Taken and translated from a article by Alexis: Un Élite Pour Regénérer l'Humanité on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.
Ah! ... Ah! Ah! What a mess! What a Mess! What a Mess! Save yourself!
An Elite To Regenerate Humanity
Extracted from Whispers in French, here is a Whisper of Babuji from the Brighter World dated June 30, 2004 at 10 AM:
"The received messages therefore constitute in themselves an education suitable for an elite of souls to emerge in this time of advent of a new era. They will be understood, appreciated, and they will become a reference point on our path. Souls will open more and more to a reality somewhat beyond that of our brothers at present. Future time are being prepared and we will not be left behind.
The souls which are incarnating in this perspective, will seek a teaching which will correspond to them in all respects. Those whom you call the Indigo children will not adapt to outdated concepts. They will seek a niche vibration appropriateto the subtlety of their ethereal bodies. Many of these people already live in this world. They struggle to integrate into existing systems, mostle devoid of interest to them. They arrive at a pivotal time in history of the world and are different, so often misunderstood as anything that can be distinguished from the multitude. These people will find one another and unite to recreate an environment to their satisfaction. They will be pacifists, spiritually advanced, they will go to the essentials, naturally, without hesitation, wisdom, for the most part, being innate. A time will come when the number of these creatures will grow to form an elite regenerating humanity and guiding those less fortunate.
Everything is written and wanted thus.
May all be blessed! "
The message is clear: our world is rotten, a spiritual elite will soon come to overthrow it, and guide us back on track.
Populist overtones, New Age philosophy and apocalyptic, but there is nothing missing. Whoever the medium or the cause of this message, the sectarianism of the SRCM has never been displayed so openly. That may be the reason that the message has not been released (yet?) on "A Whisper a Day". (see correction by Alexis in comments to this article)
So much so that one wonders if Chari is not being manipulated in turn by the medium. That he wanted to make money with Whispers is undeniable, but does he condone today that so-called message from Babuji? We have yet to see.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Anonymous French Lady Medium of Sahaj Marg(tm) and the Spiritual Elite!
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@ Don,
1/Contrairement à ce que j'ai écris précédemment, le message de Babuji est paru sur 'a whisper a day' :
2/Quel crédit faut-il accorder à l'histoire initiale de 'Rose' à ton avis ? est-il toujours crédible ? et si oui, a-t-elle été récemment retournée et récupérée par chari ou certains membres de sa clique ?
I'm surprised to read the term INDIGO CHILDREN appears in whispers...
These children are spoken of quite alot in the spiritual groups of the world today, for example DOREEN VIRTUE who claims to speak with angels has written a whole book about it. It's not a term I would have personally associated with an "old school" master such as BABUJI.
Interesting article.
Sheffield. UK.
I once did an interview (debate) with a catholic priest and a physicist (who meditated)... When confronted about the reality of "angels", the priest said: "Honestly Don, there ain't any!"
I have a Jewish "fundamentalist" friend and they call what has been falsely called "angels" by the "materialists religious" who need a "being" and spirits, heaven, hell, etc... and they call that experience: a "perplexity" ... an emanation that is interpreted by our "vivid imagination" as beings but are simply "wave forms" emanating from the energy centers in Nature. (sun, galaxy, Group of galaxies, universe, multi-verse, etc... These waves are of a higher frequency (x-ray, gamma, etc) than what is received everyday by our sun, hence we have difficulty interpreting them.
Depending on the culuture, some call them: fairies, UFO's, the "good people", balls of light, beings of light, etc... And of course, RELIGION creates a "pseudo-science" around "angelology", and invents a whole hierarchy of angels, archangels, and demons (bad angels): archangels, cherubims, powers,principalities, etc... But Lalaji and Babuji warned about getting sucked into that "fantasy" ... Seek REALITY not FANTASY...
SPIRIT can be a reality and spirituality can study and define that reality ... But Spiritualism with its "spirits", is a SCAM!
