This will be my last communication with Chari in this "dimension"...
Let us hope that his disciples will get this "OPEN LETTER" to him before he leaves this "BRIGHTER WORLD" for the "not so bright" VENUS!
Revered Salutations to Babuji and Lalaji...
I formally request of you for your "legacy":
That you undo these statements from your pen and/or lips, (an/or ordered and/or condoned by you), so as to "erase the samskaras" that you claim such statements and actions will accumulate.
I offer this as an octave (eight-fold) of "clean-up" projects for your re-registered SRCM(California, 1997) so Sahaj Marg(tm) can become the "spiritual path" it professes to be and who's founder (Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur, aka Babuji) intitially believed in.
1. God is Male, Nature is Female (On your might check what else you teach the children...This is just plain wrong and you and your "co-dependents" know it. Our daughters and grand-daughters demand that we STOP THAT FALLACY!!
A flawed theology leads to a flawed philosophy, which leads to a flawed psychology, which leads to flawed institutions supported by flawed or corrupted individuals.
2. Homosexuality is "un-natural" and "That is unnatural. God did not intend it to be thus." ..."So God could have done anything he wanted, you see"...To me, it is a very blatant misuse of so-called privileges of the human being, fundamental rights, et cetera. Of course, if you claim it is your fundamental right to go the dogs, so be it!.."
(Notice you FALSELY call "God" a "he" (small case "h") again.)
These are your quotes, comparing "homosexuality" to "beastiality". Is that "charitable" towards those and what the ONE (what you call the "male" God) has "created", not Chari? the same speech, you might analyze the "racism" toward the "white boys" and other maligning of "religions" as the "impediments to unity"....You might try and see how SRCM(California, 1997) has become an impediment to "unity" among the families of your abhyasis and in your own "not-for profit" society, that you re-registered in California in 1997, so as to take over the society from the Founder's (Babuji) family in India. This is the society (SRCM Shahjahanpur) that was registered in India in 1945.
3. This is from your speech on video at "Satkohl" airport. (paraphrased) Women can't be Masters as they don't have the ability to "Destroy" to the level that is needed by a Master as the Master gets his orders from "on-high"...In an e-mail to me, you called it a "cosmic level" destruction. Which part of the "cosmos" again? I don't think you specified that! And why was and/or is that destruction necessary? Just to keep "women" submissive?
Is that not a "fear mechanism"? In one of your books, (you or Babuji) it mentions the real historic destruction of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) by a "Master", by using the gas from the ocean and burning the country, thus creating much suffering. Is that not a "fear" mechanism? Did people not "die"? OOPS...I did it again....Question your "made-up" fantasy!
4. Check your Value Based Spiritual Education curriculum and remove the "machievelian" condoning of war in "children's stories" taken from the Hindu scriptures (lessons 1 and 2) . And stop condemning "other religions" as "corrupt (lesson 10). In true Spirituality, one is encouraged to look in the mirror to find "corruption"!
Taken from lesson 10 of The Value-based Spiritual Education curriculum taught at the Lalaji Memorial OMEGA School (Why OMEGA?)
About other Religions in VBSE: (red highlights are mine)
a. It creates division among people.
b. Every religion talks of "one God" but states that only their God is the best.
c. It promotes disharmony, violence and wars.
d. The real meaning of the tenets is forgotten and only the rituals are adhered to.
e. Religions put fear and temptations into the hearts of the people.
Analyse what you are telling (teaching) the "children of the World" (not only Indian children) about God, culture, country, women, homosexuality, tolerance of other ("corrupt" according to you) religions, etc...
"INDIA THE INVINCIBLE" as a program at your Lalaji Memorial OMEGA School (LMOS) (Why OMEGA? is it the "END") is called, is not a "spiritual" concept but a "nationalist" concept. Do you want all religions to teach "nationalism" under the guise of "spirituality, "solidarity" and "peace". Patriotism is healthy, nationalism is a disease from the past. One nurtures and the other "favours". We need EARTH THE TENDER, not the INDIA, the "INVINCIBLE". That false concept ("invincible") creates a POWER symbol and alludes to an "enemy".
What is the "religious" tenet (see "a-b-c-d-e" above) that is forgotten by SRCM(California) abhyasis, when they attack and use violence in your "power struggle" to capture the Ashram of Babuji's Family in Shahjahanpur? Correct that "false teaching" and atone (become "at-one") and Unite with the Founder's Family! They are SPIRITS also.
