Thursday, April 30, 2009

How To Become A "Saint", By Chari!

Taken from exerpt of: Religion and Sahaj Marg
A talk given by Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari
Address to Scholars, 25th December, 2005 at Tiruppur, Tamilnadu, India

Comments by 4d-don in "Red Italics"


So our business is to teach the truth through meditation: you meditate; you do the cleaning. You remove all the moss from the trunk of the tree, or the green things on the water surface, clean it; or the dust from a mirror, classic example. You remove the dust and the mirror reflects. You don’t change the mirror. So cleaning removes the dust of, the accumulation of, I don’t know how many aeons of living we have done. You look in and you perceive the truth. Having perceived the truth, (you, not having perceived "sainthood" as kasturi has, according to your Master, you live a lie that has been "conjured" up by your "medium for hire", and you live a lie of teaching the path to "sainthood" without having any credentials of having the "gift" of being a "saint" confirmed by anyone in authority. You made your own "authority"... and show your ego. You will still go and sit on your throne at your (2009) "birthday bash", much like dictator "Mugabe" of Zimbabwe, and other egotistical and self-titled and self-styled saviour of their people (according to the "dictators" themselves, through their "henchmen")) you cannot live by a lie again. That is how transformation comes.

Saints are not created by God. Saints create themselves, through this process. You may call it asceticism, you may call it askesis, you may call it anything. (and you, you don't know what to call it as you don't know how it feels to "be one" (saint) ... you can only say, much as most autocrats: "subject to my regimen" and "keep me happy under all circumstances" and you will get it "later"... when I'm gone!! In the other world...) But it is a process of voluntarily subjecting yourself to a regimen of discipline in which you go in a sinner, and at the other end of the tunnel, out comes a saint. (it did not work for you, except according to you and a few "profiteers" and "addicts to the "shiny" ashrams, with golden lions, and marble, or, the "material" ) So I hope all of you will follow this practice of Sahaj Marg assiduously, knowing what it can do, (look at me! eh? You too can "UNITE" the world in "brotherhood", and care about "the environment" as I (Chari) did? NOT...

The Reality Check: You DIVIDED what was UNITED, and you removed (through your preceptors, who you now blame for the "destruction of love" ) the "love, forgiveness, and "brotherhood" that was already there ... You lure or attract the "negative" (materialists, power addicted, profiteers, etc..), not to transform them but to use and manipulate them. And you divide the "positive", the do-gooders, and/or the true seekers from one another, unlike your Master, Babuji.) feeling what it is doing to you all the time that you are meditating, and believing that the outcome will be exactly what I said.

No...Wrong... The outcome will be, and IS quite different is a DIVIDED outcome, ... not a "saintly" feeling at all, and not as you said at all!

You and your "Method" are a scam!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What is Lalaji's REAL lineage? Sufi, Santmat, or ... ?

Taken and translated from a comment from Alexis on Elodie's French blog: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

Alexis also has two blogs: Le Projet Sahaj Marg and SRCM=Danger

4d-Don's comment: It seems that "re-naming" and "usurping" is the common practice in the "spirituality" business in India!! Give something a new name, and it's yours. At least among this "gang"!! We will have to coin new MATERLIALIST phrases for their modus operandi: Spiritual development... Spiritual tourism...Spiritual fundamentalism... Spiritual Business ... etc... etc...

God is not only a "male" (Chari) but a "business MAN" ...
(Now we have another group that want "Charitable development money" from the "corrupt and materialist West".)

Ah! the Materialist and Spiritualist India! What can they teach us that is better than another Materialist RELIGION? Should we not be teaching them?
Is there any true SPIRITUALITY left in India? In the world?

Is there now more spirituality (as there are material resources) in the WEST? Is that the reason for the desire of so many spiritual citizens of the world to MIGRATE to the shores of the NEW (brighter?) WORLD? Intellectual "brightness" is certainly not reflected in Sahaj Marg, where intellect and its tool, logic, are sacrificed to the feudal "blind obedience" to the LORD and MASTER (Male). Western material "brightness" (Charitable money) is certainly desired by the businessmen "spritual set" of INDIA for the development of yet another of their many "new religions". (75,000 gurus)

Alexis said:

When I asked about the absence of references to Sant Mat on his website, Dinesh Kumar Saxena said this:

Dear and respected brother!

Thanks. There is much difference between Sufism and "Sufi nisbat". In fact sufi nisbat is "santmat". I do not understand about your question. I also do not want the clarification, because it does not serve any purpose. I would advice you to follow the path what so ever are already following. You would not be able to under stand the "sufi nisbat", unless we sit face to face. This in fact the knowledge to be to be transmitted man to man and not through merely words.

I hope you will not mind my plain and simple dialogues.

With my Master's love

Affectionately Yours,

Dinaysh Kumar Saxena
“Laalaaji Nilayam” (Samaadhi Waalon Kaa Ghar)
45, Mahatma Shri Ram Chandra Marg,
Talaiya Lane, FATEHGARH,
(U.P) 209 601 INDIA
Mobile Numbers-
+91 9451970632
+91 9451917524
+91 9884325585

On his website, Dinesh said: "Mahatma Ramchandra (Laalaaji) Maharaj of Fatehgarh (UP) was a saint-preceptor of Naqshbandiya-nisbat Sufi (esoteric-lineage)."

Naqshbandiya = Sufi nisbat = sant mat?

So why no reference to Radhasoami?

Lalaji and would therefore not be a Master of Sufism, but of Sufi nisbat... but what about Santmat?

Tuesday April 28, 10:46:00 a.m. AM

See also:

Business of the Gods (on Tehelka-The People's Paper)


Monday, April 27, 2009

Laalaaji Nilayam Charitable Trust

Taken and translated from an article from Alexis on Elodie's French blog: Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg

Alexis also has two blogs: Le Projet Sahaj Marg and SRCM=Danger

Alexis said:

Monday, April 27, 2009

Laalaaji Nilayam Charitable Trust

In a website created on 26 February 2009, the grandson of Lalaji, Dinesh Kumar Saxena tells us that he created a charitable organization, the Laalaaji Nilayam Charitable Trust (LNCT) at: Its goal is to raise funds to rehabilitate the "holy places" that have marked the life of Lalaji and organize tourist pilgrimages. It is planned to renovate the house of Lalaji (Laalaaji Nilayam) and to increase its capacity, to erect a life-size statue of Lalaji and to acquire many other places of worship.

The oldest male of the Holy Family represents Lalaji, he is also at the head of NaqshMuMRa (Naqshbandiya Mujaddidiya Mazhariya Ramchandriya). So today the role goes to Dinesh Kumar, retired from the railways since 2002 and soon 65 years old, since the death of his elder brother in 1974. Previously, this function was performed by Akilesh Kumar (28/06/41-15/05/74) who was not 3 years old at the death of his father and who died before he was 33 years old, but who still had the time to create a periodical entitled "adhyaatma dhaara. Their father, Narayan or Jagmohan Narain (2/11/01-28/08/44), preceded them from 1931 to 1944.
In fact, it should be a little more complex than that: when you look at their Sufi "golden chain", (see here also for a different "golden chain") we see other intermediaries characters, but Dinesh does not mention them ...

Clearly, Dinesh says that Lalaji was not only the "aadiguru" of Sahaj Marg, but especially the one and only great spiritual master of the non-Islamic Naqshbandi Sufi lineage, following the teaching of the great Sufi saint Hazarat Maulana Fazal Ahmad Khan Sahib Raipur who he followed from 1911, for 16 full years. However, Dinesh does not say a word about the teachings of Sant Mat that he would have followed ...

According to Dinesh, his grandfather "Laalaaji is eternally waiting for those who have yet to come." He would have said in effect: "the task which could not be achieved during my life time, it would be the prime duty and the best charity of my forthcoming generations, to complete it."