Read the SCAM of "indigo children"... it is all "on-line" one scammer reinforces another scammer and they all quote one another ... and sell books... just like Sahaj Marg(tm). They are not credible for those who still use their "BRAIN" to think and who don't live in fear of the SECRET ...
To believe in fairies, one has to think with the un-thinking and slavish PUMP, the heart... The center for BLOOD, not for analysis, logic, reason, etc..
Don ...
Thank you for that correction...
As far as Rose is concerned, I think that the story which is supported by e-mails seems credible ... Although I don't think that Chari is involved in replying to such e-mails from "lowly" serfs... he is the KING and he has "volunteers" who manipulate the followers and keep tabs on others... those who phone the ex-wives if some intend to TESTIFY, or REVEAL anything about the MISSION, their "dirty little secrets", etc ...
That is why some ex-cult-members of this SPIRITUALIST group, in the USA have had to resort to "Cease and Desist" orders and "Restraining orders", to keep these "spiritual police" from them and their family, and I have copies of them in my INDEX ...
I think that "neediness" creates "addicts" and that is substance as well as emotional addiction. The whole "entertainement" industry survives and thrives on the "star" syndrome, the "idol-making" industry. People are instantly healed from "depression" when OPRAH enters the room. lol lol
So I take any such testimonial with a grain of salt, and I look at some like Martin as having a little more veracity, but still tainted with life's experience and our own self-protection or survival instinct.
Even TRUTH is dynamic and Changes... That is why I am not RELIGIOUS. They want TRUTH to be STATIC.
Hi all...
Anonymous French Lady Medium sent this comment on Elodie's blog in Europe. I translated it.
Anonymous French Medium Lady said ...
I told you that all these people are impostors.
Not sure what you mean, you did not understand anything.
Babuji Maharaj sent me this prophetic message from the brighter world, it is well known that indigo children are different, wiser and peaceful, more spiritually evolved. One day they will rule the world for the good of humanity. That is why our beloved master Chariji celebrates unions between abhyasis, tomorrow their children will lead us on the right path.
Monday, February 28, 2011
There they go again, the fantasy weavers. This "master race" of businessmen ALIENS (THEM) who now divide even their own society and their families, will rule us because they are so much "better than us" ... NOT !!
If someone finds one of these "different, wiser, peaceful, spiritually evolved" children, could you show him/her to us so we may have a REVELATION?
What a bunch of Flakes ...(the GRANOLA Set ... what is not nuts, and flakes, is crackers).
She, (They) claim that "it is well known ..."... OK... read about "indigo children" and don't be fooled ... then it will be "KNOWN" by ALL...
Don ...
Is she the anonymous French lady medium or the ANNOYING FANTASY LAND MENTALIST?! Haha. I don't think Chari would allow his precious medium to post on these blogs or as he calls them the enemies of spirituality.
As for Indigo Children that concept has been around for many years even before BABUJI was born....so technically it's not a phrophecy it's just recycling of messages that have been around for hundreds of years. Is this message meant to impress because it's not doing anything for me
And the AFLM says chari celebrates unions between abhyasis......no mention of the many relationships between abhyasis that fail?
Hi Karen...
The "medium" has to create 600 of these per year for 12 years according to Chari's "orders". So many are re-hash's and so many are simply garbage from the Medium's life, culture (France), or interests. Some are simply silly and make for "shaking one's head" in amazement ...
Can anyone really love or empathize with someone who would be "stupid" and/or naive and gullible to that point.
Thank God my ex did not discover Oprah or Jimmy Swaggart before Chari and the Businessmen, and his brand of New Age "SPIRITUALISM". How embarassing!
But "Tammy Faye" wife of Jimmy Baker, really took the cake!! So Thank our ONE-ness (What some call God) that our world could not be divided to that point and that we, as a SPECIES, may have finally learned a lesson... lol lol Anyone with that much "make up" will not lead anyone to GOD any more than a TREE or a SUNSET!!
On Elodie's French blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg, we just had GOD joining the conversation... He only spoke in French (of course), and I did not translate for obvious reasons... the English would not understand! lol lol
Now we have an "anonymous" Medium... claiming to be THE Medium... one of many who use the "anonymity" as a selling point, just like Chari ... The French like to engage. Different from the reserved and wilting, stiff upper-lip British.