5. Spiritual Capitalism is wrong!!! Stop asking for money in exchange for "favours" from the Master as is now being asked by your "management" team. The request to the abhyasis is for $1,200.00 US to buy you a (simple) gift for your 80th Birthday in exchange for being the first to receive a (untold reward) from you. This is what the other "corrupt" religions now call "spiritual capitalism" and is now "pooh-poohed" by all "intelligent" and thinking person as "corrupt" and plain wrong. The poor should not thus be "penalized" by someone who claims to represent God, even a "male" God.
6. Practice what you Preach! How many Castles, Retreats, and Ranches and houses do you and your family and "inner circle" need? There are poor out there who are starving to the point of "dying"...Do you understand that? Spend the money on food for the poor, not on ranches and retreats for the "rich" so they can get away from the "power structures" and stop "making money" for a short time, as your e-mail to the Abhyasis states.
7. Obedience is for religion. Logic is for spirituality. The world does not need sheep, co-dependents, "living deads" ( zombies), and followers. We need thinkers, like yourself, and leaders, like yourself. Stop making sheep, co-dependents, zombies, and followers of the Masses. Babuji and and specially Lalaji, with his many methods for communing with the ONE, had that right. Why are you so obsessed with your own glory, fame, and hence, pride and ego? Is that what a Master of "Spirituality" would do according to you?
In one of your books, you state that Babuji was a "Master of Spirituality" and that your were a "Master of humanity". Does that mean a "manipulator" of people? How can you create "spiritually realized" people if you are not a Master of "spirituality"? The Planet does not need followers who "depend" on you and/or your appointed preceptors.
Also in passing, Spiritualism is not spirituality. Messages from the dead, in your fund-raiser book ($250.00 US) by an anonymous French (lady) "medium" is "spiritualism" and religion, not Spirituality!
8. Help create "forgiveness" in your disciples so those who are divided in their families may "forgive" one another for their "transgressions", and ask forgiveness for their own transgressions. This FORGIVENESS could then be taught by them to the other "divided" and warring cultures and religions of our world that is so divided by religions, and along religious lines.
You, SRCM(California) and Sahaj Marg(tm), as another divided and divisive (new) religion are causing more harm than good, by dividing and hurting the families of the "naive and gullible" followers who just want and desire ONE-ness and UNITY, and you offer them a divided Society and a divisive MALE GOD! ...Their lives and the health of their families, are in your hands...Let them GO! Let them be FREE! Teach them to LOVE and FORGIVE ONE ANOTHER!
These two statements by you demonstrate that you do not teach Love, Forgiveness, or Compassion (towards the disciples or their "mothers"):
On '''choosing a guru''', Chariji in his book: ''Heart of the Lion'', states:
"...while there are innumerable gurus, the real guru is none but God himself (4d-Don's note: God, the ONE is not a "Male" as you claim, and deserves a capital "h"). It is the duty of each guru to lead his disciple to the next higher one when his own work with the disciple is finished. No guru should hold his disciples to himself possessively. A guru is for service to others and not for building up possessions, power and prestige for himself ."
(Taken from My Master, p. 28, chapter "Tolerance" - Chariji)
Could you name on person you lead to the "nexT higher level", and then passed that person on to another GURU?
Oh yes! According to you, you are a "Master of Humanity", not a "Master of SPIRITUALITY". Then you really can't bring anyone to the "next higher level", and your work will never be "finished" and the abhyasis will always be "dependent" on you. That is "NOT IMPRESSIVE" and could be called a "con job". Please free your "slaves" and let them go to a true SPRITUAL Master! And judging by the amount of "possesions" acquired by SRCM(tm) since you took over, I would say that you cannot honestly preach "simplicity" to anyone until you see the "log in your own eye". SRCM is like all other religions and cults, a REAL ESTATE grab in the name of GOD (male)... Take the money and feed the POOR...God does not need your STRUCTURES. Those that I know who came to SRCM and who were "loving" and "forgiving" before, have since lost that ability to LOVE and FORGIVE ! You will be held responsible by your own words (see your words quoted above about the "preceptors destroying LOVE".