So it is what NaqshMuMRa and LNCT through Dinesh are doing today, but not only them because Dinesh also cites the SRCM, the Sahaj Marg and Chari, but without adding a word about the descendants of Babuji or Kasturi or Narayana's (ISRC) ... This is also true (there is mention... (see here) ) of Ramashram satsang led by the successors of some great disciples of Lalaji, the Akhil Bhartiya Santmat Satsang (ABSS), which follows the teaching of Brij Mohan Lal (nephew Lalaji) or even the Golden Sufi Center initiated by Radha Mohan Lal (another nephew of Lalaji). An interesting eclecticism ... especially after the harsh words of Babuji in 1963 about the Sufi teachings in India.

Who will be at the head of NaqshMuMRa and the LNCT tomorrow? Apparently, the descendants of Raghubal Dayal, brother Lalaji, are now excluded. Women also! So will it be the son of Akilesh, Vinay Kumar born in 1965 or Samir Kumar in 1970? Or will it the responsibility of the son of Dinesh, Himanshu Vikram born in 1980?


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

SRCM(tm)... The Global Picture! The Gazis?

Taken and translated from a comment by "cri-cri" on Elodie's French Blog: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg

Cri-cri (Christian) was an abhyasi with Chari for 18 years. He has a Phd in, and is working as a, research psychologist and is also a "psycho linguist". See his blog (in French with some English): Analyse de la SRCM

Note: Cri-cri use of the word: "Mazie" as a play on "Nazi" and "Mondiale" the french word for "Global". So the English equivalent is "GAZI" which means: Global Nazism or Global Fascism as opposed to "National Fascism.

(PS: 4d-Don's edits are in "red italics").

Cri-cri said:


About the "divine light", precisely. Let us take the time to look at it more closely, it is interesting ...

What is the most powerful cult in France, which, as in the USA, has the support of the power establishment because it operates in its wings since the Revolution? What is the most powerful lobby in France, which as in the USA, is controlling public opinion and politics in the country? What relationship is there between Satanism, the Illuminati, globalism, the famous lobby that does not exist, and France? What relationship do these factors have, apparently unconnected with one another, with the drifting of the teachings of Babuji at the SRCMtm? What causes this sulfuric relationship between the United Nations, a supranational organization of Shadow Governments, used for the judicial review of nations, and the SRCMtm? Why was Babuji contacted by the United Nations, an organization led by Gazis (Global Fascists-see note above)) since the time of its creation as a League of Nations?

Apart from the fact that the SRCMtm uses the same models and the same manipulative methods as the Gazis, which provides us a trail with which to assume that it has been infiltrated and is aligned, a key theological point has gone unnoticed by all. However, it is fundamental, basic and subtle. It is common to all mystical and religious systems, as so many that have been given to humanity by the Gazis, pyramids as control mechanisms, integrated into the global Tower of Babel (the UN - Biblical reference).

In religion as in the Sahaj Marg, there is a constant reference to the divine light. The divine light is an a priori given, that everyone accepts without thinking, never again to think of questioning this. Babuji speaks, sometimes using the terminology of "divine light" as a synonym for God, and placing the "divine light" as the basis for the practice, since it is the "divine light" in our heart, upon which we are asked to meditate.

Satanists and Freemasons, like Christians and Muslims are all servants of the "divine light", some being atheists and others believers, depending on whether they are in its worship or not. Some differences of refinement exist in the manner of coming together in its service and adoration, as required by the form of dogmas and practices, and to adapt the system to the general mystical culture and psyche of the individuals. At the front of the stage at the historical-political sideshow, every system presents its supreme and its cults, rituals and myths, which are all essentially the same practice.

All are subjugated by the notion of hierarchy as our "god's" representation is reduced to the archetypal father, superior, supreme and absolute. The followers are naturally the infants at the bottom of the pyramid and they hope to climb the ladder to get a place in the sun (...get to "adult" status, free and responsible), usually after death - ie never . Priests (preceptors) are busy at the intermediate levels, and all look towards the top, where the elite and God keep the "light" of the latter in the pure air of the social heights.

As we seek to return to its roots, let us recall that theologians define Lucifer, the "angel of light", as a fallen angel because he (male) separated from God. Lucifer is an angel (archangel?). Starting from this idea of degeneration, theologians have developed the idea of rebellion and depravity, and the "angel of light" (Lucifer) has become the symbol of evil, then evil itself. However, it is a recent mythological development (middle-ages) by the Religions of the Book. In antiquity, especially among the Greeks and the Romans, Lucifer, god of light and knowledge, retained its full original meaning of "bearer of light". Lucifer was seen as beneficial and positive.

Thus, the planet Venus was called Lucifer because it heralds the arrival of the morning sun. More surprisingly, Lucifer would have been the name respectfully given to Jesus (the) Christ in his lifetime, "the bearer of light" (ref). Because this is the etymological meaning of the word "lucifer", it did not initially mean evil or demonic.

Light is the first manifestation of God (the Creator), ITS first creation. (see below (*): Christian Bible (KJV) - Genesis 1-3)

The "angel of light" is demeaned because it is expelled by God, mechanically, by the mere fact of creation.

Lucifer (light) is the master and the administrator of the world. God is the creator of the world, and its director is Lucifer. God does not administer, IT creates and delegates.

Lucifer, the nearest cosmic (mythical?) entity to God, is the transient with a double power. If it is the one that leads us to God and enlightens us and guides us during our journey, it is also that which masks the subtlety of the CREATIVE NOTHINGNESS by his (male) luminance.

Lucifer is the creature, which is opposed in essence to God the Creator.

He is not opposed to God as stated in Christian theology, because he (allegedly) revolted against God, but he is opposed because he does not belong to the same (state of) Reality.

Lucifer is the flagship of the universe, wherever we look, he reveals to us the access to God himself. (the SHE/HE/IT).

Finally, the existence of Lucifer informs us that the "Creation process" continues as we speak, that from the CREATIVE NOTHINGNESS something continues to escape, that powers the great universal machine.

Lucifer or God, which of the two is the true spiritual goal? We believe that it is God. Yet what are the Gazis doing through the spiritualist and religious systems, they ask us to worship the "divine light" as if it were God? Are they not leading us astray, even at the root of our approach, by focusing us on the top of the pyramid instead of out of it?

Then, by focusing the minds on something other than what was said to be the "goal", is the true goal not to prevent something particular from happening in the bosom (heart) of humanity? Who is causing the confusion in manipulating these belief systems and spiritual teachings that are given to humanity?

When a religion such as Christianity teaches us to worship the Christ (= Lucifer), the only son of God (= first creation), and to venerate the "divine light" as the glory of the Holy Spirit (= first event), are we not in a system that is organically Satanist, which teaches its followers to worship Lucifer without telling them, while making them believe that they will love and serve God, and that they should fear Lucifer as evil and the enemy of God? Why do we fear Lucifer? The schizophrenia of the human mind is obviously caused by design. By whom and for what purpose?

As is shown to us in the developments inside the SRCMtm, what we consciously believe is irrelevant, because to the "divine light" we are all equal, so we are all interchangeable. Also, the SRCMtm accepts in its totalitarian system, any "person" (= non-individual) regardless of gender, ethnicity, culture, nationality and beliefs, unless those beliefs put in doubt the process of submission to the top of the pyramid (in which case the sect gives a pariah status to these individuals: they become like Lucifer, the fallen angel because they rebelled against God and refused to serve).

Since today, part of humanity is awakening to a higher level of mental development, in which religious schizophrenia based on the Manichean opposition of good and evil no longer functions to control the masses, Gazis offer us an update of their mental software with the new religious-mystical panacea for centuries to come. Among the candidates, Sahaj Marg has the advantage over earlier religions of being a more subtle schizophrenia, more difficult to detect, which would be beyond this duality of good and evil - though.

