it is an "imaginary" light that the abhyasis place in their heart. "The Monster is of the ID", (Freud). If the "inner circle" of SRCM is an example of the "holiness" of their METHOD, then Sahajs Marg does not seem to make the "adherents" more moral, ethical, generous, loving, kind, compassionate, caring, etc... as communing with the ONE should. Or What is Religion for? The old and the new religions seem to be alike in that respect.

From Arthur Koestler's "The Act of Creation" (1964)

Koestler's basic idea is that the creative act is a "bisociation" (not mere association) which happens, if two (or more) apparently incompatible frames of thought ("matrices") are brought together by an ingenious mind.[2] In jokes and humour, these conceptual systems are reversed, in the arts and in ritual, (religion) they are juxtaposed, in science, they are fused into a new larger synthesis.[3] This corresponds to a "self-assertive" tendency in humour and a "self-transcending" tendency in art (and religion), while in science both tendencies are (somewhat) balanced.

Definition by Wikipedia:

Random juxtaposition, two random objects moving in parallel, a technique intended to stimulate creativity.

In psychology, the term ritual is used in a technical sense for a repetitive behavior systematically used by a person to neutralize or prevent anxiety; it is a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The symptoms of this anxiety disorder range from repetitive hand-washing and extensive hoarding (greed) to preoccupation with sexual, religious, or aggressive impulses.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


From a recent speech by Chari "Message for North America" for the 2009 seminar at Molena, Georgia, USA.

Comments by 4d-Don are in "Red Italics"

"So I am happy to see that all of our abhyasi sisters and brothers are getting a little revitalized, because to me it appears that the Mission in the U.S. had gone into some sort of — I won’t say coma, but a partial sort of sleep mode."

"Like, you know, a sick man requires blood transfusion, the Mission requires abhyasi transfusion, more and more, better and better. Not as Babuji said, less and less of more and more, or more and more of less and less, but we do want more and more to come in, more and more to be blessed by him, and more and more to benefit by our spiritual practice, which is so universal and so simple that its simplicity is mistaken for ineffectiveness. People say, “How can this work?” We should prevail on them to try it, without bias of caste, colour, creed, race, religion, all these things. Give it an honest trial and see after three months."

Numbers, numbers, numbers, more, more, more, business, develop, business develop, numbers,

"Give candy a try. You'll like it!" "Give sex a try. You'll like it!" "Give sensations a try. You'll like it!"

Does it not sound like the rationale of the Hollywood version of the "snake oil salesman"? "Try it, you'll like it".

Give Christianity a try! Give Islam a try, etc... Many in the past have tried RELIGION, and their children have remained "RELIGIOUS" for generations. Their children were then, and are still now being indoctrinated with manufactured and made-up religious myths, fantasies, and fairy tales, well before the age of reason. And even through the horrors of abuse, wars, crusades, terrorism, etc., many remain faithful to their "family religion". That does not mean that belonging to an established religion such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc... also means that one is now more saintly, holy, moral or ethical or self-realized.

"Trying" something as a RELIGION or a spiritual path to "ONE-ness", for three months as a test of its "effectiveness" is a little naive and really meant for the really "GULLIBLE" or the morally bankrupt, and/or the spiritually desperate. Something as important as a LIFE Path, should be tested "all the time", specially before trying it. And if the path, its literature, or it's leadership proves at any time to be "un-holy" nonsensical, un-ethical, immoral, or corrupt, then one should change path immediately, not decades later. Intellect is also a "God-given" tool to use, and is one way of TRYING it!! If it does not make sense, or sounds suspicious or too good to be true, then don't try it. If a bottle says poison, and has a "skull and crossbones" on it, don't drink the contents thinking that your "God" will save you because you are now in the "one and only" religion of GOD. The ONE (what some call by the Gothic (Germanic) word, "God", also gave us a BRAIN!!

But belonging to a group for three months will set up a pattern, a habit, a dependency, that then will have to be "broken" with "will power". And most would rather continue with the devil one knows than to face the trauma of change, and facing alone the unknown of the devil one doesn't know.
So most remain in the religion of their parents, in their habits, their dependencies, their addictions. And not trough "holiness" but through "laziness" and lack of "confidence" or FAITH in one's self.

"You know, we have abhyasis who have been there for thirty years, and from whom I receive mails saying, “Wow! Only just now I am realizing what there is in Sahaj Marg!” So it shouldn’t take so long. It depends on both: you have to apply yourself; we have to do the work. And that way if you do things, results will be faster, more convincing, so that our future efforts are more and more strengthened from inside, with a will that is no longer blocked by the intellect,

One can only imagine how "HOLY" Christianity, Islam and Hinduism (the traditional religions) must be, by their "numbers". NOT!! Some adherents and their families have been with the same religion for centuries. Does that mean that more "numbers" means more "holy" or "nearer to ONE", what some call by the Gothic (German) word, "GOD". And then they call IT a "HIM" (male) and not a SPIRIT (neuter)?

Then traditional religions are not corrupt, as Chari claims, but they must be more "RIGHT" as they have more "numbers". Even religions which promote and use violence and/or religions which don't promote or use violence but which have used violence in their "crusading" past, still have large numbers of "adherents", as the faithful are "stuck" with their so-called "corrupt religion", even after decades, and centuries.

So... go ahead and, as Chari says, lure your neighbours to Sahaj Marg with "TRY IT", and you may have en-snared them for decades and centuries, and not because Sahaj Marg is more "RIGHT". And give them (the neo-religions) your children and/or your neighbours' children, before the age of reason and the children will also belong to the tyrants and the businessmen who would use religion to promote their self-serving agendas, even to violence and war. They will use religious myths and fantasies on your children before your children can tell the difference between religious Fantasy and REALITY. That is what some (nationalists, profiteers, predators, etc..) who use religions do.

You'll have created your own "Santa Claus" ... And you'll have to live with it, and/or try and explain and demystify it for the next generations as we are doing. That your Sahaj Marg Bible was "channeled" by an anonymous French lady Medium will sound very "shallow", when faced with the REALITY .

Lalaji and the NaqshMuMRa Sufi Order are not Sahaj Marg or SRCM (California-1997)

Taken from a post by Cyril Borg on Orkut Freedom from SRCM -Sahaj Marg : NaqshMuMRa Nexus Changed

Comment by 4d-Don
(in red italics) (Thanks to Shashwat and Dinaysh for revealing the TRUTH for all seekers.)