And from "Heart of the Lion", by Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari
"....So I repeat, the Guru is the only friend. In fact, I have said this so often, that in the Sufi philosophy, the Guru is called Friend. "The Friend is coming". Because he is the only fellow who can give his life for you. He is the only fellow, therefore, to whom you must hand over totally, a Power of Attorney....."Do with me as you think I deserve to be done with. Kick me when I have to be kicked. Beat me when I have to be beaten. Curse me when I have to be cursed. But make of me what you think I should be eventually, because only you can do it."
"So once more I say this in all humility....if you must have a Master, find a fellow who is capable of, you know, throwing you around, beating you up, cutting you to pieces. Remember Parushurama's father and the stern test that young boy had to make for obedience...."Kill your Mother". "Yes"..."
"He pulled out the sword and cut off her head. He said, "I am pleased with you my son. Ask for anything you want." He said, "I want my mother alive." And He said, "So be it." and she got up and walked off. The Guru is the Master, when you say of destiny, it means life and death. He must be the Master of your life as he must be the Master of your death."
(From Heart of the Lion, Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari)
Love, Forgiveness and Compassion would create more "peace" in the world. According to you, in a seminar to preceptors in Jan. 2001, the preceptors are responsible for the destruction of LOVE in the Abhyasis in Sahaj Marg... Correct that...NOW!
In closing, may you find the path of peace, respect and love of "others", your fellow humans and pilgrims from other countries, cultures and religions! I pray you will begin to teach forgiveness and love and thus "unite" all the abhyasis who are now unforgiving, unloving, and divided from their families...
It is not our (the occident) sole duty to support only you and INDIA, but it is our joy to support and nurture the WHOLE PLANET and all of its pilgrims on this rugged road of LIFE!!
We have "Poor" in our countries also, whom your abhyasis, if mobilized and encouraged, could feed in their own families, cultures, and countries... Don't be so selfish! PLease don't encourage and/or "transmit" your "nationalism" and selfishness into your "management team". Come out of the opulence and decadent materialism of Dubai and go to the "inner cities" of the world and help there.
To be included in the UN, DIP program will not give anyone a better seat in the BRIGHTER WORLD (Venus?)! The ONE (what you call a "male" God) is not only a "CAPITALIST"...but IT (not male) is ALL and collectively GENEROUS as we can readily witness.
I will continue this communication in the other "dimensions". There is no "hiding place" past the 3-d. From here on, we (you and I) merge! We are conscious of many more spaces.
YOU WILL TRANS-FORM! So will SRCM (California, registered in 1997 in California, USA)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The "CHOSEN" of Sahaj Marg are Goal and Conquest Driven
The "CHOSEN" of Sahaj Marg are Goal and Conquest Driven
Comments (in different color) to Speech by Chari.
... That you are here is itself a fact not only that you chose Sahaj Marg, but my Master chose you. I have often said that the spiritual connection between the Master and the disciple is like a marriage. I was speaking about it to some western abhyasis recently. I said, “Like a marriage is for life, spirituality is forever. A lifetime is nothing in the life of a spiritual journey from here to there. It may last one lifetime, it may last one minute, it may last eons of time, but this connection will be, and must be, maintained.”
With Sahaj Marg, we have another "chosen" people, as if one more such religion of "CHOSEN" will not cause the same divisions, even to wars, that the other "chosen" Mono-theistic God-seekers (but not UNITY or "ONE-finders") are involved in. The "chosen" of Sahaj Marg will be different, they will claim, and we can see how they are "different" already, using violence with their own "brothers and sisters". Rather than UNITING as Spirituality should, Sahaj Marg, as every other so-called "corrupt religion" by Chari, now "DIVIDES" the families and the societies of the world, including its own society.
Now Sahaj Marg uses the same "marriage to the Guru" metaphor as the Christians do with Jesus of Nazareth, called the Christ or Saviour. And the messages from "beyond the grave" in their book "Whispers from the Brighter World", sold for a donation of a mere $250.00US are SPIRITUAL-ISM, not SPIRITUAL-ITY!
Spirituality, much as "ETERNITY", means forever. That means NOW, as in the PAST and the FUTURE. BE HERE NOW is the spiritual mantra. We are SPIRIT, we don't have to become "a spirit" by becoming a follower of Sahaj Marg or any other religion or "spiritual" group. I am SPIRIT. As a believer in ONE-ness, or UNITY, I can be ONE with ALL, even with the Sahaj Marg abhyasis, and with the Christians or with any adherents of any other religion, because I am not DIVIDED or "separate" or "chosen" from ALL, by belonging to an elitist group of "chosen".