Yet, like all other religious/spiritual belief systems that invade and degrade humanity, Sahaj Marg complies strictly in the same way as any logical monotheism.

The teachings of Babuji are inherited from Sufism and Hinduism, of which they keep the same basic manipulative patterns, respectively: the pyramid and the God-man. Via its inherited Islam, is an ancient mystical knowledge that existed in the Middle East since the beginning of history. Via its inherited Hinduism, to which Sahaj Marg is directly linked by affiliation to the spiritual avatar Krishna, it incorporates an antediluvian relic that may have some common origin with the founders of the Egypt of the Pharaohs. This can be seen from the Hindu myths relating to the antediluvian civilization of Hind. It (Hind) would have amounted to the Aryan territory, which included India and the Middle East (where Mecca was a place of Shiite pilgrimage), then extended from Central Asia to Western Europe and the North. According to academician Dumezil Georges, mythological linguistics and fossils corroborate the hypothesis of an Aryan antediluvian civilization extending over a territory as large. This is further confirmed by genetic analysis of human groups in that area of the world.

Egyptians of the Pharaoh period are known to have had a devoted worship to the "divine light" as symbolized by the supreme sun god. (Ra) But it is not the only civilization to have been dedicated to this cult. On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, worship of the sun, perhaps from the same origins, was also practiced. The cult of the "divine light" is found in Jewish mythology, Judeo-Christianity and Judeo-Masonic, from which emerges the Illuminati (illumination, light), which still flirts with Satanism (or Lucifer-ism -read in its Indo Europeans roots as "light"). All these ideological systems represent manifestations of the cult of the "divine light".

Why did Babuji ask us to meditate on the "divine light in the heart" rather than on God? Can someone "inform" us on this sliding at the root, which it seems to be, and which is not without consequences?

It is not surprising that monotheism creates a violent society and a psychology of conquest, competitiveness and domination, and an equally pathological psychology of masochistic submission, a servile passion for faith, devotion and "sacrificial" love.

On the one hand, to be closer to God, one must climb the levels, so the struggle against others for one's own ascent (eg abhyaisis competing with Preceptors for a physical nearness to the Master and to be noticed by him/her). This fratricidal struggle, called a "spiritual brotherhood" by SRCMtm, rests on the lower levels and is sustained by the vital energy of the slaves at the base (= devotional activism). To be close to God, one must also increase the stature of the structure so as to climb higher, therefore, one must expand the base to make this possible. That means ever more people enslaved in round-ups of the masses in the name of their own salvation, for which Chari is asking his prefects to provide figures. We're in a paradigm of quantity, ie materialistic.

On the other hand, to serve God, we must submit, and as God is absolute, the submission can be nothing less than total. You see, the pyramid, the Promethean tool of civilization, is the cause of totalitarianism which originates outside of humanity and which is imposed on the human animal, so as to take it to the meat company (slaughter house) submissive to the point of gratefulness (to a "thank you"). With the pyramid, the human soul is set in motion in an aspiration to rise, and is then restricted in a pyramidal structure by the constraints generated by this desire for elevation. This is called mental engineering, and the origins of this system is not human but was implanted on Earth, in the Middle East, several millennia ago.

A model imposed by whom and for whom?

Monotheism, ie the worship of the "divine light", in place of the cult of the CREATIVE NOTHINGNESS, is nothing other than applying the model of the pyramid to spirituality, that is to say to life, and to channel and to use it. Monotheism is Satanism.

The model of the pyramid is the heavenly hierarchy in creation. The pyramid is thus a logical system that has nothing to do with God but with the creation, nothing to do with the Creator, but with the creature. At the top of the building is not God, but the administrator of the constitution, the only son of God, Lucifer (Light).

If we want a truly liberating new paradigm for the future, we must stop practicing Satanism in its various forms. God means the end of pyramids in our humanity. This is the end of religions and Satanism, and that is the end of myths. Yet, the onus is still on us to see the most subtle of mythic hoaxes so as to have a chance to really change things and finally liberate humanity which is now a prisoner in a mental trap that is particularly invasive.

According to Babuji, there is no God one can pray to, because God has no mind. So how do we achieve it? According to Babuji, yet it is not even possible to reach God in our lifetime. He relates in fact his own attempt to cross the final boundary that separates us from God, and the failure which he faced. Our only option would be to draw close to God as much as possible and to continue this journey without end (and probably without beginning). Also,who lies to us, offering us the realization of God as a cheap product? Is it possible to reach God and how does it work? If this is not possible, what does one achieve when one reaches Realization? Does one become like Christ, the only son of God, the living God, Lucifer?

We accused Chari of usurping the role of Spiritual Master.

He usurps nothing when he dishonestly leaves out the Sufi origins of Sahaj Marg, while using violence and physical force to achieve his ends, or when he sets aside Lalaji and Babuji to fully occupy the Central position of the spiritual Master sitting at the top of the (pyramidal) Structure. By becoming the center and the top, he is instead perfectly consistent with the theory of the "living Master" of Babuji and the Sufis, the incarnation of God in charge of guiding the aspirants and to serve them. However, that has to be his goal.

Yet, like other followers of Babuji who made an immortal image of Babuji, forever filling the role of guide, Chari also denies Babuji's ultimate spiritual realization. Wasn't Babuji not supposed to have achieved total negation in his lifetime? However, by speaking from the afterlife through a medium, Babuji continues to exist as an individual human who survived death (!!!) when he was supposed to have lost his individuality in the process. Chari implicitly puts into question the status of divine Babuji, as Babuji did with Lalaji, by intercommunicating with him, and he tainted his spiritual lineage of a subtle form of existence which can only degenerate into idolatry with time. However, this is not usurpation, it is " imagination", attachment and auto-satisfaction and a misuse of powers of the mind under the influence of individual desires and external manipulations. Chari, not assuming this fully, and still subject to the guilt of his actions, attempts to clear these feelings by using an intermediary, the medium. This professional "medium" is responsible for making the communication credible (= messages do not come from Chari, so it can not be a fraud on his part), as well as to strengthen the legitimacy of Chari through the information "received " .

The usurpation of the role of Master takes place at an invisible level, that of the conceptual structure of the system that Chari has custom built himself, and under the influence of a manipulation that is invading from outside. Chari essentially introduced a basic drifting of the teachings, by an inversion of the values in the doctrine of Sahaj Marg. He organizes, directs, and controls, instead of surrendering to the divine will. With Chari, the Master is no longer a servant of humanity who is dedicated to the abhyasis so as to make them totally dependent assistants, but a predator, who hunts, who subdues and demands. Chari makes his abhyasis slaves in his service on the pretext that devotion is synonymous with evolution, not hesitating to call upon apocalyptic terror to instill a sense of urgency among his followers, promoting irrationality, and making them willing to accept anything.

From one dependency to another, you might say, what's the difference? If the result seems to be the same; it is not. In the first case, the basic principles of spirituality are respected, the abandonment and love of the disciple occur. In the second case, the abandonment does not exist in the real sense of the word. This submission is caused by the rape of the free will of the individual through deception, intimidation of his intelligence and manipulation. The same is true of real love (replaced by servility and sentimentality), service (replaced by activism so as to be noticed and loved by the guru), respect (fear of hell or reincarnation) and sacrifice. Sacrifice will never exist in such a society, based on personal gain, be it expressed in spiritual terms (release points, etc.)..or not. It encourages competition and profit, ie selfishness of its members. This is the Gazi tactic of all systems based on fear rather than confidence: they divide and conquer.

