Friday, March 13, 2009

Is Chariji Trying To Destroy the Mission?

Taken from Elodie's Blog in France: Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg in an article called:

Is Chariji trying to destroy the Mission?

Chariji is still trying to sell us the "Whispers (From the Brighter World)" despite recent statements by Sister Kasturiji. He delayed the satsang on Sunday March 1, 2009, to promote a book he compares to the Bible and the Vedas. A book that blurs the message of Sahaj Marg, peddling lies and shames the memory of Babuji, according to Sister Kasturiji. (The only saint in Sahaj Marg, according to Babuji)

Our many defections since 2005 and the shameless marketing of the first volume did not teach them a lesson?

If this constitutes the future Sahaj Marg Bible, why is it so expensive? Why does he prohibit a new edition before 2030 when it should be spread everywhere? If we can read at most one message per day, why will he be not publish it on the Internet as the first volume?

Unfortunately there is only one answer to that, he does it for money, only for the money. This is the only thing that interests him.

One has to believe that he definitely wants to destroy what remains of the famous Shri Ram Chandra Mission history and leaving a vast field of rubble behind him.

No, really, I can not find the slightest excuse for him. Finished!


(Comments by 4d-don are in italics and red)

Whispers from the Brighter World - A Second Revelation - Talk given on Sunday, 1st March at Manapakkam, India

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The importance of what I am going to say makes me defer the satsangh till I have said what I have to say. (Making money is more important than "the practice". Delay the Service to pass the "collection" or crass commercialism, PROMOTION, advertisement! ) You know we have already published one volume of Whispers from the Brighter World containing messages (from an anonymous French lady Medium, and claimed to be ) from my Master, Babuji Maharaj, and other great souls of the Brighter World. (So the Sahaj Marg BIBLE will be "channeled" by "other great souls"??? They are losing it!! No forethought... just making it up as he goes along... teach that to the "children") In a few weeks, actually on the 30th of April, 2009, to celebrate the birthday of my Master, we propose to release the second volume called Whispers from the Brighter World, A Second Revelation. It is true that books have to cost money. (yes a lot of money, unlike the BIBLE) This publication, as you would have seen already in Volume One, is as good from outside as it is spiritually valuable inside. (You have seen how playing with "spiritualism" and "egregores" has "divided" your family, friends, society, and has made many "emotional" to the point of seeking solutions and even "therapy" outside of Sahaj Marg. Solutions by the secular courts, and therapy by the "pseudo-spiritual preceptors" who sell their "alternative" therapies inside the "Churches" and/or Ashrams. ) I may also tell you, if you are willing to consider it as such, my happy (happy for you, and your "dream", not for the "divided world around you who also has "dreams"... ) information that there will be at least two more volumes after volume two: Volume Three, Volume Four, which we hope, with Babuji’s messages, to be released on 30th April 2010 and 2011. If He graces us with His wisdom, with His advice and with His blessings, there will be even a fifth volume in 2012. Thereafter, Insha Allah! (So he just keeps changing the "new issues" of his books that never end ... he's found a "gold mine" and he is "milking it", just like fiction writers, who addict (suggest as in: "post-hypnotic suggestion") their "clients" into purchasing their "next" book.)

These books will form the Bible of Sahaj Marg. (channeled by an anonymous French lady Medium and sent by "other great souls", and even by "autonomous psychic entities called "egregores". ) If you have read Volume One with the attention that they deserve to be read, these messages are from out of this world. (from the MIND and from an "egregore"... collective Groupthink ... or a delusion) Therefore they qualify to be called shruti. (very "shrewd-ie") Shruti means revealed (not channeled from "other" unknown spirits and/or egregores. ) knowledge — not heard knowledge, not thought-of knowledge, not intellectual, not owing any authorship to human beings. (But to an autonomous psychic entity, "egregore", according to CHARI, which is "of the MIND", GROUPTHINK ) Babuji was a human being, He is divine. (Now Babuji is going to be "divinized", just like the Christ of the Christians) From the source in the Brighter World, whatever comes is not only worth listening to, and to be read, but it is very important that you follow those precepts, those principles, the advices given in Volume One and which are going to be given in Volume Two, and I expect in three and four; and hopefully, prayerfully, in Volume Five. (Now the Channeled messages from the DEAD are "Precepts" and "Principles" to be OBEYED... Including the ONES not given yet ... That is great Philosophy (NOT) and worthy of the most corrupt RELIGION... He is Salting the "gold mine" then "milking the cash cow" before the product is "created" or ready for sale)