This connection will be maintained no matter what we, the "little creations" of the ONE, do. The sun does not depend on MAN (Chari) or Sahaj Marg or Christianity to shine. The wind does not depend on Sahaj Marg to blow. That is what "NATURAL" means. Ashrams are not "NATURAL". One does not have to BECOME NATURAL, one can realize that one IS "natural". One is not more spiritual by spending one's time chasing ONE (what some call GOD), or ITS self-appointed representatives, at the "un-natural", man-made, airports and fair grounds or Ashrams and Churches of the world to be saved by materialists who spend most of their time in the "material" with all its trappings: POWER and MONEY.
Notice the "intellectual terrorism" of RELIGION. "YOU COULD BE LOST" or even worse, "languish"! In Christianity, it is called "HELL" or "purgatory" (the absence of if that is possible). Being in ONE is not "languishing". Chari and Babuji are so TIME and GOAL driven. Do they not know that in Spirituality, "The JOURNEY is the THING". We are never "LOST" or "OUTSIDE ONE or outside the UNI-VERSE ("one verse" of one SONG)".
We can be outside the DIVISIONS of RELIGIONS by not adhering and playing their POWER games and instead, spend our time doing some good in the world rather than traveling from place to place, increasing our carbon footprint, destroying the planet's "naturalness", and PREACHING and trying to lure others to our SECT (division), thus dividing the "naive and gullible" from their families, religions, cultures, friends, the targeted countries.
I hope that today my Master will bless all of us, by confirming in the hearts of each one of us that our connection with him is indeed permanent, eternal. Not to be, under any circumstances, even thought of as being cut from our side. Because only we can cut it—remember it.
Notice: a while ago, "spirituality" was forever. Now, Chari "HOPES"... Even if you "sever that relationship bond with Chari or Babuji, " as Sahaj Marg suggests the abhyasis do with their families and friends in their written material, we will all remain "SPIRIT"...I left Christianity and I am still a SPIRIT and hence SPIRITUAL.
“Have the courage to pursue this conquest; one day you will reach the goal. Be happy to be on your way, you are among the chosen ones who have left behind them a lot of baggage.”
A "conquest" is so militaristic and so is "winning and losing"! But that is the "business" and "imperialist" mentality in Chari's SRCM (California-1997). How can that UNITE anything. On the JOURNEY that is LIFE, we can all take the time to LOVE one another and not just PRAY or navel gaze (MEDITATE) on our own "GOALS" and CONQUESTS? Or are they in Sahaj Marg, really speaking about Chari' s and the SRCM's GOALS AND IMPERIAL-ist CONQUESTS?.
What is the GAME? Real Estate acquisition! The "suckers" will pay for it later. And the 'submissive" women will ensnare their "friends and families" so as to pay off the "mortgage".
The birds are still singing and the wind is still blowing and the sun is still shining. OPEN THE EYES and see the beautiful "ILLUSION" that is Natural LIFE (family, and friends included). It is just as beautiful as what is "INSIDE" ... WE need to experience BOTH to be COMPLETE. To leave the family, friends and pets and travel to FIND the UNITY, ONE (what some call God) is so "ILLOGICAL" and "SILLY". Only believers in FANTASY would spend their time on the "conquest" of that "illusion" rather than spend their lives and time with their family and friends, in the true GOD-given NATURE where they live. Instead, they spend their time at the 'airports" and the hotels built by the wealthy of SAHAJ MARG (tm). Tourism, even "SPIRITUAL TOURISM" makes money (power) for a few and degrades the planet for ALL ... We now have "spiritual capitalism" and "spiritual tourism" in SRCM. Are we in a TIME warp and this is a loop back to the FEUDAL DAYS of Masters and SERFS?
Don't you CARE? Or do you, like the religious hypocrites, just "SIGN PETITIONS"and pray for PEACE and UNITY, with one face and continue serving the GODS OF WAR, DESTRUCTION and DIVISIONS with the other face?
raja yoga,
sahaj marg,
Shri Ram Chandra Mission,
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sahaj Marg (tm) Insults Women on UN Women's Day!
This is taken from Elodie's blog (French woman) called: The Desperate Abhyasi or Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg (French and some English)
Today is United Nation's International Women's Day
What does the Shri Ram Chandra Mission do?