In both cases however, the dependence of the believer which follows the process indicates that the foundations of the approach is incorrect, and they are because everything happens within the pyramid. Can it be otherwise?

Chari usurps the role of Master in fully realizing the totalitarian potential of the pyramid of power based on a materialist conception of spirituality, while assuming his own divinity so as to politically abuse in a human society. Lack of ethics? Not at all: "The end justifies the means". This is Gazi ethics, and a different ethics which of course evolves differently depending on whether one is at the top or at the base of the pyramid.

By doing so, Chari does nothing but realize the final agenda of the Satanist Gazis, contained in the teachings of Sahaj Marg and held in seed form, inherited from their legacy of Islam and Hinduism. Chari relegates the divine to the background, as a mystery of faith, and as the unknowable, and therefore unattainable. So while with Babuji, God was a promise ever near at hand, with Chari, God becomes a pretext and an instrument of power, as in any religion. With Chari, God is lost in the dazzling and the fascinating " divine light", whose advantage is to hide the crass ignorance of the guru in the field of spiritual guidance. Promise Kept?


Tuesday April 21, 06:48:00 AM

King James Version (KJV) of the Christian Bible, Genesis 1 to 3:

1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Celebration of SRCM(California-1997) Master's Birthday!

Taken from a translation of an article by Alexis on Elodie's French Blog: Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg

Alexis has a blog called: SRCM=Danger and one called: Le Projet Sahaj Marg, translated to:
The Sahaj Marg Project.

4d-Don said: Does this "channeled" message not smack of "EGO" to some of you? Someone (a living person) made this up and it was not "BABUJI" ... Receiving messages from the dead (ghosts, spirits, etc..) is called "spiritualism" ... not spirituality and certainly not "Raja Yoga".

The "Freudian slip" of the typo in the message: "heat" rather than "heart", and then later: "blaze" (as in a "fire") when refering to the Mission, could be a manifestation of their autonomous "egregore" (Groupthink) taking on a life of its own. It would seem that at the SRCM(California-1997) the red (lower) frequencies of emotions that create "heat" are increasing rather than the cooler "blue" (higher frequencies) of intellectual and the upper "chakras" of spirituality.
The abhyasis (and their families, friends, etc...) are the ones being "burned" to create this emotional "heat".

The (synchronistic) similarity of increase in "heat" and "blaze", and the religious concept of "hell" do not go un-noticed.

First the "flood" at the Ashram, then the "fire" and the "blaze" that will "lend credibility" to the autonomous "egregore"?
(notice the word: "lend"... not "give"!! A loan has to be paid back. Look for further emotions after the "party". Look for a "hang-over" just as with other "addictive substances" such as with the "opiates of the Masses"...religion, with its egotistical and orgasmic pomp and ceremony! Add to this recipe, a large touch of "nationalism".)

Babuji or any "enlightened" person would not constantly appeal to the "lower chakras" (heat, blaze) and counsel against using the "upper chakras". That is why the "philosophers" and the "saints" can not in good conscience adhere to this Group ... There is an absence of the qualities of "spirituality" (love, forgiveness, UNITY) and "intellect", and an over-emphasis on lower-chakra "emotions"! Not very elevating!

Alexis said:

83 Years Old Soon

Kasturi was well informed. The only major event held by the SRCM(California-1997) this year is celebrating Chari's 83rd anniversary. Forgotten are Lalaji and Babuji, they (SRCM California-1997) are focusing on the only Master who really counts! Forgotten also is the site of Vadodara / Baroda in Gujarat, (where the celebration was to take place) mentionned two years ago, it is finally at Tiruppur in Tamil Nadu that will take place this Bandara ...

And it is (apparently) Babuji himself who announced this from his "Brighter World":

An Era of Hope and Opportunity

"... Prepare yourself for this birthday celebration, it will show to my son once again his growing importance from one year to another in the heat (heart?) of our brothers and sisters. He is loved and his action bears its fruit, beyond our hopes. May the blessed day of his birth on Earth go down in the history of our Mission as an event to remember. It makes it blaze and lends credibility to it. Be happy to be, once again, in this incarnation, living in the wake of this exceptional being ... "

Babuji Maharaj, Whispers from the Brighter World.

An era of hope and opportunity? Or a little too full of opportunism?


Friday, April 17, 2009

The Guru! (According to Babuji)

Taken and translated from a comment by cri-cri on Elodie's French Blog: Pour Que vive le Sahaj Marg. (see the comment in an article called : Recettes de Cuisine Sahaj Marg by Sam

Cri-cri (Christian) was an abhyasi with Chari for 18 years. He has a Phd in, and is working as a, research psychologist and is also a "psycho linguist". See his blog (in French with some English): Analyse de la SRCM

(PS... As there is a controversy in Sahaj Marg about a "female" being a Master (The feminine equivalent of Master is Mistress) , and since Sister Kasturi acts as a "teacher, guide, Guru or Master", 4d-Don has added the "feminine" in red italics where appropriate. It is not in the original Babuji writings nor in Christian's comment.)

4d-don said:

I am officially opening: 4d-Don's Guru Counseling Services for "needy" Gurus. ;-))

When a Guru expresses openly his/her needs (desire) for his disciples to "keep your guru happy under all circumstances", then the Guru needs the disciples and the disciples do not need the Guru and they should be offered FREEDOM and LIBERATION from such a drain on their vital energies, which probably renders and leaves them emotional.
It is unhealthy and not "SPIRITUAL" or Natural!

The Guru is then either sucking the disciples' vital energies, such as their emotions (love and adulation...creating ego), mind (constant thoughts or obsession), and physical (constant requests for money, time, service, etc.)
much like a "vampire", or he is milking his serfs as if they were his own group "cash cow" his target market. He (the inferior Guru) also takes much of the focus and time away from the ULTIMATE and SPIRITUALITY, which is the raison d'etre of SRCM, Sahaj Marg and other such religious groups.

If your Master needs you to "make your guru happy under all circumstances", then he can't claim to teach Babuji's Sahaj Marg. Babuji's teachings and writings seem to infer that Chari's actions are evidence of his being an "inferior type of guru" ... Read below and see, using the brain as well as your "all", of course!


One need only read what is written by Babuji. While some people have focused people's attention on the typology of followers he had written about, and especially on the poor (bad) followers who do not do what is needed, Babuji was also committed to speaking about the bad gurus, or the risks that there are in attaching (one's self) to a guru.

Moreover, while a theological schism opposes those that had (or have) the nerve to usurp the role of "Living Master" and those who did not have the gall, but who ultimately like to play the "guru", there again, Babuji is sufficiently explicit to shine some light and to show that it is not so simple.

Some selected excerpts to put the record straight with a few comments in [brackets] so as to see things more clearly.

Excerpts from The Voice of Reality, t2 Complete Works, Ram Chandra (SRCM Publishing, 1993)

"The support of the Master," pp. 94-104

[sadhana =regulate the mind]

Appropriate regulation of the mind is essential to achieve inner peace (...). This must be the primary goal of any sadhana undertaken for this purpose. A sadhana is useless if it does not guarantee a sadhak a moderation of the trends of his mind. (...) Nearly all Sadhanas in principle have the same goal, which remains neglected.

[Robot-Guru or robot-abhyasis in the great imperial machine of the Sri Rajagopal Chari Mission = danger of getting lost]

(...) At the moment, the gurus, in their eagerness to impress people, also employ similar methods that actually take us very far from the field of spirituality. And their followers, who have lost all discernment, are unable to grasp it in its various shades and tones. They only attach to what is colored, and their mental, functioning mechanically demands nothing more than a mechanical guide, leading them by mechanical means.