Don’t look at what you have to pay for it. (Don't use your Brain ... Brainwashing ... take the money from your family, children and give it to CHARI!! DON'T! Take care of your family, the POOR, the NEEDY and the SICK and be SPIRITUAL and insist that your Master BE SPIRITUAL, not just an addict to the material and the sensual rush of MEDITATION or rituals in a GROUP with an egregore and/or GROUPTHINK ...) Even today I am told that [with] gold costing fifteen hundred rupees a gram, people are buying gold. (Chari knows about Gold and the MATERIAL ... Maybe he can get more "funding" from the nationalist/capitalist who's been funding him in the past!! Wear some more Blue Jeans as a COMMERCIAL for the generous DONORS to your Commercial EMPIRE!! ) It is just a metal. If you don’t know where it is, it’s lost, the value is gone. If tomorrow gold falls to five hundred rupees a gram, you have lost money. Whereas what you are going to get is the Bible of Sahaj Marg, the Vedas of Sahaj Marg, the shruti. (What a JOKE... Sahaj Marg has sure sunken from claiming falsely to be a "modified Raja Yoga" to this "spiritualism" ... Sir Walter Scott said: "What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"... It sure applies in this "corrupt religion". The Bible of Sahaj Marg will only have "one issue" and other editions are "prohibited" until 2030 or "50 years", whichever comes first... ;-)) )

I would request you not to hesitate, (get out the wallet, and tell everyone that there are "no demands for Money in Sahaj marg"... all is FREE... It's called "selective pressures" or "peer pressures", and it will make some "gullible souls" obey. but it ain't SPIRITUALITY... just crass commercialism) but to acquire a copy before you leave this hall, before you leave this ashram. And pass this message on to all your brothers and sisters, because they will not be reprinted within the next fifty years ( From 2009 to 2030 is not equal to 50... He's just inventing stuff as he goes along. He's under the control of the autonomous psychic entitiy called the "egregore") — not any of them. Volume One will not be reprinted. Volume Two will not be reprinted — there will be only one edition. And if my successor feels that it is necessary, may be sometime in 2030, 2035, you may see a second edition. This is my decision, so don’t look for a second edition. It will not come. This is policy. This is an instruction to my successor, Ajay Bhatter, that there shall be no reprint of this book before the year 2030. (And Ajay Bhatter will OBEY? How will he raise his money? He will no doubt say in the future that the "deceased" Chari sent him a message from the Brighter World to "reprint" the Bible. And that is to be the Sahaj Marg Bible? What a con-man... in France, Chari is called: "le Grand Lascar" (con-man) and Babuji: "le Grand philosophe". It seems like the "great con-man", has won the day and is now milking the herd or flock of the "grand philosophe".)

