This is from a comment on Elodie's blog "Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg" by Alexis Sept 2, 2007. Translated by Don, using Google Translate.
Alexis Said:
The rumour has it…
Chari would come to Europe next October. The rumour runs, swells and is propagated. But it soon will fall like a soufflé…
Do not dream, Chari will not come!
Because he is pragmatic and a calculator, his acts are never impulsive. After the effect of advertisement only intended to stimulate you, he ends up cancelling at the last minute, stating health reasons! The mechanics is well thought out…
Already in 2003, he explained to the Americans why he had preferred the Indians to them. Lack of numerical growth, lack of material manufacture. Still last May, he preferred financial Dubai and its attractions in the Occident:
Chari speech San Jose, 2003:
« In 1972 I travelled with Babuji to the US. After three weeks there were 76 abhyasis but until 1984 it was arround the same number. What does this show ? Nobody worked.» Discours au Danemark le 10/08/2000
« (…) I really didn't expect to come back to the USA again, because I was pretty depressed about the general situation. Not of the economy, not of the politics, not of the country, you know, but of the abhyasis of the Mission (…) It had become something of a routine, you know (…)
That was one reason why I wasn't travelling abroad for the last three years out of India (…) the people of India yet come to spirituality. So, like my old job in my company, where I was a marketing man - I had good markets, bad markets and markets which were okay (…) And the temptation was always to go to the good market first (…) marketing management dictates that you should give more time to those markets which are not so profitable or productive (…)
So I have been concentrating on India for the last three years, and I am very happy to say that, if you think in terms of statistics, probably we've had three hundred percent growth in the last three years in India. We've had so many new ashrams coming up, big ashrams coming up, housing projects coming up, abhyasis coming in droves, you know (…) And it is good (…)
I don't have a conscience at all - it's a question of work. I don't judge myself, I only do my work and leave the result to him.» - I only do My Work,
Chari speech at San Jose (CA, USA) le 10/08/2003
Speech by AJ Bhatter (Successor to Chari and Master in Waiting)
“I would be happy to say that he had the intention to travel to Europe and to the United States in April. But, perhaps he thinks that if he now went to Europe and to the United States, many among the abhyasis who were registered for Tiruppur, would not go to India. Then, he cancelled his visit. Therefore, I think that in a certain manner, we are not able to convince him that his arrival will not affect the event in India.
He is at this moment in Dubai (…) During, I would say, the 15 last years, work and time that he devoted to Europe should have produced many, many, many more abhyasis. But… it is strange, I would not say that his work was at fault… but that we did not show enough receptivity to be able to realize what should have been.”
Speech of Ajay KUMAR Bhatter in Montpellier 3/05/2007
Alexis said:
He will not come.
Let us be realistic, you (Europeans) are not gifted enough for spiritual marketing. Zero growth for the business, the coaching of your leaders did not yet bear its fruits and management feels it.
If you had really wanted to see him, you would have had to prove it. To attract numbers: to double, triple the manpower, to build cathedrals and no matter what he says … to fight to be near him.
But you are not productive enough, not enough profitable to interest him.
Chari will not come, he will not come any more.
Pragmatic, calculator, he was especially a fine strategist, a skilful tactician acting in his own interests.
He made use of you when he needed you. Rejected by the Indians in 1983, it is towards you the Occidentals that he turned. You gave him the means of building Babuji Memorial Ashram and of filling it with abhyasis. Thus, it is thanks to you that he could return to the natural course of things and return to his country in victory.
He will not come any more, it is finished!
Never forget that, he used you and now he throws you like vulgar kleenex, from now on useless.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Chari's Marketing plan for the West
raja yoga,
sahaj marg,
Shri Ram Chandra Mission,
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It's funny you say this about Chari no longer visiting Europe. On return from Denmark 2 years ago my friend was very disturbed by something but never did open up enough to tell me what had occured. It was as if a turning point had happened and the care free happiness of the SRCM had passed, something more serious had developed. Since then he has only gone to India on trips. Abyasis are in trouble if this is now the case. Looking for ways to stay in India long term for the truly committed and low income. Or spend a lot of money and time travelling back and forth. Staight to the wolfs den. Niether seems sustainable long term.
Hi Unsigned anonymous...
I agree. If we are to reduce our "carbon footprint", we must find the ONE, this spirit that is "everywhere", in our own hearts and our own part of NATURE. To run to a Physical location to reach the ONE that is ALL and hence everywhere is really "silly" to quote another "unknown" Master of the "Krishnamurti" and "Deepak Chopra" philosophy.