Consequently, they (disciple) remain forever held back by the spells of their (guru) mechanical operations. They are not the only ones to blame in this regard. In fact, they are saturated to the point of being stunned by the slow poison which has been administered to them from the height of the soapboxes, by brilliant preachers who refer to themselves as saints and religious teachers of world renown. (...) This is the condition of the teachings and also of the teachers: the first is imbued with complacency and pride, while the second is overwhelmed by the desire of sensual pleasure, which he mistakenly took for a state of anandam.

[sadhana = abhyas + using a Living Master]

(...) The sadhana has two aspects: one, the abhyas, and the other, using the master. The abhyas are only intended to create in the abhyasi, internal conditions to attract the flow of divine grace, but it involves a personal effort. However, this personal effort is not enough by itself because it must be complemented by support from the Master. Indeed, all we need to realize our ultimate goal is God's grace and nothing else. (...) For this reason, using the Master is essential. In the early stages, divine grace flows into the abhyasi only through the Master. That's why it is often considered as the grace of the Master. That it comes through the Master's intermediary or directly, it is anyway, the same grace. Until the abhyasi is able to receive it directly, it is incumbent upon the Master to grant its benefit. Once he/she has developed the ability to attract the benefits directly, the work of the Master is virtually complete, although he/she should keep a watchful eye on him/her to protect him/her if necessary. That is the real function of a true Master.

However, the support of the teacher is an essential feature of sadhana, it is incumbent on the abhyasi to seek out a guide who is worthy of guiding him/her on the path and to help with his/her power transmitted through the process of yogic pranahuti.

[guru = servant]

(...) I do not, for the above reason, in no way advocate the Orthodox idea of a guru, because I think it is only mental slavery. Under our system, we have a common brotherhood in a spirit of mutual love, service and sacrifice that are absolutely essential in our search. We strongly condemn the idea of personal service required by the gurus on the pretext that the disciple will form pious samskaras. Nevertheless, we believe that a guide, in a spirit of service, should him/herself serve his/her disciple, not only spiritually but also physically if necessary.

[poor choice of guru=disaster]

The choice of an appropriate guide or guru is the next point to consider. The work of the guru, being the most significant and invaluable of a spiritual life, it is essential to take the necessary precautions in order to choose the man (or woman?) who will fulfill this task. The slightest mistake in this area is often quite disastrous.

[ guru= God only]

God alone is our true guide or guru and (SHE/HE/IT) only provides us light. (...)

[need for Living Master]

There is therefore a need for one of one's peers, who has enough stature to help in this direction. You can call him/her a guide, a guru, a master, or by any other name, but he/she is basically a help and a support, working in a spirit of service and sacrifice.

[superior guru= usurper]

(...) If a guru presents himself as a Master in this field, inflated by his/her sense of his/her greatness and superiority, clearly he/she has usurped the position of the true Master, God. In this case, it is quite certain he/she can not serve others as required. It is therefore essential that he/she considers him/herself as being humble and act in a spirit of love and service. He/she must devote themselves completely to the service of others, individually and collectively. This service can be physical as well as spiritual. He/she must always take care of spiritual service, but he/she must also be willing to fulfill the physical service if necessary. He/she must be devoid of any sense of grandeur, importance or pride.

[in the absence of better, take the least worse]

(...) If this person is not available at the time, the only solution is to join forces with someone who is well connected with the Great Personality because when the best is beyond our reach, we must find one who is the best after him/her.

[inept guru= null progress]

(...) The practical observation reveals that up until now, most of the sages could not reach up to these limits, except maybe some in the distant past. They lingered indefinitely in one or the other (state) without finding the exit and that, for the simple reason that most likely their guru had neither the stature nor the capacity necessary to open the path by making use of their higher powers.

[choice of guru = difficult task. Do people really choose or do they simply allow themselves to be overwhelmed?]

(...) There is no doubt that choosing a guru worthy of the name is a very difficult task.

[the difference between spiritual and idolatry]

(...) If a being is absorbed in God and another in its material manifestation, what will each one attain? One, the Reality and the other, its imitation. Should we blame God for this?

[the Master for Babuji is not Babuj, but God]

(...) I feel at one with all my associates because we are committed to the same Master, God, without the slightest idea of being elevated or lowly, big or small. Indeed, it may be that an entity, having a human form is considered big by his/her fellow humans, while in reality he/she is the smallest.

"Gita", pp. 234-235

[Blind faith also has drawbacks and does not guarantee success]

(...) Blind faith has advantages along with disadvantages. It can be of immense value when the chosen guide is really a guide of the highest level and someone who has reached the most high. But if, unfortunately, you attach yourself to someone who is not up to the mark, and who has deceived you by his/her scholarly discourses or by performing miracles, your blind faith in him will lead you in the other direction, only to illusion and deception. In this case, you do not see his/her faults since you agreed to follow him blindly. As a result, you will not be able to achieve the goal.

[first put to the test. Then look again and again]

It is therefore necessary that, before placing your faith in anyone, everyone should look twice, then again and again.

"Attachment and faith," pp. 235-237


(...) I believe that if one does not feel distressed by the plight of others, that person lacks the most basic humanity, or, in other words, he/she is not a man (woman...human?) . Therefore, I am not at all in agreement with those (...) who incite people to see father, mother, brother or son as their enemies. For my part, and no matter what the price whatsoever, I will never be inclined to follow this principle. Whatever their opinion, these people do, in my opinion, only lead others in a mechanism by their preaching, which could ultimately be fatal to their sacred cause. If we adopt this practice it will give rise to feelings of hatred and revulsion which are also harmful to our spiritual goal.


(...) Pride and arrogance are additional links to the already-existing chain of selfishness. To guard against this terrible scourge, one should remain in direct contact with God through sincere prayer as prescribed in our Mission.

"Types of gurus and disciples," pp. 285-288

[for the sheep is in the hands of the wolf]

(...) It is possible that these words seem very harsh but I am obliged to say that "for the sheep is in the hands of the wolf and the entire herd is dispersed."

[To idolize the Special Personality: reveals what kind of guru?]

(...) The gurus of the inferior type are those who tell us to revere ghosts and apparitions, and who claim to know some spells (have powers).


Thursday April 16, 02:05:00 PM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Sahaj Marg Recipe Book??

Taken from a comment by Sam on Elodie's (French discussion) Blog: Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg

4d-Don said:

How does Sahaj Marg get money from the "serfs"? BOOKS, BOOKS BOOKS! And of course, seminars and retreats where there are many souvenirs and icons (pictures, tapes, dvd's etc..) for sale. It's MARKETING. Check out the travel, lodging and food for the seminars, and see if they are not supplied by "an inner-circle member".

Now the SRCM preceptors (priest) will be selling four (4) volumes of "Whispers from the Brighter World", (the new Sahaj Marg BIBLE) at an exhorbitant price of $150.00. Everyone will be expected to have it so they can read and re-read over and over so as to become LIBERATED. Then there will be the many other books compiled from the regurgitated speeches (ramblings) of Chari. And now there is a "recipe" book! What's next? A spiritual "sports manual"? A spiritual "how-to repair your car" book? Spiritual Capitalism is what SRCM has become!!

Then the refrain will be: "bail us out" time again! Year after year!! You will pay for your FREE Spirituality in SPADES! You, the preceptors have a duty to your fellowperson to tell the truth to the NEW MEMBERS!! This spiritual journey is not FREE!! It is not free in monetary terms, in emotional terms, in intellectual terms or in spiritual terms. This is Marketing of the lowest (immoral) form, and the preceptor is expected to be the "arteries" of the religious pyramid scheme. Guilt will clog the arteries. Are there any mirrors around the house? You will want to get rid of them, or you will have to face yourself and change and transform and leave this gang of religious "scammers"!!