They play off peoples curiosity, even for the trite and the mundane.
Without using LOGIC, there is no way for the "mark" to tell what is fantasy and what is "real" ... so adepts swallow a lot of "shit" by thinking with the heart, for the sake of getting a sensual RUSH which obviously does not unite anything, but divides and is certainly not any more Divine than anything else. It (Sahaj Marg(tm)) is self-serving, narcissistic.
It should not be tax-exempt as a "charity" ... It is more like a "recreational" club for the well-to-do businessmen and service sector salespersons. (alternate therapies, healthfoods, alternate health products, Herbs, vitamins, New Age books, seminars, etc... Divination, astrology, numerology, tarot,)
WHAT?!! What do you mean god are you being serious?!! That's crazy.
Don have you ever heard of a man called RAMDEV JI who is pretty big in India at the moment. He practices yoga and is trying to change politics in India to get rid of corruption etc. Have you ever heard of him and what's your opinion I'd be interested to know.
Yes... God, the "big guy" HIMSELF!! .... joined our conversation. lol lol
We laughed treated him with compassion at first and talked with HIM and then we laughed HIM out of town, I guess ... he never came back ... It's pretty hard to remain "serious". We kicked God out of our UNIVERSE ... HE was getting egotistical, thinking that HE created it all and as it's such a mess, yet, he wanted to blame his creation, us, not HIMSELF WHICH allegedly CREATED it and controls it all. And being Religious, he wanted us to OBEY!
It could have been a "female" who wanted to be male (lesbian?) and why not go for the "TOP JOB"?? Eh?
So much for divine levity.
On the Ramdev Ji issue...
Just another so-called "SAINT", who thinks that "homosexuals are sick" ... and what do we, the "holy" do with the sick in a "civil" society? We criminalize them and put them in jail ... We marginalize them, we torture them, we beat them up until they become like the rest of us (in INDIA?): corrupt, cruel, warring all the time, persecuting other minorities, charlatans, making claims to heal the sick with Magic, take money from the poor, etc...
Now that the gays are free in our society, I have a few lesbian friends who would criminalize "porn users" ... lol lol Where does that "sickness" stop? Inside each of us.
If homosexuality is seen as a sickness by some, then they, these holy charlatans, should work and fund research so that society could treat it as a sickness ... as we treat the "RELIGIOUS SICKNESS-es" (addiction to fantasy)... or as we treat their "hypocrisy", dishonesty, addiction to power, material, etc... all the "SICKNESS-es" which the addicts to power and Material (the religious materialist elite) have ... the so-called "religious elite" ...
Ramdev is no Jesus, the Christ ...
His compassion is reflected in his weight...or is that "over-weight"? Is that "addiction to food" not also a "sickness"??
The poor die of hunger. The Saints are overweight and the Messiahs don't cure diseases, they would criminalize those they call: "sick" ... Where does the corruption begin in India? In RELIGION?? In the MIND? And SPIRIT is ONE... So anyone who divides against others, the sick, is not expressing ONE-ness.
Some of us (the wanna-be "illuminated"), in our dual mind, meditate a little, and then make claims to be SPIRIT and/or to express the ONE-ness of ALL, and then make some make claims in the name of our Creative, as if IT, the duality (mind), was SPIRIT, or ONE, our ONE-ness ... the CREATIVE.
Some egoistically think themselves to be the "proxies of ONE" our One-ness ... and yet, they are divisive ... so of MIND!
They are no better that us!! We are all "sick" to a more or lesser degree ... them included.
Let us criminalize those who make WAR and commit other violent crimes... not those who want to have fun, dance, drink, laugh, ...and want to be left alone to have their other fun (sex). It's not like the homosexuals have sex every day, all day, all the time ... just like us, they eat, shit, and would even adopt some of the sick and hungry children we leave behind, if they were allowed.
Some (many) gays are actually compassionate and some are SPIRITUAL, religious, not only "intellectual" or MIND, and not only Material.