What does Chariji do?
His statements are humiliating and/or even insulting!
WOMEN: Be wary of the pedestal, the titles such as "preceptor", "zonal in charge", and other illusionary titles of power that you will "pay for" or purchase, so as to have you bring the true target, the children, to them. These titles, and other crumbs of power that Chari and Sahaj Marg(tm) uses to manipulate you, are the old "carrot and stick" scam used historically by tyrants, totalitarians and empire builders, and is not SPIRITUALITY. The next phase is the "GUILT". Blame the women for the state of SOCIETY.
(Women read below...this speech is sent by Chari, knowingly or not, to divide you from your MEN, husbands and sons...we, the males, are expected to just wait for you, the women, to change and become "honourable" to your family, your TRIBE, your country! If the world does not change, it is the women's fault!)
This is an excerpt from one of Chari's divisive speeches where he seems to be speaking of "some" women and "some" men like "HIMSELF", and not all men.
Sahaj Marg under Chari again DIVIDES and seperates men and women and attacks the abhyasi's family by placing all the family and societal responsibility for spirituality, and change on WOMEN. Does it not sound like an Indian (Vaishnava) version of the Bibliical Adam and Eve story. Blame the women and manipulate them.
Rather than accepting NATURE, including "human NATURE", as it is and working with it, Chari wants the cedar tree to become like the fir tree, the lamb to become like the lion, and men to become like women and women to become like men. IS THIS THE NATURAL PATH? IS this not "BLASPHEMY" and disrespect of the ONE, the CREATOR of NATURE?
Yankees go home! Indians go home! Sahaj Marg (tm) GO HOME and MEDITATE!
Leave us in our SPIRITUALITY that we may work with NATURE, not destroy and CHANGE it so as to build ashrams and churches for the glory of MEN!!
We, the spiritual, are tucked inside the ONE (god) where we live. REDUCE YOUR CARBON footprint and stop chasing business-MEN around the world! SAVE NATURE! Our Nature!
NOTA BENE: The "heart" is still used in this day and age as if it was the "seat" of our connection to the DIVINE. It is the sound and rhythm of the PUMP that attracted our ancestors to this false conclusion. We now know that the BRAIN, which creates an electromagnetic field in the 5-8 hertz and hence pulses, is the nervous center of the body and that decisions, either conscious or sub-conscious, are not made by the heart which is a PUMP, but by the BRAIN...That is the historical RELIGIOUS SCAM that has been used to demonize "thinking", and to control and manipulate the "emotional" and the 'submissive" in our families and societies. We are connected to the ONE by all of our senses and more, not just by the HEART, the lowly PUMP!
Come on WOMEN! Do you want equality or NOT! If not for yourself, for your daughters! Do you want that feudal religious theocracy for your daughters? Chose a man, any man and be EQUAL to HIM! After all, "he" is just a MORTAL hu-MAN like you!! And there is only ONE above, and it ain't a MAN nor a WOMAN!
Chari speaks:
"I think it is mainly the heart of women who is best able to do service and devotion.
The men, if they want to do so, should lose their arrogance, their pride, their egos and to arouse in themselves the purest feelings and most subtle qualities. For man, his masculinity is problematic because it leads to domination, predominance, pride, arrogance and conquest of things. So, this attitude is not just for the spiritual life. It can be seen that even in love stories of men, it is only conquest after conquest and not love after love.
But for women the idea of submission, to serve with humility, as well as the ability to love is a perfect foundation for a spiritual life. So basically, it is a question for man to become female or acquire in a certain way a female mentality, feminine qualities, learn to love, to be able to comply without losing the faculties of the human being, such as courage, bravery and the ability to cope with difficulties. As for the woman she must learn to become a bit masculine. She must retain her ability to love and be submitted, but must also learn to face life with courage, and take off.
I think that the two halves of humanity balance. Not balancing men with women, but by creating this balance in every individual.
And now I can not afford to postpone human evolution, because people do not cooperate with the wishes of my Master. This is not a warning but a genuine complaint.
It is a call to women, because without the development of women men will not change.
Without the evolution of women society will not change.
Without the evolution of women in India will not change.
Without changing the world for women will not change. "
Message to Chariji Tiruppur, July 2001
Today is United Nation's International Women's Day
What does the Shri Ram Chandra Mission do?