Dinaysh (Dinesh) Kumar Saxena, is the grandson of Lalaji and Dean of the NaqshMuMRa Sufi Order, of which Lalaji was a Legitimate Master.

See also on the same site for a detailed explanation:
Epitome of Sahajmarg

We are now waiting for Sahaj Marg of the SRCM(California-1997) to also respect the TRUTH and change their sites and their Promotional Material. Spirituality means REALITY does it not? Your "Brighter World" could also be much "hotter" as well as "brighter". (Hell or Hades, or Venus ... Chari thinks that Babuji will send him to Venus at his death.)

"Dreams" (or forged letters) are not an accepted or "legal" method of transferring "succession" in the "AGE of INFORMATION".


The sheep are now knowledgeable, and they demand that their SPIRITUALITY reflect the TRUTH, or they will "lead themselves" if the RAM and his proxies are lost in "DREAMS".
Mankind is now too powerful to trust in, and/or be led by DREAMS!!

Meditation is not SLEEPING! To look at the adherents (adhesive, glue, stuck) to Sahaj Marg, the "navel-gazers", one could make the mistake of thinking that they are simply "sleeping", and then believing their "dreams" and thoughts to be "visions". They are also instructed to believe in the dreams of an "anonymous French Lady medium", who channels messages from the spirits of the dead, they call: Whispers from the Brighter World, and which they are told, will erase their "samskaras" (allegedly being impressions on their soul from their actions) if they ritually repeat the messages (whispers) "seven or eight times".
At SRCM (California-1997), Spirituality has become "spiritualism" or "spiritism" with mediums, messages from the spirits of the dead, and egregores.

Another "dream" no doubt!! Ah! The "Opiates of the sleeping and dreaming Masses" under the guise of the King (or the science) of SPIRITUALITY: Raja Yoga!!

Those who would have you not use your "brain" or your "intellect" but to use your "heart", the lowly pump (for blood), to think, will be using their brain and intellect to organize your life and hence, control you. And those who would have you push away pleasure will be having pleasure of their own, or "missing it" and "wishing for it".

From Chari's "
Message for North America" at the October, 2009, Molena, Georgia, USA seminar:

"And I wish I was forty years younger so that I could start life all over again, building the ashram there, clearing the weeds, getting sick in the foot, things like that! Those were fun days. We had a great deal of fun, we had a great deal of almost-adventure, and that was how the Mission was built. You know, it is what you Americans call the pioneering spirit."

Is that not "PLEASURE" and sensation and "wishing" for "more, more, more"? But they (the neo-religious) will say that theirs' is a "special" pleasure, and that it does not bring "samskaras"!! And some will believe them... and THAT!!

The ALL (Nature) will not care that the "capitalist developers" who used to "pave paradise" for material gain and personal "PLEASURE", are now paving paradise for Spiritual gains (Spiritual capitalism), and Religious "FUN" or Pleasure. (Our "Gang" is going to our "invented" Brighter World, and you're not!!). :-0)

"You gotta laugh b'cause it's NOT FUNNY!!" (an old Acadianism)

PS... Chari says that the American abhyasis are near a "coma" or in "sleep mode". As I said earlier, they (the Sahaj Marg Abhyasis) think they are "meditating"!! ;-))

"So I am happy to see that all of our abhyasi sisters and brothers are getting a little revitalized, because to me it appears that the Mission in the U.S. had gone into some sort of — I won’t say coma, but a partial sort of sleep mode."

The Message on ORKUT (Freedom from SRCM (Sahaj Marg)

Hi all...

Apparently, Lalaji is now taken out of Sahaj Marg by Dinaysh of NaqshMuMRa Nexus:


Besides above places Kaimganj is known for Chewing Tobacco cultivation and processing. The district Farrukhabad produces about 8 Lac tones of Potato per annum and has about 61 Cold Storages perhaps largest number of cold storage in a city. The district is also known for its Sunflower cultivation. Apart from this, the city attracts much of tourists’ values on account of the birth place of a worldwide practiced spiritual system of ‘Sahaj Marg’, the Samadhi and the house of founder Master- Parampujya Laalaaji Maharaj."

See the section on "Economy" now changed to:


Besides above places Kaimganj is known for Chewing Tobacco cultivation and processing. The district Farrukhabad produces about 8 Lac tones of Potato per annum and has about 61 Cold Storages perhaps largest number of cold storage in a city. The district is also known for its Sunflower cultivation. Apart from this, the city attracts much of tourists’ values on account of the birth place, Samadhi Shrine and the house of H H Mahatma Ramchandra Ji (Parampujya Laalaaji) Maharaaj, a Worldwide acknowledged Householder Sufi Saint of Naqshbandia lineage. His school of spirituality is now known as 'NaqshMuMRa Faith' and the head quarters, of which, is presently known as 'Laalaaji Nilayam', situated at- 01/45-A, Mahatma Ramchandra Marg, Talaiya Lane, Fatehgarh 209601.

Thank you to Dinaysh and the Sufi for upholding the TRUTH.

Cyril Borg

Monday, October 19, 2009

SRCM (California-1997), Sahaj Marg(tm), Chari, Vaishnava, Tamil, Lalaji, Mughals, Islam, Sufism, etc...

Comments by 4d-don
in quotation attributed to other sources, are in "red italics"

Chari's SRCM (California-1997) with its trademarked (for trade and commercial products) meditation, Sahaj Marg, is headquartered in Chennai (Pop. 4.3 milliion- was called Madras) in the State of Tamil Nadu (Pop. 66.3 million), on the Bay of Bengal, in Southeastern India.

Chari, the Master and President of SRCM (California-1997), claims to be a Tamil, and a Vaishnava (a worshipper or follower of Vishnu). Vaishnavism, a sect of Hinduism is exporting its religion to the world. And currently, Vaishnavism (nationalism, imperialism) is also exported via Chari, the self-professed Vaishnava and self-appointed Master of the Spiritualist (or Spiritist) Sahaj Marg (trademark owned by a group of businessmen/developers), and the Chari schism of Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM registered in California - 1997). Vaishnavism is also exported to the world by the more fundamentalist Hare Krishna sect once prevalent at airports and on street corners around the world.