This religion-building of Chari is what the Business elite does with all of LIFE. They created a "shortage" of something and fill the need by establishing themselves as "authorities" and "POWER". This un-sustainable practice will be the downfall of all Religions in the end.
The INFONAUT revolution has begun and we can now "REVEAL" or expose the falicies and inaccuracies of these "Large FOOTPRINT" characters for what they truly are: EGOS....not SPIRIT or SPIRITUAL...
This is all fake stuff....dont believe these blogs. They are all full of craps for distracting people. All you need to feel is the transmission. And if you feel that you wont have any more questions and if you dont feel it, you wont have belief and start all these blogs. simple.
Hi Anonymous...
Thanks for you "thoughtful" and "spiritual" comment...You obviously are a "Chari clone" as you display his arrogance and his "contempt" for other's opinions...
If you meditated with the ONE, you would feel "LOVE and COMPASSION" for your fellow humans and would not "divide" the masses into "your group and OTHERS" and you would not divide your group into so many "SCHISMS" (three already). Specially you would not divide the families of your SERFS and would not target their children...
YOUR CULTISH attitudes are very much like the RELIGIONS that you call "CORRUPT"...
STAY home and meditate and don't waste you time on the INTERNET on OUR BLOGS that want to INFORM and PROTECT some of the more gullible of the MASSES who are always looking for a new "OPIATE"...
THIS MEDITATION will make friends of strangers and will alienate the friends and family, just like a DRUG...
Sahaj Marg IS NOT SPIRITUALITY, but a CULT OF A PERSONALITY who will "allegedly" save you, the sinner, and "Erase your samskaras"...just like the PRIEST erases the sins of the "corrupt" and "sinful" catholics...
I pray for author of this blog as I see his totally hatred of spirituality... I would like to know what is the opinion of author about spirituality?
Hi yet another anonymous!
When you say: "I see totally hatred of Spirituality", we who are truly spiritual know that as you are being given you spirituality by "materialists", that you can't see very far or well.
Spirituality does not divide.
Spirituality does not say: GOD IS MALE
Spirituality does not say that: Homosexuality is "un-natural" (over 450 species of animals practice it is "NATURAL".
Spirituality does not divide as to age as Sahaj Marg is doing in Europe: Seminars for only the YOUTH (under 40 yrs)...Divide and keep the old wise ones away from the young targeted SHEEP!!! I would say that you are like the "WOLVES" not the LIONS...
If Sahaj Marg is Spiritual and "NATURAL", then disciples of Chari should be trying to become themselves and empower themselves, not become clones of the MASTER.
There is no place in NATURE where one (such as a tree, an animal, a grass, a bug, etc...) tries to become like the OTHER so as to be LIBERATED.
Sahaj Marg is similar to the religions of "feudal" days (autocratic, male, built on flawed theology and philosophy)
Yes WE ARE ALL SPIRIT and thus are ALL ONE... We have direct contact with the ONE and do not need the "businessmen" of the world to make us create a "larger carbon footprint" to cause pain to the next generation, in the name of saving ourselves. Destroy the Planet but save yourself is the "businessmen's of Sahaj Marg's CREDO.
Those who would divide us will not succeed but will cause a lot of suffering for the naive and the gullible, in the name of the ONE (what they call GOD)...
If you go after the children, as as you are doing, and after the women, as you are doing, you will get more "resistance" than this...That is NATURE! And it is also SPIRIT-ual to protect the children!!
To target the children is not spirituality but the sign of a very corrupt religion led by religious deviants!!
WE are SPIRITUAL, are YOU? THEN stay home and MEDITATE and leave us and our children and women at home to MEDITATE ALSO...We don't need you, the business caste or the ELITE to save us...We are already SAVED...and FREE (that means LIBERATED)
I'm impartial in this, looking for unbiased information but i won't listen to anyone who calls me
"Gullible masses"
who is the arrogant one?
Also if spirituality is about Love, Does not divide and makes us all one why do you show so much contempt towards these people who are apparently being led?
You seem wise enough to let this go, why can't you just let them carry on to their own possible demise? It seems like you are suffering a lot more than any of them
Hi Will
Thanks for the comments and sorry if I offended you with the "gullible Masses" statement... I thought it was an "accepted" by all but I will have to "eliminate" you from this list of the "Gullible" Masses... ;-))
By the way, I included myself in this as on some topics, I am also "gullible", as I want to believe that someone has the answer I am looking for...