What does Chariji do?
His statements are humiliating and/or even insulting!
WOMEN: Be wary of the pedestal, the titles such as "preceptor", "zonal in charge", and other illusionary titles of power that you will "pay for" or purchase, so as to have you bring the true target, the children, to them. These titles, and other crumbs of power that Chari and Sahaj Marg(tm) uses to manipulate you, are the old "carrot and stick" scam used historically by tyrants, totalitarians and empire builders, and is not SPIRITUALITY. The next phase is the "GUILT". Blame the women for the state of SOCIETY.
(Women read below...this speech is sent by Chari, knowingly or not, to divide you from your MEN, husbands and sons...we, the males, are expected to just wait for you, the women, to change and become "honourable" to your family, your TRIBE, your country! If the world does not change, it is the women's fault!)
This is an excerpt from one of Chari's divisive speeches where he seems to be speaking of "some" women and "some" men like "HIMSELF", and not all men.
Sahaj Marg under Chari again DIVIDES and seperates men and women and attacks the abhyasi's family by placing all the family and societal responsibility for spirituality, and change on WOMEN. Does it not sound like an Indian (Vaishnava) version of the Bibliical Adam and Eve story. Blame the women and manipulate them.
Rather than accepting NATURE, including "human NATURE", as it is and working with it, Chari wants the cedar tree to become like the fir tree, the lamb to become like the lion, and men to become like women and women to become like men. IS THIS THE NATURAL PATH? IS this not "BLASPHEMY" and disrespect of the ONE, the CREATOR of NATURE?
Yankees go home! Indians go home! Sahaj Marg (tm) GO HOME and MEDITATE!
Leave us in our SPIRITUALITY that we may work with NATURE, not destroy and CHANGE it so as to build ashrams and churches for the glory of MEN!!
We, the spiritual, are tucked inside the ONE (god) where we live. REDUCE YOUR CARBON footprint and stop chasing business-MEN around the world! SAVE NATURE! Our Nature!
NOTA BENE: The "heart" is still used in this day and age as if it was the "seat" of our connection to the DIVINE. It is the sound and rhythm of the PUMP that attracted our ancestors to this false conclusion. We now know that the BRAIN, which creates an electromagnetic field in the 5-8 hertz and hence pulses, is the nervous center of the body and that decisions, either conscious or sub-conscious, are not made by the heart which is a PUMP, but by the BRAIN...That is the historical RELIGIOUS SCAM that has been used to demonize "thinking", and to control and manipulate the "emotional" and the 'submissive" in our families and societies. We are connected to the ONE by all of our senses and more, not just by the HEART, the lowly PUMP!
Come on WOMEN! Do you want equality or NOT! If not for yourself, for your daughters! Do you want that feudal religious theocracy for your daughters? Chose a man, any man and be EQUAL to HIM! After all, "he" is just a MORTAL hu-MAN like you!! And there is only ONE above, and it ain't a MAN nor a WOMAN!
Chari speaks:
"I think it is mainly the heart of women who is best able to do service and devotion.
The men, if they want to do so, should lose their arrogance, their pride, their egos and to arouse in themselves the purest feelings and most subtle qualities. For man, his masculinity is problematic because it leads to domination, predominance, pride, arrogance and conquest of things. So, this attitude is not just for the spiritual life. It can be seen that even in love stories of men, it is only conquest after conquest and not love after love.
But for women the idea of submission, to serve with humility, as well as the ability to love is a perfect foundation for a spiritual life. So basically, it is a question for man to become female or acquire in a certain way a female mentality, feminine qualities, learn to love, to be able to comply without losing the faculties of the human being, such as courage, bravery and the ability to cope with difficulties. As for the woman she must learn to become a bit masculine. She must retain her ability to love and be submitted, but must also learn to face life with courage, and take off.
I think that the two halves of humanity balance. Not balancing men with women, but by creating this balance in every individual.
And now I can not afford to postpone human evolution, because people do not cooperate with the wishes of my Master. This is not a warning but a genuine complaint.
It is a call to women, because without the development of women men will not change.
Without the evolution of women society will not change.
Without the evolution of women in India will not change.
Without changing the world for women will not change. "
Message to Chariji Tiruppur, July 2001
raja yoga,
sahaj marg,
Shri Ram Chandra Mission,
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