Baba Ramdev is a symbol of truth. absolutely unselfish, never wanting anyone of JOIN his group, He is fighting against corruption and love his country and its culture to the core...
He has declared many times, that he does not have any bank account anywhere in the world.
His speeches can galvanize youth like anything, make one think about what he says analyze them and is always ready with proof of each and every statement he makes.
Well, he is not selling religion or spirituality, infect all he is saying is eradicate corruption, know your country. that's all!!
Hi Shashwat...
Know your country and also, its citizens, 7% of which are gay, lesbian, trans-gender, some are even "eunuchs" and are accepted by some aspects of our religious and secular society.
Homosexuality is not "un-natural" as some religious neophytes claim. They are created, not invented by MIND. No one wakes up on morning, and says: "Gee, Gays are getting beat up, I think I'll become gay!" They are part of our diversity, and we should bless that diversity, not call it "sick" ... Gays are not "sick". And certainly don't deserve to be criminalized. No more than "heterosexuality"...
We don't need that "hetero" or the human aspect of pro-creation anymore. Society can continue without hetero "sex" so let us criminalize "hetero" sexuality also.
It was necessary once, but is not necessary now, if pro-creation is the standard. Sex is for more than "pro-creation", it is for bonding, uniting, recreation, release of tension, etc...and just for FUN!! No reason... and not criminal. Dogs do it, and we don't criminalize them... and many animals species practice "homosexuality" for many reasons...
India would do well to learn some (more than one) methods of "birth control", even to de-criminalizing homosexuality, rather than creating the corruption of having to "migrate" because there's no more room (food, jobs, etc...) in one's land of birth because of "over-breeding". China has. And we in the west have also. That is one of the reasons we have some land left.
Beside that, Ramdev's nationalism is OK for India but not for the world ... We need a Gaia (ONE living Globe) philosophy more than more tribalism, nationalism and imperialism or relying on a global "diaspora".
We have to take care of what we have and not simply try and spread to over-populate the rest of the "GLOBE"... We are not quite ready to expand to the galaxy yet, so we will have to either "TIE OUR PECKERS" or use the pill or other forms of birth control.
Homosexuality could be one of Nature's way. Some other natural solutions being: War, disease, disasters!
We will transform! It is time! We dont' have to wait for the "indigo children"... ;-))
Don ...
Hi Don,
Being a gay was a criminal offense under british rule in india, it was changed and accepted as part of society recently (as recent as last year).
What baba ramdevji is saying is that we need to get independence from british rule most of which is still part of law in india.
Ramdev is committed to change this. As far as homosexuality is concerned, it was never rejected as un-natural in india, we have temples and sculptures which depict people of same sex in union, Kamasutra for instance has a complete chapter on how homosexuals should enjoy their life... there is nothing wrong in that.. being a homo or not being a one simply does not matter, BUT there is something called socially accepted living standard in india, families are made by union of male and female and not from people of same sex, i have not yet come across any news of homosexual pair giving birth to a child out of their wedlock!!
if you want privileges provided by society follow the rules, if you have orientation which does not support family life, it means you will not be forming a family.
Marriage is the social custom of entry into family life, and marriage by definition represents union of male and female, hence homosexuals will not be able to get married in the senses it is understood till now, a homosexual person can have his/her partner but they cannot be man and wife... it is not because someone does not like it, but it is because the definition of marriage is not that, as it has been understood.
Now again, since India is such a divers country with people from all spectrum of life, there cannot be a single point of view on any topic. and respecting all view point is democracy.
Funny thing just happened-I was watching sky news and images of Gadaffi from Libya appeared......driving around on a golf cart-in the same way chari drives around.HAHAHAHA! The similarities don't end there-they are both deluded IDIOTS who cause trouble for innocent people.
Does Ramdev claim to be able to "cure" gays? I think I heard that somewhere and he says he can cure cancer....potential for good debate here Don-fancy compiling an article on this?
Hi Karen...