The SRCM (California-1997) Preceptors will be expected to lie and manipulate, and tell the "new members" that Sahaj Marg is FREE ... This is the religious "immorality" of "spiritual capitalism", at SRCM (California-1997) that is said (by them) to lead to the "GREAT MORALITY" (the ONE, the ULTIMATE, the UNITY). NOT!!!

SRCM (California-1997) and their "registered
TRADE mark" Sahaj Marg, will continue to divide and create more tension and stress in society.

Sam said:

Sahaj Marg Recipes?

On a slightly different topic, I just received news from the USA. They are creating a book containing Sahaj Marg recipes and are asking all for their best recipes. But what is this exactly? What is this strange new idea? Another vegetarian recipe book? And what is a Sahaj Marg recipe? What will there be in this book? A "Special" Chocolat Fondue, a gastronomic samskara, the Master's salad, Babuji's zucchini au gratin?

The story is authentic and I await to see the book that will come out. Beyond the ridiculous, one can really ask one's self, where is this poor Sahaj Marg going?


4d-don said:

It sounds like another shallow idea someone got from Christian "miracle maker and televangelist" Peter Popoff and his "Miracle Manna" (made from a "special" Biblical recipe). They use this wafer as a Power Point or as a "come on" so as to get MONEY from the sheep.

Watch and see if some of the Sahaj Marg recipes are not "channeled" by a Medium, and become part of the ALL NEW Sahaj Marg BIBLE (Whispers from the Brighter World). I would wager that some foods will be said to "erase samskaras", and some will "liberate" the eater as it should be "tasteless" and not be appealing to the senses, thus becoming a TRAP, a habit or an addiction. Will there be a contest for the "most hedonistic" or decadent recipe? Will taste be a "no-no"? WE are spiritual after all... are the senses now to be "pampered" with (spicy) FOOD? ... Will the book and the food be OPULENT and or DECADENT? According to the quote below by Chari, the recipes in this "RECIPE BOOK" should give "no pleasure"!!

Here is a direct quote from one side of Chari's mouth about the mythic "fall of Mankind", which he would liberate us from: "But we have converted our senses into pleasure seeking instruments, and therein lies the fall of mankind."

The Purpose of Human Life: Speech by Chari at Raipur, India, Mar 18, 2009

See comments by 4d-don: The Purpose of Life! Develop More Religions! (Chari)

What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive! (Sir Walter Scott)

In religious and spiritual groups, the saying goes: No sex please we are spiritual. But the hedonism "orgies of FOOD" and IDOLATRY at "birthday parties" for the pseudo-Guru, are RELIGIOUS, so they are acceptable in the spirituality of Sahaj Marg, which by the way, claims to be a modified Raja Yoga ...

Specially when some POOR still have nothing to eat, to use food to raise money for "concrete structures and parking lots in paradise" in the name of SPIRITUALITY is GROSS and so materialist.


HUMAN LIFE is more important than Ashrams, Temples and Churches.

WHY a Sahaj Marg Recipe Book??

Is this another SRCM (California-1997) Manipulation of the "serfs"?

Will we now have another "book of recipes by amateurs", poorly researched, making wild claims and/or attempting to pre-empt other better Raja Yoga food literature that is now out there, simply to "make money" for the SRCM (California-1997) profiteers and opportunists . The Master will no doubt meditate on each recipe and decide if it is DIVINE or NOT ... like a "televangelist" or a charlatan.

Maybe now the "spiritual clan" will realize why they are so arrogant and egotistical !! IT'S the FOOD! The Spices! Don't eat that "stimulant" food according to "raja yoga" and expect to "BE SPIRITUAL"!!

In cursory and superficial research of "stimulant" foods which are also called "rajasic foods", (from Raja Yoga) one finds that:

see: Stimulant Foods:

They help to create aggressive and dominating thoughts to emerge, especially towards others. Helps create a huge ego. As in, when someone wants to be the best in the clan and will keep everyone down to advance.

Stimulant foods energize and develop the manipura (navel) chakra and body but do not promote advancement in the higher chakras.

Such foods include: coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate, hot spices, salt, and also sugar, drugs, (poppies, marijuana, cocaine, etc... in oil, seed, leaf, flower, etc...) synthetic preservatives and stimulants, etc.. etc... etc...

NOW GIVE US YOUR Sahaj Marg "spiritual" RECIPE which will be sold back to you for CASH !! A recipe which has HEALED YOU, and FREED YOU, and LIBERATED YOU! You can bet we will be commenting on your arrogance and ignorance!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hope for the Teachings of Babuji

Taken from Elodie's blog: Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg, in a article called: Hope Finally

Hope Finally!

The End of Despair

Three years ago, when I started this blog, I signed: "The Desperate Abhyasi". Because the drifting of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission seemed irremediably to lead the teaching of Sahaj Marg into the throes of power and the money kings.

What I did not know then, and what took me so long to understand, is that next to the trademarked Sahaj Marg ®,there survived in India, the real Sahaj Marg as taught by Babuji, with personalities such as Sister Kasturiji and/or KC Narayana, the son of Dr. KC Varadachari and many other obscure senior preceptors.

Today we know the truth, we have no more excuses. Everyone should resign from the Mission (SRCM California-1997) en masse , and abandon his/her guru to himself, and as well, his cronies. Everyone should go to meet the true defenders of the still-alive tradition of Sahaj Marg.

Narayana and Kasturiji have in their time, obediently followed the advice of Babuji and accepted the appointment of Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari to the presidency of the SRCM. It is because of the developments inside the Mission that they have kept their distance; because of the idolatry of the abhyasis towards their guru that they have withdrawn; because of the evolution of this same guru, for whom this (adulation) went to his head, that they have worked in isolation.

It is time to let as many people know, especially we Westerners who live away from India and its daily actuality. An alternative exists, there is no need for despair (any more), there is no more reason to hesitate, not even for a moment.

Those who oppose this, reject anything that is somewhat spiritual. One really has to see evil everywhere, to criticize Narayana and/or Kasturi. They do nothing but pass on the traditional teaching of the true Sahaj Marg, that they have received from Babuji.


* Kasturi (membership only)
* Narayana

Anonymous said:

You are right (for me)...

I have already left the Shri Rajagopalachari Church Movement and have begun a meditation with a "Kasturi" group.

Cri-cri said:

(Christian is an 18 year ex-abhyasis of SRCM who went to Narayana's ISRC for a short stint. Christian is a Phd in psychology and a psycho-linguist.

See his "French with some English" blog: Analyse de la SRCM)

Hello Elodie!

For the teaching of Sahaj marg tm to be effective and bring about the results promised, a teacher who cares and helps the individual abhyasis spiritually is needed.

This means that for 1 teacher, the amount of followers must be limited, under the penalty that the teaching becomes overwhelmed and unable to provide the service. Ask the prez, then, how many abhyasis they are able to "treat".

Chari the megalomaniac, wants a following with 9 zeros (billion) when he fails to manage a number with 5 zeros (one hundred thousand), and this (number) for the sake of the promise he claims to have made to his master, probably in his dreams.

Narayana is certainly aware of this and he does not want to accommodate all the abhyasis of SRCMtm, I do not know how it is for Kasturi, but let us have one's feet on the ground for 2 minutes.

First, the abhyasis of SRCMtm are completely brainwashed, (so mentally rotten) by the doctrine of Chari. How many years will it take them to liberate themselves from the mental toxins of that crazy man?

Second, you start from the idea that Chari's abhyasis are seeking spirituality, but is that true? They are victims of a system of marketing, seduction and fascination, and are in their (SRCM California-1997) mental grasp. That's what they sought, because if they had sought spirituality, they would also spontaneously be elsewhere, using their hearts.

Why are you looking for the abhyasis to leave SRCMtm?

