Friday, February 15, 2008

A Message From Lalaji for ALL

New important additions (quotes from Lalaji's book) to this file (Feb. 18, 2008).

Taken from The Desperate Abhyasi in Europe in a "comment" by Cri-cri who was an abhaysi for 18 years with SRCM.

The Following extracts are from the writings of Lalaji, as yet unpublished and recently translated from Urdu by Dr. J Reddy.

These translations have been gathered in a book which will be on-line shortly on the Institute Of Ram Chandra Consciousness (ISRC) site.



"Man should get his form. When he gets his form, he becomes free. This freedom is happiness. Religion is the means of achieving it and its goal is happiness."

"Generally people know religion as only a rule of the assemblage of faiths, which has no interference of intellect. This is a serious mistake."

"(...) it is dangerous to believe without thinking and understanding, if a Fatwa is given. According to my understanding, to consider it as faith is wrong. Faith is such a condition of belief by heart, when heart understands it as correct in all respects."

"A person whose intellect is well developed, should be given a chance to understand Reality by himself and move pruning and balancing every matter intellectually and getting benefitted to it (...benefit from it?) , so that he can achieve his goal of life. Any religion which keeps its followers blind and deprives them of the blessing of knowledge and intellect is neither a religion nor there is any hope of getting blessings from it. We are advised to take the help at every step, from the intellect and discrimination, in the worldly matters. Whatever work we do, we naturally do with the thinking and understanding and people also say that no work should be done without thinking."

"As long as others' experiences do not become our experiences, it will be a folly to depend on them. It is never the teaching of religion and will never be, that one should have a blind faith unjustly, leading to the condition of animal. Then what is the benefit with religion. If religion is the most valuable thing in the world, then its benefits and its service will also be the most valuable thing."

"Religion while presenting a ladder for progress, invites a man to climb it to reach Reality. If it is the principle of religion that a man should not think anything for himself and simply follow some meaningless attributed rules, then it will be merely an animality. To finish completely this type of religion is absolutely necessary and useful for man."


"The charm, advantage and purpose of Satsang is to make the mind broad, so as to reach the goal and purpose by showing the importance of everything in its own place, and then giving a relative point of view. The purport of all this is to emphasize that becoming wise (Jnani) is not the final point of attaining the aim. Knowledge is only the final stage in attaining bliss and happiness."


"There are 3 types of getting the worldly knowledge: Indryas, doubt and inference, testimony of experienced people. The foundation of these three types of knowledge is in the mind and intellect of man, because Buddhi is the fountain and man's heart is its big canal and the five Indryas are its small tubes."


"Huzur has stated that it is written in some books that Hazrat Khaja Bahauddin Nakshabandiya quddus surooha [KBNqs] has started the training some times for the less intelligent seekers in this way such that they have to develop love towards form, till they get perfection in the unconditional love and they do not have any other relation other than this. Then their hearts used to be turned away from the love towards form, with little force because all the relations have been already broken."

"This method was used by KBNqs, when He has any person of less intelligence and not having intense (good) samskaras. For example if anybody who is not inclined towards the training of Nakshabandiya, his attraction was used to be turned towards form."


"Often the birth of Avatars are from place of Kal and Mahakal. Therefore it is possible that the birth of Om Hazrat [Lalaji's master] is from that place and it is said that Lord Krishna is also from that place."

"The question is that the connection of this Order in itself is very ancient; then what is the connection which is called, Khaja Nakshabandiya quddus sarooh connection and because of that connection this Order has become famous?"

"When a person after his training imparts training to the second person and the second in turn imparts to the third and the third to the fourth without any change it is called an Order."