I don't know enough about Ramdev and I have not experienced his teachings first hand, so I would simply be re-hashing the information that is already out there ... there are more "bloggers" and journalists exposing any abuses where they are... These are the days of revolutions.... dictators beware.
Much of the information is already on Wikipedia and other sites ... anyway ...
Sahaj Marg(tm) is my focus now, and of course, the ISLAM/Sufi connection to Sahaj Marg(tm). As well, some of my original articles are about the BEAST (John's Revelation) which has become the "HOLY Roman Catholic Church" ... my first exposure to the abuses by RELIGION ... abuses which are recorded from the collusion between the Holy Roman Chatholic Church and the Roman State by Constantine, (approx. 272-337 ACE) the Roman Emperor who moved his Empire from Rome to Byzantium (Constantinople), in Turkey. The take-over of the small "Jesus movement", was completed with many intrigues at what was the Council of Niceae.
Constantine's intentions were not "spiritual" but political.
But my family were Vikings (Norway-565 ACE), then were from Normandy, France, with that Viking "invasion", and then were "Huguenots" and "Arcadians" (Acadians-in Canada or Cajuns in the USA), so we have a long history of "persecution", deportations, slaughters, by those with "divine rights of kings", in Europe and in Canada.
I sure you heard about the abuses in the Catholic Church by the priests, and the "brothers and sisters", who were teachers (gurus?) and also controlled every aspect of life from birth at their hospitals, baptism, first communion, confirmation and marriage and death at their churches, and burial at their "cemeteries" only to go to their "heaven, purgatory, hell, ) after death.
I could tell you horror stories from my own experience with the theocratic "holy" fathers "good-touch" ... but that Pyramid is collapsing faster than a rock sinking in a pond. I want to focus on the NEW religions now, so the next generations are not also "terrorized" by these "snake oil salesmen". I also add "INTELLECTUAL" terrorism. The created fear of retribution by demons in an "afterlife" or worse, re-INCARNATION,
I still have three more articles waiting to be published on this topic at hand...
Were you an abhyasi of Sahaj Marg, did you have a bad experience is that what led to this blog being started?
I was a disciple of Babuji...
Is there anything else to say? I think Babuji is turning over in his grave. What is done in his name is SPIRITUALISM, not SPIRITUALITY.
What under Babuji "united", under Chari, it divides.
My opinions and my experiences.... It's all in my blogs ...
Don ...
Hey Don
Do you believe BABUJI does not communicate with anyone?
Did you meet Him when you were his disciple, what was he like? Have you ever met the antiBABUJI chari?
Hi Karen...
Like Saint Paul, I meet anyone important on the "inside" which is apparently more real (un-manifest or implicit reality) than the illusion of the outside (the manifest reality).
Babuji and Lalaji have smiled on our efforts from the beginning... but that is MIND ... not SPIRIT.
If I profiteered or empowered myself from that, I would be a scammer too. SPIRIT will UNITE us ALL, even the Charis, the Khaddafi's, and the Hitlers. If the lion does not eat the deer, what will he eat? The cat eat the mouse. Bacteria eat humans. Its about Balance.
We, the common people, are the people of the deer, not the predators, but TRADITIONALLY the Prey of the predators ... Chari's metaphors are the lion, the (tamil) tiger, the spider, etc.. BUT even the prey will fight back at some point. If the lions have gone too far they could be eliminated if they persist. Extinction is a strong possibility.
I was also a disciple of Jesus,(a capricorn... not a lion) the Christ (Messiah, Saviour), and the "son of God", (second person in a TRI-UNE God...a TRINITY) and the best he can do is to appear on a piece of toasted bread (in the mind), or in a "cloud". And Buddha, in a statue ... and Mahommed, no-WHERE ... at least the Muslims are a little more "REALISTIC" in their religion and are not so "idolatrous"
And Babuji, a court clerk who lies about his Master, Lalaji, claiming that Lalaji had no Master but was self-illuminated in 7 months... his own racism, his "smoking", his emotionalism, depression, suicides and murders in his family, and his many admitted failings with his wife, he would have more POWER than these "idols" as if by magic? Practicing a stolen system and a bastardized "raja yoga" ?? I don't think so ... Babuji was humble... that's all! And he was quiet as he did not know much ... He read a lot of mysticism (Ouspensky, Madame Blavatsky, etc..) and those around him, (Chari) loved that, as they got to CONTROL and Babuji was the "enigmatic" little guy in the corner puffing on his hookah ... It made for a 'mystery"... and people followed. It's the Star making process orchestrated by Chari, the great con-man who was supposed to be transformed by the great philosopher... But Babuji lost out and the great con won out...