The Sahaj Marg system and the SRCM (California-1997) is well funded through the Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation (SMSF) which is also registered as a "manufacturing business", to the same small group of businessmen from India. Chari boasts of a "million dollar" donation from some "real brother".

See the difference between the Vaishnavism service to Vishnu, versus the more common Hindu teachings of "Liberation" as once taught by Babuji and his "original" Sahaj Marg!

Unlike other schools of Hinduism whose goal is liberation (moksha), or union with the Supreme Brahman, the ultimate goal of Vaishnava practice is an eternal life of bliss (ananda) in service to Vishnu, or one of his many avatars, in the spiritual realm of 'Vaikuntha', which lies beyond the temporary world of illusion (maya).

A few Vaishnava schools also identify the God of the Abrahamic religions with Vishnu, which is however problematic, since Yhwh/Allah is viewed through a monotheistic lens: ie a single eternal being, outside, beyond and separate from his creation; whereas Vishnu is viewed through the panentheistic lens of Hinduism: ie. where all existence is a part of God, and God includes all existence. [19] Another distinguishing feature of the Vaishnava teachings, is that God (Vishnu and/or Krishna) "is a real person and His variegated creation is also real". [20]

The original Sahaj Marg, founded by Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur (aka: Babuji), along with his society, the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM), registered at Shahjahanpur, India - 1945) is headquartered at Shahjahanpur (pop. 297,000), Uttar Pradesh, which borders Nepal, in the Northeast of India, and currently is presided by Babuji's grandson, Navneet Kumar Saxena.

The greater Shahjahanpur District Pop. 1.9 million. The State of Uttar Pradesh: Pop.: 190.9 Millions (80% Hindu, 18% Muslim). Lucknow (Sister Kasturi's home) is 180 km from Shahjahanpur. Uttar Pradesh is India's most populous state, as well as the world's most populous sub-national entity. If the State of Uttar Pradesh was a country, it would be the the fifth largest country in the world after: China, India, United States of America, and Indonesia.

More Background Statistics:

Tamil Nadu
(area: 130,000 Sq. km. Population of 66.3 million is 88% Hindu, 6% Christian, 5.5% Muslim.
Sri Lanka (Sanskrit: "Resplendent Land") Area: 65,610 Sq. Km. : An Island, (31 km by boat from the State of Tamil Nadu, Mainland India, Population: 20 million ... 73.9% Sinhalese, 12.6% Tamil, 5.2% Indian Tamil) (and they (the Tamil migrants) want a partitioned "homeland" on the island of Sri Lanka?)

From Wikipedia
...Religious History of Tamil Nadu (Land of the Tamils)

The Hindu sects Saivism and Vaishnavism became dominant, replacing the prevalence of Jainism and Buddhism of the previous era. Saivism was patronised more by the Chola (Tamil empire) kings and became more or less a state religion.[44] Some of the earliest temples that are still standing were built during this period by the Pallavas. The rock-cut temples in Mamallapuram and the majestic Kailasanatha and Vaikuntaperumal temples of Kanchipuram stand testament to the Pallava art. The Cholas, utilising their prodigious wealth earned through their extensive conquests, built long-lasting stone temples including the great Brihadisvara temple of Thanjavur and exquisite bronze sculptures. Temples dedicated to Siva and Vishnu received liberal donations of money, jewels, animals, and land, and thereby became powerful economic institutions.[45]

History of the Tamil Diaspora

Britain with 300,000 or more, the USA with well over 300,000, Canada with over 300,000 and Australia with over 30,000 are some of the developed countries where the Tamil diaspora is well settled, having gone on voluntary migration from Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. It is also estimated that there are more than 250,000 Tamils from Sri Lanka which comprises voluntary migrants and refugees/asylum seekers. Their sense of belonging and togetherness has resulted in the flowering of multi-faceted cultural, religious and media growth to such an extent to excel these activities in the lands of their origin. It is estimated that as base habitation India has almost 61,000,000 and Sri Lanka has 5,000,000 Tamils.


Their passion for and the love of their language and culture which has a cherished heritage is the one that binds
the Tamil diaspora world wide and their coherence and unity is fast growing to be recognized as an international force.

More Inaccuracies (or Intentional "lies") about Lalaji, the Master of Naqshbandiyaa Sufi Order, (NaqshMuMRa sub-order), from SRCM (California-1997 web sites)
(Why does SRCM (California-1997) refuse to correct the many "errors"?)

On their site:
The Masters of Sahaj Marg

Shri Ram Chandra of Fatehgarh U.P. in northern India, affectionately known as Lalaji, was the adi-guru (first Master) of Shri Ram Chandra Mission. (See NaqshMuMRa Nexus (Lalaji's family) for contradiction of that statement) Born on 2 February 1873, Lalaji belonged to a distinguished family of Jagirdars (landowners). (See accurate definition of "Jagirdar" below)

SRCM (California-1997) Sahaj Marg NEWER site

He himself attained perfection within a span of seven months,
(according to whom?) and went on to become the first Master of the Sahaj Marg system of spirituality. (NOT TRUE, according to MOST. Lalji died 1931, Sahaj Marg was founded in 1945)


Lalaji's father was a tax superintendent and his mother was a devout woman, who passed away when Lalaji was only seven.
(maybe this is the "seven" THEY talk about?? To take a word from one part of the scriptures and apply it in another passage or in another TIME, is common among religious "prophets" and prophesies. They (Sahaj Marg-ees) believe in Spiritualism, (spiritism), "anonymous" (French lady) Mediums and "Chanelling" messages or "whispers" from the spirits of the dead, from beyond the grave, after all!! This is not the "scientific" set!! We could call them the "seancetific" set! as they claim that Sahaj Marg (like Raja Yoga) is a "science"! ... lol, lol, lol) ;-))

According to Dr. RK Gupta's site: Sufi Saints and Sufism (Sufism in India) :

On 23rd January 1896 Hujur Maharaj had taken Mahatma Ram Chandraji completely in his shelter i.e. initiated him and accepted him as his disciple. Soon thereafter on 11th October, 1896 Hujur Maharaj bestowed ‘Kully Izazat’ i.e. Master hood on Mahatma Ram Chandraji stating, ‘My Master (Maulvi Ahmad Ali Khan Sahab) had mentioned that people will benefit spiritually from me, but unfortunately I could not prove myself able to discharge this duty fully. Now my end is nearing but I am hopeful that after me you shall discharge this duty satisfactorily and will make my Master’s forecast come true.