"Hazrat Rasalat Ma aab has started the Order of internal connection. The training and method was shown to every body in the same manner. The method of friendhip was for some days, and then along with japa, then dhyan, etc. was introduced. In the beginning they used to do japa with external words etc. Stroll in the centers (lataifs) and in the crossings (Aboor) in between. The sequence starts from the lowest centre and is continued till the end one by one in an order. And this method of connection has spread among the elders of other Orders too. But Hazrat Khaja Bahauddin Saheb Nakshabandiya Aley ul Rahamathau converted external japa into internal japa and brought a special change in the practice of dhyan. This change is that with attention and bringing change in people the work was getting done and dropped the attention from the lower places. He suggested starting from the place which is the ending of the previous elders. This has become a special type of compound training, which has become a patent and remained as a new/modern reference. The answer to the question is that the original reference which is ancient has been modified and added with special and new innovation. Therefore it is given as a new impetus as a new reference and it is famous in the name of Khaja Nakshabandiya Saheb quddus sarooh. It is because of a special change in teaching it is considered as a separate one, otherwise expectation of bliss is the same."

"In the end there would be relation and connection with the material and non material things, plants, animals, stones and all classes of people and essence of the entire Universe. When is this possible? These matters are possible only when relation and connection has become dayami with Paramatma or Khas Zaat and Real by His grace. These are not possible with effort."

Monday, February 11, 2008

Shahriah Law in UK? Manu Laws in India?

Reaction to Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, statement on Sharia Law

....And here I had just written a song of support for the not-so-newly elected openly gay Bishop, Eugene Robinson, from New Jersey. I wrote it in the "first person" as a "be like Christ" suggested therapy for the schism that is now dividing the Anglican Congregation.

Now the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Anglican equivalent to the Roman Catholic Pope, divides it one more time with his latest statements on Sharia Law. Is it a "smoke screen"? See:

Anglican Journal: site:

Or the Guardian:,,777972,00.html

Then I read of the political posturing of the Christian Moral Majority in the US, and of the Fundamentalist Political Power base in India with their attempts to get the religious "manu laws" legislated in India. Then I see their stand on "homosexuality" and I shake my head in "amazement".

With this double-whammy exploding inside the Anglican Congregation, thanks to their conservative "senile old fart" leadership, the PRIMATES we can now see how these bunches (gangs?) of "religious old farts" will finally lose the support of the "moderates" and the "liberals", in other words, the "MORAL THINKERS", in their respective communities.

Our governments should then support these moderates and file some "hate mongering" suits against those dissenting organizations, their "boards of directors", and the Primates, and go after the organization's "tax exempt" status and other percs from the "public coffers", meant for charities and other organizations that address social ills, not create some and then attribute it to a 2000 year old book. Some sections of the BOOK in question, they claim, were written by "unknowns" but all of it was "Inspired by their GOD". Can their GOD be supoenaed to testify and defend "HIS", as he seems to be a MALE, statements?

The "GAY and LESBIAN" communities are "out of the closet", and women are "out of the kitchen", and neither the Christian, the Muslim, the Indian or other literalist, elitist, religious "faith-based" isms, or more accurately, falsehoods/fantasies under the guise of "inspiration" from the "other world", are putting them back in.

There are now "out" gay cowboys in Texas (the home of Southern Baptism, and President G.W. BUSH), and "out" gay politicians (republicans?) in Washington as everywhere else in society, and although the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, does not see the "Pink" in his own community and/or the "rainbows" in his market places, they are there, and we, the bloggers, see and hear them thanks to the INTERNET and to some lesser degree, the "sold out" media that has to report some of it to "save face" as a legitimate "information" tool. The accepted stats for the "gay" population these days is that 7% of the general population is gay. A comparison can be made with various (450 species? ) animal populations that are known to openly practice homosexuality in one form or other.

The explicate message in the statement from the conservative American Anglican archbishops seems to be "The Gay's and Lesbians will be tolerated but their lives will "not be blessed", nor will they be ordained"!! The implicate message in the Archbishop of Canterbury's statement, if tactical at all, in the context of the events in his own congregation at this time, seems to indicate that Sharia Law is at least not "pro-gay" so it may be accepted by ALL! Or they have completely lost it and are not "defending the faith" as a smoke-screen to cover the "homosexual" issue. What a tangled web they weave!