So please acquire it and don’t depend on the computer to read it everyday, because Volume Two will not be released on the internet till I say it should be done. (Oh! we expected that... ) There you see it like a cinema — freely, it doesn’t make any impression. These messages are intended to be — you are advised to read one each day, no more. ( another ritual or "order" made up as he goes along) It may be one line or it may be five lines. The famous Veda vaakya [sentence], satyam vada [speak the truth], is only two words. Dharmam chara [be righteous] — another two words. So Vedic knowledge does not come in big, you know, pages and pages. That is left to us human beings. I am speaking to you over a period of, may be ten or fifteen minutes, in which you could have said, “What are you gabbing about? Why all this blah-blah? Say, ‘It is important’ — three words. And we accept your advice.” (here is your "post hypnotic" command... Now DIS-OBEY and show your FREEDOM)

I hope you will all accept my advice because it has been my very great privilege, probably the fruit of my past tapasya [penance] in so many lives, that I am able to prepare Whispers for printing, and therefore I have read them again and again and again before they come to you. (now it seems to come from Chari, not Babuji ... oops a Freudian slip ... I guess the "egregore" is at work again ... He 's trying to make us believe that he knows his past lives ... WRONG!! EGO! DELUSIONS!! )

Please accept what I say. Money is earned, money is lost. Today we see billionaires falling (and pseudo-Spiritual capitalists also) — what of two hundred rupees or five thousand rupees. Billionaires! One billion [dollars] is worth five thousand crores. They are nowhere today. Yesterday’s king, as Babuji used to say, is today’s pauper; and today’s pauper is tomorrow’s king. But in spirituality we shall all rise to the divine kingdom which is called the Brighter World. (And like all BILLIONAIRES, he's at the trough, trying to suck some more money from the hard-working COMMONERS ... SHUT them DOWN. Get them off the backs of the PEOPLE, like "Vampires" ... Close the material structures (churches) and FEED THE POOR and the NEEDY. History will remember them as addicts and parasites, just like the rest of Religions, not our MASTERS nor our LEADERS, and not in a position to give advice anymore. LOSE THE MATERIAL MISSION and start being SPIRITUAL.)

Under the influence of modern education, we have turned the brain into our storage device whereas it is only a computing machine. It is as corruptible, if not more corruptible, than a hard disk, because a brain can be ruined in one second, either by physical damage, or electrical damage, or by just collapse of its functions, as has been known very well in medical history. The true storage device for the human being is the heart, (Wrong... the heart is a PUMP, not a storage device. And the heart is also "corruptible" and will "break down" in many unhealthy conditions, and/or at the end of the Life of the entity, just like the Brain.) and shrutis must go into the heart, smritis [scriptures written by great saints] to the head. What I am now speaking about is the shruti — the four or five volumes projected of Whispers from the Brighter World, which, I sincerely assure you, will be the body of Veda for Sahaj Marg for all time. (Shruti's or Shrewd-ies, by an anonymous French lady MEDIUM who is channeling messages from "other anonymous great saints" does not constitute Shruti's or "shrewdies" but maybe it will fool the "dummies".)

I pray that you will all be wise (gullible, dummies, living dead who use their heart to think, etc...) and acquire what is most valuable for you: wisdom, spiritual knowledge and Babuji’s blessings. (Wisdom, Spiritual Knowledge, and Babuji's blessings, like all other "gifts" from the DIVINE, don't have to be BOUGHT in a "pyramid sales scheme"... crass commercialism, sales, promotion, and more commercialism, advertising and "post-hypnotic" suggestions ...

They (SRCM (California-1997) are in financial crisis and are trying to get you to bail them out like all the CAPITALISTS. These are just other "SPIRITUAL CAPITALISTS" , televangelists, scam artists, who sell you the "illusion" of LIBERATION or Salvation in the "other World" ... DON"T BUY it again. It's like an OPIATE and as addictive ... It is a tactic of the 12th century with a 20th century "trade-marked" commercial PRODUCT ... WE are more evolved than that!! Aren't you??)
. Teach these CAPITALISTS a lesson this time so they can become SPIRITUAL and not be so greedy, power-addicted and materialistic, next time. Maybe they will see the POOR, the SICK, the NEEDY as more important than birthday parties, Ashrams, and sensuality under the guise of spiritual or "narcissistic "navel gazing" with a promise on the OTHER SIDE ... Just like RELIGION. They are trying for their last pool of money, their last scam, before they GO DOWN!! Just like Bernie Madoff, who "made off" with the LOOT in a Ponzie Scheme.

