Monday, June 30, 2008

The Ordeal of Being a Preceptor

Taken from Elodie's Blog Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg, from a comment by Alexis:

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Ordeal of being a Preceptor?

Alexis said…

The Ordeal of Being a Preceptor?

Some time ago, I had this message posted on the blog Elodie:

During his trip to Europe (2008), Chari was concerned with not seeing some preceptors. "(...) And in almost all cases, people have insinuated that these practitioners had abandoned the practice of Sahaj Marg (...) It would therefore appear that it is dangerous to accept the responsibility of preceptor (.. .) Would it not be better that they [the preceptor] refuse to work as a preceptor (...)."

Chari has therefore taken the opportunity to warn the current preceptors of their responsibilities, this is a warning as well for other candidates for the post.

Clearly, at this moment, it is not a good time to be a preceptor…

The story does not end there. And this time it's Ajay Kumar Bhatter (Successor Guru in-waiting) who takes over from Chari (excerpts from a circular to French preceptors, dated June 17, 2008):

"After so many years and many visits from the Master, the number of abhyasis is disappointing in Europe."

He asked that each European preceptor send him a monthly report showing the number of introductions to Sahaj Marg made, the number of sittings given to individuals, the number of satsanghs ( group meditation) conducted, and the number who participate in the satsanghs. In addition, a photo of the preceptor must accompany the report, so that Ajay may learn more about them (recognize them).

These reports existed before, but Ajay is reviving them seriously! If preceptors do the reports, all will be well. Otherwise, if they don't, watch out! …

It's not over! He adds:

"Please go to the centres to speak to preceptors on the following points:

-- The preceptors should see what change is needed in their attitude and be more open.

-- Invite friends and relatives regularly so as to inform them about Sahaj Marg.

-- In the major centres like Paris, all preceptors need not be present for satsangh on Sunday, there should be at least 2 or 3. All others should move around and meet the abhyasis in other centres with their relatives and friends. They should talk about Sahaj Marg as often as possible and introduce people.

-- When people have taken a step toward you, you can introduce them more easily. They do not need to read books or answer questionnaires. The only restrictions being alcohol, drug addiction, psychological problems or anti-depressive medication.
(Don's comment: Does this include the psychological megalomaniacal problem of "addiction to power")

-- We have nothing to lose by a sitting; the person introduced receives a benefit, the preceptor as well.

-- Invite again people who have been introduced before, and who have left the Mission. Charge the person who had brought them the first time to contact them and have them meet with a preceptor.

-- If people came and received the benefit of Sahaj Marg for a few weeks, why are they gone? Try to find out and discuss with them, and with the person who had brought them to Sahaj Marg.

-- When you introduce people to Sahaj Marg, give them practice and explain it to them, but without putting too much emphasis. They should be encouraged from the outset to participate in Sunday satsangh. (Don's Comment: ... before the three sittings as introduction??)

-- Have regular meetings with the newly introduced abhyasis, and in a friendly manner explain the practice and the method.

-- We must be aware that, perhaps, only a few people will remain introduced and will follow the practice. "

Don's said:

What's the next "military" strategy, in the Pyramid "sales" scam if SRCM (California), read the obituaries in the newspapers and see if there are any deaths, births, health problems, lottery winnings, etc...?? And, then, like a bunch of vultures after the rotting of the Material, swoop down with your army of "Natural living-deads" of "preceptors" and the abhyasis they manipulate, as is mentionned above?

Do the abhyasis not see the danger in accepting and/or condoning and being supportive of this manipulation and "pressure sales" at a "vulnerable" time in one's friends' and families's lives. What is now being used or suggested by SRCM management team is the "worst in sales" that many of us have left behind for a 'higher morality" that says: "one leaves one's friends in PEACE and LOVE", and does not use "sales gimmicks", that "destroys LOVE", as admitted by Chari, in other people's countries if one wants to be "welcomed" as SPIRITUAL ... We already have a "higher" spirituality than that HERE, inside of the ONE!!

We would call these commandos, the "Judas goats" of our culture and the sellers of other's demonstrated flaws as "SPIRITUALITY" when it is in REALITY closer to "SPIRITUALISM" and to RELIGION and not a very "loving" and/or "forgiving" one such as Christianity at least attempts to be.

Immorality and lack of ethics will, and does also hide inside a religious cover based on "no philosophy", as Chari admits, and the management teams now also thinks. They think that they will somehow get themselves out of the lures of the Material, and the traps of unethical and immoral behaviour, that the MIND can sometime get into. That is if the religion is not checked by some true spiritual "system" such as an un-modified, eightfold, "RAJA YOGA", or other such self-empowering techniques that still retain a "logic" to specifically safeguard itself agains't these systemic excesses and flaws that grow inside some aspects of all RELIGIONS... The aspects I infer here are those that demand "OBEDIENCE" rather than "LOGIC", before DECIDING for ONE-self what is MORAL or ETHICAL at that particular time.

At least LOVE is for ANOTHER , and not for the narcissistic ONE-SELF!

What the WORLD needs is more LOVE, not less...


Anonymous said...

can i join in srcm. i am interested in spichulality
kindly advice


Anonymous said...

Hi Surya...

You're cute (but I know you)...and lonely too!

If you get "lonely" enough, and can't find a Spichulality" path, I'm sure there are many "religious" or sectarian organization (cults of PERSONS) that would take advantage of you and give you a sense of belonging in exchange for money or the "volunteer" work of luring others to support their "web of misfits" they call SPIRITUALITY. In Sahaj Marg, they are called "serfs" by the "generals" (the "insiders" use military terminology), and they are told that they are to become "lions". One lion being worth 500 sheep, according to them.

Many such organizations are the places for "fantasy believers" who can't face REALITY and want to be "told what to do and what to believe". They become the supporters (the addicted) of the dealers of the "OPIATES of the MASSES" that are religions... The pimps and the "judas goats" for the rich organizers and controllers of humanity.


Good luck on your "travels"...Mr. "S"...


Anonymous said...


Thank you for your advice.