(That is nine months from initiation to Lalaji being bestowed Master-hood in the Naqshbandiyya Sufi Order, to become its first giaour (non-Muslim) Master. But "perfection" is a little more elusive, is it not? Even Saints are not and do not claim to be PERFECT!! Does Chari and SRCM(California-1997) think that "Master" means "Perfect"? What about "self-appointed" Masters such as Chari? Are they automatically or self-appointed-ly PERFECT?

And there were many more contacts and teaching exchanges between Lalaji and Hujur Maharaj. Reaching "perfection" in seven months sounds like another Sahaj Marg fantasy so as to create a Sahaj Marg "myth" apart from the Sufi REALITY of Lalaji and the Naqshbandiyya lineage. Why are all the Abhyasis not following "SUFISM" or becoming members of the Naqshbandiyya Sufi Order if they want to "obey" their so-called "first" Master?)

On Sufi Saints and Sufism (under Ram Chandra of Fatehgargh- aka Lalaji) by Dr. RK Gupta

Mahatma Ram Chandraji was the first giaour (non-Muslim) saint of the Naqshbandi (Sufi) Order. His father Chaudhary (chaudhary/chowdhary means "chieftain") Harbaksh Rai was one of the descendants of a highly respected Kayasth (upper caste, along with the brahmins) family of District Mainpuri. Emperor Akbar (the Great Mughal Emperor, 1556) had gifted Babu Vrindavan, one of the renowned ancestors of this family, with the title ‘Chowdhary’ and 555 villages amongst many other things. Babu Vrindavan named one of these villages as ‘Bhoom-gram’ and started living there. With the passage of time this village developed into a small town and its name got distorted to ‘Bhogaon.’

Ch. Harbaksh Rai initially lived in Bhogaon but later after the mutiny in 1857 moved to Farukhabad. He was appointed as Superintendent-Octroi.


A special mention needs to be made of two great Sufi Masters of the twentieth century AD, Mahatma Radha Mohan Lalji and Thakur Ram Singhji, both belonging to the chain of Naqshbandi Sufis and Dr. Chandra Gupta, who received their blessings and carried their mission forward.


(1929) He submitted his resignation to the Collector and left the service for fully devoting himself to the mission of his Master.

Akhil Bhartiya Santmat Satsangh (ABSS)


The mother started inculcating the teachings of Ramayana to her sons. But it was not acceptable to God and when Mahatma Ramchandra Ji was only nine years old and his younger brother Raghubar Dayalji of seven years, their mother left to heavenly abode. Responsibility of their education came on the shoulders of Chaudhary Harbaksh Rai, who arranged best possible teachers for them. However, it was not acceptable to God once again and when Mahatma Ramchandra ji was in class 9, Chaudhary Sahib also expired, Both the brothers were bereaved of father and mother.
The relatives (of Lalaji) took away their entire property cunningly telling that Chaudhary Sahib (Lalaji's father, Chaudhary Harbaksh Rai) owed much debt to them.

ISRC's Narayana's book (on-line), with Intro (section) by his father, Dr Prof. KC Varadachari (who was allegedly being groomed as his "successor" by Babuji: Practice and Efficacy of Sri Ramchandra Rajayoga: (section on Shri Ramchandraji - Lalaji ):

Page 182:

It is the will of God, that he attained perfection within the brief span of seven months.


He was married to a noble lady a a respectable family. His father expired soon after his marriage. At this period, Raja of Mainpuri had brought action against his ancestral property and he lost all the property. His brother, (cousin) who was adopted by his father, also expired around this time.


Page 186...
One of his wishes was that the children of satsanghis marry among themselves.


His servants were like members of his own family, and were paid on due dates.


Page 187...

He was transfered from Kaimganj to Fatehgarh in 1908. (36 yrs) ... There was an old servant who did all the housework...


Page 188...
Sri Lalaji established regular satsangh from the year 1914. He did not put off his work even during his illness. After his retirement in 1929, he began to give all this time to his noble work.

Page 190...
He was not against earning money by honest means, but insisted on spending it on others. (The) use of intoxicants and being given to adultery were strictly prohibited by him.

Page 192...
He even forbade association and satsangh with immoral persons.

Page 193...
He advised to avoid becoming a Master and serve as a servant should.

Lalaji's ancestors starting with Babu Vrindavan, were apparently upper caste, tax collectors for the Mughals (from Akbar the Great - 1556) and provided the Persian Muslim Mughals with tax money, military men and animals, until the so-called by some British historians: "The Sepoy (military) Mutiny of 1857" (East India Company from the British Victorian era), also called the "Indian Rebellion of 1857". Maybe this explains the reticence of Babuji's family to accept his becoming a disciple of Lalaji. This is what Lalaji wrote in a letter dated 09.12.1930 to Shri Madan Mohan Laal,regarding the appointment of "Br. Pandit Rameshwar Prasad" as the "center-in-charge of Shahjahanpur": "Brother Ram Chandra undoubtedly has ability and agility in this respect, but I am sorry that due to restrictions of his father, narrowness of heart and space, and intricacies of his home, my sagacity did not permit me for the time being to throw the responsibility on him. …” (see Epitome of Sahaj Marg). That letter was written one year before Lalaji's death in Aug, 1931. Babuji was never a "preceptor" or a "center-in-charge" of Lalaji's organization.

According to Dr. RK Gupta of "Sufi Saints and Sufism (Sufism in India)" and NaqshMuMra Nexus, Lalaji was:

* born: Feb. 2, 1873,

* married 1885 (12 yrs)
Wife- (Mrs.) Brij Rani, daughter of Shri Yadunath Sahai Kanchan, resident of village- Kamalnayanpur, Tahsil- Kanth, District- Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. They had 2 sons, 8 daughters

* started working at the "Government Service": in April, 1891 (at 18 yrs),

* was initiated: Jun. 6, 1896. (23 yrs),

* According to a discourse by Dr. Shyaam Laal, an adherent disciple of Rev. Laalaaji Maharaaj, right since his school days, as far as known to me, Laalaaji Maharaaj met his guru in the year 1891. He (“Maulwi Fazal Ahemad Khan Saahib” the "spiritual governor of Farrukhabad) took him (Lalaji) as his disciple after performing a formal ceremony, on January 23, 1896 at 05.00 p.m. He made him full-fledged Master (guru) on October 11, 1897. Both these venerables were the preceptor of the Naqshbandia sect of Sufis, although they were beneficiaries of all other sects also. That is why they could vary their teaching to suit the needs of different disciples.