Our actions aim at encouraging people to think, so as to restore the Sahaj Marg to the the SRCM. If all the abhyasis do what you propose, it is the destruction of Sahaj Marg that will result, where it still exists.


Sunday April 12, 04:51:00 PM

Peter said:

(Peter is an ex-preceptor of SRCM (California-1997) who is now a preceptor with ISRC (Narayana))

Hello Elodie,

I loved your comment ... And if I am not here to proselytize, because:

1 / It is not my style
2 / It would do nothing .. !
3 / To each his responsibility.

What is incredible is precisely that, despite the information on your blog, things have not moved ... ! After the SRCM, I met Narayana, and I was super riled against the drifting of the SRCM, and against Chari, and I thought of finding a sympathetic ear. Instead, Narayana (almost) died laughing. I did not understand ... ! I have been slowly understanding the message he wanted to pass on to me .. All those years spent at the SRCM, it was my responsibility ... What can I say? ! To each his own responsibility, we can not blame others indefinitely for this or that ...

Waiting for more...


Sunday April 12, 06:40:00 PM

4d-don said:

Elodie ...

You say: Everyone should resign en masse from the Mission, to abandon the guru to himself and his cronies. Everyone should go to meet the true defenders of the still-alive tradition of Sahaj Marg.

I agree with the first sentence.

But I would not counsel any person "to go and meet the real defenders of the stll-alive tradition (...) of Sahaj Marg".

It seems there are still many "distortions of the truth" among several senior preceptors, and even with Babuji at the very founding of Sahaj Marg, which could surface later in the character of the "followers". Then all should decide "day by day" if the Sahaj Marg deserves their confidence as a spiritual path to achieve the realization of the ULTIMATE (if that is even possible).

Can a "lie" lead to "truth"? Everyone has to choose and decide for themselves ... A path that divides the inside of the society (SRCM), and the outside that is the families of the abhyasis, and which seems to adversely affect the character of its followers, making them emotional, arrogant, and lacking in love for the neighbor, the family, friends, does not have "carte blanche" by those who have done the hard research.

There even seems to be a betrayal of the country (culture) of residence of the (foreign) abhyasis, in favour of a mock patriotism towards India. Several of the abhyasis who do not volunteer in their own societies, parishes and cities think themselves "blessed of the Divine" because they help the rich build "private schools" with 14 foot ceilings. Many of our "public" schools are "mobiles".

We must never suggest blind obedience to any spiritual/religious path that makes promises that can not be verified, such as REALITY, or their "REAL Beatitude", or other states without definitions, or even a seat in their mythical "Brighter World" (heaven?).


Monday April 13, 06:35:00 AM

Elodie said:

Hello all,

The teaching of Sahaj Marg, the true, may not be free from criticism, but this does not prevent me from feeling that the words of Sister Kasturiji are a breath of fresh air after years of wandering and despair.

At least acknowledge that.

Rather fondly,

Monday April 13 10:13:00 AM

4d-don said:

OK! Agreed ... but just for THAT! ;-))


Cri-cri said:

Hello Elodie,

I understand that one is looking for the person one can have confidence in, that one aspires ardently.

Opening one's heart to another results in the submission of loving abandonment. If the other is not entirely abandoned to the divine, but to a mental idol, it is not freedom that we find but it is slavery to the slave of another.

An mental idol, this may be the service to the mission, the adoration (adulation) of Babuji, the Koran, the idea of god, personal success or a figure of 25 zeros before the decimal point.

It seems that some people consider certain mental idols as preferable to others because they would attach one to the exit door. All are a trap, some are a subtle trap.

The teacher living Master there not to separate the role of a disciple of the icon for that at some point it is fully franked?

Does the Living Master not have the duty of detatching the disciple from the idol, so that at some point, the disciple is totally "liberated".

A Living Master such as Chari attaches his disciples to the 3M (Master, Mission, Method) and can not have a master status, he is a scammer seeking personal service, he asks the abhyasis to serve the 3M to help realize the promise that he made to his master.

Where I am perplexed, and I must admit quite lost is when I find among the followers of Babuji this subtle idolatry. I still can not understand, I think it lacks something essential for the continuity of this spiritual lineage to be there.

No matter how I turn the problem around, I see that time passes and I always come to the same un-appealing solution. However, those who are in the heart (seem to) derive total satisfaction.


Tuesday April 14, 03:29:00 PM

Shashwat said...

Well i do not agree with the content of this topic, I have posted a reply to this view on my blog,


Friday, April 10, 2009

Sahaj Marg, SRCM(California 1997), and the "Fake Spiritual Guru"!

See this short but great article using a Youtube interview by Dr. Acharya Shree Yogeesh, the founding Guru of Yogeesh Ashram, founded in the Anaheim hills, and now registered as a "non-profit" organization, in Riverside, California in 1995, with a retreat center opened in April, 2008, near Dallas,Texas. The author uses the words from Chari's speeches, the current Master of SRCM (California-1997), to expose an alleged "fake guru":

(click here) A Fake Spiritual Guru

Will we soon have "certification" bodies for Gurus and their "preceptors" (priests), as we have for other "mental health" professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists, and/or therapists? Even with pharmacists, the "preceptors" (clinical teachers) of the pharmacists teaching program at the University of Texas, has established some criteria and standards. See: Becoming an Effective Preceptor Program at University of Texas.

Some religious and spiritual practitioners, much like many pharmaceuticals used by Mental Health practitioners target (knowingly or not) the pineal and other glands, and their secretions (melatonin, dopamine, etc...) in their claims to scientifically "balance" the individual, thus making him/her happy, content or blissful. Whether the "targets" are called by the more religious "disciple, follower, adept, abhyasis, etc... or the more secular and/or medical: client, patient, case, etc..., the claims of the religious/spiritual "preceptor", and the "pharmacist" establishment "preceptor" should be overseen by an "at arm's length" body.

This is more so, specially when the founders of these "meditation" systems include in their material an "age warning" (18 yrs old) and when their literature contains the dangers, and incidents of "over-dose" in the past. When the "hammered" (see Speech by Chari) pressure of believing and adhering to certain "religious dogmas and rituals" leads to documented cases of suicide or attempted murder (arranged marriages by the "sect leader"), is it not a sign that the "medicine" (blind obedience or becoming a "living dead") is handled too "cavalierly" and that the "cure" is more harmful than the disease in some cases. Is it not time for "oversight"?

4d-Don (Infonaut and blog owner)


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Sahaj Marg, Spiritual Tourism and "The India Syndrome"!

Taken and translated from a comment by Martin on Elodie's blog in France: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg
(see comments to article called: An Open Letter, by Alexis

Martin Said:

Did you know that India is the only country where the consulate of France has put in place a psychiatric service to deal with the mental health problems manifested by French nationals.

All those who have gone to India can testify to a very intriguing world, sometimes unbearable.

The travel journal of Cyril (see previous post) is a good example!

For Regis Airault, psychiatrist, it is the "shock of India". Long positioned at the French consulate in Bombay, he met hundreds of Westerners who slipped into anxiety, panic or were staggered shortly after landing. Therefore he wanted to analyze this "Indian syndrome" (In "Crazy in India", Payot 2000.)

"Upon arrival in the country, it manifests itself as an inexplicable anxiety or sadness. A few weeks later, more alarming symptoms such as psychotic hallucinations or delusions, may occur in some travelers." They live a real depersonalization, which I call " the race of India," says the psychiatrist. These travelers begin by losing their money, their belongings, before forgetting their name, their identity, and they fall into a kind of wander lust, or experience wild feelings of ecstasy ... Because India, the land of a thousand temples and ashrams, wakes up the "mystical feeling" of the most rationalist. "It is only when they re-attach themselves to a stronger symbol of their own culture, by consulting a french doctor for example, that they take up little by little a foothold in reality." Most of the returnees found their psychological health balance upon returning to their country of origin. Apart from some severe cases - drug addicts or those with marginal psychiatric history, which have become "disconnected" because they no longer have limits - most of the victims are rather balanced and structured personalities. It is truly the immersion in the country that has triggered a decompensation, a collapse of their usual defenses. "

All is becoming "globalized" and spirituality too, spiritual tourism works very well in India, boosted by Westerners in search of solution to make their "mortitude" (certainty of death) more bearable.