Thank you.

Waaldijk frank said ...

(Frank is SRCM's ex-Zonal-in-Charge for the Netherlands. He now has a Blog: The Pitfalls of Spirituality See his article: Obedience and Groupthink: the Sahaj Marg Example)


I am in complete agreement. the more I see the path that chari takes, the more I realize that my past hope that Sahaj marg could bring some good to the world-was misplaced.

this new path ... "whispers" confirms once again that money plays a very important role in Sahaj Marg today.

I still wonder from time to time anyway, why devote my energy to comment on this?

Well, I think there are people who will benefit and will arrive earlier to the same conclusions as us. on the other hand, there are many other cases in the world worth a serious criticism. cases much worse in my eyes than Sahaj marg.

for me a reason to continue my comments (not often, however) is that with Sahaj Marg, I have 12 years experience (with many good things too). then one can not easily say that my criticism is unjustified or ill-informed.

but like you I have lost hope that Chari and Sahaj marg will resume the simple spiritual journey ... where money plays no role.

thank you for your messages,



Elodie said ...

Jean-François has added a new comment on your message "An Interview with Sister Kasturi:

(Jean-Francois and Denise Mincet are preceptors for Sister Kasturi (now living in Victoria, B.C.) They are not associated with SRCM (California - 1997) and Chari. Denise has done (and continues to do) some translation work for Sister Kasturi.)

I knew Babuji well in India and France. I was made a preceptor in 1976 by Babuji (I was 22 years). I also know Chari, having met him in France and also in India while I was following Babuji in his travels. At each visit of Babuji, he showed me his divinity on several occasions. This is not imagination but deep spiritual experiences. I saw his divine splendor hidden behind his disconcerting simplicity. I saw the beauty and purity to which a sincere and searching soul should aspire. His system is perfect and it can help each and everyone in his/her search towards the Absolute, the Ultimate. All the drifting that I witnessed after his physical disappearance had nothing to do with what our Babuji has taught us. There should not be any money and contributions in his system. The Ultimate does not sell its grace grace and Babuji neither.

Kasturi represents well the purity of Babuji and his system. Babuji had sent us Kasturi to France in 1977 to work on the abhaysis. He gave her the title of Saint in her lifetime. In his correspondence with her, Babuji wrote that he had taken her across the Rings of Splendour in 1975 and that he had immersed her in the Ultimate (Bhuma), the extreme Divine condition (Anant Yatra - vol.5 - Anant Yatra means Journey in the Infinite, which is a collection of the correspondence between Babuji and Kasturi between 1948 and 1975, approximately 900 letters; Babuji had instructed Kasturi to keep these letters carefully in order to publish them when the proper time came for the benefit of mankind. The first 2 volumes have been translated by Denise (Mincet), she continues to translate and her translations are all discussed with sister Kasturi before the publication in French).

Babu Ji is a divine personality, which is quite different from a Master. Those who knew him, saw his extreme humility and simplicity, and his love. I found similar qualities in Kasturi. She is now able to confer divine conditions and advancing all sincere abhyasis. We go to see her regularly in Lucknow.

I must add that I left everything connected with the mission of Chari in July 1986. For this mission no longer corresponds anymore with what Babuji had brought. Babuji has never asked for obedience in the Mission. Instead, he spoke of love, when love is there, the confidence is there. Blind obedience destroys the sense of discernment, which is essential in spirituality; discernment must accompany us at every moment along the way. Babuji has never asked for blind faith, and he always said to experiment and to see the changes in one's self.

It is understandable that many people find themselves despising the nature of Sahaj Marg (SRCM-California-1997) and unfortunately they end up rejecting it totally. The real Sahaj Marg is a path of divine light that should lead everyone towards Peace and beyond, despite all the difficulties of earthly life. But who gives peace? Search your heart and pray Babuji to bring you to him. But let's take "Babuji" in its broadest and unlimited sense ie in his Divine state of Reality.