* was appointed Master of Naqshbandia Sufi Order: Oct. 11, 1896 or 1897? (23 or 24 yrs),
(had 212 disciples)

* first met Babuji: 1921 (Lalaji was: 48 yrs, Babuji was 22 yrs),

* resigned his position with the Government Service (after a "tearful" incident with a "lost file" by a clerk, sub-ordinate of Lalaji. Lalaji would not reveal his identity to the "Collector"): Incident and/or resignation and retirement was in 1928 or 1929?

* letter regarding Ram Chandra (Babuji) Center-in-charge position (see above): 09,12, 1930.

* died: Aug. 14, 1931 (58 yrs). Cause of death: "illness" that ended with Diarrhoea.

* his (Lalaji's) tradition was ably carried on by his son, Mahatma Jagmohan Narain, till his demise on August 28, 1944

* his (Jagmohan Narain's) son-Mahatma Akhilesh Kumar carried on the work of the mission by publication of the work of his grandfather and by editing a periodical “Adhyaatma Dhaara” till his untimely death on May 15, 1974.

* Babuji forms his "Shri Ram Chandra Mission" in 1945 and later claims that Sahaj Marg replaces all other "systems".
(see letter by Babuji regarding Sahaj Marg, Feb. 14, 1963)

For the events at Fatehgarh during the "up-rising" of 1857, and the "non-co-operation-movement" (Ghandi) events of the 1930's see: NaqshMuMra Nexus: Fatehgarh

On NaqshMuMRa Nexus (Lalaji's Sufi Order)

As a result of the benediction of a great saint, the Holy Man Laalaaji was born to Chaudhari Har Bux Rai, the superintendent of Customs and Excise, Farrukhabad, on Basant Panchami, February 2, 1873. Having passed his Middle class ‘Anglo-Vernacular Examination’ in April 1891, he entered in Government service. It was at this time, at the early age of 18, that he came in contact with his peer-o-Murshad (Preceptor) and was formally initiated by him on June 06, 1896 and was granted full powers of the saint-preceptor on October 11, 1896.

Souvenir section...

His ancestors were one of the biggest property owners of the area and lived like almost as a mini “RAJA” (king). I have had occasion to have a visit to his ancestral house in Bhongaon, in District Mainpuri (an adjoining District to Farrukhabad). An Elephant could easily pass through its Main Porch. For a considerable, time Chaudhary Har Bux Rai remained childless.

On ISRC site (a schism of Chari's SRCM (California-1997) by Narayana, son of Dr. Professor KC Varadachari)

His father Sri Harbux Rai belonged to a very distinguished family of kayasths. His great grand father was a person of rare genius and his fine qualities and noble attainments won for him, from the Great Moghul emperor unstinted praise and friendship. He was given the title of Chowdhari (chieftain) and a jagir comprising 555 villages. He resided in the town of Bhoomigram in the district of Mainpuri in UP India. The family which got affected by the after effects of the uprising of the Indians in 1857 (called sepoy mutiny by the biased British historians) migrated to Fategarh, U.P. Here he worked as tax superintendent and began to live with his family. But in the changed circumstances his state had been subjected to considerable damage and his assets were just enough to live the old aristocratic life.

A jagir and Jagirdar

In Pakistan and India, a Jagir was a small territory granted by the ruler to an army chieftain in fairly short terms usually of three years but not extending beyond his lifetime, in recognition of his military service. The grantee of the jagir, called a Jagirdar, was in effect the ruler of that region and substantial income that was earned (taxes, etc.) from this region went to the owner to maintain his family and his troops. The jagirdar would live at court in Delhi, keeping up his rank and appearing twice a day before the emperor; consequently the jagirdar preferred to receive his share of the dues from the estates in coin rather than in kind.

Statistics from the highly populated and seismically-active region, the "triangular" Bay of Bengal:

Countries and Indian States that surround the Triangular Bay of Bengal
(Starting at the mouth of the Bay of Bengal where it opens onto the Indian Ocean (at the Southwest angle of the Bay of Bengal triangle)

Triangle's Southwest Vertex and northwest side (India):
Sri Lanka
(sanskrit "sri lanka"=resplendent, radiant, or shining Land- Pop. 20 million), State of Tamil Nadu in Mainland India: Pop. 66.3 million- Southernmost state of India) Capital city of Madras (Chennai) Pop. 4.3 million), State of Andhra Pradesh Pop. 76.2 million), State of Orissa (Pop. 36.7 million), State of West Bengal (Pop. 80.2 million), State of Tripura (Pop. 3.2 million), State of Meghalaya (Pop. 2.3 million),

Triangle's Southeast Vertex and northeast side:
Myanmar (Pop. 50 million), Thailand (Pop. 63.3 million), Malaysia (Pop. 20.3 million), Indonesia (Pop. 230 Million).

Northern Triangle Vertex:
(The "delta" confluence of the rivers: Ganges (local name Padma or Pôdda), the Brahmaputra (Jamuna or Jomuna), and the Meghna rivers and their respective tributaries. ), the City of Calcutta (Pop. 15 million) , Bangladesh (Pop. 162.2 million - Capital city of Dhaka (Pop. 6.8 million), Indian State of Mizoram (Pop. 888, 000), Myanmar- (aka-Burma) Pop. 50 million - Military Dictatorship).

Geology Under the Bay of Bengal

The lithosphere of the earth is broken up into what are called tectonic plates. Underneath the Bay of Bengal is the Indian Plate which is part of the great Indo-Australian Plate and is slowly moving north east. This plate meets the Burma Microplate at the Sunda Trench. The Nicobar Islands, and the Andaman Islands are part of the Burma Microplate. The India Plate subducts beneath the Burma Plate at the Sunda Trench or Java Trench. Here, the pressure of the two plates on each other increase pressure and temperature resulting in the formation of volcanoes such as the volcanoes in Myanmar, and a volcanic arc called the Sunda Arc. Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and Asian Tsunami was a result of the pressure at this zone causing a submarine earthquake which then resulted in a huge Tsunamai.[6]

Other current "hot spots" in the area with an Indian (Hindu) minority:

Fiji (the Fiji Revolution or Coup (April 2009)
Jammu and Kashmir (ongoing Muslim/Hindu conflict)

Whispers from The Brighter World! Messages From and For Dummies?