In India, they have a choice, this "land of a thousand gods," offers a scale of proposition that is unique on the entire planet.

For them death is a celebration, at home it is still taboo. We do not transgress such cultural barriers and leave without feathers (sticking to one's self).

What is flagrantly evident in the testimony of Cyril, is this agitation (nervous), this rush, this excitement, which evokes more hysteria and delirium, than mystical spiritual elevation.

Confusing ego and natural defenses and landmarks, the followers, too often leaving their ego, end up losing any relation to reality.

It is as if their ego was butting against another more daunting ego: "I found ... I know", and that certainty is an ego trap, a bondage (slavery), one hour before death (living dead). It prevents the follower from moving freely, intimately, naturally, so as to attempt to approach the truth that no one can ever really understand because it contains us all!

Cyrille advises Don (earlier comment):

"There is in the heart a point called the" point of discernment, "I counsel you to meditate, because if you put in one basket: Jesus, Muhammad, Caesar, Attila, Hitler, Buddha, Ben Laden ? There is something to ask questions ... "

Cyril must not be meditating on the right point in the heart (point of discernment), or it is the wrong point, if it exists at all, but what is certain is that he has lost much of his (discernment) and should also be asking the right questions.

Don is unfortunately right ( "the sense of Don's father": Talk sense, or shut up! ), but there is one common point among all these people (I would personally exclude Buddha). They all managed to connect people around the same belief, which was gradually transformed into a certainty, the consequences of which have resulted in wars or (including) the recent attacks on the World Trade Center ... The pilots (terrorists) of these aircrafts were also convinced that these acts were their guaranteed entry into paradise ... as heroes!

If the path of Kasturi seems much more "clean" than Chari's, it should be understood that she also borrows parallel trajectories by offering the same types of placebo effects as answers to spiritual questions.

The testimony of Cyril is evidence ...


Monday April 06, 01:08:00 PM

Monday, April 06, 2009

Christian's Analysis of Chari's: "Keep the Master Happy" Speech

Taken from Christian's blog: Analyse de la SRCM (tm)

Christian, a research psychologist and psycho-linguist (phd), was an abhyasi for 18 years under Chari.

(See the last article on the blog: Number Xlll)

XIII) Supreme arrogance, et the non-arrogance of the Supreme. When the servant thinks he's God ... It is time to change the "servant" !

Apparently, we recognize a tree by its fruit. Let us therefore focus on the fruits of this (SRCM California-1997) tree, with a look at the contents of a manipulative speech given by Chari in March 2009 in Calcutta (India)

"Keep your Master happy under all circumstances. Don't pit your desire against his plans. The Master has no desires. He has only plans: plans for the Mission, plans for the abhyasis - all for the welfare of the abhyasis, nothing for himself"

Chari has no desire, as it can clearly be seen because this is not a power system, this is not a sectarian system, this is not a manipulative doctrine. He has plans for you, like all the globalist maniacs of the world, but these plans are not from his megalomaniac desires, they are the desires of God. Well ... Moreover, all this is for your good: Do you think that if it was not for your good, he would tell you anyway?

"All of us today are like that. We want our satisfaction, our opinion, our plan to be accepted. And there are some centres that have been eminently troublesome to Babuji in his lifetime, and subsequently."

Which centers? These are empty words, unverifiable. But if this were true, why would some centers have acted that way? There must have been reasons. But the real question is: Were they the same as those concerning Chari today? Surely not! The parallel is simply to enable him to acquire the aura of Babuji by replacing him in the eyes of the abhyasis. For he says in essence: If even to Babuji, some centers have opposed some resistance, you will understand that it is inevitable that it happens to me too. This substitution allows him to undermine the resistance in the eyes of the abhyasis and to justify the opposition to him as being inevitable. The abhyasis will get the idea that such opposition is not to the anti-spiritual politics of Chari, Chari and that he is a poor innocent victim. In reality, the resistance he encounters are perfectly explainable, and are only logic and justice.

"I caution all of you who wish to pit your intelligence and your will to do wrong against your Master's will."

Threats ...

"You may win battles here, but it will not take you one step further in spirituality."

And terrorism ! Does he really believe that he has placed a "trade-mark" on God? It seems like it. Be brave and do what is right, because it is spiritual. Obey the madman, and your soul will pay the price mechanically, not later in a future life, but here and now. What did Babuji say about gurus such as Chari ? Re-read.

"Because from a wounded heart, from a sorrowful heart of a Master,"

Sob...sob...! A little and usual touch of sentimental manipulation. One finds this tactic all the time, it therefore seems to have an impact, probably on the 2/3 female composition of the abhyasi population.

"what will you get except tears?"

And many other things, and many good and nice ones, good and spritual. Because these tears will not be ours.

"He will still struggle to do what is good for you, but your attitude of mistrust, of self-importance, of arrogance, and the pride that you can stop his work, will definitely doom you to several lives on earth."

As the master, so the disciple. Why does he complain of having arrogant and egotist abhyasis? Has he ever looked at himself? There are threats in the pattern of all religions: If you do not do what a bunch of maniacs in a position of power has decided to make you do against your will, they threaten the worst, namely hell or reincarnation for eons. This has the sole purpose of bringing you back to obedience. Heads UP! Abhyasis! Manipulation! This is not love but power.

"And remember what Babuji Maharaj said,"

The Supreme authority: If Babuji said it, you will not contest it. Notice as he skillfully and systematically plays this string. He always uses Babuji to make him say things he may never even have said. Each time, ask yourself if you can find a reference that would enable you to check the validity of the quotation. And if it is valid, consider whether it is well-timed (in context), and if his aim is not manipulation.

"Such a time as this may not come for thousands of years again."

Note that it is Babuji who said that, not Chari. That period probably ended with the death of Babuji. It was THE quote to not use here, pity!

"These spiritual doors are not open like elephant doors. They open, and by divine command they stay open for as long as Divinity wishes. And when Divinity says, "Bus! [Enough!]" nothing in the universe can open that door except divine will again."

By « divine will », understand « Chari's will ». So he is saying : Obey him or he (Chari) will close the doors and you will be caught.

"I would like you all to listen to this, if it is recorded, again and again."


"Clear your minds."

By putting this BS in it, I would be suprised.

"Tell yourself that your individual ego is not worth a grain of sand."

So is the ego of the individual cowpie, Chari too.

"Tell yourself that you may oppose, but you cannot stop."

False: He can do nothing without you. Without abhyasis, no mission, no empire. Why do you think he will make every effort to attract even more people under his control, and manipulate people in his control as he does in his speeches so that they remain trapped? You may object, and you can even stop the project. You have this power, and for this reason he is forced to manipulate you with such speeches. But there are better things to do than to to resist or fight: You can be restored. It is therefore essential to analyze and understand. If Chari has been a Guru, it is by showing us, to the extreme, what should not be done. This may serve for the future. But let's be realistic: A rotten fruit does become sound again.

"Tell yourself that however big, however important, however rich, however powerful, however intellectual you are, before Him you are as nothing. I pray for you all."

Fortunately he included himself in it, and fortunately he prays for us all :-)

This ultimate act of marketing is to show him as "nice", after all he has said. In fact, did this speech not elevate you above yourself? ... ;-))