My dad, who was a healer, has also only come on the "inside" in dreams to me, not on the outside. But I am not delusional to the point of not seeing MIND as the constructor of the images and the sounds... not SPIRIT which simply IS, or the divine which is NOT this and NOT that, according to the Buddhists ...
Babuji said that if we saw him on the inside, not to believe that it was him ... the Mind is very POWERFUL and tricky ... and now they are using MEDIUMS?? lol lol What a scam. I could do that too... we all could! But we have HONOUR and are more HONEST!
I met Chari and having met many like him in my Profession, I immediately recognized his controlling "CEO-ness" and his "SPIRITUALISM"... He's a businesman who knows that to succeed in a market of "billions" one uses "mysticism" and advertising and promotion, everything ... and one is "ruthless"... has the "eye of the tiger", and he was and is still controlling in everything he did then and what he does now.
But that is Business ... and I don't want to "destroy" that, I just want to expose it and let people beware... caveat emptor... Let the buyer beware.
Look at Safeway Stores symbol (the Yin and Yang sign), and Mazda, the car, is also a "god", RELIGION, POLITICS and Business have always been "bed-fellows"... That is what we called "civilization" or a "society" ... there is only one game and everyone is playing, trying to win all the toys, the Material toys before they die and then they will try and control that other "life" ... .. but that is now finished for some of us ... we the PEOPLE, the historic sheep are now controlling the pastures of our own lives and we have the food AND THE POWER (the NET) ... and we will not follow the RAMs anymore ... not on this side of manifested life, or on the other, the un-manifest ... as long as they, the RAMS like Babuji, preach no-racism for us, and then practice it in his own life ... and Chari who preaches LOVE and yet spread hatred for the gays and lesbians and trans-genders....and anyone who dis-agrees with him: the "enemies of spirituality".
I will walk with them, my persecuted gay brothers and sisters, and will be their witness and their defender against such crap from the so-called "religious elite" who claim to LIBERATE us and can't seem to liberate themselves even from their invented Brighter World or their sacred or manufactured CENTRAL REGION.. They are still shown as flawed by their own MEDIUMS ...
THE pathway to hell is paved with "good intentions"...
I'm intrigued to read the next article....how will we persuade abhyasis of SAHAJ MARG to revolt??! Most of them do not even read this blog probably :(
Hi Karen...
Most movements in mankind's History have been instigated by not much more than .001% of the population. Which is the percentage who organize revolutions and it is also the percentage which are elected by the party delegates, who then run for office for their party and are elected by 30-40% of the general electorate, many of whom vote negatively as they can find no party which represents their point of view.
So don't despair... (OR don't warn others to "not reveal their information to the public" and you will have done your share...
Sprirituality should support FREEDOM and not "BLIND OBEDIENCE" the the dictates of a self-appointed "dictator"...
If you look at Babuji's original constitution, he states clearly that Sahaj Marg is a dictatorship, not a democracy. And yet, even though UNITED NATIONS DPI (Department of Public Information), program demands that their membership be "democracies" and that their members support and encourage "democracies", Sahaj Marg, lies again and is a "dictatorship"
See thier original constitution at:
Then you can look at Chari's SRCM (California-1997) section 11 and 14 where they claim to have "standards of SPIRITUALISM"... not Spirituality...
While you are there, check out Chari's letter of nomination, the forged one, and then check Umesh's letter of Nomination...the real one... and see if you can tell which one is fake... One is claimed to be from "four (4) signed letterhead" Babuji had left with his Board in case he was not available... and they were stolen. Babuji reported the incident to the police...
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