Taken and Translated from an article by Alexis on Elodie's Blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.
Article is called: Encore et Toujours Whispers

Comment from 4d-don are in ...Red Italics :

All the information on this blog can be verified by clicking on the "hypertext". Don't believe anyone! Verify everything! Specially information from those who release information (messages channeled by an "anonymous" French Lady Medium") 8 years after the (alleged) fact !! (or fantasy) This is the information (Whispers From the Brighter World) which, Chari claims, will become the Sahaj Marg Bible!! REALLY!! Check it out... The TRUTH is OUT THERE !! You don't have to be fooled again!

Addendum ... Oct.20, 2009.

In the "Whisper" posted 10/20/09 allegedly received June 6, 2003, the anonymous French Lady Medium claims that:
"In the Future, channeling will not be restricted to isolated cases, but it will be a reality concerning the aptitudes of all human beings." So forget about going to the "BRIGHTER WORLD" and resting on a cloud or having nothing to do. Apparently, the "dead" will, in the future??, be very busy sending "whispers" to everyone and anyone. Oh! The Tedium! And of course, all will then know the "future"! So why Messages? Such a misunderstanding of the "illusion" called: TIME, from the SPIRITUALISTS or the SPIRITISTS!

In REAL Spirituality, not "spiritualism" or "spiritism", TIME is an illusion or a TEMPORARY measurement of MOTION or change. Motion will not STOP, and TIME will not disappear as a measurement of MOTION. The ONE (or ONE-ness) is "eternal" (no beginning, no end) and hence, beyond TIME.

The Universe is in MOTION (changing) and expanding (Hubble) and that MOTION (or change) is measured as TIME. Babuji and other "dual", and now "dead" carbon entities, if they still have an "identity" (Babuji), are in TIME and hence have a conceptual FUTURE as they have a "theoretical" and un-verifiable and/or "anecdotal" PAST, for those abhyasis still living in this "world" of illusions. They do not have a PRESENT ... they are DEAD. If they are SPIRIT, (merged with the ULTIMATE) then they are in the ONE-ness , the "POOL", or the "OCEAN" of SPIRIT.

SPIRIT, (not "spirit-s") not having an "identity", does not send "MESSAGES" ... and does not know the FUTURE, as SPIRIT exists in the ONE-ness or in the eternal present of SPIRIT ... In SPIRIT, ALL is ONE and ALL is SPIRIT and ALL is NOW ... Be here NOW!! No messages are "possible" from SPIRIT !! Unless a SPIRIT is an "entity", or has an "identity", and that is SPIRITUALISM, SPIRITISM, and not SPIRITUALITY.

Babuji spoke, while living, of "merging with the ULTIMATE" in "one lifetime"!! ... Did he MERGE with IT or not? Is Babuji now in the heavenly "Brighter World" still busy "doing menial and temporal stuff", such as sending "Whispers"? Is he (or "they", the elevated souls) then, just a "commoner" like the rest of us, or is he now merged with THE, YOUR, or HIS "ULTIMATE"? Why can't we converse or commune with the ULTIMATE, the ONE (what some call "GOD") directly (according to Sahaj Marg)?? Why do we need a "Special Personality" PROXY such as Babuji, if he did not MERGE with the ULTIMATE, and is still merely an "entity", an identity, and has so little of importance to do, that he is still busily sending messages to an "anonymous French (that corrupt,emotional, society) Lady (that gender which can't be MASTERS, according to Chari), Medium (which is not in the "teachings of Babuji", Lalaji or of Raja Yoga).

One Homo Sapiens carbon entity, on a small planet, around an average star, in one of many galaxies, and groups of galaxies, on the "cosmic" level must not be very big in IMPORTANCE. Do the new-religions have such a large ego that they still have man at the "center of their anthropomorphic and anthropocentric Universe"? Is their ONE, what they call by the "Gothic (Germanic) word: "GOD", still a MALE PERSON?

Welcome to the "anthropometric" Reality!! We don't believe your fantasy! We are busy measuring "content" (including yours), and we find it flawed and not in harmony with Nature's REALITY!!

We, who don't adhere to Sahaj Marg and who are truly "spiritual", are on the "Natrual Path". We relate to the real, Spiritual and Natural world"! Sahaj Marg has become the "artificial" path. We commune with Nature and SPIRIT. Sahaj Marg adherents commune with developments, airports, hotels, real-estate, buildings, tents, transportation, traveling, cottages, renovations, concrete, lawns, money, seminars, meetings, fund-raisers, etc ... and "spirits", psychic entities called "egregores" and messages from the "spirits" of the dead are your "BIBLE". Get REAL!!


The Sahaj Marg Bible?... According to Whom??
Messages from the Dead (Spiritualism) for Money at Sahaj Marg!

Alexis Said:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Again and Always: Whispers From The (not so) Brighter World!

On Friday, January 26, 2001 at 10 am, Babuji allegedly uttered these words as recounted in Whispers:

"If the number of our aspirants is constant or declining in certain places, there is nothing alarming about that. Didn't I tell you, a few years ago, that Sahaj Marg was to be purified?"

(see A Whisper a Day for June 9, 2009...message received from Babuji by the Anonymous French Lady Medium on Jan. 26, 2001)

Funny when one knows that Chari announces 75, 000 abhyasis in the year 2000, and 3 years later, their number has tripled in India. All this to tell us then that the SRCM has 200 to 300, 000 followers ...