I don't have "contempt" for those who are being led but I am trying to "wake them up" as I would with a "RED LIGHT" as the scene of danger (as on the highway at the scene of an accident)
When a group targets the vulnerable in my society (children), I do not let them go to carry on their own demise...I was once part of a culture that let the "Catholic" church do that and I will not let "RELIGIONS" do that again as long as I live...
Anyone can practice what they want when they are ADULTS (over 18) but before that, it is the ADULTS who are responsible for them...It is the women who bring the children and so SRCM targets women in our cultures (75 %)...All religions do the same...If women would not offer the children, I would let them to their own "DEVICES"... I believe in FREEDOM but I am also a good citizen of my country and my planet...When I see abuse and danger, I Raise the red flag and don't simply do on my way...
By the way, I would suffer a lot more with the GUILT of doing nothing as yet another RELIGIOUS Cult of a Personality targets the children of our PLANET for their "imperialist" and fanatical and Apocalyptic goals of Planetary DOMINATION...
This (SRCM) is not SPIRITUALITY but Nationalism and Imperialism under the guise of SPIRITUAL-ISM...not SPIRITUALITY...
The ONE is not a servant to these BUSINESSMEN..
Cool, I can understand that.
I suppose when we acknowledge that no one has the answer then we are probably closer to God than ever. We are all lost and we are all children and if people find comfort and resolve in an illusion then they are no worse (or better) than anyone else because for them that illusion is reality and if for them it's a good reality then that(in my opinion) is all that matters. In terms of being exploited or mislead, it is pretty difficult to avoid it in this day and age, it's impossible to trust anyone.
All the thing you've highlighted, even if absolutely true, don't seem to contradict to the true practice of Sahaj Marg from what I've read.
It is very possible that the mission itself is corrupt, actually it is more than possible, it is highly likely that there is corruption in the mission but this doesn't stop the practice from being helpful.
It is likely that the idea of the Master (at various levels of material interpretation) is just a aspect of super-ego adopted (idealistically) to have a better awareness of self, rather than an actual god or even external spirit entity (which would just demote
Sahaj Marg to idol worship).
I believe that if there were a god it would not be Judgmental, If people were practicing honestly with the intent to reach that god then why would that god discriminate.I don't just mean
Sahaj Marg i mean any religion, cult, sect, philosophy or even science If it were being followed with the love and devotion to attain a level of enlightenment, heaven, peace, bliss, world peace, evolution, universal love or merger
then why would that god discriminate and if that god was within or even more, if that god was us ourselves then surely it would be obliged.
I believe that when we die there is nothingness, I don't believe in a nirvana or heaven i Believe in nothingness and that is my goal, to become comfortable with that nothingness and to conform to that nothingness. My "master" is everybody and everything in the world :) they teach me so much.
You may criticize what i have written here but I assure you it is of no motive or bias, it is from a place of Love (or the best i can do.) I admire your ability to discern and inquire, at the cost of your time and emotional investment.
The only way to change the world is
with love, there is no other way.
Carry on with what you are doing, you seem to be becoming quite an authority on it. Trust me on this though, your efforts are futile unless they are fueled by love and nothing else, I'm sure that if you
follow this then you will get the result you want.
Sorry for writing such a long one, it's a very interesting existential
debate!! I can't help myself :)
With Love,
P.s. what country is that you are from?
HI Will...
I am from Canada...
What can I say? You've said it all. lol ;-))
Like Bob Dylan said: No sense talking to you, it's just like talking to
I appreciate the time and effort taken by yourself also...
Personally, I just put up this warning sign for those who want it, for the rest, I leave them free...My goal, if I have one in this endeavour is simply to EXPOSE and REVEAL...This is the age of the INFONAUT and KNOWLEDGE is now BLIND just like JUSTICE had to be BLIND so that the "elite", those blessed by the "DIVINE RIGHTS OF KINGS", could be subject to justice also...
Now, with knowledge blind, we the "commoner" who were previously the potential "victim" and the "used", unable to get our "experience" and ideas to the MASSES, all for the POWER of the elite are now also "anonymous" and hence very POWERFUL... We will learn to use this power over time and we will fumble but we will not give it up...
I will not add any comments to your well thought out ideas as they are mostly in agreement with what I feel and think, but I can tell you that I don't want a "result" that can be sent back to me as a "footprint" of my achievement and my intentions are to "de-mystify" this ONE-ness that we are all hard-wired to experience. Notice I say ONE-ness as opposed to THE ONE or the ZERO or the SOMETHING or GOD or MASTER...etc...