It seems that, as in our current format of Representative Democracy, with it's so-called FREE elections that are "lost" rather than "won", indicating that the population is voting NEGATIVELY and is easily swayed, those who finally get the positions of power are not the CREAM OF THE CROP, but the most PRAGMATIC, or the most opportunistic who would sell their MOTHER for a better seat in HEAVEN! Sounds so RELIGIOUS does it not? As the Anglican religious LEADERSHIP, as many other religious leaderships, seems drunk with the little power it still has, and as it seems unable to 'THINK" properly in these "APOCALYPTIC" days of "pressure" partly created by their fantasized "END TIMES", is it not time for the congregation to take over the decision-making power in these , our most "feudal" institutions? The PEOPLE, the USERS, are the true "MASTER OF THE HOUSE". And now we have the tool to speak, to educate, to organize and to vote: the INTERNET

IS IT NOT TIME FOR "DIRECT DEMOCRACY"? (voting on issues with weighted votes)

With Direct Democracy, we can take away all of the vestiges of political power from these senile dying religious old farts who from their 'ivory towers, only meet the elite and the ivory-tower proponents and dwellers in other cultures and groups in their communities.

"They're taking the blessed, to HELL with the rest"

Someone should tell them (loudly in their deaf ears), that RELIGIOUS LAW is not corrupted by legalities, as all the words in these LAWS can be "properly" written so that they can't be opposed "intellectually", but RELIGIOUS LAW is corrupted by "faith based" inspirations supposedly given to "OLD MEN" by a "phantasm" or in a dream, that allows and/or even creates a corruptible system of "pressure". When the estate called the CHURCH has too much power, the CHURCH controllers, usually old businessmen, also have too much power. Then the other counter-balancing regulatory estates, such as the STATE, the MEDIA have too "little" power. It is no more difficult to corrupt the State, the Electorate or the Media, than the CHURCH...and when these two (Church and STATE) are ONE, then BEWARE!! In old age, with the onset of senility and dementia, NEW IDEAS such as the rights of "gays and lesbians", appear as a THREAT to the legacy of the RELIGIOUS ELITE, and is a condemnation of the cruelty they perpetrated on their "flocks".

The "intellectual terrorism" that has been used by religions on the masses, from instilling from childhood the fear of "real demons" under the guise of "love", to the marginalizing and demonizing of the homosexual community, should not be rewarded by tax-exempt status or other percs from the "public coffers". RELIGIONS that operate as "BUSINESSES" should be taxed as businesses.

SRCM and Chari is such an "ANTI GAY" fundamentalist faith-based business, where "obedience" is the main LAW for the serfs, so I guess all the ABHYASIS want to become like CHARI!! (who was a student of Vaishnava before his take-over of SRCM). We have messages from Kay, claiming that Chari seperated (broke up) a gay couple (his) and married one of them (his partner) to a "woman" to his pain and suffering and anger.

From one of Chari's Speeches:

On '''homosexuality''', the Master (please see referenced note - Chari requests all to stop addressing him as Master) of this system in a recent speech said that unlike the churches of the world, Sahaj Marg does not perform same-sex marriages. "That is unnatural", he said. God did not intend it to be thus, he added. He then said it was a personal comment. But there are things credited to Babuji Maharaj “If God did not want two sexes, he could have as well created one and seen that the world propagated by itself."... Why two sexes? he questioned. Apparently not so that one sex should marry among themselves, according to Sahaj Marg Masters. "So, what the church may allow, I don’t have to condone or accept", he said, not mentionning which churches condones or performs same-sex marriages. "To me", Chariji said, "it is a very blatant misuse of so-called privileges of the human being, fundamental rights, et cetera. Of course, if you claim it is your fundamental right to go the dogs, so be it! Even God cannot stop it.

Speech by Chariji "Balance-The Crux of Life" Jan 20, 2006 in Malaysia []

I now pray that when Chari goes to the Brighter World as he believes he will and, as he stated, that Babuji sends him to Venus, that he meets there, on this mythical goddess of LOVE, (or the home of DEMONS according to some Indian myths) some of the "gays and lesbians" he thinks are "NOT NATURAL"!!

May they take him as a "disciple" so he may learn COMPASSION!!


Song of support for newly-elected Episcopalian Bishop, Eugene Robinson


Key of Eb (Capo 3....Play C) in 4/4 Time -Bouncy Rock-a-billy/Country-Folk

If you think the way I act is twisted out of line
If you think the way I live my life is such a crime
C F G Am
Let me tell you buddy, it's not the truth, it ain't a fact
F G C C(stop)
I'd like to think that Jesus wouldn't do that.


F Dm
Jesus wouldn't do that
He's see the load we carry down life's track
C F G Am
And he wouldn't act so righteous, when my buddy scratch my back
I'd like to think that Jesus wouldn't do that

We're much the same, we spend our life just trying to make a buck
As we look out on the world from our four-wheel pick-up truck
Now don't you be too envious if I have a little luck
I'd like to think that Jesus wouldn't do that

Repeat Chorus...

It's written in the Book, the gates of hell are open wide
Love the sinner with his sin, love the gay man with his pride
Stop looking at the cover, read the story deep inside
I'd like to think that Jesus wouldn't do that

Repeat Chorus...

Like Jesus Christ upon the cross, we stand here crucified
Would the good man swing the hammer, would the rumours testify
And would I feel your gossip, every time I turn my back
I'd like to think that Jesus wouldn't do that

Repeat Chorus...

We feed our kids a steady diet of killing with the gun
We glorify the thieves and sing the outlaws on the run
We turn upon our neighbour if he has a little fun
I'd like to think that Jesus wouldn't do that

Thursday, February 07, 2008

SRCM Targets Children...Babuji Turns!!

Taken from Elodie's blog in France: The Desperate Abhyasi

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Children in Cleveland

Alexis was right, a hundred times over, when he said that the main target of Cleveland would be our children.

My husband and I have just received a letter inviting us to enroll our children in the seminar. It is accompanied by a separate letter intended to convince our children's teachers of the merits of their absence from school during those few days.

Here are a few excerpts:

-- Letter to parents

"This seminar is a rare opportunity to expose your child to a diverse world. Environment created by the physical presence of the Master and many abhyasis of the world will have profound and lasting effects on the children. Adding a high-quality program for children under the dual aspect of education and entertainment will not fail to make it an unforgettable experience for all participants (…). It is our hope that your school will consider favourably your request and that your Children will be allowed to be absent from school to attend the seminar. "

-- Letter to teachers

"The purpose of such an event is in its very title. Meditation is increasingly recognized as having an impact on the development and personal integration of individuals, in their families, in their workplaces and in the society. By participating in this event, you can count on a personal experience and cultural experience for students, whatever their age or their interests. "

Elodie adds:

It is therefore not enough for them for having recruited and then broken us . They also need to ensnare our children.


Recall the earlier comment of Alexis:

Alexis said…

Offensive The Children

The main target of Cleveland 2008, it is the children…

"We invite abhyasis to bring their children to this event conducive. Meeting place, Cleveland, offers a choice of indoor or outdoor activities for the children."

Teachers and professionals have prepared various programs of activities that range from field trips of science projects, to yoga, dance or workshops (crafts, photos, films, and so on.).

There will be specific programs for adolescents (13 years and older), tweens (9-12 years), elementary (5-8 years) and a kindergarten for the young ones.

Children will receive a certificate of participation and parents can obtain in advance the program of activities "in order to obtain the permission to be absent" from school.


The studies done on MEDITATION were not conducted on cults or groups that practice "OBEDIENCE to a GURU" or on a CULT of PERSONALITY with all the trappings of the dogmas and rituals of RELIGION, but on non-religious MEDITATION to empower the individual. This religious focus on Children is contrary to what Babuji, the founder of Sahaj Marg and the SRCM, taught. It is what he warned about!!

SEE the TEACHINGS of the VBSE (Value Based Spiritual Education) in the SRCM schools:

This evangelical "come-on" to increase the numbers misrepresents MEDITATION!