Babuji allegedly said this in 2001, in full expansion phase? Maybe ... But the message from the "Brighter World", was only posted on the website of the SMSF on June 9, 2009, just 9 days after the speech by Chari on schedule changes in New Delhi (Change of Satsangh Timings, 31/05/2009):

"(...) We have made the mistake of not obeying Babuji's principles where he said," I want quality, not quantity. "I believe that somewhere along the way in the past forty five years, this mistake was made by me first, that we started thinking of numbers and not quality so that today we have a great deal of numbers and not much quality. "

The communication of the SRCM is really running smoothly! Either Babuji was a prophet (a visionary) in 2001 (or Chari or his medium was, as you like) and those who disseminate his messages deliberately chose the right time to disseminate it (8 years later), or these messages are written backwards, so as to match the actual REALITY.

It's your choice!


Whispers From The Brighter World Published: June 9, 2009) (Friday, Jan. 26, 2001 at 10:00 AM)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sahaj Marg's Chari, Is He a Psychopath?

Taken and translated from an article by Christian, a phd in Psychology (research) and an abhyasi for 18 years with Chari, on his blog: Analyse de la SRCM (tm)

Chari, is he a psychopath?

Psychopathy is a personality disorder in which the patient uses charm, manipulation, intimidation and violence to control and exploit others for his/her personal gains and ends. Psychopathy is characterized as the denial of the individuality of others and the chronic failure of ethical principles.

The main traits of the psychopath are:

* Narcissism, vanity, selfishness,
* Charm and magnetism
* Exaggerated sense of self worth,
* Pathological lying,
* Manipulating others.

The emotional features include:

* Lack of remorse and guilt,
* Lack of empathy
* Inability to accept his/her own responsibility in case of failure.

Lifestyle include:

* Constant search for stimulation,
* Impulsivity,
* Irresponsibility
* Tendency to live as a parasite,
* Ambition,
* Unrealistic life goals.

The parallel is striking. Some examples (non-exhaustive list) may give us an idea:

*Narcisism, vanity, egoism: claims to have the ability to make anyone "self-realized" in the blink of an eye, claims to be the only one who knows and understands the spiritual needs of every individual, was granted (by himself) full powers - spiritual as well as temporal, etc.,

* Charm and magnetism: creating a "star" system centered on his own person and not the Divine

* Exaggerated sense of self-worth: In a inversion of values, he takes himself for a Divine Incarnation whereas, Babuji considered himself only as a servant, does not deem to appear before the justice of men for the crimes of which he is accused, etc..,

* Pathological lying: Occultation of Sufism from the history of Sahaj Marg, the emergence of the transmission technique as if by magic, death and succession of Babuji, Babuji's orders received (chanelled) from the beyond, etc..,

* Manipulating others: (see examples and analysis of manipulations on this and many other blogs) manipulation of published information, etc..,

* Lack of remorse and guilt: everything that is done, including ethically dubious acts, is by order of his imaginary Master.

* Lack of empathy: having transcended the human level (delusion), he feels no empathy for others, and requires the complete submission of all abhyasis, etc..,

* Inability to accept his own responsibility in case of failure: the fault is invariably that of the abhyasis and the preceptors, he tolerates no criticism, etc..,

* The constant search for stimulation: business, travel, oversized projects, etc..,

* Impulsivity: changes his mind like a shirt,

* Irresponsibility: does not take the spiritually responsible role that he has self-assigned himself (quantitative approach, rather than a qualitative approach, and the monitoring of serious spiritual abhyasis)

* The tendency to live as a parasite: Building (and purchasing) palaces and cottages, leads a lavish lifestyle under the guise of spiritual service, etc.,

* Ambition: to enslave all humanity in his system of mind control for the masses, (trademarked Sahaj Marg), reaching the top of the pyramid by all dubious means, including the elimination of rivals, etc.,

* Unrealistic Life goals: to reach the Ultimate, merge with IT, and lead any person who submits to his will to the same level, spiritualize all of mankind, etc..

A recent study of the character traits of our political leaders reveals a surprising fact: Politicians and psychopaths share the traits listed above ... Chari is our leader, is he also a MAZI*?

See "Serial Killers and Politicians Share Traits"

* Christian's play on the word: "NAZI" (German Fascism) ... for Nationalist Socialism or more accurately, National Corporatism ... "M" is short for "Mondiale" in French, or "Global" in English. So "MAZI" in French becomes "GAZI" in English and means "Global Socialism"... or more accurately, "Global Corporatism" or "Global Fascism".

Comment by 4d-don: Some features of Sahaj Marg created by Chari, that Christian passed over lightly and demands more research by the serious "seeker" who does not want to be lured into a WEB or a SNARE:

* Creation of a so-called "favourable egregore", a potentially dangerous "autonomous psychic entity" or a "groupthink". Both do not belong in serious Spirituality nor in Raja Yoga, nor Sufism, but is a "SPIRITUALIST" ritual. It can also be called: SPIRIT-ism!!

* Messages from "beyond the grave" channeled by an anonymous French lady Medium, which are to become the Sahaj Marg "BIBLE" according to Chari. The alleged message-senders include Chari's Mother and his wife.
Who is the "anonymous" Medium that all the abhyasis will now be asked to believe and trust? Another "elite" chosen of GOD?

* A continued repetition of the imaginary (fictitious) role of Lalaji in Sahaj Marg or in the SRCM, even after the bloggers have exposed all the accurate and "true" information and that the truth is now "confirmed" by Babuji's journals, Lalaji's journals and family, and other "legitimate" Lalaji organizations (NaqshMuMRa Sufi Order, and RamAshram). Lalaji had nothing to do with Sahaj Marg or with SRCM!!

Lalaji was used after his death by Babuji, and Babuji did not call his society in "honour of Lalaji" but the "Shri Ram Chandra Mission" was named after "himself" as instructed by Vivekananda in his dreams. (See Babuji's journal with comments by Christian).

Tell the TRUTH, Chari!! Change your Web site. Come on, honest Abhyasis and Preceptors, demand that you be told the TRUTH by those who would lead you to the GREAT MORALITY!! Would such "immorality" and un-ethical behaviour not lead one to "perdition"? Would you teach that to the children? By Example?

From the Autobiography of Ram Chandra:

p 21 (20.05.1945) Intercommunication by S. Vivekananda
"As you are to have a registered body 'Shri Ram Chandra Mission', call a meeting of the persons who are to be the members of this body to start with. (...) The body will be called 'Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur (U.P. - India)'".

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Conquering Europe! Sahaj Marg is Targeting the Children with VBSE!