The sun (our GOD of old) does not reach us only in our hearts. Nor does the wind (energy), the rain (liquid) etc...Energy touches our ALL and envelopes us...if God was "one dimensional", such as a "line" then to place the seat of God in the heart might make sense but the ONE-ness is a STATE OF BEING and not an ACTION...
What is next for the religious elite? Here are some myths of the PAST!!
Jerusalem, Mecca, Rome, etc... are HOLY lands as opposed to the rest of our beloved PLANET, our HOME which is then not HOLY?
The POPE is "A HOLY FATHER" opposed to my father and the other fathers?
The catholic priest forgives "SINS" in the name of Jesus Christ ( a part of the TRINITY of GOD)...In SRCM, the Preceptor erases Samskaras in the name of CHARI or Babuji...Lalaji would not have anything to do with that megalomaniacal claim...
Religions all get MESSAGES and MIRACLES from the DECEASED! SPIRITUALISM is what that is called, not spirituality...
ALL religions claim to be "UNIQUE" and the "ONLY TRUE Path" and/or the one that will swallow up all the others. All want the PEOPLE to become like them so as to be SAVED or LIBERATED... more megalomania..
GOD is MALE, Nature is FEMALE? According to Chari!
These are just the religious myths that we (I) must attempt to "transform", not defeat or conquer or condemn, or have contempt for...
In the ONE-ness, or the NOTHING-ness, SRCM and CHARI are also there in LOVE and COMPASSION...just like under the sun, it also shines on ALL...
Bless you and your GIFT of MIND and you ability to REASON with it!!
Jiddu Krishnamurti said: Faith leads inevitable to violence...
Hi Will...
Here is another way of looking at the Zero of ONE (the number) refers to "SOME-THING" "positive (+)" out there, be it illusion or not (at different times) ...and Zero is the "neutral" gateway into the "virtual" as represented by the negatively (-) charged particle (electron) in electricity... or the "receptive" in psychology and sociology...sometimes we (some) attach "gender" to these physical attributes.
He uses the equation for velocity (or Speed) to reach his equivalent "units"... V(elocity)= Distance (or Space) / Time V=S/T
(I am reading and trying to understand it so questions or debates
In beginning an examination of the consequences of the two Fundamental Postulates we note first that they involve a progression of space-time which is similar to the progression of time as it is ordinarily visualized. Let us consider a location A somewhere in space-time. During the next unit of time this location progresses to A + 1 in time and since one unit of time, on the basis of the First Fundamental Postulate, is equivalent to one unit of space the location also progresses to A + 1 in space. When n units of time have elapsed the location has progressed to A + n both in space and in time.
It should be emphasized that this statement does not refer to some object that might happen to occupy the location A; it refers to the location itself. If the hypothetical object has no independent motion of its own it will also be found at location A + n after n units of time, but this does not involve any motion of the object. It remains stationary at the same location in space-time but the location itself moves.
We thus arrive at a concept of the physical universe as being characterized by a continuous process of expansion. Although this idea of the fundamental nature of space-time is new and unfamiliar it should not be difficult to visualize since it is merely an extension of the universally recognized progression of time, and it is also entirely in harmony with the large-scale picture of the universe which has been reached through astronomical observations. As will be brought out in the subsequent discussion, the expansion of the universe deduced by the astronomers from the motions of the distant galaxies is a direct consequence of the progression of space-time itself.
Now let us consider some further implications of the postulate that space and time are reciprocally related. As already noted, this means that each individual unit of space is equivalent to an individual unit of time, but if this were the full extent of the relationship there would be no physical phenomena at all, since each unit would be exactly equivalent to all other units and the entire universe would be one vast domain of perfect uniformity in which nothing could ever happen. It is apparent that no physical phenomena can exist except as a result of a divergence from this one to one correspondence: a displacement of space-time from the unit ratio. The space-time ratio of unity therefore constitutes the initial level of all physical activity, the datum from which all phenomena extend.
This is a principle of great significance. In the subsequent development we will find that throughout the physical world relationships are simplified and seemingly contradictory facts are brought into harmony when we take unity as our datum rather than zero. We may, in fact, regard unity rather than the mathematical zero as the true physical zero.
The space-time displacements which are necessary for the existence of physical phenomena originate because the reciprocal postulate involves something more than the equivalence of the individual units. If this were the extent of the relationship we would postulate that space and time are equivalent, not that they are reciprocal. The reciprocal postulate includes the further requirement that under certain conditions associations of n units of one component must exist and that under those conditions the n units of this kind are equivalent to 1/n units of the other component.
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