Denise and I left France, but there are in France abhyasis and preceptors trained by Kasturi, practicing the system in simplicity, without any organization, but connected to Babuji and connected to Kasturi.
I hope with all my heart that you receive the blessings of Babuji and his grace.

Jean-François Mincet, a servant.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

PS I am not proselytizing, I hate that. I am simply trying to tetify to what my Master gave me, and which nobody in the world could have given me. But today, though disembodied, he may give just as much by transmission to those who have not met physically. Denise can attest to this.

Monday March 16, 07:26:00 AM


Anonymous said...

I really appreciate
Jean-François Mincet's message. It is what I have always felt about Babuji and the essence of the SRCM. I was born in the mid-70's and joined SRCM in the mid-90's, so I didn't have the privilege of meeting Babuji in person, but do feel his simple, pure guidance.

That is why I am still in it today. Call me naive, but I am able to use my own DISCERNMENT to decipher the B.S. from the SRCM organization (the behavior of people) and the valuable SRCM spiritual practice. I've practiced Buddhism and Catholicism before this and explored Sufism and this path resonated best with me. There are many paths to the same goal.

I guess I'm not so bitter and anger about everything 'cause I have a lot of faith and confidence in my own abilities of discernment. I believe used correctly SRCM spiritual practice, just like Buddhism and many other paths, can lead to spiritual evolution and healing humanity.

Then again maybe I'm just a naive Judas Goat!

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous...

Jean Francois and his wife are preceptors for "Kasturi" and are categorically not affiliated with Chari at all ... Neither is Kasturi associate or even "meets" with that "gang", according to her.

So wether you are a "judas goat" or not depends on wether you are luring or a being used to lure (via an "egregor", (an "autonomous thought form" or what Frank on his blog: "Pitfalls of Spirituality" calls a "GROUPTHINK"), unsuspecting "others" to "Chari's WEB" or not...

You will have to decide that for yourself... but if you are in Chari's Camp, you are being "USED" and/or are willingly "funding" some very "un-charitable" and divisive and dangerous messages. There is a "fiddler" to pay for our "actions" and also for our "in-actions". NOT to decide IS to decide.

There are many PATHS but the GOAL is an "ILLUSION" you are being sold so as to make you adhere to a "GROUP" ... THERE IS NO GOAL ... Babuji said: "Live today as if it was your last". ("as if" means to "pretend"). The DIVINE or LIFE, does not END ... then takes a break.. and starts again... IT is a CONTINUUM forever in MOTION... NO GOAL, NO END, NO BEGINNING...

If you sell or proselytize that to others then you are selling "physical" and "material". That has a relative beginning and an end or "transformation points" ... not SPIRIT or SPIRITUALITY that is ETERNAL and a FLOW (like merging clouds, fields, plasmas, energy, etc..) and one just has to BE, not to BECOME ...

Don't BECOME spiritual...Come BE Spiritual...

Our REALIZATION, awareness or consciousness of LIFE (the ALL) or REALITY is not limited to only 2d or 3d anymore ... We (some who are SPIRITUAL) are NOW aware in n...d and WE ALL AGREE: there is NO END ... or GOAL ...or FINAL DESTINATION...or BEGINNING! The others are LIMITED or LIMITING themselves through "fear of responsibility" to 2d and 3d.

There is no SAVIOUR to SAVE or LIBERATE you from your actions... RE-action will not be "over-ridden" by the silly prayers, sensual games, and spiritualist repetitions or channeled "aphorisms" of "road-side" gurus or any other anonymous "great souls".

It's a CON...Discern all you want but that is the TRUTH...You will live with it and maybe REALIZE IT someday, if you are lucky or blessed by GRACE... You obviously will not earn IT...

Until you get the "GIFT" of your unspoken and unrealized, but contradictory desired desireless-ness goal of FREEDOM, then REMAIN a slave, a serf, a living dead, a NOTHING for some TIME, but at some point in TIME, you will realize that there is SOMETHING and that "IT" is in MOTION, ENERGY, WARM, LIGHT, intelligent,UNITED, ALIVE, not STILL, MATTER, cold, heavy, emotional, un-natural, DIVIDED, LIVING DEAD, that one has to escape in the addiction or the OPIATE, the DRUG or the ILLUSION of navel-gazing into NOTHING-ness pretending it is SOMETHING or ONE, so as to get away from FEELING and BEING ALIVE ... and MORE ALIVE ... AND MORE ALIVE ... Eternally ...

ONE is in MOTION, and ONE and ALL are not STOPPING for ALL and/or ONE ...

In agreement with, and building on Barack Obama's words. (from his acceptance speech)

In excelsis, ex UNO pluria
In excelsis, e pluribus UNUM.

In the highest, from ONE, many
In the highest, from many, ONE.

4d-Don ...

Anonymous said...

Well, When I went through all those statements and so called speech thing mentioned by Sir,4d-Don, I just felt like i really need to say something. I wanna say HAT'S OFF to you sir, GOOD JOB !!! WOW!! BRAVO..You are a really great man, you opened my eyes..Your blog really helped me a lot..!! You taught me from this one of your blog that always look for peoples negative parts..look for their mistakes and look for their weakness if possible add some little extra, make them look bad,infact your idea is a good thing! Okay.lemme tell you something, I am a 19 yr old guy, who knows nothing about spiritual or meditation. I mean a little bit but not a whole lot, who have seen his parents following these guru's and doing those closing eyes thing called meditation, Which infact helped for family peace and prosperity in family, made them more kind to mankind, helped them to be a better person and gave them a satisfaction.
If yes, then why are you acting so foolish? why you got that jealousy thing? And what are you trying to prove? And can you please tell me why your blog stink?
1st thing, if you were spiritual then you won't bother to criticize and divide sahaj marg telling he/she is rightful master or not, that really proves you really don't have any faith on sahaj marg and you just being lame. God is god, believe in any one you want,practice your mediation, why you need him/her?
Second thing, you mentioned about are 65 yrs old and you know what is MONEY and Why we need it, a 19 yr old kid don't have to tell you, to run any organization we need money, with out any money no organization can run, to print a books it cost money and you are also well aware bout the fact that every meditation centre they have library ..where they collect small amount of money to buy books and they share those books. Did chariji ever mentioned that each abhyasis must need to buy his book??
Sir, to how many poor and needy people you have helped so far? have you ever donated any fund to any charity? have you ever feed any one with your own money?Sir can you stay alive without money? can you live without eating? Obviously NO, before blaming others and pointing others mistake..we must need to look at ourself, first evaluate yourself how much faithful you have been? how much contribution you have contributed so far to mankind? what have you done to make this world better?
writing a blog, mentioning a big words won't help nothing,it's something like you called it BRAIN WASHING!! It's really not good for anyone, neither to you nor to me.
I just know one thing satisfaction is one of the most important thing we need, why can't we all stop blaming, why can't we just be happy on what we got? why we need to divide in a group? this is chari this is kasturi why? we all love god..why don't we love everyone,be ourselves ..make things better, try to restore the peace in the world, spread love between each other . make a world perfect why ? what you gonna get by blaming and creating illusions, those who don't like ..don't be part of it, if you have ability and faith on yourself..start it on your own, why you need to depend on others, I am Sorry but all your big words doesn't make any sense to me, I really don't think you have ever felt any humanity or spirituality in your life and you have ever felt any god, if you keep doing like this I am pretty sure it will get you nowhere.
Anyways, I had my long disagreement mentioned here in your blog, i got a huge satisfaction and i can sleep well. SORRY for being so disrepectful,If any of my words offended you or made you feel bad, for that I am Extremly sorry ,because you know I am a just Ignorant guy and I know nothing and I don't have any big words to say YAY!! I am the BEST!!

4d-Don said...

Hi "May ONE Bless You!"

ONE and GOD are not the SAME! ... One is a person, one is a LAW (the LAW OF ONE) ... As with Nature (the REAL Natural Path) and praying to IT (ONE) does not get a "response" ...Why not pray (or meditate) to the SUN or the WIND?? OH yes!! In Sahaj Marg, they pray to the LIGHT, an electromagnetic frequency or as Einstein would say in "E=MC2", Matter and Energy are the same... so in Sahaj Marg, you pray to MATTER/ENERGY... and call IT SPIRIT...

In Christianiy: It is not those who say: "LORD LORD", who enters the Kingdom of Heaven, but those who DO the will of the FATHER. (NOTICE: They see heaven as a "king-dom" and to them, ONE is a MALE (FATHER).. just like you in Sahaj Marg! ... Who is corrupt? What about the Women in there? They are not in your GOD I guess ... lol lol ;-))

Good for you to SPEAK OUT your feelings... Soon, if you stay inside Sahaj Marg, you will not be able to ... as you are now not able to SPEAK OUT about the failings of your "Master", your MISSION and YOUR Method. And You know that they all DIVIDED mankind (in SRCM and in our and your families), not UNITED THEM as they claim. When they say: Brothers and Sisters, they leave out their REAL family and the Family of HOMO SAPIENS...the Wise Ape!! or MANKIND!!

(Read ... "Pitfalls of Spirituality" by Frank, Ex-preceptor and Zonal-in Charge of SRCM for the Netherlands.) ...

Yes I am SPIRITUAL, (even though Chari calls us "enemies of Spirituality") ...(Dividing???)

YES I believe in ONE and ONE-ness (Like Vivekananda, and PLATO, and not in the lowly MALE "god" of RELIGION or Sahaj Marg ... and I try not to use "BIG WORDS" ...

Yes, I give to those more needy than me, every "week" ... Yes I am a "GOOD" person who wants to UNITE mankind, but in those desires, I also am "DUTY" bound to speak out about those who "oppress", divide and manipulate the GOOD PEOPLE of the world and waste their precious time "navel gazing" (and making money for their "race") when the world really needs them to get off their butts and help out the other "do-gooders" of this world who are actually doing something ...

To increase their "carbon footprints" (planes, trains, cars, etc...) searching for their GOD and GURU is not what we mean by "reducing the carbon footprint" for the sake of your generation. And putting more "debt" on your generation, by borrowing to build ASHRAMS, that you will have to pay, is not SPIRITUALITY but RELIGION. ONE (your lowly god) does not reside in Ashrams, Churches or Temples in INDIA, Mecca, or Jerusalem ...


Those who truly UNITE the world and don't profiteer from them for their own "NATIONALISM" or RELIGION, as if they can "teach" the rest of the world about Morality, or ethics, WE (who now have the INTERNET) can see the corruption this is prevalent in Nationalism and Industrialism and "business" in General.


4d-Don said...

They (the RELIGIOUS) would build more "BUILDINGS" or temples, Ashrams, as people die of starvation (in your own country) and they Divide, manipulate and control those who would help them (in their own countries and societies). That is all they can do as they are "addicts" to Materialism, and its develepment and to hell with "YOUR GENERATION's FUTURE"... but you will PAY the cost in Environmental degradation (global warming, Oceans rising, etc..) and DEBT...

NO!! Chari (and Sahaj Marg) does not let Abhyasis share the "BOOKS" that he sells as fundraisers (Whispers, etc..) .

But he buys "Dan Brown's" fantasies and conspiracy theories: "DA VINCI CODE" for Sahaj Marg libraries... SPIRITUALITY?? NOT!! that is called: Thriller give you a "thrill" (a physical sensation) using FICTION, not REALITY or TRUTH ... Dan Brown is FICTION... used by CHARI and purchased with CHARITY dollars that he sucks out of our Countries, and that could be used to FEED THE POOR if you will give up your cheap "THRILL" for the sake of a false RELIGION that Chari calls SPIRITUALITY ... But that we call MANIPULATION and that we call very "immoral" to use Charity dollars to purchase FICTION and support a FICTION industry in the name of CHARITY and SPIRITUALITY ...

If Sahaj Marg with its Apocalyptic "messages from the Spirits of the DEAD and Egregores (autonomous psychic entities) is what you call SPIRITUALITY, then that is not what the rest of the World calls it. WE call that "SPIRITISM or SPIRITUALISM"... One is a SCAM, to be "debunked" and exposed, and one is a Spiritual path ... Seances and Whispers (messages) from Chari's mother and wife or from an "anoymous French Lady MEDIUM" (who makes up the "WHISPERS") is not the same as "RAJA YOGA", which is a SPIRITUAL path... Sahaj Marg claims falsely that it is Raja Yoga... IT IS NOT!! ...

You will eventually see the "logic" and the TRUTH of what we say as the "insiders" are leaving Sahaj Marg and are SPEAKING OUT... just as you did... That is the first step... If you can see us (and other religions) as "BAD" or corrupt, then you will eventually see the failings in SRCM(California-1997) also...

Freedom likes FREEDOM, and the Spiritual evolution, which is becoming a FACT in our world will reach those "trapped" inside the RELIGIONS: Sahaj Marg, Islam, and Christianity, Hinduism, etc.. also... It's just a matter of TIME... NOW that we have the TECHNOLOGY (INTERNET), they can't fool us anymore... WE ARE THE MEDIA!!

GO to sleep now, and remain FREE...and become FREE-er ...

Babuji, the Founder of Sahaj Marg, smiles on our WORK and on our TIME ...

Eventually, ALL will see that MATERIALISM, Capitalism, Nationalism, Industrialism, and BUSINESS in general, does not a "good Guru" make... It is the morality and ethics that only SPIRITUALITY can bring that should be the gauge of a GURU or a MASTER ... not a person who can "develop" materialism, and who sits on a THRONE, like an "IDOL" (made of clay) to be adulated by his FANS like a "ROCK STAR" or a SPORTS or MOVIE IDOL!!

4d-Don .... (my bio is on-line ... somewhere)

Anonymous said...

hi, ask your heart, before publish anything

4d-Don said...

Hi anonymous...

Gee! What a good idea...

Ok... I asked my heart and it said: "thump"... I asked it again and it said: "thump, thump!"

So I asked my "brain" if something was wrong with my "heart" as all it said was: "thump" and my brain said why not ask your "nose"...

So I did and all it said was "sniff"!

So my brain said: I guess all your parts must have some "specific purpose" and it does not seem to be able to do anything else beside what ONE has created it to do...

Maybe your rectum will be able to do anything but defecate and fart (some charlatans or religious "con-men", will no doubt make sense of "farts" too... It will soon become a "SPIRITUAL SCIENCE"... Fartology). But, if you don't mind, I think I will continue to ask my BRAIN about the decisions I make...for now... until the research is in on the capability of the rectum to send out some "emotions", and some "spiritual gems" through its "farts"... I suppose we will need a "MEDIUM" for that also ... Maybe the MEDIUM will be channel an "entity" from the "black hole" in Andromeda...

I guess there is no making COMMON SENSE with those who are not allowed to "use the brain to think...

Bye for now... tell this to your "boss" or your shrink ... that you use the "heart" and not your brain to think ...

I am sure they will have a "societal" explanation for your dilemma ... let us hope you don't have to use your "brain" in your WORK as it must have atrophied by now ...

How many years since you last used your BRAIN to think and make decisions? And the Brain is used for WHAT in your life?