Taken and Translated from an article by Alexis titled: "A La Conquete de L'Europe" on Elodie's Blog: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Conquering Europe! Sahaj Marg is Targeting the Children with VBSE!!

The Value Based Spiritual Education (VBSE) for Europe?

It is time to develop education based on spiritual values (VBSE) across Europe, has just announced Ajay Kumar Bhatt. All VBSE coordinators should introduce and develop the VBSE activities with abhyasis in their European countries. A first meeting will take place at the Berlin Ashram from the 16th to 18th of October, 2009 ...

It is high time to worry, the VBSE has wreaked havoc in India. It should not happen with the same result in Europe.

I suggest a quick look back at some highlights for illustration.

The Sahaj Marg Research and Training Institute (SMRTI) first became interested in the young and the very young audience in 2000. They developed fables and nursery rhymes to develop the "Culture of Sahaj Marg" from early childhood and developed a range of services for youth, and programs for their teachers. It also encouraged the formation of meditation groups at universities, particularly American universities.

All this has prompted the Institute to create a sort of guide for the values for of a so-called "spiritual education", the Value Based Spiritual Education, (VBSE)), intended for educators, teachers and parents. And it was soon used in the education and training of the children and young people by the followers of Sahaj Marg. It is now used by more than one hundred schools in India, by the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM (California-1997) . Beneath a very humanistic facade, it conveys the thoughts of Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, which are often less than stellar.

But this did not suffice. Always in search of recognition and respectability, Chari has created his own school February 28, 2005, the Lalaji Memorial Omega School (LMOS) which later became International (LMOIS), where the VBSE is widely used. Echoes of India in July 2008 lingered on the summer camps of the SRCM (California-1997) for children and young people, citing no less than 8 examples from India, in which the VBSE is still widely used.

He had nothing left to do but to take advantage of his accreditation to the DPI. All of this has materialized last August 12, (2009) in a national essay competition offered to youth in all schools of India to mark the International Day of Youth, organized by SRCM (California-1997) in collaboration with the 'UN Information Center for India and Bhutan (UNIC).

According to the SRCM (California-1997) , this action would have mobilized nearly 75, 000 children and youth participants from 10 to 24 years of age, in 2008 without the cooperation of the UNIC.

How many (students, teachers, parents) have they lured this year with the UNIC collaboration?

Is this what we want for Europe?


See here to read the Value Based Spiritual Education (VBSE) curriculum.

READ THE LESSONS and the stories FOR THE CHILDREN! And see if adherents to other "religions" will agree with SRCM (California-1997) and the VBSE Spiritual education of their children by the "brothers and sisters" of a group of anti-religious "SPIRITUALISTS". Sahaj Marg, a "trade-marked" commercial product owned by a group of businessmen and nationalists, is not SPIRITUALITY, and it is certainly not Raja Yoga!!

Articles on this blog about the VBSE:

VBSE at LMOS of SRCM (California-1997)

Signs of Danger at Lalaji Memorial Omega School (LMOS)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Update Interviews: Amita Saxena (Umesh's wife), etc...

Shashwat has done some follow-up interviews with Puneet (brother of Navneet and grandson of Babuji), and Amita Saxena , wife of late Umesh, (son of Babuji and past-President of SRCM(Shahjahanpur-1945), who died (poison) a few years ago. Amita describes the invasion of Babuji Memorial Ashram by a gang of armed men (thugs).

To the Victim a Witness! (folk song)

From Youtube:

(Interview with Amita is in Hindi... Interview with Puneet is in English)

This messages left on Orkut Community: Freedom from Sahaj Marg

Shashwat Said:

Latest legal status and Amita Saxena interview

Amita saxena (w/o umesh chandra saxena) narrates her side as what all happened with her during the capture of shahjahanpur ashram, in an video interview to me, she said, uma shanker bajpai, (Secretary of SRCM (California-1997) who was holding a gun in his hand asked her to accept chari as her guru, when she refused, she was mercilessly beaten dragged punched and pushed out of her home in shahjahanpur (allegedly) on orders of P. Rajagopalachari.

This show how spiritual this gang is, if you refuse to accept chari as master of this universe, you may loose your life!!

current legal status of SRCM is explained by legal advisor of SRCM also, all video's pls visit our channel on youtube

http: // www . youtube . com/user/exposingsahajmarg

4d-Don's Comments: This is where the danger of "egregores", groupthink, and/or blind obedience, becomes Reality. It is in the "crowd dynamics" or the "mob mentality" that the groupthink or the "autonomous egregores" become really "autonomous", hence DANGEROUS, and obviously so. It is now known and accepted by most sociologists, that the emotions and also the actions of an individual by him/herself, are different from his/her emotions and actions in, or as part of a group, an audience, a crowd, a mob, a team, a protest, a group conflict, (real or mock, as with Sports), etc ... It seems that the heat, or the emotions of the group compel many to "do likewise" without thinking (autonomous, mob mentality), and many are simply led by the emotions of the crowd, or "of the moment", as one may sometimes claim apologetically in retrospect. The actions of a group are not always led by the creator of the egregore, and the egrogores may take on a life of their own, sometimes creating chaos, and/or very undesirable outcomes... In a "protest" of mob action, the violence does not necessarily begin at the "front" of the mob, with the leaders, but at the outskirts of the crowd, where the less motivated and the more sheepish, the "holy innocent" or the expendable "martyrs" gather.

One could also see the use of "egregores" or groupthink in the marketplace in what is (or was) called "impulse buying", along with the strategic placing of products in the marketplace. Hence the creator of the "egregore" in this case, could be attempting to attract and to motivate the "buyers" to look at one's "brand" favorably, and to purchase it, without thinking (on impulse) or with "directed thinking".
The outcome is sometimes un-expected. Egregores are not efficacious tools for SPIRITUALITY where ONE or the ULTIMATE, is the goal. There is no room for "autonomous psychic entities" (egregores) in serious "spirituality". When ritualistic "autonomous" Egregores are created and used in a religious context, that is called "spiritualism"!

For more on "egregores":

What is an Egregore? Is it Part of Raja Yoga?

Abhyasis Pray so as to Create a "Favourable Egregore", Chari!
Chari-ty Creates a "Gay-Bashing" Egregore!

For more Interviews, Testimonials, Newspaper articles, Legal Documents, see:

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Freedom From Sahaj Marg: Discussion Board: